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Singapore - Global Alliance Property:  Why consider investing in Thai Real Estate?
Singapore - Global Alliance Property: Why consider investing in Thai Real Estate?
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
Join the Cambodia Real Estate Show 2 next Friday and Saturday 6&7 @Nagaworld hotel to check out Global Alliance Property showcase of the hottest Bangkok property investments. Chat with the Global Alliance Property team to understand the processes of investing in Thailand and benefits of buying property in the rising metropolis of Bangkok. Aspace ID Asoke-Ratchada by AreeyaAspace ID is a luxury condominium project developed by Areeya, situated in the heart of Bangkok’s new CBD, Asoke-Ratchada, on Rama- 9. With a utilitarian design, this condo is unique by providing functionality as well as stunningly modern and unique architecture. Whether your lifestyle requires expansive space, or a unit more compact and intimate, Aspace ID has fully catered for all your needs, with each of the 543 units fully furnished.One of the most exciting features about this development is the unique combination of privacy and nature. The private walkway leading to your condo room is adorned by ‘living walls’, which is essentially your very own vertical garden, bringing nature and greenery to your doorstep.This development is conveniently situated close to the Business Centre which makes it a prime location for both domestic and foreign investors. Accessibility is no issue with this condo, only 600m to Phra Ram 9 MRT Station, enabling residents the ease of accessing neighbouring business districts; Silom and Sukhumvit.The developer is offering guaranteed rental returns of 6% over two years and running an exclusive show only promotion that will see all units fitted out with a furniture package, given you purchase during the event.  Siamese SurawongEstablished developer, Siamese Asset Co.,Ltd, who has fully engaged with the real estate development and construction sector in Bangkok over the last seven years, with an impressive array of successful commercial and residential projects under their belt.Driven by their motto ‘’Assets of Life”, Siamese Surawong, a 20 storey condominium constructed by Siamese Asset Co in 2016, wholeheartedly encompasses this motto. By focusing on utilities, rather than purely aesthetics of the building, they have created a home that can be utilised fully, and adds value to the resident’s lifestyle. This is reflected in their architectural design which focuses on creating space that isn’t limited by rigid shapes and fixings- and allows the resident to use their own free expression. There are definite touches of creative flair in the architecture however, with each unit having a large moon shaped window, that allows natural light to pour in.Siamese Surawong is located in the Central Business District of Bangkok, right opposite Russian Embassy with just 350 meters walk to the Samyan Metro Station. With an abundance of prestigious education institutes including the renowned Chulalongkorn University surrounding the condo, and a large focus on two bedroom units, Siamese offers a prime opportunity for a family, situated right in Silom, Bangkok CBD area.Make sure you come and see the friendly team from Global Alliance Property who are here to talk about this incredible lifestyle opportunity in Bangkok on behalf of Siamese Asset Co.,LtdFind out more about new development on Realestate.com.kh
June 7, 2022, 3:17 a.m.
西港是柬埔寨最受欢迎的海滨旅游目的地之一。但是,现在这个地方每天都有“叮当咣啷”的施工声,无论是白天还是昼夜都是如此。消息称,中国人已逐渐将西港变成柬埔寨的唐人街(中国城)。自2015年起,越来越多中国投资者涌入西港,主要投资于房地产和赌场。  西哈努克商会副会长速宋(音译)勋爵表示,该省是柬埔寨房地产价格涨幅最快的地区。他还提到:“一些中国人在柬埔寨投资。在他们加入柬埔寨国籍后,就可以在柬埔寨买地,因此地价越涨越高”。 据官方数据,从2012年至2016年,中国在柬埔寨的总投资额逾40亿美元。而2017年前8个月,在柬中国游客达74万人次。柬埔寨旅游部部长唐坤表示,柬埔寨的目标是在2020年,吸引200万名中国游客。  值得一提的是,中国援建柬埔寨的高速公路(长190公里)也计划于明(2018)年开工。现在,西港的大街小巷都布满中文。越来越多的中国超市出现,现在我们在西港看到的柬埔寨产品就只剩下啤酒和矿泉水了。是的,凡事都有正反面。中国人在柬埔寨投资,对于柬埔寨经济是一件好事。但是,也有一部分西港居民因中国人的涌入而开始埋怨,酒店价格上涨,施工的嘈杂声越来越多,以至于西方游客都不想来该省了。 西港奥彻迭海滩的一名小贩表示,“最近很少有中国人光顾他的小店,因为现在中国人自己开的饭店越来越多”。而附近的另一名小贩也抱怨道:“现在,收到的小费也变少了”。 速宋(音译)勋爵也表示,由于客房供应不足,因此中国人的暴增确实会影响到本地游客。但是,目前该省正在大量建设酒店和客栈。因此,未来这些问题都不会是问题了。  查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻,跟随Realestate.com.kh
June 7, 2022, 6:58 a.m.
Events & Announcements
柬埔寨房地产网​APP,买房卖房、租房选地、贷款指南,柬埔寨房地产投资动向一手掌握! 点击图片下载APP                                                      想要投资柬埔寨房地产如何获取最新的楼盘信息?如何选适合自己的区域、价格、户型?房子附近学校、交通、娱乐设施如何?土地交易操作的流程是什么,权威政策指南在哪里看,专业投资咨询该找谁......柬埔寨房地产网APP已强势升级,“买卖房产,房屋租赁,土地交易,政策指南”一手掌握。立即扫码下载,免费浏览5万房源! 选择语言支持中英柬三种版本 01浏览柬埔寨房源信息柬埔寨房地产APP涵盖5万房源信息,包括房屋、土地、公寓、排屋别墅、酒店、仓库办公室等,全部真实数据公开,优质房源随心挑选。 02搜索柬埔寨房源信息想要更精准地搜索房源信息,可以通过选定位置、房产类型、价格的方式搜索,也可通过地图搜索,列表搜索,项目位置、特点,全部一目了然!03了解最新资讯、政策、指南作为走在柬埔寨一线的房地产信息媒体,柬埔寨房地产网每天都会实时更新房产新闻,以及优质房产资讯,涉及房产的各个领域信息,包括购房指南,地区指南、投资攻略等,带你实时掌握最权威的房产信息,准确把握市场动向! 04免费发布房源信息注册并登陆后,即刻便可上传您想出售或出租的房产。轻松智能掌控你的房产,只需动动手指,就会有买家联系您。 投资柬埔寨房地产本地、国际投资者都在使用这款APP您还在等什么?查看柬埔寨更多购房指南及新闻,跟随Realestate.com.kh
柬埔寨房地产网知识小课堂: 为什么要买柬埔寨期房?给菜鸟们的肺腑之言(一)
柬埔寨房地产网知识小课堂: 为什么要买柬埔寨期房?给菜鸟们的肺腑之言(一)
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
对于菜鸟们(买房新手)来说,购买期房往往是令他们感到害怕的。毕竟,把钱投在一个看不到又摸不着的房子上,实在令人担心。但是,换一个角度想,购买期房可以让您在预算内购买到心仪的房子。而如果是现房,同样的预算根本就买不到! 以下是柬埔寨房地产网Realestate.com.kh给您的一些建议:购买期房是什么意思?期房是指在建的、尚未完成建设的、不能交付使用的房屋。购买期房就是仅凭开发商的房地产权证与项目户型图等资料签署的购买合同。一般来说,购房者需要按施工进度分期付款。当项目竣工后,开发商就会把新家的钥匙交给购房者!这种同样适用于公寓,商办用房或任何其他类型的物业。如果想了解柬埔寨期房,可点击“新楼盘”浏览。目前, “联排别墅小区 (Borey)”也适用于这种形式。 为什么要买柬埔寨期房?在项目的规划阶段购买(期房),让购房者有机会选到项目中最好的位置或单位。但是,如果在后阶段购买,一定会让购房者的选择受到限制。对于明白自己想要什么单位的买家,可能更愿意在前阶段购买/投资。 购买期房的好处还有很多。比如,在很大程度上可以根据您的要求改变楼层计划或者将2个相邻的单位合并为一个单位。此外,您还可以在设备和家具的细节等方面有更多的发言权。 对于比较挑剔的买家,一定更希望能对每一个细节有很大的控制权,他们往往更倾向在项目的规划阶段购买。因为,这样可以满足他们对新家的要求。 另外,购买期房还有可能会获得价格折扣,或者比后阶段购买看到更多的资本增长。投资者都会被这两点吸引,尤其是当这两点结合在一起时。在金边,如果购买已动工项目,房产可获得5%至10%的升值。但是,如果购买的是预售房产(未开工),可获得最高30%的升值,是项目动工后的6倍。此外,另一个好处就是允许买方分期付款。 购买期房有哪些过程?购买期房的阶段又称为“预售阶段”。这个阶段开发商还在确认项目计划、获得建筑许可及进行环境影响评估等工作。在这个阶段,开发商需要钱来推动项目发展。因为在这个时间段买房,需要长时间等待项目的完成,风险比后期要大,所以开发商通常会给早期购房者提供一些优惠鼓励。除了价格上的优势,开发商还可保证租金回报、提供更多付款方式选择、更多单位选择的机会以及其他优惠等。 在签订合同后,您就必须付定金。而且,金额可能高达物业价格的50%,当然,也可能比这个数目少一些。此外,还有一些联排别墅小区 (Borey)根本不需要任何定金。这表明,不同的开发商也会有不同的价格和过程。从这一点来看,开发商的计划可能随时会改变,有时买方并不知道。通常,付款将与施工进度挂钩,即应付款的百分比将与已完成项目的百分比一致。 查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻,跟随realestate.com.kh
“Father of Cambodia Architecture” passes away today
“Father of Cambodia Architecture” passes away today
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
Vann Molyvann, considered the founder of the modern Khmer architecture, passed away on 28 September, 2017, at the age of 91, in his own home alongside Siem Reap river, in Siem Reap province.Molyvann was a very famous Khmer architectect from the 1950s until the 1970s whose work was considered at the forefront of the very unique style of architecture that emerged during this time. He completed nearly 100 projects both nationally and abroad including projects in Japan, France and many other key countries. The impact of his architecture is still felt around numerous corners of the Kingdom - with many still applauding his impact and contributions to what Cambodian architecture is today.Some of Molyvann’s most significant projects are; the Independence Monument, the National Olympic Stadium, Chroy Changva Bridge, the Royal University of Phnom Penh, the Chaktomuk Conference Hall, Preah Suramarit National Theater, and the State Palace in Chamkarmon – now the place of the Senate. All of these projects are now considered critical landmarks amongst Khmer locals and the many expats and which reside in Cambodia.There are also several of his projects which are less known by the general public; such as the stupas within the Royal Palace, the Kantha Bopha Hospital, Sihanoukville Master Plan, the first Siem Reap airport and the pavilions and temples for the 2,500th anniversary of the Buddha. Although these projects are less known, they are still true to Molyvann’s truly unique style and standard of perfection he strived for in all of his projects.Mr Mollyvan had often talked about his projects with pride - even the ones that are not still in existence. He stated “I have built many architectural projects, - although not all are still in existence: The ones I love the most are the National Olympic Stadium and Preah Suramarit National Theater on Bassac in Phnom Penh. There are many other projects I was very fond of, but unfortunately some of them have been replaced​ by new buildings, or were destroyed.”His passing has become a shock for the Khmer people, for many are familiar and admire his  great architectural work. Architectural students have found this loss particularly challenging as they truly understand the level of skill and patience necessary to complete the projects that he did- all drawn by hand without the aid of modern technology.  Mr. Kea Sovanna, a Khmer, fourth year student in architecture, said, “I am so sad to hear the news of his passing [Vann Molyvann]. He did the best and most unforgettable architectural projects.” Mr Kea added that he will continue to integrate elements of Mollyvan’s work into his own style of architecture as he pursues his studies and his career in this field.  There are also a great deal of  people have been working on collecting all this work to show the next generation. Mr Srin Sokmean, the photo expert and owner of  “Amazing Cambodia”, is working on addressing the recurrent issue of demolition of old architecture in Cambodia. “It is a great pain to witness those architectural heritages disappear one by one. I always question myself why they are destroyed and not suitably renovated.” said Mr Sokmean.As a result of his passion in this area, he has produced a vintage photo collection book named “Cambodia: Half Century Then & Now” which aims to enable people to visualize the beauty of Cambodia in the past and how the current landscape has been modified. This publication heavily features Mollyvann’s work.To further the preservation of Molyvann’s work, Mrs Teav Bandol from Image Printing is planning to re-publish multiple books detailing Vann Molyvann’s works in order to ensure his contributions reach the next generation.Bandol mentioned that the publication of these books is not just for the purpose of preserving Van Molyvann’s buildings – but it’s also “a demonstration of intelligence, knowledge and innovation in the architecture industry - which is a good example for the new generation to follow.” He is hopeful that Cambodia will take the time to discover talents and develop the  resources to build another inspiring era of architectural masterminds and landmarks.So while Molyvann passes today, Cambodia will remember his legacy - and his work will be preserved in a new generation of architects and enthusiasts.Find out the best real estate news on Realestate.com.kh
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柬埔寨房地产网房产推荐:Star Land公寓,房展会2天内成交3套
柬埔寨房地产网房产推荐:Star Land公寓,房展会2天内成交3套
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
仅10月6,7日 两天在NAGA举办的第二届柬埔寨房地产展会SkyLand 以极具优势的价格共售出了3套公寓 (展会现场图)项目快览:SkyLand公寓由业界口碑优良的Star5集团开发,总量224户,共八层,预计2020年交屋,现正以极其灵活的支付方式及超低的总售价(2.2万美金-7.6万美金!)吸引着各界投资者。(公寓概念图)价格是它的优势,连工薪阶层也可以负担得起!没错,因此Sky Land公寓在短短2天的房地产展会中,便售出了3套公寓。  地理位置:不靠炒作中央地理位置,而是别出新意的选址在离喧闹的市中心有一定距离的一处城郊。配齐:个性化花园,健身房,购物中心,酒吧等等。让您可以享受极致宁静的世外桃源生活,同时又不失生活的便利!   【户型展示】 卧室:一卧面积:41.3平米 卧室:一卧面积:50平米  卧室:一卧面积:23.5平米 卧室:一卧面积:33.4平米  卧室:一卧面积:50平米  卧室:两卧!面积:82.9平米 查看柬埔寨更多热门楼盘,跟随realestate.com.kh 柬埔寨房地产网联系人1:江宁同学中文电话:+855 78 637 323/ +855 93 552 305微信号:Nin1688888 柬埔寨房地产网联系人2:Carrie同学中文电话:+855 10 897 886微信号:sqr19940302地址:柬埔寨金边市BKK1区,57街与294街交汇
Property Tax in Cambodia with Anthony Galliano
Property Tax in Cambodia with Anthony Galliano
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
Property tax can be an overwhelming topic to discuss, especially in an emerging market such as Cambodia. With policies yet to be polished, there are some tax considerations you should be aware of before entering into any transaction.This is exactly what the CEO of Cambodia Investment Management Group, Anthony Galliano, tackled during his presentation at the Cambodia Real Estate Show in May this year.Property Tax in Cambodia when Renting a Property:If you’re a company renting an office, Mr. Galliano says you can rent from either a landlord who is a registered taxpayer or private individual that owns the property. If you’re a registered taxpayer, you’re responsible as a collection agent for withholding tax on rent for the government. Ideally the withholding tax should be deducted from the gross rent and a net rent paid, less the withholding tax, to the landlord. The withholding tax is paid to the government through the monthly tax return filing, by the registered taxpayer, who is the tenant/lessee.If the Lessor is not a registered taxpayer, make sure the lease includes a clause to deduct the 10% withholding on rental. Most landlords will not accept paying the withholding tax and if the rental price is agreed as USD 1,000 a month the landlord would expect USD 1,000 a month, not USD 900, after withholding tax is deducted. Therefore, it is important to get the Lease Agreement right and include a clause for deducting withholding tax.Meanwhile, the process should be straightforward when both parties are registered taxpayers. Galliano explains that when dealing with a non-registered taxpayer landlord, the registered taxpayer lessee acts as a collection agent for the withholding tax, if both the lessor and lessee are registered taxpayers, withholding tax and VAT apply.Since landlords generally expect to be paid the monthly rental price agreed and tend to refuse to accept the withholding tax deduction from the rental price, it is best then to gross up the rent in these cases. Withholding tax is a non-deductible expense if paid by the lessee, over and above the rent. Quite simply, the lessee can gross up the rental price, by dividing the monthly rent by .9, and then deducting the withholding tax from this amount.This may seem counterintuitive, but Mr. Galliano explains, “One main reason I always suggest this is that you could get the full benefit of the rent and the withholding tax paid.” This is beneficial when calculating your annual profit, a tax of 20% being applied, as you effectively reduce your profit by both the rent and withholding tax, by grossing up.This benefits the landlord if they are a registered taxpayer too because they can claim the withholding tax credit against their profit tax, he says. Additionally, according to Instruction18410 released last November, if a sub-lessee leases from a sub-lessor, then sub-lessee doesn’t have to pay withholding tax as long as the sub-lessor pays the withholding tax to the lessor.Property Tax in Cambodia and Accommodation:When it comes to the hospitality industry, hotels must charge customers an accommodation tax. The government’s definition of a hotel includes hotel apartments, suite hotels, motel, lodges, bungalows, guest houses, and tourist camps excluding flats or houses.“If you provide hotel and accommodation services, then you should charge 2% on the room cost, inclusive of all other services. So, if somebody gets a massage or any other services, you should charge the tax on this service as well. You must charge on taxes as well except for the accommodation tax itself and the VAT. The tax is payable at the time of supply, according to Mr. Galliano.Property Tax in Cambodia Related to Ownership:Regarding property tax, Mr. Galliano mentions property tax was effective from January 1st, 2011. The tax payment is an annual obligation due by September 30th. Mr. Galliano further clarifies that “it’s effectively an annual tax on immovable property such as a condominium, a flat, or a villa. The property tax is applicable to individuals and companies.”Property tax applies to land with or without a building, except for agricultural land and/or state land. Unused land is also taxed, however, this is a separate tax called unused land tax, according to Mr. Galliano.To register to become a taxpayer for property tax, he explains that the first thing you must do under this law is to register at your tax branch. You only need to register the property if it’s worth $25,000 or more. You should go to your tax branch where the property is located and complete two forms: PT01 and PT02.PT01 outlines the information about the property and PT02 is the property tax application itself. With regard to relevant documents for property ownership, he says: “You need to bring your ID card, birth certificate, or a passport; your residency or your family book or residency letter; certificate of immovable property, ownership or ownership issued by the cadastral in administration. You need your land sale purchase agreement when you bought the property, and you need to bring a water or electricity bill if you’re connected to show proof of address.”Highlighting high property tax in the US and other countries and possible high property tax he concludes, “In the US, I think you’d probably pay a couple of thousand dollars on an average residential property.Property tax in the US is very high. It’s mostly high in other countries as well. So, it’s pretty reasonable here now, which will probably change because the law’s only in effect since 2011.I’m sure as years go by, we’ll see an escalation of the tax itself.” Specific tax law of Cambodia can be found on the General Department of Taxation website.Realestate.com.kh, Cambodia’s home of real estate, has the most up to date information for buyers, sellers and property enthusiasts! Sign up for our newsletter today and stay up to date with the latest info...
June 7, 2022, 3:17 a.m.
本月13日,日资Greed集团成功举办bodaiju菩提树公寓一期工程交房仪式。bodaiju菩提树公寓是Greed集团在柬埔寨的第一个项目。合作伙伴为当地企业Triple Gem Assets Co., Ltd。 当天,大批的客户到访,一同庆祝项目如期竣工交付,并争先参观各自的单位。值得一提的是,客户将从2018年3月份开始陆续入住。 bodaiju菩提树公寓地处区域价值洼地,与金边国际机场隔街相望,总面积为23400平方米,高14层,它将成为该地区的最高楼。而该项目的A座和B座大楼已于2017年竣工。 Bodaiju菩提树公寓为柬埔寨首个日本公寓项目,所以备受国内外投资者的关注。在交房仪式上,CREED亚洲(柬埔寨)有限公司的首席执行官Eguchi Takashi 先生发表感言:“作为第一个从日本来到柬埔寨的开发商,我们非常高兴地将我们的价值和经验带到柬埔寨。我们对我们的产品质量有信心,我们有优质的施工团队,严格管理,细致施工,一丝不苟,精益求精。我们很高兴,客户认可并选择了Bodaiju菩提树公寓”。 Bodaiju菩提树公寓作为日本品牌,它匠心打造绿色庄园,为客户提供和谐与平衡的现代生活。随着金边不断往西发展,Bodaiju菩提树住宅区绝佳的选址及其与外界四通八达的连接优势,势必将使其发展成为金边最炙手可热的住宅区。Bodaiju菩提树公寓的物业管理交由海瑞国际地产( C-Herald Property Service Co,. Ltd.)负责,它是金边市具有国际标准的物业管理公司,将提供全方位配套服务包括物业管理,租赁服务等。并提供中英日等多国语言服务。 永旺超市AEON Maxvalu Express 和DK Schoolhouse 学校均参加了此次活动,并表示将专门为Bodaiju菩提树的住户开放商店和学校。Eguchi先生称,“永旺是日本著名零售集团公司,并且在金边市也有极大的名气。而DK Schoolhouse学校,是来自丹麦的欧洲标准幼儿园,自2012年在金边市开放教学”。 关于Bodaiju菩提树公寓的配套设施,Eguchi先生表示,包括屋顶花园、天空泳池与尽收眼底的美景、露天咖啡馆,所有的公寓单元都有独立阳台,有两层停车场等。Bodaiju菩提树工程自2015年10月动工以来,获得本地客户,本地投资者,以及外国投资者的选购,包括来自中国,日本,台湾,新加坡,香港等国家和地区的客户。  目前,A座和B座大楼的大部分单位已售罄。而C座大楼的单位也正在热销中,预计2018年底竣工。除了Bodaiju菩提树项目,Creed集团和Triple Gem公司在金边还有两个联排别墅小区(Borey)项目,包括 :Borey Maha Sensok和ARATA Garden Residences。 Creed集团是一家日本房地产投资公司,成立于1996年。在日本成熟的房地产市场积累了丰富的经验,也专门从事物业投资及开发。目前,Creed集团已经在全球完成了数百个项目。自2015年,Triple Gem 公司与 Greed集团合作,在金边开发了3个项目包括:Bodaiju菩提树公寓项目,Borey Maha Sensok项目和ARATA Garden Residences项目。 Bodaiju菩提树公寓:地址:Phum Tangoun,Sangkat Kakap,Khan Porsen Chey,Phnom Penh联系电话:023 900 866 / 077 555 912网站:http://bodaiju-residences.com/ 查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻,跟随Realestate.com.kh
Investing in land in the Sen Sok District
Investing in land in the Sen Sok District
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
Khan Sen Sok is located at the northern part of Phnom Penh. Sen Sok’s real estate climate has remained stable and strong throughout the year, despite selling and purchasing of property slowing down in other key areas. This stability has gained the confidence of  investors and real estate agents’ in Sen Sok’s market.In order to get better insight into Sen Sok’s real estate climate for prospective investors, realestate.com.kh caught up with real estate firm Key Real Estate Co. Ltd.Mr. Sorn Seap, founder and director of Key Real Estate, has said that “land prices in Sen Sok have not seen any major increase or decrease recently, which means land prices are stable for now” Sok, went on to say that despite this, there have been a few significant price increases over the last three years, before the property market achieved its current stability.Regarding the increases of the last few years, Mr. Sorn added; “prices jumped so high because of some of the projects in the area, which include the Aeon Mall 2, CAMKO City projects, Borey Pipup Thmey, and Borey Chip Mong.”Sales and Marketing Manager of Key Real Estate Co Ltd, Ms.Chheng Chhay Hong has identified these key areas of growth; “We can divide the land area -- in terms of its price -- into three major areas, including the Aeon Mall 2 area, Phsar Dey Hoy area, and the Phsar Chhouk Meas area (Bueng Chhouk).Land in the Aeon Mall 2 area is located along the main road of Sen Sok.  It has a starting price of $800, up to around $2,000 per square meter. Inside the village areas and among the smaller roads, land prices are a lot lower between $100 to $800. For Phsar Dey Hoy, potential investors are looking to start at around $1000, which is similar to that of Phsar Chouck Meas, with land price between $800-$1500 per square for these prime locations on the main road.Mr. Sorn agrees with Ms Cheng’s analysis and adds that “Whether you’re purchasing for living  or investing, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, especially around Aeon Mall 2, has great potential for both now and for the future”Currently, Key Real Estate is working in this area which they hope to promote to both local and international buyers. With an experience of more than 10 years in the real estate market, Mr. Sorn has reinforced that their team is utilising their knowledge and experience to provide not just the highest quality, but real and honest advice to their customers. They do this by offering their renowned international services at a local price, so that the property market is available to all.Check out Key Real Estate’s Sen Sok investment offerings now!
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
吴哥窟令暹粒省名声大噪,暹粒省也正成为柬埔寨受欢迎的房地产投资目的地之一。这主要得益于暹粒的旅游业以及相比金边市较低的地价。不过,明(2018)年大选将至,暹粒的房地产市场交易似乎停滞不前,因为暹粒是主要由外国买家和租客主导的一个地区。 关于暹粒地价  如果对比金边市,暹粒省的地价可以说相对比较低。目前,暹粒的土地价格并未上涨。暹粒土地均价:350美金-400美金/平方米最贵地段:老市场及周围地区;价格与金边相似,3,000美元-5,000美元/平方米 暹粒房地产现状  1.房地产交易量下降由于柬政治不确定性以及暹粒和国际经济都有所放缓等因素,2017年上半年的房地产交易量比去年同期下降了50%。由于该省的房地产交易量下降,所以地价也停滞不前。暹粒的地价既没有增长也没有下降,这可能是由于明年大选前的不确定因素导致的。2.租赁市场供大于求关于租赁市场,尤其是公寓,正在显著增加,但是价格却有所下降,这是因为供应大于需求的原因。目前,租价从每月400美元降至每月300美元。 暹粒投资建议  市内空地以及距离市区25公里地,如女王宫地区,是游客众多的地方,是目前投资暹粒的很好选择。对于热衷于暹粒房地产投资的投资者,一些业内人士表示,Sala Kamraeuk是正在发展的地区。目前,它的地价还低,是个潜力股。明智的投资者不应该投资昂贵的房地产,因为它很难转售以获得收益。而应该选择如 Sala Kamraeuk一样,土地价格合适,具有潜力的发展中地区。Sala Kamraeuk地价(公路附近):250至300美元/平方米。优点:安静,风景优美,道路良好,而且还设有国际学校,因此给这个地区的生活提供了许多便利。 暹粒游客推动房地产行业  旅游业一直是暹粒房地产投资的主要推动力,暹粒每年的游客数量不断增加。最近,吴哥企业(Angkor Enterprise)报告显示,2017年上半年暹粒游客人数比去年同期上升了13%。暹粒房地产投资最受欢迎的是酒店业。由于,暹粒每年的游客数量不断上涨,投资者特别是中国人,更愿意投资于酒店。一家拥有40间客房的酒店,每月可以出租6,000美元的价格。 据最近的一项酒店调查显示,与去年同期相比,暹粒酒店客房数量在2017年上半年继续上升。3星级酒店去年5987间,今年6709间(上升)4星级酒店去年8132间,今年8962间(上升)5星级酒店:去年6699间,今年6131间(下降) 大选后暹粒地价会上涨   预计在大选后,暹粒的地价会再次上涨,更多的中国投资者为柬埔寨和暹粒房地产注资。在全国大选后,暹粒的各个行业,包括房地产业在内都将会大幅增长。我们当然不会凭空这么说,因为以上一届大选作为例子,大选前的房地产交易也有所下降,但是在大选后,交易再次上涨。 柬埔寨政府与中国有很好的关系,中国的投资者将为房地产行业投入更多的资金 。不仅在暹粒,而且还有其他省份,比如西哈努克和贡布等。未来不久,暹粒即将推出两个大型购物中心。这些购物中心将吸引游客在暹粒消费更多,从而促进当地经济发展。当地经济的强大是暹粒省房地产行业的良好迹象。 跟随realestate.com.kh查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻   柬埔寨房地产网联系人1:江宁同学中文电话:+855 78 637 323/ +855 93 552 305微信号:Nin1688888 柬埔寨房地产网联系人2:Carrie同学中文电话:+855 10 897 886微信号:sqr19940302地址:柬埔寨金边市BKK1区,57街与294街交汇    -End-
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
柬埔寨生活不够惬意?是你没找对地方!2017-09-12 关注我们→ 柬埔寨房地产网(点击了解柬埔寨10月房地产展会)  今天,小编携手柬埔寨小户型的典范——太子现代广场,带您领略居住在现代广场的白领摩登生活。  清晨 现代广场的空间和软装都是你喜欢的样子舒服的大床,明净的窗户,清晨阳光暖暖照进来的那刻,让先醒来的身体唤醒脑细胞。  上午 身处现代广场为您打造的健身房,让细胞欢快的跳跃,看着身形一点点变好,吸引着周围异性偷偷注视。于是你更佳爱锻炼你因为一间房,爱上了整座城。  午后 在现代广场的书吧里安静的看一本书,无论一本小说,或是一本散文眼睛发涩时,饮一杯咖啡提神吧这奢侈的独处总能带给你力量。  傍晚 现代广场宽大的空中泳池在太阳的光辉下水波荡漾,清澈透明在里面与水共舞,俯瞰城市繁华享受惬意的傍晚时光  晚上约上三五闺蜜,一起下楼逛街或是品味各国美食或是体验购物的愉悦太子三大广场给你最便捷的都市生活  午夜 在现代广场的酒吧狂欢强烈的鼓点,喧嚷的人群一天的疲惫在这里畅快释放品一杯红酒,疲惫一消而散。  太子现代广场,起价43999!刚入职场的你也有能力拥有!  (户型A展示) (户型B展示)(户型C展示)(户型D展示)(户型E展示)(户型F展示)(户型J展示) 人生那么短,请给自己一个精致的居住生活。  即刻起抢占金边CBD!诺罗敦大道太子现代广场邀您共享精致人生 柬埔寨房地产网联系人1:江宁同学中文电话:+855 78 637 323/ +855 93 552 305微信号:Nin1688888 柬埔寨房地产网联系人2:Carrie同学中文电话:+855 10 897 886微信号:sqr19940302地址:柬埔寨金边市BKK1区,57街与294街交汇   -End-  || 柬埔寨房地产展会动向:太子现代广场已确认参加十月即将举办的柬埔寨房地产展会,届时购房将享展会独家6%折扣!||   [柬埔寨房地产展会]点击了解详情
Blue Bay, Sihanoukville: Find your personal paradise at the Cambodia Real Estate Show October 6 & 7
Blue Bay, Sihanoukville: Find your personal paradise at the Cambodia Real Estate Show October 6 & 7
June 7, 2022, 3:50 a.m.
Paradise; It’s something we all dream of…. The word carries with it a sense of luxury, a vision of natural beauty, and above all that warming feeling of peace. But when we think about our own version of paradise, the mind tends to wander to a place that is far away. Island holidays; long stretches of beach; blue water as far as the eye can see... What if experiencing all of this was possible, without planning an elaborate overseas holiday?This was a vision that developers Shu Jian Tian Yu Development Co,.Ltd had in mind when developing the Blue Bay Project: Sihanoukville’s own version of paradise. Don’t fall in the trap of thinking that Phnom Penh is the only city that is booming for developers and property investors - Sihanoukville has established itself as a prime hub for condo development, and nothing demonstrates that more than the Blue Bay project.From the very outset it is obvious that this development sets itself apart, as it is the only condo in Sihanoukville that is on the beach itself. All residents will get to experience 360 degree views and the highest quality facilities. The developers have taken no shortcuts here in trying to bring the feeling of a holiday to all potential residents; a sea facing pool, five star restaurant and a casino are right at your fingertips. Located five minutes from the city centre, Blue Bay is quite literally a holiday you don’t even need to travel for.Whether you are looking for a luxurious lifestyle for you and your family to live in, or an investment property for rental returns, Blue Bay has options available for all.And the best part? The developers want Blue Bay to be a real investment possibility for everybody, and have decided to come on board at The Cambodia Real Estate Show, with a special promotion. Come and see the friendly Blue Bay team on the day for an exclusive 7% discount off the purchase price when you make an upfront payment on a Blue Bay unit. This is a slice of paradise you really don’t want to miss out on.Blue Bay will be at booths 8 and 9 at the Cambodia Real Estate Show 2 to answer inquiries.Considering buying property and want to join the show for free – sign up here.For sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities at the Cambodia Real Estate Show, please contact:Khmer and Chinese: nin.kang@realestate.com.kh,   or call +855 93 552 305, +855 78 637 323English: tyler.stuart@realestate.com.kh, or call +855 12 599 669, +855 81 599 669
The power of the court to review the rental amount and its risk for landlords and tenants
The power of the court to review the rental amount and its risk for landlords and tenants
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
During the term of a lease, both the landlord and tenant have a right to request for the court to review the rental amount if one of them considers that the circumstances have changed justifying an increase or decrease in the amount. We will see (i) that giving this power to the court may constitute a risk for the parties and (ii) that other options can be put in place for reviewing the rent in order to take into account market changes and inflationary risk.ING SophealeakCharles AMARPartnerManager          ON THE AUTHORSING Sophealeak and Charles AMAR, lawyers at Bun & Associates, advise domestic and foreign clients seeking expert advice and innovative solutions in dealing with significant and complex transactions involving both raw and developed properties.  Their work includes advising on all issues relating to real estate investment, project development, construction and asset management. Our real estate team has also hands-on expertise and experience in advising clients on matters related to economic land concessions, special economic zones, agriculture, the environment and mining. Pursuant to Articles 248 and 610 of the Civil Code, a tenant has an obligation to pay the rent to the landlord at the agreed time. In this respect, the parties are free to agree on the amount of rent to be paid and to choose the most appropriate form of rent between a fixed rent, a progressive rent or a variable rent (rent based on turnover)[1].However, one of the main concerns of landlords and tenants is how to review the rent during the term of the lease, especially when it is a long-term lease, in order to take into account market changes and inflationary risk.In this respect, both landlords and tenants benefit from a specific right to request for the court to set an appropriate amount for the rent if one of them considers that the estate prices, including rental amounts.However, Article 249 does not specify the conditions of this rent review and in particular when a party can request it.Article 249 also does not provide with a method of calculation to be used by the court to set the appropriate amount of rent. Consequently, there is a significant risk for the parties as the court has discretionary power to make these determinations while not having expertise in the real estate market, including real estate valuation.Generally, the parties do not take into consideration this risk when they are signing a lease and when they are preparing their business plan. Therefore, the provision of Article 249 may constitute a big risk as it can impact significantly such business plan if the rent increase or decrease.This rent review by the court may also constitute a risk for the bank which grants financing to the tenant (e.g. in order to finance the fitting-out works) or to the landlord (e.g. in order to finance the acquisition of the real estate property to be rented to the tenant).To the best of our knowledge, there has not been any court decision made on the basis of Article 249.However, it is recommended to expressly waive this right in the lease in order to avoid such a risk as the provisions of Article 249 are not mandatory.Furthermore, if the parties still want to be able to review the amount of the rent in order to take into account market changes and inflationary risk, they should include in their lease an indexation clause or a rent review clause.These types of clauses have been developed through practice and are now very popular in lease agreements all over the world.Indeed, some owners may be reluctant to grant a long-term lease to tenants if the rent cannot be reviewed. This is especially the case in Cambodia where the value of properties and the price of rent is changing very quickly and where landlords and tenants want to be sure that the rents amount is fair to them.circumstances have changed compared to those that existed at the time the lease was executed[1].Indeed, Article 249 of the Civil Code provides that “if the rent is no longer appropriate on account of change in circumstances, either party may request the Court to increase or decrease the rent to an appropriate amount”.The drafting of Article 249 is very broad and gives discretionary power to the court to decide (i) if the circumstances have changed and (ii) an appropriate amount of rent to be paid by the tenant.Therefore, the party which requests a rent review by the court will have to prove that the circumstances have changed from those existing when the lease was executed. It may not be difficult for a party to prove a change in circumstances when considering the fast growth in the real estate sector and the number of new development projects throughout the country which will impact real Therefore, the role of an indexation clause or a rent review clause may be very important.The purpose of an indexation clause is to take into account inflationary risk in a long-term contract. An indexation clause allows for variation of the rent automatically at specific periods and is based on a specific nominated price index to determine the amount.In Cambodia, there is no specific provision in the Civil Code which governs the indexation clause in the lease. Therefore, the terms and conditions of the indexation will depend on the drafting of the indexation clause and the parties are free to determine such conditions in the lease.However, there is no official publication at this stage in Cambodia of any index by the National Institute of Statistics relating to real estate, such as a construction cost index, a commercial rent index or a residential rent index. The parties can only refer (i) to the Consumer Price Index (which is not really adapted to the real estate market) or (ii) to a contractual index.Therefore, it is not recommended to include an indexation clause until such time as an index relating to construction costs or rental prices has been published by the National Institute of Statistics.As a consequence, the solution which is currently recommended in Cambodia is to include in the lease a rent review clause which will specify the conditions of the rent review and, in particular, the method of calculation of any adjustment to the rental amount.We have seen many landlords in Cambodia requesting the application of a rent review clause in a lease agreement, especially in leases for office premises.The role of a lawyer or a legal adviser will be very helpful to assist the parties in drafting the appropriate rent review clause.In conclusion, it is recommended (i) to expressly waive in the lease agreement the provisions of Article 249 of the Civil Code and (ii) to include a rent review clause if the parties want to review the rent during the term of the lease. This will allow the parties to take into account the market changes during the term of the lease by reviewing the rental amount.For further information, please contact us at:Bun & Associates#29, Street 294, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, P.O. Box 2326T: +855 23 999 567 | F: +855 23 999 566 E: ing@bun-associates.com / amar@bun-associates.comwww.bun-associates.comThis publication is for your information only. It is not intended to be comprehensive and it does not constitute and must be not relied on as legal advice. You must seek specific advice tailored to your circumstances.Any use of the information contained in this article or the receipt of this article is not intended to create nor does it create a solicitor-client relationship between you and Bun & Associates. Unless otherwise indicated, Bun & Associates owns the copyright of this article. If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use this article or any part of it in any way, it is your responsibility to obtain approval for such use where necessary.Realestate.com.kh, Cambodia’s home of real estate, has the most up to date information for buyers, sellers and property enthusiasts! Sign up for our newsletter today and stay up to date with the latest info...
June 7, 2022, 7:09 a.m.
如果你想在柬埔寨投资房地产哪些是你需要支付的“特殊”费用?  无论卖房还是租房,一定用得到中介。中介帮你推销或者评估你的房产,这些服务费一定是要的啦!但是,该怎么算呢? 现在,政府相关部门已经设定固定的收费标准,以确保双方(中介,业主)利益。走,跟着柬埔寨房地产网一起瞧一瞧~ 【房产估值费】下面是你需要支付中介费的标准: 如果你出售的房价小于10万美元,你需要支付给中介的费用应该是房价的0.17%,或至少170美元。如果是10万美元至100万美元,需支付0.10%或至少900美元。如果100万美元至500万美元,需支付0.05%或至少2000美元,如果是500万美元至1000万美元,需支付0.03%或至少1500美元,如果是大于1000万美元,需支付房价的0.025%。 但是,一些特殊的物业,如工厂,是没有定估值费的。业主和中介需提前协议费用。 【代售和代租费】 1.代售的收费标准房地产中介会帮助你出售你的物业,当买卖双方达成协议时,卖方需要支付中介至少物业3%的费用。当然,也有特殊情况,你可以与中介协商降低费用。 2.代租的收费标准关于代租费,取决于出租时间长短! 如果出租少于1年,收费没有明确规定,这取决于你和中介的协商。但是如果出租1年,您需要支付中介相当于1个月的租费。如果出租时间多于1年,您需要支付相当一个月的租费,以及加上每月25%的租费。 例如:你成交了4年的租赁合同。而你的租金是$ 500/月。然后,你可以通过以下方式计算支付给中介的费用:$500+($500x25/100)x4=$1,000。这1000美元是你需要支付给中介的费用。 【中介估值与银行估值】 房地产中介是一个私人单位,可以为你提供客观的估值,因为他们只是赚取服务费而已,对于他们来说没有其他利益干预。 近期,一些银行也建立了内部评估小组,以在必要时评估客户的房地产。对于业主来说,可能会担心,银行会不会将客户的房地产评估低于市场价格?因为它是用作贷款的抵押品。银行在某些情况下有利益冲突。  无论如何,这完全取决于业主,是愿意接受中介的估值服务,或同意银行的估值。关于这个问题标准,政府部门还将在不久后与房地产中介以及银行方进行讨论。 跟随realestate.com.kh查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻
Insider Analysis: Market Leaders Share Their Views on The “One Belt” One Road Policy
Insider Analysis: Market Leaders Share Their Views on The “One Belt” One Road Policy
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
Q: How is the “One Belt, One Road” policy of China likely to affect the Cambodia real estate market prospects now and into the future, in your opinion?Vathana Heng - CEO, Century 21Golden Realty“The Chinese initiative, “the One Belt, One Road” policy, is a great step forward in regards to economic integration and new trade arrangements across the Asian region. This initiative, coupled with the existing good relationships with other Asian countries, will surely result in remarkable growth in respect to Cambodian infrastructure and the real estate sector. The country will become more attractive for both local and international investors, triggering significant local development within a span of a few years.”David Marshall - Partner, Mekong Strategic Partners (MSP)“If funds are directed at infrastructural developments in Cambodia, particularly roads, ports and rail, it could make Cambodia a more competitive destination for manufacturing, and accelerate industrial development. This type of development would have clear economic benefits to the  country, which would flow into the real estate market - particularly in areas where the infrastructure developments will take place. As an example, one can look at the recent upgrading of National Road 6, and the outward trajectory of  development along that road: the housing and land prices of that area are now increasing at a very fast pace.”Ken Xi - Director, Union Development Group“The Belt and Road” policy is short for the “Silk Road Economic Belt” or the “21st Century Silk Road” initiative from China. Not only it will promote adherence to peaceful cooperation, openness, tolerance, mutual learning and interactive development, it will also focus on economic development, expanding employment, eradicating poverty, improving people’s livelihood and protecting the environment. Considering the above, Cambodia’s real estate market is likely to be at a high starting point within the development and construction sectors, gaining more global attention.”Nguon Chhayleang - CEO, Ratanaka Realty“China’s “One Belt, One Road” policy, also known as “China’s massive project,” is the strategy of the Chinese government to strengthen its economic powerhouse in Asia and all over the world. In this sense, China goes into Cambodia and ASEAN countries through government funding with the provision of funds to the government to build infrastructure. The impact of China’s One Belt, One Road policy on Cambodia’s real estate market therefore is likely to be positive. More Chinese investors will invest in the real estate and construction market.”Lately, numerous construction companies from China have come to the Kingdom, some of which are state-owned. Considering that developers will not have to pay downpayments to construction companies, this will leave them with more cash flow and encourage further investments in Cambodia. Lastly, the policy will further connect China and ASEAN countries giving a huge boost to the flow of goods.”Q: How will recent regulation changes restricting Chinese outward capital for international property transactions influence Chinese buyer flows into the Cambodia real estate market, in your opinion?Ken Xi - Director, Union Development Group“China recently introduced a foreign exchange regulatory policy with the main purpose of restricting speculative foreign investments - but the “The Belt and Road” construction project investment is not likely to be limited by this. During “The Belt and Road” Summit Forum on 14th -15th of May in Beijing, the Chinese Government established that it will create major foreign initiatives within  the areas of: infrastructure, trade and investment, financial support, cultural exchanges and others.I personally think that due to these initiatives, the future of Cambodian real estate is not only residential; but will also involve the tourism, industrial and logistic sectors. I also believe that the completion of Dara Sakor tourism and port city will attract a significant number of tourists from many countries - as well as investors, residents and workers.”Nguon Chhayleang - CEO, Ratanaka Realty“Based on my research, there have been over 1 trillion dollars of Chinese outbound investments. That capital flew out of China not just to Cambodia or ASEAN countries, but all over the world - and most of this capital landed in the real estate sector. Yet, China’s new regulations restricting outward capital for international property transactions are likely to have a negative but small impact on Cambodia’s real estate market.The Government’s restriction, as far as I know, still has loopholes - meaning that despite the restrictions, people can find a way to get the money out of the country legally. As an example, investors can open bank accounts in Hong Kong and then perform a money exchange from Chinese RMB to US or Hong Kong dollars. It is through Hong Kong bank accounts that Chinese investors can send money to invest in the real estate sector all over the world. Considering this scenario, I think that the Cambodia real estate sector will not be affected severely.”David Marshall - Partner, Mekong Strategic Partners (MSP)“Although China has introduced capital outflow restrictions for property, investments in Cambodian real estate, particularly those in retail and condominiums, would certainly not be affected. This is due the fact that many of the building projects may be under the restricted amount line (small size investment projects) and could also be funded by local banks. Some of the larger scale projects may be affected, but surely not the smaller scale ones.”Vathana Heng - CEO, Century 21Golden Realty“Personally, I believe that the new restrictions are not likely to have a negative influence on Cambodia’s real estate market. In the nature of an investor, especially Chinese investors, they will always find ways to circulate their capital overseas, and Cambodia is currently a popular investment location choice. The restriction is only with the purpose to organize the outflow funds, but opportunity gaps will always be available for the investors.”Read the latest and greatest real estate news on realestate.com.kh today!
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
由柬埔寨房地产网realestate.com.kh主办的柬埔寨史上最大规模,最具影响力的房地产展会将于本周五周六在NAGAWORLD金界城二楼大展厅举办。20余名房产业界权威教你投资!太子地产,星汇城,海景苑,巴厘岛,蓝色海湾等,40余家开发商及热门房产项目都来了!没有门槛!免费参展!本周五周六,第二届房地产展会强势回归!  今年5月份,柬埔寨房地产网站realestate.com.kh举办了首届柬埔寨房地产展会。展会仅仅两天就记录了超过3000来宾参展,300多万美元的现场订单,34套房产现场成交数量。 本周五周六的展会场地规模将扩大至上届的两倍。目前,我们正在紧张搭建中!来自中国国内,国际及本地的投资客直逼8000人。将成为柬埔寨房地产及投资领域的一大里程碑性爆炸事件! 地点:NAGA金界城二楼大展厅,日期:10月6,7日两天时间:10:00-19:00   【展会特色】1.这次展会将汇集一系列的最有前景的房地产开发项目,兼具公寓和排屋,更囊括相关的中介机构,金融及保险产品。 2.齐聚本地及东盟顶尖开发商(NAGA展会场地最新布置图) 3.展会的另一大亮点是,参加者还可以观看各种教育性质的房产演讲,极大的帮助购房者和投资者清楚的了解市场情况、法律义务,及购房注意事项,致力于让每位购房者都能做出理性的选择。 展会邀请到了中柬投资副总裁邓文芳女士,柬埔寨知名房产顾问海君先生等20余名业界权威,让来宾了解到”一带一路”下的投资环境整体、柬埔寨居住垂直化的不可阻挡趋势、西港投资前景等一些列专业房产知识,为投资客们建立起强大的信心。   演讲嘉宾先睹为快! 研讨会布局图~ 以下为参展的部分开发商:5 6 7 金百汇,8 9蓝色海湾,10巴里岛,12伯宁花园,22天空树,23 25海景苑,32 33富力地产,39 50星汇城,51-62太子,66 CDF免税店,70澜沧江工程有限公司,65优步打车Uber,58主办方:柬埔寨房地产网没有最牛只有更牛! 感谢以下官方媒体的支持▼    在柬埔寨选购好房,请关注柬埔寨房地产网realestate.com.kh
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
都说,错过了25年前的中国,别再错过今天的柬埔寨。没错,柬埔寨遍地是黄金,就看你懂不懂得抓住机会。现在,柬埔寨房地产正式最火热的投资项目之一。为了让各位读者更精准的在柬投资,今天小编想分享一个适合投资的地方。 这个地方就是贡布省!贡布省位于柬埔寨南部,距离金边148公里。近期,由于许多大项目的涌入,贡布省引起众多投资者的关注。   地产大项目带动贡布地价 贡布的第一个大型国际项目是 FrenchRiviera Marina,价值高达232亿美元,该项目将遍及贡布和白马的沿海地区。这个项目就是打造一个社区,涵盖酒店,别墅,公寓,水上公园,私人人造海滩,高尔夫球场,码头,游乐园和购物中心等设施。此外,该项目还设有学校和保健中心。Pallas集团为该项目的开发商,他们计划将贡布省打造成为世界级的旅游胜地。该公司在贡布占地6,056公顷,在白马市还拥有144公顷土地。他们还将Riviera Marina项目和Kep Marina项目打造成为世界级的住房,商铺,旅游和电影制作的目的地,Pallas公司将在施工期间创造5万个工作岗位,在项目落实后还将提供数千个就业机会。”  作为法国最大的项目,Riviera Marina对该省的房地产起到关键的推动作用,每个月地价涨幅明显。该项目将使该省成为一个具有吸引力的现代化城市。包括住宅,商铺和旅游,这些是重点项目,会吸引其他发展项目走进这个地区。其他开发项目如园区,度假村,酒店和娱乐场所将进一步推动贡布的房地产。还有许多开发项目正在贡布进行,主要投资者来自欧洲和中国。除了欧洲和中国的投资者,还有很多当地的柬埔寨人愿意在该省购买土地。  贡布投资须知 贡布省的土地类型和价格分为三种:沿海地区,河流地区和山区。河流地区地价明显上涨,即每平方米60至250美元,价格多少取决于与贡布市的距离。近期,由于打造了贡布首个海港旅游项目,所以地价也因此有所上涨。在2016年,贡布省约有90万名外国游客,而海港旅游项目业可能吸引更多的外国游客进入该省。据亚洲开发银行近期的报告得知,海港旅游价值1800万美元,预计在2019年投入运营。并计划在投入运营之后每年获得36万名国内外游客,预计2020年将达到442,900名游客。 Easy Property Investment董事长兼首席执行官Mam Sereypanha先生说:“贡布的房地产飞速发展,因为近来有越来越多的国内外买家购买了土地和不动产。大多数本地买家喜欢购买河流地区的土地和房屋,因为那里的环境好。“  中国投资者拉高西港地价 对于投资者而言,贡布特别有吸引力,因为中国投资者的流入,西哈努克沿海地区的地价飙升,他们推高了当地和非中国投资者愿意支付的价格。KohrongProperty.com的Brad King先生表示,投资者尤其是中国人推动西哈努克地价,至使地价高于泰国和菲律宾海岸线的同类地块。西哈努克省沿海地区平均地价超过1,000美元。 目前,贡布的房地产交易量比往年大幅上涨,买卖市场比租赁市场多。为了吸引更多的人来投资,贡布还需要建立更多的工厂,开发更多旅游地区。 查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻跟随realestate.com.kh  柬埔寨房地产网联系人1:江宁同学中文电话:+855 78 637 323微信号:Nin1688888 柬埔寨房地产网联系人2:Carrie同学中文电话:+855 10 897 886邮箱:carrie.sun@realestate.com.kh 地址:柬埔寨金边市BKK1区,57街与294街交汇
June 6, 2022, 5:03 p.m.
政府将废除外国人持有的非法入籍资料,同时指示他们重新登记为“移民”,否则将被驱逐出境。 洪森总理近日签发指令,宣布废除和取缔外国人持有的违法行政资料。 目前,有约10万名外国人持有入籍资料。据悉,持有违法入籍资料的外国人人数庞大,其中以越南籍居多。 移民总局总监涅沙文苏坡表示,移民总局将调查所有外国人的入籍资料。他强调,政府将废除和取缔违法入籍资料,有关外国人必须重新登记为移民。 “ “如果他们拒绝办理移民手续,他们将被遣返回国。” ” 他警告,持有违法文件的外国人与柬埔寨当局配合,重新登记为移民。  苏坡透露,在移民总局成立的一年半以来,有超过一万名非法移民被遣返。据了解,外国人办理柬埔寨入籍手续,不是一件简单易办的差事。 如何申请入柬埔寨籍? ▣ 申请入籍方式 加入柬埔寨籍一般分为投资入籍、捐款入籍和通婚入籍以及由出生获得柬国籍。 投资入籍:根据柬埔寨王国《国籍法》规定,外国人投资12亿5000万瑞尔(约31万美元)并符合法定条件; 捐款入籍:对柬埔寨有特殊贡献或捐款12亿瑞尔(约30万美元)者也可申请入籍。通婚入籍以及由出生入籍 :如父母一方为柬籍,其子女可获柬籍;在柬境内出生的新生儿可获柬籍;通过婚姻获得柬籍:申请者与柬籍配偶在领取结婚证并共同生活三年后,可申请柬籍; ▣ 申请入籍条件 申请加入柬埔寨籍的外国人必须具备以下条件: 1.包括拥有居住地的乡长或分区长的品行与道德良好的证明书; 2.拥有从未犯过任何刑事罪行的良民证明书; 3.拥有证明已在柬埔寨王国连续居住七年,并在柬埔寨王国有住所的证明书,该证明书是移民机关签发的; 4.申请入籍时,在柬埔寨王国有住所; 5.会讲柬语,会写柬文和懂得一些柬埔寨历史,而且有证据证明本身可以在柬埔寨社会和谐的生活,并可以接受柬埔寨良好的风俗习惯; 6.身体健康,不会给国家造成负担。 ▣ 入籍办理时间和费用 外国人的入籍证书由柬埔寨国王诺罗敦·西哈莫尼和洪森总理签字。 办理时间:2到3个月; 办理费用:约5万至6万美元左右。   柬埔寨房地产网联系人1:江宁同学中文电话:+855 78 637 323/ +855 93 552 305微信号:Nin1688888柬埔寨房地产网联系人2:Carrie同学中文电话:+855 10 897 886微信号:sqr19940302地址:柬埔寨金边市BKK1区,57街与294街交汇  现在正是投资柬埔寨 查看柬埔寨更多投资指南及新闻,跟随realestate.com.kh