
Realestate News

Guaranteed Rental Returns? What to know
Guaranteed Rental Returns? What to know
June 7, 2022, 6:54 a.m.
Realestate News
Home & Living
Jay Cohen, Director and Partner of Tilleke & Gibbins Cambodia, joined Ivan Cano, Content Manager of Realestate.com.kh, in sharing an introduction to Guaranteed Rental Returns.Cambodiaโ€™s property market has seen massive growth and changes over the past decade. The influx of foreign investors made the landscape quite the competitive field and many new property investment opportunities throughout the Kingdom now come with Guaranteed Rental Returns (GRR).What are Guaranteed Rental Returns?In layman's terms, GRR is a future rental income that is guaranteed by the developer or management company to the property purchaser for a contracted period of time after the purchase agreement is signed.For example:Property Price$100,000Guaranteed Rental Return (GRR)6% per yearGRR Period2 yearsExpected Rental Return$12,000 over 2 yearsSharon Liew, CEO of Huttons CPL, notes that Guaranteed Rental Returns is a reassurance scheme for new investors looking to try out a new, somewhat uncharted international market. Standard net returns being advertised in the condos and new developments market range from 4 percent to 9 percent, normally for a two to five year period.Key considerations for Guaranteed Rental ReturnsFor potential investors faced with promises of Guaranteed Rental Returns, there are several points to consider before signing that dotted line.Make sure the GRR is on a contractual documentFirstly, it is crucial to find out exactly what is underwriting the guarantee. If it is merely a paper promise it is potentially illusory - a marketing exercise that will collapse after the developments launch. However, if there is an actual contract in place, containing the potential for legal recourse should the income not be generated, the GRR presents some value.โ€œIf there is a GRR scheme, the investor needs to make sure the GRR is set out in writing,โ€ said Jay Cohen, Partner and Director of Tilleke & Gibbins Cambodia, highlighting the importance of having the Guaranteed Rental Return rate in writing. โ€œThere needs to be some sort of contractual document that sets out the rights to the GRRโ€Guaranteed or Gross Rental Returns?After setting the GRR out in writing, investors need to consider additional costs that may reduce an investorโ€™s expected return; a common mistake that some novice investors make is to take the Guaranteed Rental Returns being offered as a reference point to calculate their returns.Jay Cohen notes that investors need to be careful and understand what other costs may be imposed by the developer that may reduce their GRR. โ€œOften in GRR schemes, there may be other costs that will reduce that amount. For example, management fees, sinking funds, utilities, furniture packages, and property taxesโ€ he said.For example:Property Price$100,000Guaranteed Rental Return (GRR)6% per yearGRR Period2 yearsExpected Return$12,000 over 2 yearsManagement fee per month$125 ($1,500 per year - $3,000 for 2 years)Utility bill per month$80 ($960 per year - $1,920 for 2 years)ย Expected return: $12,000 after 2 yearsCosts over 2 years: $4,920 (Management fee + Utility bill)Net Return Return: $7,080 over 2 yearsJay emphasizes the importance of having the GRR and the associated costs of owning the property to be on a contractual document and from there, understand what is their net return over the contractโ€™s expressed period of time.Sam Kiers, Director of Sales and Marketing at Elevated Realty, agrees: โ€œThis ultimately leads to investors seriously considering the time it takes for the investment to turn profitable.โ€Desmond Yap, General Manager of Yong Yap Properties, believes that if it is the developer offering GRR, it is fair to assume they have done their calculations and have ensured they will not create a loss of profit for their company. โ€œThus, in effect,โ€ says Yap, โ€œthe buyer is paying for their own Guaranteed Rental Returns.โ€Know the going rate of similar propertiesJay Cohen notes that developers often look at surrounding properties of a similar tier along with calculating their desired ROI to come up with a GRR offer. Jay additionally impresses on investors that it is not uncommon for developers to inflate the rental guarantee figures to create a good impression on buyers considering the longer-term benefits of their investment. The opposite is true as well that a developer can undercut GRRs if they are confident they can rent/lease the property out for a much higher price.For investors, another consideration about any GRR promise should be whether the rental income figure appears realistic and achievable in the current market, keeping in mind where the property is located. If it is clearly unrealistic, the investor should foresee a dramatic reduction in returns on their unit once the guaranteed rental period ends.Sharon Liew explains that โ€œIn general, the projected GRR is usually lower than the market rental rate by about 20 percent, to protect the developer from any losses - this means, that anything higher than 20 percent (per year) is likely too good to be true.โ€What happens after the GRR period ends?โ€œAfter a GRR period ends, the investor takes over the property and they have an obligation to lease it out themselves,โ€ said Jay Cohen. Depending on the developer, they may offer their services to lease an investorโ€™s property post-GRR for a nominal fee/arrangement. Jay Cohen emphasizes that this should be spelled out in a contractual document to avoid ambiguity or the requirement of additional services resulting in more fees.Do a background check on the developerIt is advisable that the buyer must consider whether the developer or their property management company in fact has the ability and resources to manage the property properly and sustain rental tenants for the property over the guaranteed period.Liew confirms that โ€œThe developerโ€™s credibility and presence in Cambodia are extremely important, as most GRR only kicks off after the development is complete. This makes upfront rebate on Guaranteed Rental Returns a more attractive option.โ€Look for an experienced property management operation, with past success in the local market.โ€œBe sure to check the validity of the GRR agreement and the quality of the management team," says Desmond Yap, โ€œand, if possible, see how the management company is arranging their finances.โ€Force Majeure, enforcement, and dispute resolution of GRRsGuaranteed Rental Returns in Cambodia came at a time when the real estate market was booming. Business travelers and tourists were flying in and Cambodians from the countryside were flocking to big cities like Phnom Penh to find work - constituting a large base of property buyers and renters. But COVID-19 has disrupted this growth.So can the developer reduce the GRR under certain situations? Can the developer altogether stop paying the GRR if thereโ€™s a force majeure event? โ€œIt depends,โ€ says Jay Cohen. He reminds investors that the GRR is a contract between the purchaser and the developer. โ€œWhether the developer is allowed to reduce the GRR because of events like a pandemic, or a force majeure event, that really comes down to the nature of the contractโ€.Cambodia has legal concepts of force majeure. Jay says that developers may rely on this law but warns this may be a difficult issue as it is not clearly spelled out under Cambodian law.He suggests that a โ€œdispute resolutionโ€ be negotiated between the investor and the developer. โ€œGive some thought to dispute resolution,โ€ he said, โ€œthe agreement may be regulated by Cambodian law, and may give investors the choice of the Kingdomโ€™s courts or arbitrationโ€.โ€œArbitration in Cambodia may be a good path as itโ€™s faster. So that may be a way to enforce the agreementโ€ he said.Recap and additional tips when considering Guaranteed Rental Return offersJay Cohen reminds investors there should be a document aside from the Sale-and-Purchase Agreement (SPA) that clearly sets out the GRR, obligations of the developer, and any other additional expenses to be shouldered by the purchaser.Additionally, even if a GRR is reasonable and competitive, they are not the sole indicators of a good investment. Saraboth Ea, Managing Director ofย  Maxem Property warns, โ€œGRR needs to be considered amongst many other factors that determine whether an investment is a good value or not. This will consider the buyer's objectives and investment timeline, which varies from individual to individual.โ€โ€œAs the market matures,โ€ continues Ea, โ€œWe hope to see developers put less emphasis on rental returns, and establish a good balance between local buyers who will reside in the property versus those who buy purely as an investment.โ€Looking at both sides of the Guaranteed Rental Returns debate, the rental guarantee is important for investors who need immediate reassurance on their investment - however, the guarantee is only as good as the strength of the company offering it.ย Ea says that a healthy skepticism around GRR is only natural in Cambodia, as it is a relatively new concept for local buyers and investors: โ€œRather than being the sole incentive for a buyer, we view it more as a gauge of the developer's confidence in their project.โ€ย Looking for property investment in Cambodia? Let us help!Article by:
Mortgage Matters: Part 1 - Home Loan Basics
Mortgage Matters: Part 1 - Home Loan Basics
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Mortgages (or home loans) are an essential consideration for most people buying, selling, or simply owning a home. While the concept of borrowing from a bank or lender appears simple - home loans can be a lot harder to understand than you might first think. However, realestate.com.kh is here to help with our โ€œmortgage mattersโ€ series. And when you are ready to consider a loan more seriously, we can even put you in touch with Cambodiaโ€™s leading lenders.Inquire for a home loan here.Drawing on ย the experience of others who have mortgages (any number of your friends and family who already have a home loan), and with a little extra homework, we believe that any body can make sound financial decisions.What is a Mortgage?A mortgage is a loan, quite simply, with your house and land used as security for that loan. That means, if you don't pay back the loan in the prescribed time frame, the lender (usually a bank) has the right to foreclose your home. Foreclosing means to take possession of a mortgaged property when the mortgagor fails to keep up their mortgage payments. Basically, the bank takes your home and sells it to settle the debt. The loan is secured by a โ€œlienโ€ (in other words, the "mortgage") against the property in question (your house and land). The lender still doesn't own the house, you do. But if you can't pay, they have the lien with your house as their collateral/security. ย You still have full ownership rights - yet subject to the mortgage.When looking for your first mortgage is it most important to consider two things: What you can actually afford?What you can borrow?Why are these two questions different? Because, the lender/bank is never going to look at how much you spend in a month on partying with friends, or movies and dinner, or how happy you'll be with a big payment.Put in your loan requirements in realestate.com.kh's mortgage calculator now! In reality, they may well be willing to loan you considerably more than you think you can spend on your home mortgage. You must consider this seriously - because only you know how much flexibility your lifestyle and spending habits have, which ultimately determines how much you can afford when searching for a new home. If you miscalculate this - you risk not being able to satisfy payments and ultimately losing your new home.Learn more about how to budget better for you and your family here.A lender/bank will look at your income, and future income potential vs. your proposed debt, as well as your bank savings and credit history. Having considered these factors, the bank will then determine how much of a risk you'd be for the lender/bank to take on and issue a loan. Meanwhile, they look at the value of the house you want to buy, and potential future value, and compare against the interest rate of the loan you'll be getting. After this analysis, the bank/lender arrives at a loan amount that they consider a healthy risk. If all things go to plan, this loan amount will match (or potentially exceed) what you need to satisfy your down payment and the final price of the house you want to purchase.Read part 2 of Realestate.com.khโ€™s โ€œmortgage mattersโ€ series. And when you are ready to consider a loan more seriously, get in touch with Cambodiaโ€™s leading lenders.
Rental Checks before Signing On
Rental Checks before Signing On
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Whenever renting a new house or commercial space for business, the things that grab our attention first and foremost are the location, priceย and the supporting lease clauses. However,ย we often miss out on and overlook certain small but equallyย important things. You shouldย remember that your final lease agreement is not going to include a lot of important stuff that will ultimately make or break the rental agreement, and this could well be the same stuff that even your landlord or broker wonโ€™t reveal pre-contract.ย Read another Checklist for Securing your Dream Rental Here.Here is a few extra things to consider above and beyond the rental agreement, thanks to Realestate.com.kh:How's the Landlord?Always do a background check of your landlord to make sure everything is above board. This need not be aย difficult one, or necessarily call on any official records. Neighbors and grocery shop owners in the vicinity are often the best sources that can help you ascertain your prospective landlordโ€™s nature and his ownership over the property. Also, you should check how far or close he or she lives from the rented apartment. A ย landlord who is too nosey is sometimes equally as bad as an extremely laid back one. A lot of good apartment rental experiences are ruined because of landlords - so work out fast whether or not yours in a keeper. Also, try to speak with past tenants. The landlord may be able to provide contact details of the last tenant. If he or she does, call them - and get the down-low on the property and the landlord before agreeing to sign on.Meet theย Neighbors:Similar to the above regarding landlords, a bad neighbor can ruin your rental experience. Try to meet your neighbors before finalizing the house agreement and find out whether they will have an overbearing influence on your life. Consider their set up too -ย is it a family living beside your house or a bunch of young guys? This will make a difference to your satisfaction once the contract is done - so find out before the point.ย Visit at night:Visit the area where your new residence resides at night to check its safety. Aย neighborhood thatโ€™s calm during theย daytime can turn into a very noisy place at night time. Does a KTV open next door after 7pm? Is the entrance to your prospective home lighted sufficiently? Do you feel safe in the new area? If you don't, you can bet your family won't.Is your petย allowed?Find out your landlordโ€™s stance on pets, if you have any. Many landlords donโ€™t allow pets, so finding one which does can often be a challenge for the renter with fluffy friends.Considerย the local commute:Try and get to work, or school, from the new house - before agreeing to live there. Many times, ย our commute related research is merely based on the rough distance between your home and destination. Walk through your travel route and see how easy and efficient it really is.Youโ€™re now ready! Get on Realestate.com.kh/rent today and start the search for your dream rental!ย Of course, Realestate.com.khโ€™s 6000+ rental listings make it effortless to see what is available across the Cambodian rentals market.ย Read another Checklist for Securing your Dream Rental Here.
Checklist for Securing your Dream Rental
Checklist for Securing your Dream Rental
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Finding the perfect rental can be a taxing experience. Of course, Realestate.com.khโ€™s 6000+ rental listings make it effortless to see what is available across the Cambodian rentals market. Yet, when it comes to inspections, the bulk of your search and consideration usually revolves around technical aspects of the new home, such as proximity to your office or your kidโ€™s school, your budget, the number of bedrooms and the like โ€“ it is easy to overlook some of the smaller but equally important details during the heat of the viewing. Hereโ€™s a checklist, thanks to Realestate.com.kh, to ensure youโ€™re not forgetting anything! Additional costs: Most rental rates are exclusive of extra monthly charges. Monthly maintenance, waste collection, gas and water rates, electricity bills, bond payments etc. can add to the monthly rental price significantly โ€“ so make sure you inquire about all extra expenses while you are viewing. And confirm them in the rental contract before signing. Expect to pay no more than 1000Riel/$0.25 per Kilowatt for electricity, $5 per month for water charges & trash collection and $5 per month for TV cable connection. Read the contract: Seems like a no-brainer โ€“ but read your rental agreement with care and attention. Learn the ways in which you can be liable for a breach of your contract, for example having pets or parties โ€“ different land lordsโ€™ stipulate different reasons for being allowed to throw you out, so make sure you know what the land lord in question expects of you before you agree to stay. Get the right title!Everyone haggles! Always bargain the price with your landlord no matter how it makes you feel. Learn how to haggle here. The same goes for your real estate agent. Remember, that while your real estate agent is acting in your interests to some degree โ€“ they are ultimately acting on behalf of the sale, and their commission will be higher if the final agreed price is higher. If you are applying for a long term rental, 1 year or over, use this as a bartering tool. Also, while the landlord may not be flexible on monthly rental price, you may still be able to push them for additional services or home furnishing/appliances for free as contract sweeteners. An upfront advance on your first few monthsโ€™ rent may also be an enticing bartering point for landlords looks for a fast cash injection in the short term, but ensure everything is receipted correctly. Here's some tips to finding the perfect agent.Safety First: Regardless of what your agent tells you, be personally responsible for you and your familyโ€™s safety when considering any new rental property. Walk around the neighborhood of any property you are considering renting, speak with neighbors (and other tenants if it is a shared building) and come back to the area at nighttime and make sure no hidden threats appear when the sun goes down. Also, always consider the potential for flooding. A 24 hour review is necessary to note any noise hazards too โ€“ there may be construction in the afternoon that you never noticed at the morning viewing, or a night club could open at night next door. For a little extra attention before agreeing to the rental contract, you can truly understand the pros and cons of the property. Little Things: Check faucets, door hinges, locks, door knobs, power points, appliances, water heaters and gas cookers before agreeing to rent. Most of the time these things look perfect until further investigation - but if you catch minor problems now, you can ask the landlord to fix them before the agreement is settled. Here is a pre-purchase property checklist.Bug Free? Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of a bug infestation. It is not uncommon and itโ€™s easy to miss signs that your new home is shared by a family of cock roaches, termites, mice or other pests. Unless itโ€™s a critter co-lease youโ€™re looking for, find out before itโ€™s too late. Photo Evidence: Before agreeing to the bond payment, take photos of every room in the house while it is empty. In these pictures, make sure you evidence any preexisting damage to the property. This way, when your contract eventually ends, the landlord has no grounds to deduct wear and tear damages from your deposit that in fact you werenโ€™t responsible for. Youโ€™re now ready! Get on Realestate.com.kh/rent today and start the search for your dream rental!
Exclusive Real Estate Listings Grow with Industry Professionalism
Exclusive Real Estate Listings Grow with Industry Professionalism
June 6, 2022, 5:04 p.m.
Realestate News
Exclusive property listings are becoming more popular in Cambodia as local and international agencies increase their capacity to handle the burdens of exclusivity. But in an unregulated market that lacks clear specialization, they can accrue losses while unlicensed agents reap the awards.ย  While international companies generally prefer exclusive listings, many local agents still assume that casting a wide net with maximum exposure is the key to finding investors. But in some cases, too many chefs can certainly spoil the broth, explained local experts. [caption id="attachment_78465" align="alignleft" width="577"] "The Bay" is the exclusive listing of Furi Real Estate.[/caption] When agencies are granted an exclusive contract, they focus on the listing first and foremost, said Desmond Yap, general manager of Yong Yap Properties. โ€œYour agent is your salesperson for your property - what they say and how they say it has an important role in the success of the sale,โ€ says Yap. Exclusive listings benefit from access to and control of the latest information concerning a property. Without this, competition can lead to confusion and mistrust among potential buyers and sellers, he explained. When it comes to exclusive listings, the sale price and time frame to complete the sale must be agreed on before exclusivity is granted, says In Sitha, Vice President of World Trust Estate. โ€œThe agentโ€™s commission is totally protected from outside sellers,โ€ he added. Yet, exclusive listings in Cambodia, typically include a sharing clause, notes Sitha. This means that if another non-contracted agent beats the exclusive agent to a sale, they split the commission in half. The average total commission is 3 per cent of the selling price. Nevertheless, the exclusive agent has carried the burden and cost of marketing the property and drawing up the final contract. Because the market is unregulated and anybody can become a private agent in attempt to sell, โ€˜Commision Cowboysโ€™ do not accept liability if the contract collapses before full payment. Sellers are tired of โ€˜fly by the nightersโ€™ like this, believes David Murphy, managing director of IPS. Sellers are increasing looking for agencies that demonstrate integrity, sustainability and a continuing commitment to the client. โ€œIn this respect,โ€ explains Murphy, โ€œexclusivity over their property becomes a partnership.โ€ While agencies put their reputation at risk to gain exclusivity, Sitha believes that it is not always worth it. โ€œMost exclusive listings will not bring benefits,โ€ he said. โ€œIf an agency is unfit to handle the listing - or if the property is overpriced, or in some other way unsellable.โ€ An agency must ensure the property is accurately valued, has the correct land title and is safe for buyers, before considering exclusivity, he noted. Sorn Seap, CEO of Key Real Estate, notes that with only a handful of new development projects looking for exclusive partners, those that do gain the contract usually throw in property management services to sweeten the deal. Yet, international developers still lack trust in local agencies to meet sales targets and donโ€™t generally offer a marketing budget to the agency. โ€œMany developers are trying to manage all marketing - yet, these internationals don't understand the real estate sales market like a local agency does,โ€ says Sorn. โ€œAs our agencies gain the trust of new developers through sales and marketing success with exclusive listings, Cambodian project marketing will soon move to a point when our resources are more efficiently divided,โ€ he said. ย โ€œLet the real estate agents sell and manage all marketing, and let the developers build. Letโ€™s grow rice in the land where rice grows best, and grow corn where corn grows best,โ€ concludes Sorn. To establish trust, Sam Kiers, director of sales and marketing at Elevated Realty, believes that specialization is key. โ€œThey must be well engaged with the target market the seller is seeking in order to succeed,โ€ says Kiers. โ€œIf an agency canโ€™t do this, they can't sustain exclusive listings - and sellers won't entrust their listing exclusively with them,โ€ says Kiers. Murphy agrees and adds that by including property management services, agencies can become a one stop shop for the property owner. For an offshore investor who wants their development sold and then managed this is very attractive; โ€œWe handle all problems, sell all the units and simply deliver the money to the investor,โ€ remarks Murphy. Ultimately, it's a matter of trust and professionalism throughout the industry, believes Sorn, but these are two things growing very quickly in Cambodian real estate.
REAKH Survey 2023 ENG 590 x 250
East One Apartments: Live in Style in the Heart of Phnom Penh
East One Apartments: Live in Style in the Heart of Phnom Penh
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
See the Full Listing HereLocated on the corner of Street 214 and 51, between the four icons of Phnom Penh - Independence Monument, Royal Palace, National Museum and Central Market - East One Apartments offers a prime location to anyone working in international embassies, Government ministries and the Central Business District; or for anyone who wants to feel the pulse of Phnom Penh city. All East One high-rise residents are guaranteed the best river views in townโ€ฆ Because the apartment complex is located alongside the border of the Royal Palace, all surrounding buildings now have height restrictions of no more than 10 floors on their titles. That means that if you buy an apartment unit between the 10th and 22nd floors in East One, your perfect view of the Tonle Sap will be secured for the future! All East One Apartment units come fully furnished with international brands โ€œAmerican Standard,โ€ โ€œSamsung,โ€ โ€œLGโ€ and equivalent standard brands. Each unit includes all soft and hard furnishing to suit the space perfectly, as chosen by professional interior designers, including all electrical appliances for modern living. Meanwhile, the complex includes full service hotel-style amenities with rooftop swimming pool, cafรฉ, car parking and full concierge service. Head downstairs to enjoy world class amenities and entertainment within walking distance of your new home, including the award winning House of Seafood and Breadtalk - two F&B brands direct from Singapore, more than 5 banks, various supermarkets, KFC, Browns Coffee, all major airline offices, and the host of nightlife which awakes every night along Phnom Penhโ€™s famous Street 51. And you can rest assured that your investment at East One will be immediately profitable. Why? To assure rental returns for buyers, the East One Developer, Guangzhou Yuetai Group Co., Ltd., is guaranteeing a 22.5% rental return payable upfront as rebate to the purchase price. Meanwhile, demand for high end rental apartments in this area is particularly high generally; the nearby Maline Apartments, for example, is renting studios at $1500/month, which equates to more than 10 percent rental return. Guangzhou Yuetai Group Co., Ltd., with over 8 Billion Yuan in total assets, has huge experience in building and managing service apartments to a world class standard. In 2003, Yuetai Group acquired Donghua Enterprise, a listed company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and successfully built its own property brand known as โ€˜Swan Bay,โ€™ renowned across China for luxury living solutions. Swan Bay comprises over 20 high-end real estate projects in over 13 cities across China, exceeding 4 million square meters. Yuetai Group has won various honors for their real estate developments, including the Guangdong Top 20 Real Estate Qualification and Credit Enterprise Award, Guangdong Top 100 Private Company Award, the Guangzhou Top 10 Most Competitive Real Estate Developer Award, Guangzhou Trustworthy Brand Developer Award, and a Contract Abiding and Creditable Enterprise Award, to name just a few. See the Full Listing Here For more information and to arrange a viewing, please contact us todayย or visit the East One Showroom - Opposite Cell Card, and next to ANZ Royal on Sihanouk Boulevard. (#182, Preah Sihanouk Blvd , BKK1, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh).
The Top 3 Ways to Make Money from Your Investment Property #1
The Top 3 Ways to Make Money from Your Investment Property #1
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
A lot of people talk about buying investment property. However, this is not always as simple as it seems. To make any property a lucrative investment, you need to buy the right investment property and you need to manage it correctly.Here are the top three ways to make your real estate earn extra income for you and your family.#1 - Buy a Rental Property: If you want to see your new property investment making money immediately, you should buy a property that you can easily rent out to someone else. The benefit of a rental property is that you can sell the property at a higher price than what you purchased it for - due to the appreciation of the land beneath it - while, at the same time, you collect an additional rental income. The rental income will help supplement your mortgage repayments on the property โ€“ or could even exceed them. In which case, you will receive extra money each month as landlord. When buying a property that you intend to rent, however, you must try to choose a property that has market value now. If it does not attract rental tenants straight away, you wonโ€™t see any money in the short term meaning you struggle to pay the mortgage repayments. So when you are looking to buy an investment property to rent, you must consider:Is it in a popular location for potential tenants? Eg. Close to universities and schools, close to shopping centers, close to major employment centers etc.Is it suitable for expat renters? If so, you can make more from rental opportunities if you market the property correctly to expats.Is the property currently livable? You may need to furnish the property, and make the property more attractive for potential renters. Eg. Consider security precautions; consider supplying services such as wi-fi or cable tv.All of these things require investing more money into the property but may be necessary to guarantee tenancy.Obviously, this also means you must have another property where you can live while you rent out your investment property. Alternatively, if the property is suitable, you may be able to live in part of the house, and rent the rest of it to tenants. Readย #2 Here
The Top 3 Ways to Make Money from Your Investment Property #2
The Top 3 Ways to Make Money from Your Investment Property #2
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
A lot of people talk about buying investment property. However, this is not always as simple as it seems. To make any property a lucrative investment, you need to buy the right investment property and you need to manage it correctly.Here are the top three ways to make your real estate earn extra income for you and your family. Missed #1? Click here to read them first!#2 -ย Buy a Property to Live in with High Appreciation Potential: This is what most people immediately think when they think of the term โ€œInvestment Property.โ€ Invest in real estate that you will live in yourself, and hope that while you stay there, the price of the land will rise enough to cover the mortgage that you took out to initially buy the property. If the property appreciates sufficiently while you stay, you will make money on top of the mortgage and this is your end profit. This is also an investment suitable for those who donโ€™t want to rent a property. When you rent for a long time, you might feel like you are wasting money by giving it to your landlord. If you buy the property, this money you would have spent on rent is instead going to be spent on the mortgage repayments. When you are ready to move from the house, you have the opportunity to make money on top of any costs of the mortgage. But remember:This is a much harder game if you donโ€™t have upfront cash to buy the property or subsidize the loan โ€“ because the mortgage repayments are going to eat into your investment earnings.It also requires a better understanding of the real estate market trends that you are in, as you must find a property that will appreciate reasonably quickly.This investment tactic tends to take longer โ€“ in that you may need to wait for many years before the property appreciates enough to be worth selling again.It also requires economic stability during that period, increasing the risk.But, if you choose the right property, in an area appreciating fast, this type of investment strategy can work. And meanwhile you always have a place to live. Hereโ€™s what to look for:Property and land tends to appreciate naturally as other things develop around it, so when you look for an investment property to live in, try to choose upcoming areas. Places where maybe the level of infrastructure is currently lower โ€“ but clearly rising quickly.Donโ€™t buy in areas which are already fully developed, unless you get a very competitive price when you buy the property. The appreciation in these areas is likely to be slower.Look to see where other people are choosing for investment and speak with real estate agents.Always research the market before buying a live-in investment property.A note regarding Land Investment: If you want to simply invest in land โ€“ you must invest at or below market value. If you spend too much on a land investment, your risk that it wonโ€™t increase in value is high, and meanwhile, you get no benefit from the property what so ever.Readย #3 Here
The Top 3 Ways to Make Money from Your Investment Property #3
The Top 3 Ways to Make Money from Your Investment Property #3
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
A lot of people talk about buying investment property. However, this is not always as simple as it seems. To make any property a lucrative investment, you need to buy the right investment property and you need to manage it correctly. Here are the top three ways to make your real estate earn extra income for you and your family. Missed #1 or #2? Click here to read them first!#3 - Buy a property, Increase its Value, and Flip It: Potentially the fastest way to make a return on your investment is to buy an investment property that you will be able to improve through renovations and then sell for more than what you originally bought it for. Yet, no money is easy money โ€“ and some investors do not consider the true costs and skills necessary to buy, fix and flip property.One way to do this is to invest in a โ€˜property with potentialโ€™:A property with potential is one which is currently underdeveloped โ€“ but has potential to be a very attractive property with a little work and money.Yet, again, location is everything when it comes to re-selling property. So not everyone has money to buy in the right area and then spend money developing the property.Remember - Always get a professional valuation before you purchase any investment property, and this will help you find out how you can realistically increase the properties market value.Once you have developed the property, re-value it and see where its market value has moved to.There is no doubt that this option requires significant upfront capital โ€“ cash now. But if you have it, buy more and get a discount:Developers and other property investors with various properties will often give a much better price if you are willing to buy a number of properties.The money you save with this bulk discount can be used to improve the property for resale.You could consider buying a whole floor of a condominium building, for instance, then live in one unit while you rent out the others, or renovate the others for resale yourself.Then, sell all of the units at a higher price when the land beneath the condo appreciates.Missed #1 or #2? Click here to read them first!
Great standards, totally useless: Cambodian fire safety systems arenโ€™t suitable for the country
Great standards, totally useless: Cambodian fire safety systems arenโ€™t suitable for the country
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Currently, the private sector is the only real force bringing fire prevention and response considerations into new building developments in Cambodia, says Paul Hurford, Managing Director of Azisafe Cambodia. Yet, even these standards can prove problematic in the Cambodian firefighting environment. [caption id="attachment_77921" align="aligncenter" width="540"] Hong Menea, Phnom Penh Post[/caption] The Fire Prevention Law, which is currently in force in Cambodia, is an overarching document that represents a cross between a fire safety law, a fire service law and a catalogue of emergency response standards. โ€œIt reflects a law that was intended to have specific regulations created under it,โ€ says Hurford, โ€œyet these regulations have yet to be created.โ€This means the law currently has no direct compliance mechanisms, and little practical application. [caption id="attachment_77915" align="alignleft" width="200"] Hong Menea, Phnom Penh Post[/caption] Many new buildings currently being erected throughout Cambodia claim to bring international standards of fire safety, fully integrated into the new buildingโ€™s design.ย However, Hurford notes, while Singaporean, Malaysian and Hong Kong fire standards are increasingly integrated into new developments, these countries have some of the best fire services in the world in regards to response capabilities and external fire infrastructure. โ€œAlthough a new development may incorporate international standards in regards to fire prevention within its design โ€“ if the local fire service arrives and their equipment has different couplings to those installed inside the building, these international standard systems are immediately useless.โ€ The same issue occurs when the response team is not trained in using these internal firefighting systems.ย For these reasons, to achieve worthwhile fire design, emphasis must lie on emergency response mechanisms related to each building, and appropriate training for first response teams for that building, says Hurford. ย This means compatibility with available local firefighting equipment, but also a strong emphasis on training and response protocols. Some new developments are taking matters into their own hands in this regard, employing and training in-house firefighting teams. Hurford agrees with this measure, as โ€œrealistically, each development must be self-sustainable if they want to control fire risk in Cambodia.โ€ This includes internal systems capable of fighting the fire, such as sprinklers, alarms, and appropriate extinguishers, but always combined with emergency protocols, training and education. Hurford notes that for developers, given the potential risk to their investment โ€“ โ€œno one is really doing enough.โ€ Meanwhile, response capabilities of the Cambodian fire service are limited by an equipment and skills gap. The Cambodian fire service exists within a culture of donation in regards to equipment, suggests Hurford -as internal funding is seldom afforded, there is an expectation that equipment will be donated. But this raises issues when that donated equipment does not suit the Cambodian firefighting environment. For example, says Hurford, the Japanese have donated many fire engines to the Cambodian fire service. While the equipment donated is of a high standard, it is suited to a Japanese firefighting environment where fire hydrants are always readily available.This means the trucks only have very small water tanks. In Cambodia,there are very limited hydrants available and, therefore, for a firefighting team to be successful, it must carry all necessary water to the scene of fire. โ€œThis is just one example,โ€ notes Hurford โ€œbut it is symbolic of the Cambodian fire serviceโ€™s equipment problem.โ€ [caption id="attachment_77925" align="alignleft" width="350"] Hong Menea, Phnom Penh Post[/caption] Hurford suggests that the only way for the Cambodian fire service to move forward is to create standards suitable to Cambodiaโ€™s needs, tailored to Cambodiaโ€™s means โ€“ then train across the board on these standards. A few groups are currently trying to help with this, such as Eurochamโ€™s current work on the new Construction Law, and the IBCs involvement with the Building Standards and Fire Safety Committee โ€“ both of which are working alongside the Government to move from a reactive state of affairs, toward reaching standardized fire safety mechanisms that will really save lives and property. Hurford is currently involved with the formation of the Emergency/Fire Response Working Group, set to meet for the first time this August. This working group shall bring together all government departments involved in emergency response mechanisms, along with private sector members with experience in the field of emergency response. The group shall conduct mutual trainingexercises for its members, and try to standardize training and communication procedures throughout the country. While this group is still very much in its infancy, it has already been endorsed by the Police Commissioner and Ministry of Interior. Hurford notes that everyone trying to work together on this is in itself a forward step.real estat
Top 5 Tips to Improve your Listings on Realestate.com.kh
Top 5 Tips to Improve your Listings on Realestate.com.kh
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
It is extremely easy to create a new listing on Realestate.com.kh. However, there are some simple ways you can improve your listing quality and make sure every property you list on Realestate.com.kh gets the views and sales leads it deserves.The real benefit of Realestate.com.kh is that now home buyers and renters don't need to run around town looking for their new property. Instead, they can go online and find the perfect property without even leaving their chair. But if your listing quality is poor, this benefit is lost.Therefore, the better your listing looks, the more views your listing will receive from prospective buyers - and the faster you will sell or rent that property. Follow this step by step user guide to make your listings as professional and salable as possible, and don't let prospective buyers and renters slip between your fingers.The Top 5 Listing Tips:1) Upload more than 3 Photos:The more photos โ€“ the better. After all, a picture speaks 1000 words.Realestate.com.kh's data shows that your chances of selling an item can increase by 85% if you upload more than three images.It is very important that the photos you upload are of the actual property you are selling, as this will show potential buyers exactly how the property looks - and prove it is a genuine property for sale.Always use a camera, not your phone!Take photos in the day time when the sun is out! Make the property look as light as possible.Take a photo of every room in the house, and try to include any eye-catching and unique features that will draw users to your listing.Some buyers who are accessing the site from outside Phnom Penh, or internationals who are searching for property from overseas on Realestate.com.kh, canโ€™t view the property in person, or may have trouble navigating new cities in Cambodia - So they rely on the photos more than most property seekers. Therefore, it is wise to make sure you and your agent take high quality photos - and lots of them.Furthermore, in most cases, the user only wants a physical property inspection if they really like the look of the property. There are so many properties to choose from on Realestate.com.kh, that home seekers will not waste their time looking at properties that may not suit their needs.Upload landscaped images. If the image you upload is portrait it appears cropped on the listing until the image is fully opened. If the image uploaded is landscaped, it looks good even when embedded inside the listing. So always flip it before you upload it.2) Write an English AND Khmer Description, and don't skimp on the Details: Write an English AND Khmer Description, and add as much detail as you can. This is your chance to tell the world about what your property has to offer. Some things you should include in the description are:What title do you have for that property - soft, hard, strata etc.?What is the properties current use?What are the property's potential uses?What are the amenities that are close by - schools, hospitals, shopping centers etc.?Is the property's location free from ongoing construction?What special features does the property have? If there is something special about the property, tell everybody!How about the road quality and quality of infrastructure near the property?Has there been any recent renovations to the property?Do any services come free/inclusive?Is the price negotiable?Are contractual terms flexible?Are their benefits to long term rental agreements (if a rental)?REMEMBER, do not rewrite the price, size of the property, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, your email address or phone number etc. in the description section, as this confuses the user. Instead, use the dedicated sections where you can tick the features of your house.3) Get your Contact Details Perfect: Your listing is a waste of time if people can't get hold of you! So make sure your contact details are perfect. Additional detail builds trust and brand awareness across your profile and your various listings!Give a clear phone number and name in the relevant section.Take time to improve your "Personal Profile." This profile allows you to give some extra information about yourself and/or your real estate agency. Completing this profile before you list is the perfect way to create a sense of trust and familiarity between yourself and potential buyers and renters. The more people know about you, the more people will see you as a legitimate seller/renter.If you are an agent you should include your agencyโ€™s name and upload your businessโ€™ logo to your profile.Whenever your logo is spotted on a listing, buyers will immediately know who you are, and your Agency's reputation. This recognition will ensure you benefit from the reputation of your agency's brand, your previous transactions and build long lasting and profitable relationships.Also include a professional photo of yourself if you are an agent.If you have any online references from previous clients who recommend your services, or ex-tenants who have positive reviews about the property, or a personal LinkedIn profile, include these all in the listing - and inside your profile.Make sure you are registered on Realestate.com.kh's "Find an Agent" section too - and complete the profile.4) Make your Headline Count:Add a "Property Headline" in both English and Khmer - and make it count. If it is simple and clear, people will find your items before they find another.Realestate.com.kh has thousands of listings, so you need to make sure your title summarizes what you have to offer.Think about what people search for, and make a title that includes key search terms.Give a short, simple and relevant name to your listing. For example, โ€œBig Villa for Sale in Toul Korkโ€ or โ€œ10th Floor Condo Unit On Street 51โ€ are ideal name choices.Save any description for the dedicated description section.5) List a price - Don't list Price On Application (POA): At Realestate.com.kh we have found that potential buyers generally read the homeโ€™s description and expect to see a listed price. As such, we strongly recommend that you include a price on any listing.If a home features a long list of unique details but lacks a sales price, buyers tend to think the home is very expensive or potentially overpriced.Make it easy for someone to investigate your home further by providing as many details as possible โ€“ including a list price.If the price is negotiable - ย let the user know.If the terms of sale/rent are negotiable - let the buyer know.Ready to make a listing? Sign up for an account with us now!
Valuation Industry Reforms in Pipeline
Valuation Industry Reforms in Pipeline
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Mr. Sorn Seap, the current acting-president of the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA), has witnessed the real estate and valuation industry learn to walk in the last 10 years of his career. [caption id="attachment_77779" align="alignleft" width="328"] Hong Menea, Phnom Penh Post[/caption] โ€œPreviously, entry into the valuation industry required no qualifications whatsoever,โ€ Sorn recalled. โ€œAn appraiser, who always doubled as a real estate agent, was guided solely by their experience in that particular market and their relative understanding of any property marketโ€™s value.โ€ Meanwhile, the same โ€˜rule of thumbโ€™ was the only standard that valuation seekers could consider when choosing an appraiser. For these reasons, the National Valuers Association of Cambodia (NVAC) was launched in August 2008 by the initiative of H.E. Dr. Keat Chhon, deputy prime minister and minister for Economy and Finance. In 2009, the Association was adopted for the 8th full member of ASEAN Valuers Association (AVA) and duly imported the associationโ€™s standard of professional ethics into their mandate. Yet, with insufficient members to neither consolidate the interests of the entire market nor standardize land prices, the Association changed its name to the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA) in April 2011 and included real estate agencies within the association.ย  Now, the CVEA has a registered membership list of 60 real estate agencies and valuation companies. They provide a code of conduct for ethical practice and professional standards to all of their members, which are endorsed by the MEF. They also host educational events for their members to encourage better practice throughout the industry. The demand for property valuations is clearly rising throughout the Cambodian economy, said Sorn, but this demand is also diversifying in Cambodia. While traditionally Cambodians only sought valuations in order to raise finance for a home or business loans offset by the value of their property, increasingly, valuations are being used by Cambodians as a tool to apply for visa applications, negotiating joint ventures and in order to assist in share issuing. This new demand is coming with a greater understanding within the valuation markets, believes Hin Socheat, director of research at Bonna Realty Group. โ€œAverage Cambodian property buyers and sellers are increasingly aware that if their property valuation reflects any bias whatsoever, their interests are at stake โ€“ whether it be through a lessening of their financing potential or damaging trust in a joint venture proposal,โ€ he said. In addition, Hin ย said banks and lending institutions can put themselves at additional risk when offering sizable low interest loans to clients on falsified valuations. Sorn suggests that โ€œthe general population still largely sees appraisals as a market value estimate and very little more.โ€ In fact, international standards of valuation require a considerably technical and scientific approach to the factors involved in reaching that value estimate and a code of ethics that eliminates any possibility of bias. Meanwhile, valuation documents are generally produced in English in Cambodiaโ€“ leaving a language barrier for many consumers. โ€œAll they see is the final valuation number, and this leads to a superficial understanding of the process behind that number,โ€ said Sorn. Yet, without compliance mechanisms or overarching regulation, professional and domestic investors, including average home buyers and sellers in need of valuations, still must consider the credibility, company background and experience of any valuation company or independent appraiser before using their services. Hin mentions, for instance, that Bonna Realty Group received accreditation from the Security Exchange of Cambodia (SEC) at the end of 2014, meaning they have the necessary professional valuation standards to value Initial Public Offerings joining the Cambodian exchange market. Standardization of the valuations market may not be such a distant future for Cambodia, however. According to Sorn, the CVEA is currently working closely with the MEF to define an appraiserโ€™s code of conduct and an overarching real estate law for Cambodia, both of which will enter into force in the coming years. โ€œThe hope of the MEF and CVEA is to complete this consultation and drafting process by 2017,โ€ said Sorn. To draft these new laws, the MEF and CVEA are importing international standards from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), a world renowned land qualification and valuations authority and a regulatory regime that is proving popular in neighboring countries and in the Codes of Conduct of various Cambodian appraisal firms, including Bonna Realty Group, who is a member of CVEA. Malaysian standards of practice have also been a focal point in these consultations between the MEF and CVEA. Meanwhile, the CVEA and MEF are currently in the process of raising funds to bring the RICS training body to Cambodia to begin training programs on these codes of ethical practice within the real estate and valuation industries as soon as possible. Want to learn more about how a valuation can benefit you? Learn more and get a valuation today - right here on Realestate.com.kh
Local Developers Learning International Standards from Developers, as the Construction Law nears
Local Developers Learning International Standards from Developers, as the Construction Law nears
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Currently, the term โ€œInternational Standard Development,โ€ increasingly touted in Cambodia, means bringing an international team of sub-contractors to Cambodia who understand and practice these standards, said Elain Younn, Director ofย ย 240 Development Company Ltdย , a seven floor condo complex situated in the heart of BKK1. Yet, local developers who canโ€™t connect with international standard sub-contractors are struggling to incorporate these standards alone. This is only natural, said Younn, a Khmer national with Australian dual-citizenship, as it was only a few years ago that local developers were building no more than villas and other low rise buildings. These could be done to a reasonably high standard using domestic sub-contractors due to their size and manageability and a vast local experience in constructing these types of buildings. However, now the Cambodian development property market horizon has leaped forward, leaving a yawning skills and understanding gap. If a local developer has the means, they can now get a permit to develop a high-rise apartment building and by doing so, enter a far more lucrative market where both Khmers and foreigners can buy. However, this is a far more advanced design and structural feat of which most local developers have never had experience, said Younn. โ€œFor this reason, Cambodian developers are increasingly employing Thai, Singaporean, Vietnamese and other international architects to help them plan new developments,โ€ said Younn. 240 Development contracted Gary Fell, an English architect and founder of GFab Architects Indonesia, whose other Cambodian projects include the Sheraton Hotel in Siem Reap, the FCC in Siem Reap and iCan International School, of which Younn is the owner. Yet, in terms of construction standards, local developers are not ready for the cost of this guidance, suggested Younn. To bring in international sub-contractors for the construction process, including structural engineers, plumbers, electrical engineers, lift installation specialists, security equipment and fire safety standards, the cost of the completed project rises more than threefoldโ€”as Younn is intimately aware, having contracted various renowned international contractors for 240 Condo project. Still, this is only natural for local developers, as the relative prices at which they can sell the finished units doesnโ€™t rise to match the additional costs of international standard compliance. For Younn, the livability and peace of mind that international standards of design and construction offer to buyers and occupants easily justifies the higher costs of importing these standards for 240 development set to open in just over a month, after almost 6 years of construction. Furthermore, no one is holding local developers accountable. In their building permit, developers only define the type and scale of their project, and at the completion of the building process, all that must be checked is that the final development has maintained the permitted specifications. The permit is purely procedural, and no additional checks are under taken to ensure any standards of quality have been reached. No outside the auditing company or the overarching inspection contractor is responsible; the only checking is done internally by each sub-contractor. With the Cambodian Construction Law currently entering the final stages of drafting, however, this could all change. The new legislation will provide an overarching law for the building industry, a national building code with individual prakas will also be required to address building standards pertaining to project management, work site safety , fire safety and building control, just to name a few. Younn commented that the practical power of the new law will be in its inspection requirements and compliance strategies. If there arenโ€™t strong compliance efforts and education of the market as to how these standards are maintained, it seems unlikely to have the necessary effect because it will be competing against market value. If the will to enforce is there and reflected in compliance measures, however, Younn believes that Cambodian construction can move forward โ€“ as has been seen in other areas such as the recent tax reforms. Regardless of the new law, however, Younn believes an ideological shift is currently occurring in the minds of both local developers and local property investors. As more and more international standard developers are coming to Cambodia, they are demonstrating what is possible in the property sphere. Meanwhile, each international development brings with it huge resources and expertise which are slowly but surely educating the local developers, subcontractors and the market on how to properly take on these grand scale projects. This means local developers are striving to build world class buildings, as innovative and impressive as those being erected around them and built to international standards. As importantly, they are gaining the necessary contacts to help them do that. Market forces are changing too, said Younn, as consumers are more and more willing to pay for quality: โ€œWhat we are seeing across the development market is an ongoing education process with real and physical examples that demonstrate the value of quality โ€“ and this means people no longer feel assured living in substandard buildings.โ€ Look at Aeon Mall, for example, remarked Younn, โ€œit is built and managed to an international standard and consumers and international retailers are instantly responding to this through their demand.โ€ โ€œIt is like a child learning to walk,โ€ summed Younn. โ€œWe are walking in Cambodia now, but we need to make sure it is in the right direction.โ€ Yet, as Cambodian property market is redefined by international developers at a rate previously unseen, โ€œthere is no way we can walk backwards.โ€ And as the new construction law enters force in the coming years, this progression seems assured.
Construction Boom Raises Risk of Break-Ins, Security Tips for Your Home or Business
Construction Boom Raises Risk of Break-Ins, Security Tips for Your Home or Business
June 6, 2022, 5:04 p.m.
Realestate News
The strong growth in the economy has largely coincided with the construction boom in Phnom Penh and all over Cambodia. However, a recent trend that is symptomatic of the burgeoning amount of construction across Cambodia is the increase in house and business break-ins proximate to construction sites, said John Muller, Managing Director of Global Security Solutions (GSS) Cambodia. Although statistics are hard to come by, Muller, a security professional with almost 30 years of experience in South East Asia, and who follows this issue closely has noted a rise around construction sites where workers have ample time to survey the movements of occupants, determine their wealth and assess easy access points. He also noted that recently there have been various cases of increasingly bold break-ins where people are entering while occupants sleep and even entering bedrooms to take high value items. In order to mitigate this risk, says Muller, those living or working near construction zones should assess the most vital areas of their home or business, and secure those areas. โ€œYour most vital areas are always the areas where there are people, first and foremost, and, secondly, the areas where you keep your most valued property,โ€ he said. Always try to have only one point of entry to your home or business, recommends Muller, as keys are extremely easy to copy in Cambodia and locks are easy to break. House help and private security guards always represent a certain level of human risk as they assume positions of trust, yet may not attain a high enough salary to resist opportunistic theft or collusion with outside interests. Therefore, for those with the means, non-key personalized entry systems will avoid these risks, such as fingerprint or retina scanning systems and cameras on main entry points. Outside your property, trees on the borders of the property can act like ladders and cover for anyone hiding on the outskirts of the property. Lighting should be considered and sodium yellow lighting casts a shadow better than any other outdoor lighting, making intruders more obvious to you, your dog and any motion detecting alarms. Motion detectors are recommended outside the home or business, says Muller, connected to a siren alarm. However, if you have a large outdoor area, maybe a commercial property, motion detectors and cameras may be too expensive to monitor the whole area โ€“ in which case a dog and/or a professional guard may be the best option. Cameras are always recommended for the outside of your house and the main roadways because it offers a basic deterrent, regardless of whether or not they are functioning. If you have a camera outside, potential intruders see your house as a hardened target, comments Muller, and assume you have other security measures inside. Andre de Jong, Managing Director of Robert Bosch (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., suggests this increased risk of break-ins should really be mitigated by the building developer in charge of the construction crew โ€“ who has a duty to ensure on site security measures during the construction stage of the development. By installing cameras on the construction site borders, the property developer can deter construction workers from entering neighboring properties at all times. Furthermore, once the developer invests in such security equipment, this is not wasted capital whatsoever โ€“ as these systems can be transferred from the perimeter of the site into the new development once construction is complete. Such construction site security standards are standard policy for many international developments currently underway in Cambodia. However, it is not yet enforced in Cambodian building codes and legislationโ€“something that de Jong hopes to see change in upcoming construction law policy reviews.
Insurance Vs Risk: The Value of Peace of Mind
Insurance Vs Risk: The Value of Peace of Mind
June 7, 2022, 6:14 a.m.
Realestate News
In Cambodia there are remarkably low penetration levels of insurance โ€“ among the lowest in the world. This results in risk and insecurity for those with assets such as property.Cambodians are, however, starting to realize the benefits that investing in insurance can bring and Cambodiaโ€™s insurance industry is rapidly expanding. For the consumer, this means more and more affordable ways to protect your vehicle, home and business.The majority of companies in Cambodia invest in property insurance.This means, for example, if the business is a manufacturing factory then this insurance would protect that business against the danger of fire and flooding. There has also been a surge in businesses buying interruption policies. Properties can be insured up to the cost of construction by owners or renters. Get in touch with one of Realestate.com.khโ€™s professional insurance contacts today and find out just how affordable peace of mind for your business assets can be. Khmerโ€™s who are insured already generally tend to be older, aged 35 or above, and these Khmers are aware of the risks that exist and have enough assets that their risk is significant. Insurance gives peace of mind in protecting those assets.Residential property owners however are largely uninsured or underinsured in Cambodia.This is a very risky state of affairs and in some ways illogical when the cost of insurance is considered. For example, if your 3 bedroom home in Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, valued at $200,000 was to be damaged by fire, storm or a flood โ€“ it would cost all of your life savings to rebuild. An appropriate policy covering you against this risk might cost less than your lunch on a daily basis! Meanwhile, your life savings would be free from the burden of rebuilding your home, as would your mind be free from stress of that risk.Taking out property insurance if youโ€™re renting a property in Cambodia is wise too, unless itโ€™s written in your lease agreement that you are not responsible for damages to that property. These rental documents are typically very small, and may be unclear about the liability for damage to the building โ€“ so check with an insurance advisor or lawyer to guarantee you are covered for everything you think you are covered for.Insurance experts can help you identify where risk exists, quantify and analyze the various components of that risk, and help to develop suitable risk response strategies. Finally, they will offer you an insurance policy that will eliminate any financial risk. The insurance specialistโ€™s job does not end there, however. They must continue monitoring these risks to determine how they change over time โ€“ and make sure you are aptly covered.If you already have insurance, it is also important to know exactly what your current insurance policy covers.ย Many property and business owners in Cambodia, and around the world, discover that their insurance coverage does not include what they thought it included - but when it is too late. Some are under-insured in Cambodia or are even sold the wrong insurance policy to start with. To avoid this situation you should be asking yourself very basic questions about your exposure across the entire range of possible problems.And the best place to start is by having one of Realestate.com.khโ€™s professional insurance contacts analyze your current insurance policies, and assess whether your risks are truly covered.ย Get a free quote HERE.
Sihanoukville Real Estate Market Report
Sihanoukville Real Estate Market Report
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
The Sihanoukville real estate market offers great variety to property seekers, Cambodiaโ€™s foremost beach-side resort destination. Take a look at Realestate.com.kh's range of seaside properties on the Sihanoukville real estate market, perfect for launching tourism ventures or securing the beach front view of you and your familyโ€™s dreams. Check out the latest breed of luxury condominiums shooting up in the Sihanoukville real estate market, serviced apartments and opulent french inspired villas located in the central city; or, if your budgetโ€™s a bit smaller, the host of affordable apartments, flats and borey houses outside of the inner-city are plentiful on the Sihanoukville real estate market. If you are looking for prime retail space on the Sihanoukville real estate market, industrial property or serviced offices for your business, Sihanoukville has a growing number of offerings and more and more new developments are appearing every day. The proximity of the city to the Sihanoukville deep sea port is attracting industrial investors and manufacturers at a rate previously unseen. The city is compact and manageable for a first time buyer, with very encouraging rules for foreign investors. Commercial Property on the Sihanoukville Real Estate Market: As Cambodiaโ€™s only port city, industry is booming in Sihanoukville of late as companies increasingly choose to open processing, manufacturing and assembly operations as near as possible to the deep sea port in order to ease costs of import and export. The labour market in Sihanoukville is also cheaper than in Phnom Penh, and supposedly easier to retain. This sector will only expand as the port is set to increase its capacity hugely by 2020. Offshore oil also exists in Sihanoukville.ย Read more about that here.Resort/Retail Properties on the Sihanoukville Real Estate Market: The islands off the coast of Sihanoukville are being sold to large scale resort developers, and a number of luxury hoteliers are also being granted exclusive property rights to large stretches of Sihanoukvilleโ€™s beaches. These rights are being awarded despite often being already occupied by smaller hospitalities operators and local residents. What this means for real estate investors in these tourism hot spots is that you should be especially careful purchasing beachside or island property in Sihanoukville, as any new beach or island based business or home appears unable to totally guarantee their land title. There is apparently a risk that that land could be sold again withoutย yourย consent, or possibly even an appropriate payout, as a number of occupants and vendors have already experienced in the last ten years.ย One way to protect against this risk is to always ensure due diligence when checking the legitimacy of titles and/or lease agreements when investing in these popular areas, or, alternatively, prospective Sihanoukville retailers can branch away from the beach hot spots where property titles are more dependable. Office Spaceย on the Sihanoukville Real Estate Market: Serviced offices hardly exist in the Sihanoukville real estate market, such as the type available in Phnom Penh. Villas are widely available for low prices, however, and easily converted to business purposes.ย  Standards of building quality and connected utilities and infrastructure vary hugely across the Sihanoukville real estate market, particularly with older buildings such as villas. So before renting or purchasing any propertyย makeย sure it meets all of your necessary infrastructural criteria.ย Read more about that here.Residential Property on the Sihanoukville Real Estate Market: There are a variety of apartments for rent in the Sihanoukville real estate market, available for short or long term leases, or purchase. Recently, some new, high-end condominium developments are also appearing. This means opportunities now exist for foreigners to own property in Sihanoukville. There are a various arrayย of grounded houses/villas for rent in Sihanoukville also. Location will influence the rental or purchase price dramatically, as high property prices continue to rise around tourism and industrial epicenters of the Sihanoukville real estate market.
Sihanoukville Infrastructure and Tourism Trends
Sihanoukville Infrastructure and Tourism Trends
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Sihanoukville is Cambodiaโ€™s only seaport, a crucial import/export hub for the massive garment and agriculture industries - and, simultaneously, a tropical holiday resort destination on Cambodia's southern coast. Due toย these two features, Sihanoukville city is growing rapidly and is an increasingly important Cambodian economic center.ย The Sihanoukville real estate market is diversifying fast too.ย Thankfully, in contrast to the neighboring beach/port areas in Thailand and Vietnam, Sihanoukville does not suffer from the threat of major flooding, typhoons, tsunamis or earthquakes. Even during the rainy season, the coast of Sihanoukville happily hosts guests. This is certainly a positive thing for the Sihanoukville real estate market. Although tourism has increased rapidly over the past years, the beaches of Sihanoukville remain some of the most unspoiled and picturesque in all of mainland Southeast Asia. Major improvements are also being made to Sihanoukville's airport currently, and plans are supposedly in place to build an international airport on the island of Koh Rong in future. Tourism in the province is expected to see a large boost in coming years, and the Siem Reap real estate market is certainly reflecting this. Tourism clearly defines certain sectors of the Sihanoukville real estate market, and land prices directly reflect this in tourism hot spots around the city, and along the coast.However, because Sihanoukville has been developed as a tourism destination in a relativelyย short space of time. What was once a city defined by scattered bungalows - and very little else - is quickly being replaced byย high-end resorts and beachfront condo developments, casinos, world-class golf courses and monopolizedย mass tourism networks. These dramatic changes are not-surprisingly putting pressure on amenities such as water and electricity throughout the city of Sihanoukville, especially near the largest new developments. Nevertheless,ย power cuts and water shortages are much less frequent in Sihanoukville than smaller, less-developed tourist destinations such as Kep, Kampot or even Battambang. Keep these infrastructural considerationsย in mind as you choose which part of the Sihanoukville real estate market you wish to buy property in. For those businesses and individuals wishing to ensure consistently stable electricity, backup generators are a common sight in Sihanoukville. They are a cheap and dependable option. This isย standard practice for the majority ofย major hotels, resorts and restaurants in Sihanoukville. Renewable electricity solutions are also increasingly available throughout Cambodia, especially in regards to wind and solar power. Renewable power solutions can be bought and installed at very competitive prices in Cambodia, and offer significant financial rewards in the longer-term - as they lessen dependence on the grid. Water is predominantly city-sourced in Sihanoukville city. For property owners this might mean the occasional shortage can occur in Sihanoukville. Drilling a deep well is an option chosen by many with high water demands in Sihanoukville; yet, keep in mind that water may still require proper filtration once pumped. Alternatively, and considerably more inexpensively, water banks are a solution recommended by many Sihanoukville property owners with high, or consistent, water demands. Cambodia's only deep-sea port is located in Sihanoukville. Plans have recently been announced to increase the capacity of this port through sand dredging.ย Sihanoukville deep sea port can currently only host โ€œfeederโ€ vessels. What this means, is that any long haul sea freight being imported or exported from Sihanoukville must first connect to larger โ€œmotherโ€ vessels at deeper-water regional ports, such as the hub ports of Hong Kong or Singapore. Only after transferring freight cargo from feeder vessels to these mother vessels can it then depart to final destinations in the US or Europe; or, in the case of import freight, landing in Cambodia at the Sihanoukville port. Whenย this port expansion is completed in 2020, mother vessels will be able to dock at the Sihanoukville port. This will mean costs for importers and exporters operating from within Cambodia will be significantly reduced, as will the time it takes to reach final destinations worldwide. Significant reserves of offshore oil have been prospectedย nearย Sihanoukville and are currently being sold by the Cambodian Government to various international extraction companies. Becauseย to these potential resources, a considerable amount of international aid has been poured into Sihanoukvilleย to improve the infrastructure of the province so far. No doubt, in the future, as the oil is sold and extracted, the cityโ€™s infrastructure willย develop hugely. Now might just be the perfect time to stake your claim in the Sihanoukville real estate market before prices soar in future - so you had better get there fast...
What is the Value of Property Valuations?
What is the Value of Property Valuations?
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
While appraisals are generally performed by skilled professionals, anyone involved in a real estate transaction can benefit from gaining a basic understanding of the different methods of valuation.When you use professional and independent property valuation services, you get a properly estimated value of your property.Read news about changes coming for the Cambodian Valuation industry HereMaking an investment in property is only an attractive option because you assume you will gain good returns from it in the future. However, to see the value of that property rise, you must make sure it is valued corrected, and by a trusted appraiser whose valuation will be widely respected. Accurate real estate valuation is important to mortgage lenders, investors, insurers, tax collectors and buyers and sellers of real property. Valuation services are available for different types of property and are not restricted to residential property. You can find them available for offices retail outlets, industrial estates, hotels, and any other real property. For most people, determining the asking or purchase price of a property is the most useful application of real estate valuation.How is a Property Valued?The property valuation report includes all features of the property and helps you, the owner, and prospective buyers, to understand its exact current condition.The goal of an appraisal is to determine a property's market value: the most probable price that the property will bring in a competitive and open market.An estimation of your propertyโ€™s current worth or โ€œmarket valueโ€ should consider any prior valuations of your property, suburb valuation trends, owner information, selling history, transfer history and comparable sales in the area.The property valuation gives an estimated market value of a property which is determined using various property industry sources, such as information from the relevant Cadastral office where the propertyโ€™s title was certified, recent sales statistics, property specific details and relevant price trends.Unlike many consumer goods that are quickly used, the benefits of real property are generally realized over a longer period of time. Therefore, an estimate of a property's value must take into consideration economic and social trends over time, as well as governmental controls or regulations and environmental conditions that may influence that value.A Professional Valuation will, therefore, consider:Demand for that property - the desire or need for ownership supported by the financial means within the market to satisfy the desire;Utility of that property - the ability of your property to satisfy future owners' desires and needs;Scarcity - the finite supply of competing properties of a similar type and description; and -Transferability - the ease with which ownership rights over your property are transferred.Want to learn more about how a valuation can benefit you? Learn more and get a valuation today - right here on Realestate.com.khA comprehensive and respected valuation report will serve you in many ways. Here are just a few:Selling your Property: If you want to sell your property and need to find out the appropriate price, using the services of a property valuator is the best choiceBuying Property: When you are interested in buying new property and need to make a pre-purchase assessment of it, you can find all the information that you need by taking up the services of a property appraiser.Tax Compliance: In case of a matter related to tax payment, a valuation of the property by property valuators is necessary to determine tax liabilities fairly and openly.Assessing Rental Rates: In a situation where you wish to lease out your property and need to set an appropriate rental cost based on the qualities of your property, a property valuation service will be useful in determining the amount based on your propertyโ€™s value.Legal Settlements: For settlement of property rights between members of the family, matrimonial settlements, litigation settlements, etc. you need to know the appropriate value of the property in order to divide it fairly.Mortgages and Loans: In order to borrow money from the bank, you need to provide information of your real assets by which you can guarantee the loan. A good valuation will help guarantee your next loan or Mortgage.Insurance: When you have to get the value of your property for the purpose of insurance cover and claims, nothing can get the matter through faster than hiring the services of professional property appraisers.Increasing the Value of your Property: By understanding how your properties market value increases according to the criteria of the valuation report, you can upgrade features of the property to increase that value in time for the next valuation. A valuation report allows you to objectively analyze your property, and any business ventures attached to that property, and improve its market value.Ready to find a property valuation expert? Look no further! Through Realestate.com.khโ€™s โ€œValuationโ€ page, we can put you in touch with a professional property appraiser near you, suitable to your property valuation requirements. Get advice on a Professional Property Valuation HERE.
Choosing the right Cambodian Real Estate Agent
Choosing the right Cambodian Real Estate Agent
June 7, 2022, 3:23 a.m.
Realestate News
Selling or renting a property that you own is unlike any other financial transaction you will undertake in life; after all, most peopleโ€™s biggest asset is their home. For this reason, selecting a Cambodian real estate agent is a major decision.Locating the best person to manage the sale or rental of your home or investment property, is crucial to obtaining the best price for your real estate investment in Cambodia. The real estate market in Cambodia is largely unregulated and, therefore, it is critical to make a good judgment of your Cambodian real estate agent.This is the Realestate.com.khย guide to help you select a Cambodian Real Estate agent that isย right for you.What are some great skills an estate agent should have?But before we jump into the detail of sourcing, interviewing and assessing the performance of your Cambodianย real estate agent, itโ€™s important to know what traits a great real estate agent should have:An ability to meet expectations at each stage of the sale or rental process.An understanding of Cambodian property titles, and the laws & taxes, as well as common practice within these domains.The agent exhibits interest in meeting or exceeding your expectations.Positive referrals from former clients (consider social media, blogs, friends and family).Thorough knowledge of similar properties for sale or rent in your relevant market (this is especially important in the big cities of Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville).Being prepared to be open and frank regarding the prospects of achieving your goals to rent or sell the property.How to find aย Cambodianย real estate agent:The Cambodianย real estate industry is generally subject to few local laws. This meansย there are thousands of individual people who callย themselves agents. This can make it extremely difficult to find a professional real estate agent, especially outside of the major cities of Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville.The first place you might look at is the Cambodianย Real Estate Agent Directory at Realestate.com.kh.ย Use the "Find an Agent" section to generate a shortlist, after which you should interview the agency (see our tips below), review feedback from former clients in blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other external publication online.If there are recommendations from former clients it is a good sign that the agent is reputable. From there, book an appointment with the agent. Generally, Cambodian real estate agents will suggest making an appointment at the property location. This is common as it enables them to perform an appraisal on the spot.Indicators that suggest the agent/agency is professional:The following are good indicators that the agency or agent you are considering dealing with is professional and committed to a high standard of ethics: Operating a trust fund: Trust funds are a great sign that the agency is serious about their business and protecting their clientโ€™s interests.Works from an office: Agencies who have premises with multiple staff are usually credible businesses.Has a website/conducts marketing: Agencies who have websites, conduct newspaper and online advertising and generally have good marketing are ordinarily serious businesses with a commitment to their profession.The Interview process: The interview process should be one of investigation to ensure the agent is a good fit for you.ย Here is a list of questions to ask the prospective agent during the initial meeting / real estate appraisal: How many years has the company/person been involved in the real estate industry in Cambodia?How many sales/rentals have they completed in the last year?The number of properties that are currently listed for sale/rent on their books?The number of prospective buyers/tenants they are in contact with?The preliminary estimate of your property listing in the current market, and the formula that they used to arrive at this figure?Proposed marketing strategy for the property (for example online, newspaper, an email database, events)? The most important question of all those above is the anticipated sale/rental price of your property. Ideally you will have also conducted your own research and have some notion of the price you expect to achieve based on other similar properties in your neighborhood. Experienced Cambodian real estate agents will provide an appraisal roughly in line with your research.ย In addition, highly professional real estate agents will also generally respond to your requests and provide a marketing proposal in writing following the interview. Making the Decision:Once you have reviewed your options and decided on the person who you believe will do a great job in handling the sale or rental of your home, you need to enter into a formal agreement.ย The written agreement will clearly outline the terms and conditions of appointing the real estate agent. It should contain an estimated sale or rental price, the total commission payable (in Riel or US Dollar terms), fees and charges, and marketing expenses. Assessing the performance of your real estate agent in Cambodia: So youโ€™ve selected a great real estate agent and have the sale or rental process moving along; how do you know whether your agent is doing a good job?ย Hereโ€™s a checklist of things the agent should do, and if they arenโ€™t doing these things, you might like to consider appointing somebody else: Provide you with regular updates regarding the number of buyers and tenants they have been in contact with (maybe agree beforehand on the best form of communication- email, apps such as WhatsApp/Telegram, phone calls etc)Have a screening process to determine a tenant or buyerโ€™s suitability for the property (for example reference checks, confirmation of their job etc.).Ongoing marketing advice regarding the number of inquiries your property is receiving and how to increase its appeal to renters/buyers (for example, conducting advertising, furnishing the property etc.).Competently handle the negotiations of the monthly rental or the sale price of your property. This is probably the most important job of a real estate agent and a good real estate agent will be an expert negotiator.Demonstrate experience at handling the legal and financial process of managing the rental property and/or conducting the sale.Ready to start your search for the perfect Cambodian Real Estate Agent for you? Check out our Agent Directoryย now!