
Realestate News

Xi Jinping’s Hangover: 3 Road and Bridge Infrastructure Projects Will Begin in 2017
Xi Jinping’s Hangover: 3 Road and Bridge Infrastructure Projects Will Begin in 2017
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Events & Announcements
A state visit between the  Cambodian government and the Government of the People's Republic of China last 13th and 14th of October 2016 was participated by both Prime Minister of Cambodia and President of China.This visit in Cambodia brought about an agreement and a memorandum of understanding of 31 points related to various fields, including the strengthening of international cooperation, economy and finance (business), taxation, law enforcement, industry and handicrafts, water resource management and  irrigation, environment, and infrastructural construction.Meanwhile, in the afternoon of October 14, 2016, Sun Chanthol – Minister of Public Works and Transport – signed an agreement for 3 major construction projects with China that are expected to begin construction in 2017. The three new projects include the National Highway projects from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville, National Road project No. 11 from Neak Loeung to Tnal Toteung, and a project for a bridge across the Mekong river, in the area of Kroch Chmar to Steung Trang.National highway Project from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville:This project will be built and managed by a private company before transferring to the Royal Government. It will be developed by the China Road & Bridge Corporation (CRBC).The whole project will cost a total of about $1,900 million. According to minister Sun Chan Thol, this new project will be serving as a significant, convenient, and fast transportation means for both locals and international visitors moving between the two areas.  National Road Project No. 11 Between Neak Loeung and Tnal Toteung:   This infrastructure project aims to restore the existing National Road No.11 from Neak Loeung to Tnal Toteung that’s developed and managed by the Kwangchow Van An Construction Management Company. The project will cost approximately $98 million and will measure 96,481 kilometers in length and a road width of 11 meters. The Bridge Construction Project Across the Mekong River Kroch Chmar – Steung Trang:This infrastructure project will build a bridge across the Mekong River in Kroch Chmar district, Tbong Khmum province all the way to the Stueng Trang district in the Kampong Cham Province. This project will cost a total of $57 million. It will have a length of 1,131 meters and a width of 13,50 meters.It’s important to note that along with the construction of the bridge, there is also another project being planned as a technical control project over a the bridge in order to control other technical aspects that will be done in cooperation with the Kwangchow Van An Construction Management Company.Among the 31 points in the agreement and the memorandum of understanding between Cambodia and China, there will also be more agreements for other real estate and infrastructure developments that will be done successively in the future such as: Exchange of Note on the Construction Project for Medical Center Cambodia - China Chinese Yuan Loan Agreement for the construction of Road No. 51 Concession Agreement for the development of the Siem Reap - Angkor International Airport Chinese Yuan Loan Agreement for the construction of Second Ring Road City Protocol Agreement for power plants, operating by coal, 450MV power in Sihanoukville Keep up with the latest infrastructure news on Realestate.com.khClick here to download your free copy!
Condominium Law in Cambodia: Two things investors must review before purchasing or selling units
Condominium Law in Cambodia: Two things investors must review before purchasing or selling units
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
A study of the Cambodian condominium market shows that buyers and developers often forget to take into account the internal regulations and the management of a condominium before purchasing or selling condominium units.Failure to do so can strongly affect the real estate asset, as internal rules and condominium management can have significant impacts on the value of the units.Some clarifications on the Condominium Law in Cambodia:Since the enactment of Sub-Decree No. 126 on the Management and Use of Co-Owned Buildings, dated 12 August 2009 (“Sub-Decree No. 126”), and the Law on providing Foreigners with Ownership Rights in Private Units of Co-Owned Buildings, dated 24 May 2010, the development of condominiums have significantly increased in Cambodia and, in particular, in Phnom Penh.Indeed, many developments, driven by international and domestic developers, have already been completed and many others are currently in construction with plans to be delivered in 2017 and 2018.  As a consequence, the real estate market in Cambodia provides potential buyers with a lot of options. However, before deciding to purchase, any potential buyer will have to consider various factors, such as the location of the condominium, the description and quality of the materials used, the size and price of the unit, the identity and experience of the developer, and the construction insurance policy.Two others factors, often forgotten, must also be reviewed as they can have a significant impact on the value of the unit and on the sought-after quality of life in a condominium: the internal regulations and the management of the condominium.The internal regulations are essential for a condominium and that is why these regulations are compulsory towards all current and future unit owners. They define the rules of life within the condominium and, in particular, the organization and functioning of the condominium on both legal and practical levels.The purpose of the internal regulations are also to set out the rights and obligations of the unit owners, to define the common areas and the private units and determine their conditions of use, to organize the management of the condominium and determine how expenses, in particular related to the cleaning, maintenance and repairs of the common areas, will be shared by the unit owners.The Royal Government of Cambodia understands that the internal regulations must be reviewed by a potential buyer before that buyer may decide to purchase a unit. Indeed, Sub-Decree No. 126 provides that the internal regulations must be issued at an early stage of the project (i.e. “before announcing the sale or rental of the private units of the co-owned building”)Another indicator of the importance of the internal regulations is the fact that they are required by the Land Office for the registration of the condominium and the issuance of the title certificates for each unit.Therefore, developers and buyers cannot overlook this document which will be in force during the whole life of the condominium and which may be used to resolve many issues which may arise between unit owners in a condominium or between a unit owner and the condominium itself.  It is, therefore, important that the language of the internal regulations be comprehensive and precise to allow for the amicable and efficient resolution of any problem that may arise. Sub-Decree No. 126 provides in its appendix a template of internal regulations.However, this template is very brief and fails to cover many topics such as the use of the common areas, the creation of a contingency fund, the security of the condominium, the powers and responsibilities of the management board, the holding and decisions of the general meeting of the unit owners, and the insurance policies of the condominium, etc.Consequently, it is highly recommended for developers to request the assistance of a professional (especially lawyers) for the drafting of their internal regulations in order to have a clear and comprehensive document. This will improve significantly the quality of the condominium and will surely give comfort to potential buyers.Furthermore, it is also recommended, before purchasing or selling in a condominium, to take into account its management.Indeed, proper management is essential for the good and efficient operation of the condominium so as to not negatively affect the value of the units.Sub-Decree No. 126 provides that a condominium should have a management board or an executive committee set up to manage the condominium but the sub-decree does not specify when the committee or board should be set up and if they are able to delegate their powers. Therefore, the unit owners are free to choose their mode of management and to organize it in compliance with their internal regulations.Generally, two options are offered to the unit owners for the management of their condominium. Unit owners can decide either to assume the management functions themselves or they can decide to appoint a third-party property manager who will bring its knowledge and professional expertise.We have seen in Europe, America and Asia, many cases of bad condominium management due to a lack of qualifications and experience. In these cases, the cleanliness, the maintenance and all necessary repairs and works may not be carried out in time. This always leads to deterioration or damage to both the common areas and private units. This will, of course, ultimately increase the expenses for the unit owners compared to the sums paid for proper maintenance and timely repairs.  We are also aware of many cases where the fees are not collected on time or where many mistakes have appeared in the accounts of the condominium or where inaccurate budgets have been adopted.All these examples of bad management have always for consequence an increase in the expenses and stress for the owners of units and a decrease in the value of the units. This also almost undoubtedly leads to a unit owner who wishes to sell or rent the unit receiving lower value than where proper management is in place.  Therefore, it is recommended to appoint to management qualified people who have the experience and systems in place to handle financial, legal and technical issues and have resources and relationships to ensure that the condominium runs efficiently.The duties and obligations of the property manager will depend on its mandate and the provisions of the internal regulations. A property manager can be responsible for day-to-day management duties, including ensuring compliance and enforcement of the internal regulations, carrying out the technical management and all necessary maintenance, work and repairs, preparing the agenda for the general meetings and the annual budget of expenses and collecting the condominium fees from the unit owners.In conclusion, we would like to highlight that the drafting of the internal regulations and the right management choices are crucial in order to preserve the value of the condominium units and to ensure that the building runs successfully. A high quality condominium building alone is not enough to attract quality buyers and to provide the sought-after quality of life in a condominium.  Clear and comprehensive internal regulations linked with highly qualified management and a high quality development will attract investors and tenants.ON THE AUTHORSING Sophealeak and Charles AMAR, lawyers at Bun & Associates, advise domestic and foreign clients seeking expert advice and innovative solutions in dealing with significant and complex transactions involving both raw and developed properties.  Their work includes advising on all issues relating to real estate investment, project development, construction, asset management. Our real estate team has also hands-on expertise and experience in advising clients on matters related to economic land concessions, special economic zones, agriculture, the environment and mining.For further information, contact: Fax: +855 23 999 566Telephone: +855 23 999 567Website: www.bun-associates.com E-mail: ing@bun-associates.com / amar@bun-associates.comAddress: Bun & Associates#29, Street 294, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, P.O. Box 2326This publication is for your information only. It is not intended to be comprehensive and it does not constitute and must be not relied on as legal advice. You must seek specific advice tailored to your circumstances. Any use of the information contained in this article or the receipt of this article is not intended to create nor does it create a solicitor-client relationship between you and Bun & Associates. Unless otherwise indicated, Bun & Associates owns the copyright of this article. If you seek to reproduce or otherwise use this article or any part of it in any way, it is your responsibility to obtain approval for such use where necessary.Interested to purchase properties with high appreciation poteential? Check out our investor guide on the topic!
How "Affordable" is Phnom Penh "Affordable Housing"? Building homes for underserved communities
How "Affordable" is Phnom Penh "Affordable Housing"? Building homes for underserved communities
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Despite recent announcements of large development projects throughout Cambodia focusing on so-called “affordable housing” for the emerging middle class, there remains a massive gap in the market for quality affordable housing for the poor; especially the urban poor as more rural Cambodians flock to cities in search of work. As land prices continue to skyrocket in Cambodia’s commercial centres, those in need of lower-class housing are effectively pushed further and further from worthwhile economic opportunities.Two NGO’s are currently seeking to close this gap, and have discovered a common theme: the need for co-operation and a culture of constructive dialogue between the private and public sector, and NGOs.Habitat for Humanity International is present in 70 countries worldwide, seeking to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world.As Kif Nguyen, national director of Habitat for Humanity Cambodia stresses, “research shows that about 2 million houses in Cambodia do not meet minimum quality standards when it comes to design, durability, access to water/sanitation but also land tenure. Sub-standard housing is one of the key bottlenecks to inclusive, sustainable development across the nation – because poor housing in not only the consequence of poverty, but also a critical root cause.”Furthermore, says Nguyen, “by 2030, according to the National Housing Policy, Cambodia will need 1.1 million more houses to fulfill demand, and the vast majority of this demand will come from the lower-class particularly in urban areas.”Meanwhile, Building Trust International, a UK registered NGO, offers building design assistance to communities and individuals in need. David Cole, CEO of Building Trust International which has offices in Cambodia, believes that “housing can be a tool to inspire family [and] community investment in areas long after the initial projects are complete - through incremental housing design; and in the formation of jobs and training.”In Cambodia, both of these NGOs provide support for sustainable housing solutions that can meet the needs of the growing urban and rural poor. They also promote transformational community development through financing low income home loans, and encouraging support for their projects from both the private and public sector.A recent project in which Habitat and Building Trust has collaborated on in Cambodia is the design and implementation of the “Framework House” project, a highly sustainable, affordable house built from local bamboo and wood, costing the end buyer just $2,500.Cheap, but highly innovative, these homes are specifically designed for Cambodia. Shutters help encourage air flow and passive ventilation throughout the house while large, overhanging roofs allow for water catchment.The design and testing phase for the Framework House is complete, and the two organizations are now turning towards the next phase: higher-density multi-storey social housing design for urban areas. However, to make these projects succeed on a large scale, both organizations understand that assistance from the public and private sector is crucial.According to Nguyen, the government has already provided assistance and has shown some general willingness to further the collaboration into a larger scale. For instance, in Battambang, Habitat worked with the local Government to facilitate secure land tenure to families who have lived precariously on a large swath of public state land for many years.While the process of gaining secure land tenure is just the first step for sustainable housing development, Nguyen lamented that “it wasn’t easy. But, it can be done.” After each family receives a land certificate, Habitat then assists with the on-site development of homes and infrastructure projects such as roads and drainage systems.“Provision or subsidies of land is the key. We have the technical solutions – we can build affordable homes of high quality, as Habitat has done around the world, but as land prices soar in urban areas, we need support from the public and private sector in gaining access to land in adequate locations and at prices which won’t exclude the low income earners from the market,” added Nguyen.Through “Land Sharing” initiatives in which the three sectors genuinely co-operate, Nguyen firmly believes all Cambodian’s could achieve a decent standard of living. “The NGO sector has the knowledge of social housing and technical ability to design these projects; the private sector has the money; and the Government may facilitate access to land. If we create a culture of co-operation and constructive dialogue between these three sectors, we can change the status quo – and everyone can win.”Market Development is also another string on Habitat’s bow in Cambodia, as the organization supports low-income families in gaining access to home loan finance.“We helped 6000 families’ access home loans last year alone, but with increased support from the government, we have the potential to bring home financing to the masses. It is a viable market, and the largest share by far – but it requires more understanding and education throughout the lower-class and within the micro-financing industry,” he said.“In Cambodia’s three main urban centers, namely Phnom Penh, Battambang and Siem Reap, existing communities will need a portion of subsidized land for low cost housing or else today’s baby boomers will be priced out of the highly inflated, speculative land prices - which is increasingly what we are seeing,” says Cole. Currently, the rapid urbanization being seen in the city suburbs are pushing organizations like Habitat to look as far afield as Oudong when seeking affordable land to house families in need.“Whilst it is good to hear that people are talking about investment in affordable housing without government subsidies, says Cole, “the cost of units in these projects will still exclude many key workers and service professionals, or indeed lead to unsustainable debts and the social problems that follow.”“If real affordable housing of a good quality is to be achieved in urban centers such as Phnom Penh, we believe that the government must either provide land at a subsidized rate for building, or allocate land and build municipal housing with the support of organizations like Building Trust and Habitat - with fixed rents being paid to the government to recoup costs, maintain and build further projects,” confirms Cole.Click here for current  properties for sale in Cambodia and current properties for rent in CambodiaCheck out the best real estate news on Realestate.com.kh
Death of the King of Thailand: Will we see Property Investment Flight Over the Border?
Death of the King of Thailand: Will we see Property Investment Flight Over the Border?
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Serving as a stronghold for political and economic stability for seven decades, the Kingdom of Thailand is now at a standstill as it grieves the loss of King Bhumibol Adulyadej – the world’s longest serving monarch. The King, who also served as Thailand’s main father figure, passed away yesterday at 2:52pm, Thailand time. The Royal Household Bureau characterized it as a peaceful death.Dealing with Uncertainty:Meanwhile, as crowds gathered at the hospital to show their sympathy, many are also concerned about economic changes arising from a new leadership. The King’s governance had brought about both political and socio-economic stability for the past decades. Some fear that foreign property investors in Thailand, a traditionally popular market in the region with attractive returns on investment, will see this small window of uncertainty as a foreshadowing of a decline in the market.Alex Evengroen, ceo of real estate firm Key Real Estate Co., Ltd., weighs in on the situation and says, “The challenge in Thailand’s real estate industry will be to keep improving and moving forward for foreign as well as for the local investors in Thailand. We will have to wait and see if in the near future the policies in Thailand will stay as it is or will become more flexible for people worldwide.”Property Investment Moving With or From Thailand?Although mixed perspectives are being drawn from this unfortunate event, some experts are hinting that potential investors may choose to place their money in nearby emerging countries like Cambodia until these uncertainties are eliminated and stability is once again ensured.Bobby Peoples, Country Manager of HomeConnect  Cambodia – a premier expat home search company – explains, “Due to the death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, the military junta must show the Thai people during the following period of uncertainty that they can provide security, stability and political reconciliation. If they fail, both Thai investors and foreigners looking at property investment in Thailand may look to Cambodia as a safer option. Although this remains to be seen.”Evengroen, however, remained skeptical. He explains, “As a specialist in the Real Estate industry I do not think it will affect the Real Estate market in Cambodia due to the fact that not many Thai investors or homebuyers have invested in the real estate sector in general.”But Evengroen remains hopeful. He continues, “I hope that in the near future both countries will come together and discuss potential opportunities for the industry what hopefully will improve the ties and strengthen relationships for the future.”The world has lost a great man, and Thailand has lost the father of its people, but is it also about to lose an economic battle? The next few days are critical, and people will be at the edge of their seats, anxiously waiting as Thailand enters into a new chapter of its history.  Keep up with the latest real estate news, every day of the week!Click here to download your free copy!
Key Differences in Land Titles in Cambodia, with Grant Fitzgerald on Realestate.com.khTV
Key Differences in Land Titles in Cambodia, with Grant Fitzgerald on Realestate.com.khTV
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Within the past two decades, different forms of land titles have popped up. Transactions have made a steady change as a result of that.And Grant Fitzgerald – Country Manager of IPS Cambodia – gives a bit of an overview on each type of title during his recent talk with Realestate.com.kh.Soft Land Titles in Cambodia:Fitzgerald mentions that soft titles are the most common form of land ownership. Around 85 percent of all properties in Cambodia are owned through a soft title and are registered both at Sangkat and Khan – council and district – levels only. He mentions that soft titles are transferred in less than 10 working days at a low cost.Hard Land Titles in Cambodia:Fitzgerald explains that hard titles are “the strongest form of ownership here in Cambodia.” Hard titles are registered at a national level – through the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction. Transfer of hard titles are done at the cadastral office and usually takes 12 weeks to complete. You also have to pay a 4 percent transfer tax.LMAP Land Titles in Cambodia:Fitzgerald explains that the LMAP or the “Land Management and Administration Project” came into existence in 2002 with the help of the World Bank. He says that the project was designed “with the idea of improving the quality of the information on the property titles here in Cambodia.”Similarly, the transfer costs and timeframe are almost the same between LMAP titles and hard titles. The difference though is that LMAP titles are anchored on GPS points and are aimed towards more rural geographical locations.Co-ownership “Strata Titles”:Fitzgerald explains that “strata titles are available for foreigners, where the others aren’t.” He also mentions that strata titles have a much more specific set of qualifications. Among these qualifications is the restriction of foreign ownership of up to only 70 percent of a building, provided that it does not touch the ground floor. It’s only applicable for buildings built after 2010 and should not be within 30 kilometers of any national border.Strata titles are also recognised at the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction.  And both transfer time and transfer costs are similar to Hard titles and LMAP titlesCheck out IPS properties for sale and rent on Realestate.com.kh today!
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Apartments for rent in Siem Reap, with Grant Fitzgerald for Realestate.com.khTV
Apartments for rent in Siem Reap, with Grant Fitzgerald for Realestate.com.khTV
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
With the growing expat and tourism community in Siem Reap, things like “Distinguished Gentleman’s Rides” and free passes to Angkor Wat temple complex have become the talk of the town. But which apartment locations provide the most value for your money, both financially and in residential experience? Grant Fitzgerald, IPS Country Manager, talks about the hottest places to for apartments for rent in Siem Reap right now.What are Popular and Attractive Areas for Expats Seeking Apartments for rent in Siem Reap?Fitzgerald explains that there’s generally good access to all major areas in Siem Reap for expats, but the most popular areas are Wat Damnak, Wat Bo, Wat Po Langka and the Central Market Areas.As a matter of experience, Fitzgerald says that Wat Bo is attractive because it has a lot of apartments coming up and is just 5 minutes away from the restaurants and the main pub street area. He continues to say that there’s also a lot of trees and vegetation in Wat Bo. How Much Are the Monthly Apartment Rental Costs for apartments for rent in Siem Reap?Fitzgerald says, “The market’s actually changing a little bit up there in the moment because there’s a lot of construction.” He says there’s around 300 new residential units coming online.He mentions that a standard one-bedroom apartment for rent in Siem Reap will cost you $350 a month. Added facilities like pools, gyms, and security will bump the price up to around $500 to $600 per month.A luxury apartment will cost you around $800 to $1,200 a month. Fitzgerald says that an additional 25 percent of those prices would be the cost for each additional room.Special Advice for Property Hunting for Apartments for rent in Siem Reap in Siem Reap:He says that prices in Siem Reap are generally cheaper, in comparison to Phnom Penh prices.As closing, Fitzgerald strongly recommends people to do their homework by looking at updated websites like realestate.com.kh or the IPS website. He says that in order to avoid surprises, trusted real estate agents, as experts in the field, should be one of the main considerations in property hunting.Find the best Apartments for rent in Siem Reap now!  Click here to download your free copy!
Phnom Penh Expanding: Municipal Revealed Plans to Build a Bridge Across the Tonle Sap Soon
Phnom Penh Expanding: Municipal Revealed Plans to Build a Bridge Across the Tonle Sap Soon
June 6, 2022, 11:28 p.m.
Realestate News
The Municipality plans to build a bridge across the Tonle Sap River to connect from Chroy Chongva Peninsula  to the Russey Keo area in Kilometre Number 6. On October 7th,  2016, The Municipality of Phnom Penh organized a meeting with officials to discuss a plan to build a new road and remove the old railway. Meanwhile, in terms of the construction of a new bridge across the Tonle Sap River, Pa Socheatvong – Governor of the Municipality of Phnom Penh – said that "the budget for the construction of a new bridge has already been prepared, and the construction will start soon."He specified that in the  next step, technical experts will conduct a study of the area and location conditions to ensure that both the east and west ends  will benefit in terms of traffic and the interest of the local population. As of now, the east side is being developed as a satellite city.He said, "The project for the west riverbank of the new bridge will be built on the old railway in Sangkat Russey Keo, Khan Russey Keo, across Route 5, and across the river, towards Street No. 70, Dam of Toul Kork.The governor mentioned that in order to tackle the negative impact of the traffic and to accelerate the process of the building, local authorities will cooperate with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to take out the old railway and replace it with the construction of a concrete road, measuring 30 meters wide, with a total length of 6 kilometers.He said when these two projects are completed, it will ease the traffic congestion at the entrance in Phnom Penh. This will make it more convenient to travel along National Road No. 5 at Kilometre Number 6, toward the Bridge of Chroy Changva. This will especially benefit the people in the Russey Keo area, who used to cross the Chroy Changva Bridge.Regarding the new project, In Setha, Advisor of VTrust Appraisal, believes that the project will be completed because it was thoroughly discussed as part of the government’s strategic plan for the area.He explains that there are currently only two national roads in the city that serve as entry points – Road No. 5 and 6. In some occasions, such as Phchom Ben Day or Khmer New Year, the traffic worsens. So, building the new road or bridge will help ease the traffic situation, both in the area and the whole city.He continues to say that building this new bridge is important to the local people. When the bridge construction is completed, another commercial road will follow. And this will bring more business on the road side. Some anarchic houses will also be removed, and more developments will reach the area.After the planning of the new bridge is completed according to the standards of the government, there will be 4  bridges across the Tonle Sap River; 2 in Chroy Changva, the Bridge of Prek Phnov, and this new bridge project in  Khan Russey Keo.Find out more the recent development news in Cambodia with Realestate.com.kh!   Click here to download your free copy!
Big World, Small Room: Transforming small spaces to feel bigger
Big World, Small Room: Transforming small spaces to feel bigger
June 7, 2022, 4:05 a.m.
Realestate News
Big cities with lots of small spaces are an old tale that’s been told many times before. It may be because of a housing budget issue or maybe because of a lack of proper planning and innovation. And while some choose to focus on what isn’t there, others have chosen to make use of what they have as they try and expand their property – or at least give an illusion of it.So, what should you do if you find yourself cramped and uncomfortable in your own home?Here are some handy tips to make that small condo unit, apartment of shophouse feel more spacious and open, without knocking out any walls! This can improve your lifestyle as a resident in that condo, but it is also a useful trick to use when it comes time to sell or rent that space.Play with Colors:For years, psychologists have deduced that colors play a significant role in affecting our emotions and our behavior. But you can push that a bit further and use that concept to trick your brain.Using light colors on your walls can create the illusion that a room is actually bigger than it is. The reason for that is because we associate dark colors with enclosed spaces like prisons, coffins, and closets. Brighter colors remind us of the sky, the beach, and the open sea. It’s all about using colors and the concept of association.Create Dimensions:While you can go for a more monochromatic feel, using only light colors doesn’t mean you can’t use different shades on the wall to create more depth. It’s all about balance. Alternately, you can also achieve the same effect by actually eliminating the depth between the wall and your furniture. You can do this by using objects of the same color as your wall or use a slightly different shade to create some variation. You can also make use of light and bright color palette to keep your house looking fresh and alive.Spacing Your Space:There is a natural tendency for people to push the furniture as far back to the wall as they can in order to create a big centralized space inside a room. But this hurts your cause more than it helps.Providing small spaces in between furniture not only literally gives you more space, it also gives you the appearance of a bigger room. You can even angle it out so that lines on the room begin to bend and break. This takes the focus away from the corners and effectively widens the visual perspective.Open Up:Just because you’re trying to make your space look bigger doesn’t mean you can’t utilize the space outside the room for continuity. Infinity pools are great examples of this concept.If you have windows, it’s best to not put up curtains. This not only keeps the room’s aesthetic light, it also helps incorporate the view into the space. If you’re at an area at the center of the house though, you can opt to have small windows installed that go through to other rooms. For example, you can install a window between the dining room and the kitchen. This then opens up both spaces and makes both look wider than it is. Make it Magical:Magicians are full of tricks. They use a lot of distractions, slight of hand, and illusions in order to show the audience what’s there and even what isn’t. We can take a cue from that and use tools like mirrors to magically make enclosed areas look bigger by visually duplicating the space. This simple and subtle tip has been effectively used by interior designers for years now.Small spaces don’t have to make you feel like you live in a small space. The only limit to how big small spaces can feel is a little bit of work and a little bit of creativity! Try some of these tips in your home today!Catch the coolest property tips on Realestate.com.kh news today!
Khan Toul Kork: A Rags to Riches story
Khan Toul Kork: A Rags to Riches story
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Moving away from its undeveloped past, these days Toul Kork has become a popular suburban area filled with a variety of villas that people can either rent or own, apartments and office complexes.Offering land prices significantly lower than hot inner city districts such as Chamkarmon and Daun Penh, families have the chance for a larger living area when they move to Toul Kork. The outskirts of Toul Kork are key industrial areas of the city, and many residents in the area work nearby. Toul Kork in 2016 is seeing a huge rise in establishments such as restaurants, clinics, and private schools, and an increasingly eclectic mix of Traditional Khmer families and expatriates.How’s the property market?LAND MARKET:According to a report released by V Trust Appraisal, there was a slight increase in land prices in the area from 2013 to early 2016 which moved average rates from $2,150 to $2,530 per square meter. Prime commercial streets have also been reported to reach up to $5,750 per square meter in central Toul Kork. The lowest land price average comes from the Boeung Kak Ti Muoy Sangkat, at $1,820 per square meter. The highest land price average comes from the Phsar Depou Ti Bei Sangkat, at $3,630. According to V Trust, “Over the last preceding decade, Northern fringes of Tuol Kouk district was the first main destination for residential relocation because of its available large portions of vacant land and a neighborhood of the central parts of the capital. “V Trust also notes that many of the locations in the Toul Kork District now appear to have reached their market price caps. Hoem Seiha, the company’s director of research, says “The market started to show sign of slowing down since the fourth quarter of 2015. The whole year (2016) is foreseen to be a bit sluggish.”RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES:Depending on your preference and needs, you may opt to rent a condominium in Toul Kork. You can get a furnished one-bedroom condo unit to rent for $180 a month up to a four-bedroom fully-furnished lower-end unit for $2,000 a month near TK Avenue. Prime Units in Boeung Kak 1 have three bedroom units, for around $2,100 per month.Serviced apartments are also widely available, starting from $350 upwards to around $4,000 per month, depending on the area, services and amenities.For a villa, the rental prices range anywhere from $550 upwards, depending on quality, rooms and amenities such as swimming pools.  Villa’s are much more freely available for rent and sale in Toul Kork, as compared to prime inner city districts where the availability of villas is now very low, and also much more expensive than those in Toul Kork.An increasing number of borey developments are also popping up around Toul Kork, proving very popular with local buyers seeking shop houses and villas with sound infrastructure and a safe, neighbourhood environment.OFFICE SPACES AND BUSINESS CENTERS:There are a number of office spaces for rent in Toul Kork. Rental fees of these offices start as low as $4.50 per square meter per month.  You can also rent out a decent multi-level building for around $8,000 a month.Other than renting office spaces, entrepreneurs, small businesses and startups may want to check out the SmallWorld Business Center, a unique business center that provides the necessary facilities, amenities, guidance, community support, and provision for budding businesses. They mostly cater to the younger generation, but all entrepreneurs are welcome to both seek assistance and contribute here. It has a set of foreign and local entrepreneurs in its roster.NEW DEVELOPMENTS:The new Appenines Condominium by KHSI Investment PTE LTD will reach completion around early 2018 or late 2017. It will rise to be 17 storeys tall, and will include units that will range from one bedroom to three bedrooms. It will also have shared condo facilities such as a gym, car parks, and a pool.Conveniently positioned in front of the Royal University of Phnom Penh – TK Royal One is a luxury residential and office complex on Russian Boulevard, very close to Toul Kork. This property provides residents with sweeping views of parklands and the greater Phnom Penh City.Lifestyle facilities include the fitness center,swimming pool, community lounge and roof garden. TK Royal One is close to the Prime Minister’s Office, major banks, shopping malls and the three overpasses along the Russian Boulevard to ensure the smooth traffic between Phnom Penh International Airport and downtown.Toul Kork Lifestyle:What schools are in the Toul Kork area?There is no shortage of schools in Toul Kork. The educational institutions in the area which cater to the needs of students from kindergarten all the way to college. This area is perfect for those who need to live nearby key educational institutions.There are a mix of local and international schools in the area such as the Footprints International School, Learning Jungle School, Hope International School, Western International School, Western University, Stamford International Academy, Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia, the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and the Royal University of Phnom Penh.Most of these schools also have international accreditation from organizations like the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Cambridge International Examination Centre, and the International Baccalaureate.How do I move around the city?There are a few familiar modes of transport that people may be familiar with such as the taxi, tuk tuks and the occasional public bus.Motodops are motorbike taxis that serve as a source of income for locals. Tuk tuks and motodops may be the most convenient and fastest way to get around if you don’t have a vehicle of your own, but bus routes in Phnom Penh also pass through Toul Kork. Bus stations in the area include the Daem Kor Market bus station and the Kampot Express Limousine Bus terminal. How is Infrastructure in Toul Kork improving?There are already two major roads – Mao Tse Toung Boulevard and Russian Confederation Boulevard – that connect Toul Kork to different districts around Phnom Penh, making neighbouring Khans and Sangkats accessible, and also offering Toul Kork residents a quick drive to the Phnom Penh International Airport.The Russian Boulevard overpass connecting Toul Kork to the rest of the city has recently undergone a massive improvement, and already traffic congestion at these key crossroads points have decreased significantly. Roads such as Hanoi Street have also seen drastic improvements over the last year. The ongoing development of Boeung Kak lake will also greatly ease pressure on Toul Kork infrastructure moving forward.What if I get sick? Are there Toul Kork Medical Centers?There is no shortage of medical facilities in the area. Toul Kork has the Cambodian Red Cross, National Pediatric Hospital, Khema Clinic & Maternity Hospital, Toul Kork Clinic & Maternity, Biomed Phnom Penh Laboratory, and the National Institute of Public Health. It’s also the location for Cambodia’s Ministry of Health.For your dental needs, you can pay a visit to the Dental Clinic Le Sourire that’s located at the Russian Confederation Boulevard or the American Dental Clinic at Street 289.Is the Toul Kork area prone to natural disasters?When the government and private sector developed Boeung Kak Lake, pumps were installed to transfer water to the surrounding rivers, as the lake previously helped regulate floods in the area. But since the lake’s development, flooding became an issue in surrounding areas such as Toul Kork and Daun Penh. But not all locations here are easily flooded. This “no flood” attribute has been a selling point for some of the properties that are listed online. So if you are looking at ground floor properties in Toul Kork, it is best to check with your agent and previous owners/tenants as to whether or not your future house, and the street you live in, is a flood free area. If it’s not, you may get a surprise next rainy season!What’s the nightlife like in Toul Kork?Though known to be a quiet area, Toul Kork has plenty of places to wind down after a hard day’s work. If you want to go out for some fun, karaoke, food, and good company, you can go to the numerous KTV bars and restaurants located here. You can choose between the Romantic KTV, M2 Restaurant & KTV, Moonlight Restaurant & KTV, and many others. If you’re looking for dance parties and loud music, there’s also the Egypt Nightclub on St. 112 in Boeung Kok II. It has a wide dance floor, good local songs playing, food, and drinks. It’s open from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am. Are there any places to shop and eat in Toul Kork?There are a number of shopping malls and facilities in the area such as Hin Sokha, but most of the people are drawn to the open air shopping experience of TK Avenue.For those seeking international cuisine and want to do some shopping, or catch a movie in the cinema, your best bet is TK Avenue. A trendy shopping and eating plaza, famous among local culture vultures and expats, TK Avenue has french, korean, japanese and american food on offer, and a whole lot more. You can also catch the latest blockbuster movies here on the big screen. The plaza has its own supermarket too, if you need to pick up your groceries while you are there.Find several retail, electronic, and F&B businesses like Dairy Queen, Chatime, Browns coffee, Breadtalk, Penshoppe, Romanson, Pedro, Chateau De Sable, Lily, Sony, OSIM, and Esprit.If you’re searching for a wider selection of food, drinks, and produce though, you may also want to check out the Thai Huot Market, just a drive away from TK Avenue. It was built to serve the needs of both locals and expatriates by providing local and international products you would rarely find elsewhere. But there are also other markets in the area such as the Daem Kor Market, the Neak Meas Market, and the Phsar Plaecher.There are also many restaurants around Toul Kork, but one of the favorites in the area is a branch of the Sonivid Fresh Seafood Restaurant that serves a hefty serving of seafood in asian style. But if this does not satisfy you, you can also go to Burger King, Ratana Srey Mao, Metro Azura, The Blue Pumpkin, J8 Korean Grill & Casual Dining, or the Red Wine House to satisfy your cravings.Toul Kork will also be the location for the Aeon Mall 2 which will stand with four floors and a total area of 151,000 square meters that aims to serve the growing number of tourists and middle-class citizens. The Aeon Mall 2 is expected to be completed by May of 2018.Where are the Gyms, Fitness and Wellness Centers in Toul Kork?For the fitness buff, a couple of gyms are scattered within the area such as the Core Fitness Center along Russian Confederation Boulevard and SeaStone Fitness Center along Street 219.But if you’re looking to get some action through actual sports, there are a couple of sports centers in Toul Kork as well where you can play Soccer, Badminton, and other activities as well. The list includes the Akira Sport Club, Tuol Kork Sport Club, Premium Sport Club, and the Ramar Football club.If you get exhausted after that, spas like the TK Steam Sauna Massage Spa and New Men City Hotel & Spa await you to help you relax and unwind.What Costs of living should I expect in Toul Kork?In a recent Numbeo survey, it was shown that one way transport tickets may cost you an average of $2 and a monthly pass might cost you $29.69. Taxis, meanwhile, start at $1 for short trips in the city. If you have your own vehicle though, gasoline prices in Phnom Penh are expected to be around $0.93 per liter.Depending on your usage, utilities may vary. But the basic utilities such as waste disposal, water, and electricity are at an average of $84.12 per month for a one room apartment, and the internet is approximately $34 for 10mbps of unlimited data. A minute of call on your prepaid phone sets you back just about $0.06.For the food, milk is priced $2.36 per liter; a dozen eggs costs around $1.55; rice is $1.03 per kilogram; a loaf of white bread is at $1.33; and water is $0.77 per 1.5 liters. Meals prices also vary. A meal at an inexpensive restaurant costs an average of $2.75 per person. A three-course meal for two at a mid-range restaurant costs around $16. Learn more about life and real estate in Phnom Penh!
78-Storey Commercial Building Construction will start early next year
78-Storey Commercial Building Construction will start early next year
June 6, 2022, 8:10 p.m.
Realestate News
Events & Announcements
Phnom Penh has undergone surprising changes in the last decade. Commercial buildings and skyscrapers have been and are being built, turning this once haunting ghost city to one of the newest civilized and modern cities in the world.But the changes aren’t quite done yet. A 78-storey commercial building will rise from the ashes for the first time in Phnom Penh where construction will begin in early 2017. This will add to the estimated 600 existing tall buildings – living up to the Asian Development Bank’s designation of Cambodia as "Asia’s New Tiger Economy.”A staff of the Yung Chung Company who does not wish to be named said that “the building design has been completed, and the construction is scheduled to begin in early 2017. The development will reach total completion by 2021, but its showroom will be launched in November this year.” He added that “this building will be a mixed-use development and will include shopping malls, condominiums, hotels, as well as a swimming pool and a rotated restaurant on the 78th floor.”He continues, “The detailed plans of using this building was completed, but details are still confidential at the moment. This project has already been approved by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction.”Seng Lot, the spokesman for the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction confirms, “The ministry has already agreed to provide a license for Yung Chung Real Estate to construct a building of 78 floors.”Ann Sothida, director of CBRE Cambodia, said that as far as she’s gathered, this mixed-use business center will be built in the future. But the market is not doing good, and that could cause a delay in the construction of the project. She added that with the company’s innovative approach of the building though, this project should not have any problems in the Cambodian market once it is completed. According to her, the project will be located behind “The Bridge” building, which is near Diamond Island (Koh Pich). However, she did not show the feature details of the plan.President of CVEA, Kim Heang, said that “Investors of the skyscraper project will be through a developer from China. The project will also  occupy a total area of 4,500 square meters and will cost lower than $20 million.” He adds that “if the project owner has enough money to complete this huge building project, it will not be a problem for this market.”Once completed, it will become the 2nd tallest building in Phnom Penh, next to the 133 floor Thai Boon Roong twin trade center which is 500 meters high.Dr. Van Vat, Planning Specialist, explains that Cambodia already has a regulation to limit tall buildings. So, if our law enforcement is good, it will not only protect the heritage in the city, but it will maintain the beautiful sceneries and will minimize the environmental impact as well. He continues to say that normally the construction of  such a high building requires the company to have studied all the technical standards, and the specialist from the ministry has to inspect and go over the construction standards to make sure that the company’s complying with the request or not.He adds that "Having these tall commercial buildings, it is a national pride because it is not only improving the economy, but it also provides employment and income for the people as well."Check out the hottest new development homes and offices!This story was featured in the September 2016 print edition of PROPERTY VIEW magazine, produced by the CVEA.Realestate.com.kh is very proud to support the CVEA’s Property View publication. For more information about joining the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA) please click here. And, if you are interested in advertising placement or advertorial in the next edition of Property View Magazine, please contact Mr. Virith via email: virith007@yahoo.com Or call: 078 959 567  or 098 66 26 68
CamKo City is now Heart of North-Phnom Penh
CamKo City is now Heart of North-Phnom Penh
June 7, 2022, 4:51 a.m.
Realestate News
Just a decade ago, the Camko City was merely a lake area of Phnom Penh, Boeng Pong Peay. At that time, it was considered as the Northern end of Toul Kork, which has been traditionally a wealthy residential area. However, so far, the scene has dramatically changed, transforming into Northern center of the capital.Since the first satellite city planning was approved by the government in 2005, World City Co., Ltd., the developer of CamKo City introduced a global standard of residential, commercial, and business complex for the first time in the property market. The development has been slowed down due to external turmoil such as global economic recession, financial crunch and partners’ financial difficulties. However, we now witness that the area has strongly settled down as one of sought-after places.Some of the luxury villas in R2 Secret Garden project are being completed one by one, and ready for move-in.These finest properties will add more value to the existing residential area.Furthermore, commercial activities are becoming livelier. The shops along the Angkor Boulevard, a 30-meter wide road at the center of CamKo City, are recently occupied by more business owners, and they seem to enjoy prosperity with the increased number of residents and visitors.World City Co., Ltd. has resumed suspended condominium projects, and now is rigorously preparing to launch new upcoming projects.Regarding to the new projects, Mr. LEE SeungHyung, Senior Vice President of CamKo City mentioned, “Now, our follow-up projects are under careful planning and preparation. The market, in particular investment sentiment and demand trend, has changed. Our next projects will be responsive to this diversified demand.”“As population continues to increase in this region, there is a strong need for large scaled commercial, business facilities and amenities. Accordingly, an attractive commercial complex and high-street area is under planning for the C10 plot between R1 condominium and R2 Secret Garden villas. Also, in the M6 plot just north of R1 condominium, a mixed development of medical center, office spaces, serviced residence and retail is already planned. These new projects will begin one by one in an appropriate manner,” added by Mr. LEE.Lastly, the contribution to National Housing Policy is one of the biggest interest of the developer as well. Increase in housing demand and lack of affordable housing supply are raising significant social concerns. It is said that, reflecting the demand, a mid-ranged residential complex is already prepared in CamKo City and waiting for the launch.Also in the surrounding area of CamKo City, within Sen Sok and Russey Keo, noticeable developments have got into full swing. To the West of CamKo City, the second AEON Mall recently commenced the construction with the completion expected in 2018. At the North end of CamKo City, a renowned Australian International School Phnom Penh (AISPP) is about to complete the construction. In addition, large number of various high-profile residential projects are already completed and on process nearby.With all these developments both within CamKo City and the surrounding area, and along with Phnom Penh’s expansion,we expect to witness and enjoy the area’s further transformation into the global-standard satellite city, as initially sculpted by CamKo City.View the latest new developments on Realestate.com.kh!This story was featured in the September 2016 print edition of PROPERTY VIEW magazine, produced by the CVEA. Realestate.com.kh is very proud to support the CVEA’s Property View publication. For more information about joining the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA) please click here. And, if you are interested in advertising placement or advertorial in the next edition of Property View Magazine, please contact Mr. Virith via email: virith007@yahoo.com Or call: 078 959 567  or 098 66 26 68
Living in Condos When Land Prices High
Living in Condos When Land Prices High
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Experts and developers in the field still maintain a confident position that there will be continuous growth in Cambodian real estate, most especially for the condo market.This is because there is a growing interest in this type of property as a result of continuous increase in land prices.Kheang Puthy, director of Slek Rith Realty, says that sooner or later the occupancy rate of Cambodians living in condo will increase. Where currently, those who purchase units are people who used to live or study abroad, Puthy believes that more and more professionals will be buying or renting out units in the near future. This is from the fact that there is a growing population of middle- to high- income Cambodian Citizens who are affected by the worsening of traffic conditions.He encourages people to support and be optimistic about the progress of the condos sector. Puthy adds that negativity will only undermine the process of development and may cause the country to fall behind in comparison to neighboring countries that are also rapidly growing in terms of condominium developments. But he warns of a possibility of surplus. If there is an excessive supply, then the government will eventually have to tackle this issue and look for ways to regulate it.Anthony Ong, CEO of Spring CJW Development, said that "Cambodian citizens remain as a pillar for strong economic growth and real estate in the country." He added, "We do have confidence and want people to have good living standards." Spring CJW Development is also an investor in the Axis Residences condominium project which has 566 units located near the Phnom Penh International Airport.He says they really want to help improve the lives of citizens through offering a good place to live in which is comparable to Singapore. He added that the purpose of their investments in the condos project, Axis Residences, is not just to create a home, but to create a desirable housing project with all the necessary amenities.Meanwhile, Cheng Kheng, tycoon and CEO of CPL Cambodia Plc, said that living in condos is a more civilized and modern way of living because condos can have everything people will need such as parking spaces, shopping malls, gyms, saunas, swimming pools and gardens. Kheng adds that Cambodians feel a difference between landed properties and condominium units where they can live harmoniously in a modern setup.According to a research report from a Cambodian real estate agent, land in commercial zones in the city varies by location. In Norodom Boulevard, land can cost between $3,500 and $6,000 per square meter. While in Monivong Boulevard, land prices range from $3,000 to $5,500. In Russian Boulevard land can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 dollars. It’s relatively lower in Mao Tse Tung Boulevard where you’ll only need to spend between $3,000 and $5,000 per square meter. However, in the top 4 residential districts such as ChamkarMon, Daun Penh, 7 Makara and Toul Kork, it will only set you back around $1,500 and $ 4,000 per square meter in investment cost.Mr. Sarun Rithea, spokesman of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, recognizes this difficulty to buy land and build houses, especially in prime areas such as Boeung Keng Kang, Daun Penh and Toul Kork.The increase of land price is due to the land at Delta City becoming a land where investors build high-rise buildings, commercial buildings and condominiums. He said that according to the Municipality of Phnom Penh, land located 20 square kilometers around the city center is also becoming more expensive, but the increase isn’t as drastic as the capital city itself.He said that, "In Phnom Penh, a number of those who have from 1 to 10 homes are only 10 percent. Those who have a home for themselves are about 20 percent, and a number of those who do not have homes, fixed salary and middle-income (citizens) or above is about 70 percent.” Most of these people without homes have houses with their family and can be redeemed with the bank.The report of the Ministry of Finance showed that the growth of condos in Cambodia in 2015 reached 15,000 units and this number will continue to rise to 45,000 units in 2018.While in Phnom Penh, the number of new condos has increased, most customers who bought a unit are foreigners, including nationals from China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and France. Statistics showed that there are 20 percent of Cambodians who are condominium owners, while another 80 percent are foreigners. Find  more real estate news on Realestate.com.kh!This story was featured in the September 2016 print edition of PROPERTY VIEW magazine, produced by the CVEA.Realestate.com.kh is very proud to support the CVEA’s Property View publication. For more information about joining the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA) please click here. And, if you are interested in advertising placement or advertorial in the next edition of Property View Magazine, please contact Mr. Virith via email: virith007@yahoo.com Or call: 078 959 567  or 098 66 26 68
Insurance May Limit Risks of Property Boom
Insurance May Limit Risks of Property Boom
June 7, 2022, 6:58 a.m.
Realestate News
According to the data from the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction, there were around 2,500 developments covering an area of 7.7 million square meters of land last year and about 700 buildings – ranging from five to 55 floors – that were built across the country. Most of which are located in the Kandal, Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, and Battambang provinces. This contributed to investments in the construction sector which rose to an all-time high at nearly $3.5 billion or up to 40 percent from 2014.But despite the construction sector showing strong investment growth, construction owners still seem to take the topic of getting insurance lightly.According to the director and general manager of Forte Insurance, Youk Chamreounrith, with the rapid growth in the sector, risks become an inevitable factor in construction site management and should be one of the primary issues that owners and companies are keeping their focus on. He says that “in the insurance sector on the construction in Cambodia people seem to understand about it limitedly, while the other countries care of construction insurance a lot and take care of risks in the construction sites.”He states that the growing problem even urged him to demonstrate the risk issue to construction owners. He further encourages that “people, investors, and as well as construction owners should clearly learn and consider the importance of construction insurance. If the construction meets a small problem, it’s okay. But if the problem in the construction is big or the contractor runs away, the construction will get stuck” and will cost the owners more than they had anticipated.Hopeful for the future of insurance though, Chamreounrith says that “in the previous time, Forte paid millions of dollar insurance for some construction owners; however, the number of construction owners’ insurance purchasing is low. But I hope people and the owners will understand clearly about the construction insurance.”This is a sentiment that is backed up by Chhay Rattanak – the deputy director-general of the General Department of Financial Industry, Ministry of Economy and Finance – who says that the insurance sector plays a vital role in both developed and developing countries and is one of the pillars of the financial system and economic development through risk curb in the construction, industry and service sector.“Last year insurance capital in total was $8 million as insurance in the engineering sector was $3.5 million. In the last five years the sector saw an increase of 20 percent year-on-year which requires stakeholders to prepare regulations to improve the sector,” Rattanak said. He further expounds that “with the strong growth of the construction sector, the ministry called for construction companies and as well construction owners to buy insurance to protect their construction site. However, insurance purchasing from construction owners is still low which requires the ministry involved to prepare and urge them to buy insurance.”In 2015, about 500,000 people had life insurance worth about $22 million, which increased three-fold from the year before. The total premiums for general insurance also rose 16.4 percent last year from $53 million to about $61.6 million, with property, fire, vehicle, and the medical categories leading the way. This is according to the Insurance Association of Cambodia.The report from the association shows that the fastest-growing segment of insurance was property and fire that had premiums rising 35.1 percent, followed by vehicle insurance that grew 14.5 percent, medical insurance by 26 percent, and personal accident insurance up by 18.8 percent from 2014.Slowly, Cambodia is seeing the rise of construction security through insurance education and appreciation where hopefully, one day, the vision of Chamreounrith and Rattanak will come to be a reality.
The Inspiration for 88 Suites SoHo, Phnom Penh, with Architect Chee Eun Tang on Realestate.com.khTV
The Inspiration for 88 Suites SoHo, Phnom Penh, with Architect Chee Eun Tang on Realestate.com.khTV
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
With a growing range of condominium units coming into the Cambodian market, many have expressed their concern over ongoing and future condominium projects which may contribute to an eventual oversupply. But this did not deter YCT Land Pte Ltd, an established Malaysian developer, from constructing what would be a first in this country.Paving the way and utilizing the expertise of Kuala Lumpur-based architectural firm, SW1P Collective, 88 Suites – a “small office, home office” property – will now be introduced into the Phnom Penh skyline and property market.Otherwise known as SOHO, this type of property has been popular in different countries for quite some time now such as in Malaysia and Hong Kong. This is due to its dual-purpose characteristics. This, according to Mr. Chee Eun Tang – the Director of SW1P – will cater to both the younger and older generations who are looking for either self-use or for future investment.For 88 Suites, SW1P has created a tall, elegant, and eco-tropical building that glimmers under the sunlight. The external metal mesh screen not only provides sun-shading purposes while optimizing incoming natural daylight, but is also a design tribute to Cambodian traditional textile. Within that narrow exterior are three types of SOHO units which are thoughtfully finished and furnished to international quality and standards. These units include the 85 square meter SOHO Luxe, 100 square meter SOHO Loft (duplex unit), and the 50 square meter SOHO Executive.88 Suites will also feature the first Intelligent Car Parking System in Phnom Penh which will allow auto mechanisms to park a car without the need for a driver or valet, keeping everything compact, convenient and secured for unit owners."Life in Balance", the SOHO concept for 88 Suites, according to Mr. Tang, promotes a modern lifestyle for "live, work, play."Unit owners live in a comfortable and fully secured environment, while enjoying the convenience of both business and leisure amenities such as the sky lounge with meeting rooms, business centers, infinity pool, sky gymnasium, saunas, 24-hour and 4-tier security system, modern bathrooms and kitchens fitted with products from world-class brands such as Villeroy & Boch, and GROHE. The building will also have wireless internet connection throughout.Located in the heart of the capital in Boeung Keng Kang 1, 88 Suites is accessible to nearby destinations, including the Mao Tse Toung Boulevard, Preah Norodom, Naga World, Phnom Penh International Airport, Sisowath Quay, and the Aeon Mall. It also comes with an impressive 360-degree view of Phnom Penh  City that also overlooks the Mekong River.Amidst the growing number of the usual condominium developments, 88 Suites serves as a breath of fresh air and as a challenge for future and existing developers to step up their game. Should their SOHO concept find success, this may be the start of a whole new property market in Cambodia.See the full listing and inquire today!
Condominium for Modern People: Are Cambodian living tastes changing?
Condominium for Modern People: Are Cambodian living tastes changing?
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
There are many modern residential homes in Phnom Penh city, whether they are villas, boreys or condominiums. But looking at the different types of properties, it is apparent developers are increasingly interested in building high-rise condominiums that are suitable with the local standards of living and are marketed at this group of buyers, particularly the young and modern Khmer families.Find out more about new developments on Realestate.com.khBut what do the local Cambodian buyers think about living in a Condominium? In terms of the standard of living in Cambodia, the concept of high-rise residential units has already become a trend. As Mr. Vorn Chan Thorn, CEO of Town City, puts it: "If we have sufficient financing and want to have a monthly income, we can buy a condominium in the city for leasing because it is convenient and brings in a fixed monthly income of about $ 1,500." Many people today are also changing the way they think about the standard of living, where comfort and privacy are held in high regard. These are things that those who buy a condominium need, according to businessman Pin Pisey. He says, "I bought a condo a year ago near Sansam Kosal Pagoda. I bought it with a bank loan, and I wasn’t interested in buying it for resale. I like the atmosphere of living like this, it has security and privacy."Condominiums are also now adapting quickly with a more modern and younger generation. Mr. Ros Chesdathepadey says that he’s lived in a condo and just bought a new unit at D' Seaview at Sihanoukville. He adds, "I’ve lived in the Rose Condo approximately 2 years and living with safety, good environment and in the center of town - it is private and there are various services together in condominiums, such as: shopping malls, gyms and swimming pools, all the service in condo very convenient"In contrast, Mr. Mao Sambath said, “I think that condominiums are very nice and offers a modern way of living. However, it is not fit for the Cambodian lifestyle yet. I will not buy a condominium because most of the developers are not trustworthy. Most of the time, they don’t own the land and they use the customer’s money to construct the building. What if the sales aren’t as good as expected? The project would stay still. And who likes a 99-year plan? We need assets for the future generation. Who would not love living life in the heart of the city, above everyone? But condominiums aren’t good investments yet for Cambodians. There are many lands and houses available. I’d rather buy a house and then decorate it nicely. I would not buy a condominium and then worry for the rest of my life about the future of the building, the quality of the building, and all the hidden costs for monthly services.”It seems like there’s a shift happening for the way of life of the locals, and foreigners who come to work or live in the country."The number of housing purchases and loans for condos are more noticeable for both domestic and foreign guests. Locals think it’ easier to live in these types of properties in particular because it’s in or near the center of the city. Foreigners buy them for investment and for residential use", said Heng Sreyneang, the Housing Loan Officer at Canadia Bank.“The Borey Villa Toul Sangke condo project’s concept is focused on helping locals change their standard of living from traditional to a more modern one. It also aims to provide comfort. This residential property is exactly that. It brings a high standard of living.” This is according to Mr. Andy Kong, the general manager of the Borey Villa Sangke company.As a newly-released Century 21 record says there is a total of 110 condo projects with 148 individual buildings, both finished and ongoing, or around 37,570 units slated through to 2020. Will the local market grab the chance to live in these new style of homes? Time will only tell.Find out more about new developments on Realestate.com.kh
Take a Train between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, the Royal Railway is back!
Take a Train between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, the Royal Railway is back!
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Fourteen years had passed since the Royal Railway in Cambodia ceased operations for passenger services between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville due to deteriorating facilities and financial losses, only to resurface onto the radar once more when the company reopened in 2013 for freight services. The railway however has reentered the public consciousness again lately having announced earlier this year that they would be holding a grand reopening and resuming its passenger services between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville during the Khmer New Year. Now, a few months has passed and reports regarding the new passenger services have been largely positive.Why Now?Though operations for this route only stated last April, the actual rehabilitation program has been underway for years now, with the ADB and the AusAID funding the restoration and the upgrades, the government of Cambodia having outsourced the operations of the railway back in 2009 for an exclusive concession that would last 30 years for Toll Royal Railway. The project’s estimated cost at that time, two years ago, reached up to $143 million. And while the south line from Phnom Penh to the beach town of Sihanoukville has already been completed, other projects under that funding such as the northern line connecting to Thailand at the Poipet border is also nearing completion. Here the tracks at Poipet are expected to connect the Kingdom of Cambodia to Thailand by rail by the end of 2017 - in order to improve both tourism and trade between the two countries, and raise Poipet’s capabilities as a logistics and trade hub.An Inexpensive Alternative for Travellers and Commuters:More expensive than taking a regular bus at $4 and just a bit cheaper than an air-conditioned van at $12, an advantage of riding a train removes the element of traffic from the equation, slashing out an hour or two than it normally would to reach Takeo, Kampot, Kep, and Sihanoukville. It also costs less than a regular flight which can cost up to $140. Given the current traffic situation on the national roads 3 and 4 toward Sihanoukville, generally busy with trucks moving freight to and from the Sihanoukville port, the railway offers a comparatively safe alternative to road travel. According to an article released by The Guardian last June, a one-way ticket between Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville will only cost $7, while a $6 ticket will get you from the capital city to Kampot. These prices do not seem to have changed as of yet.Capacity:Five carriages have been restored and reupholstered to accommodate around 300 people. Two of these are air-conditioned carriages that can accommodate up to 170 people will run under the “blue line;” the other two carriages, which can accommodate 130 people, have fans built into them and will run under the “yellow line”. The last carriage is intended for travelers who may require a more privacy. The air-conditioned cars will travel towards Sihanoukville during odd days and return on even days, while the carriages fitted with fans will run on a schedule opposite to that.Running on a Schedule:According to the Royal Railway website, train operation runs every weekend, even on public holidays. They have also set up an office in Phnom Penh in the hopes of increasing sales for all destinations. Their office, Central Railway Station, Sangkat Sras Chork, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, is open from 8:00am to 4:30pm on weekdays and 6:00am to 12:00 noon every weekend. For more information on train departure, arrival, pricing, and booking, you can contact Royal Railway at 078 888 582 or 078 888 583 or send them a message through their contact form.Learn more about transportation services in Cambodia in our in-depth location profiles!
Phnom Penh Land Price Growth Slowing, Knight Frank reports
Phnom Penh Land Price Growth Slowing, Knight Frank reports
June 7, 2022, 3:14 a.m.
Realestate News
Knight Frank has just released the Prime Asia Development Land Index for the first half of 2016. The index chart’s prime residential property land prices (land used for apartment or condominium development), commercial space land and offices and prime development land across 13 major Asian hub cities. Phnom Penh prime land prices are show to have cooled notably since last year. The report notes that prime residential land index in regards to Phnom Penh land is now at 5.8% in the first half of the 2016, slowing compared to the first half of 2015 when it was as high as 16.2%. This marks a fall in prime residential land prices across the city. Prime Office land similarly was reported to have taken a fall. In H1 2016, the index for Phnom Penh land records 5.6% - compared to 14.8% the same time last year. Prices aren’t falling, but the rate of growth is slowing. The tables show price increases for the first half of the year (5.8% growth for residential) and price growth during the past year – year to June – so the increase from June 2015 to June 2016 (16.2% for residential). Thus, if we double the 5.8% to give an indication of price increases over 2016, we would get 11.6%. So, it’s still good growth, but it shows that the market is slowing down but not declining (11.6% growth compared with 16.2% growth). Ross Wheble, country manager for Knight Frank Cambodia, comments that, “Whilst Phnom Penh land still ranks within the top four cities for year on year growth in prime land prices, for both residential and commercial land, the figures for the first half of 2016 indicate that the rate of growth is slowing which, in part, can be attributed to the anticipated short term oversupply of condominiums which has impacted on demand for land in prime locations. However, whilst the rate of growth is moderating, land prices are still expected to achieve double digit growth over the course of 2016 and we continue to see investment inflows into Cambodia.” These trends in Phnom Penh appear to come with a region wide cooling. The report details that Asia-wide development land investment volumes are on par with the same period of 2015. The residential index slowed in pace to 1.9% across the region, compared to 2.8% the half year prior. However, office development land however rose 3 points, from 1.9% to 2.8%. Want to read more, check out the latest Market Highlights report from Knight Frank Cambodia.
Phnom Penh Serviced Offices, with Anthony Galliano on Realestate.com.khTV
Phnom Penh Serviced Offices, with Anthony Galliano on Realestate.com.khTV
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
The Phnom Penh serviced offices market is a relatively new real estate market in Cambodia that has made a huge impact on the local business sphere since units started to become available in Phnom Penh a few years ago.Mr. Anthony Galliano – Chairman of BG Serviced Offices in Phnom Penh – recollects from his experience in Cambodia that before 2012, serviced offices was almost a non-existent industry.Galliano explains, “I think, conceptually, the market took its time to understand the model. But it’s been a fantastic business.” He continues to say that serviced offices are now an established business model in Phnom Penh, with many different operators across town.The All-in-one Solution:One of the qualities that have made Phnom Penh serviced offices popular is the convenience of not having to bring in all the tools for business - instead, they are already waiting for you. This is particularly useful for new foreign owned business ventures, especially the small scale, looking to test the Cambodian market without all of the hassle of transporting an entire business abroad.Galliano says that the good thing about set-ups like these is that you’re not just paying for the space. You’re paying for that space and everything in it.But of course, depending on the office grade, different things will be included.The Variations:Galliano details that you can currently rent Phnom Penh serviced offices from the 10 to 46 square meter range and it will only cost you around $25 to $28 per square meter a month. If you are a startup and just need a small office, the 10 square meter unit should be enough for a two-man staff set-up. But prices can still vary depending on which office grade you opt for. Currently, there are a lot of C-grade serviced offices around Phnom Penh.Galliano explains that this is because A-grade offices initially had very high rental prices compared to local norms. But because landlords have come to their senses and gave more realistic rental rates, it’s now seeing an increase in demand.He adds that B-grade offices fill up really quickly now too because it’s better quality than C but still affordable. Another reason for the B grade popularity is because the supply is not as large as C-grade offices, says Galliano.As evidence of this growth in higher grade offices, Regis will be doing higher scale and higher quality serviced offices to take advantage of the growing demand.As a precaution though, Galliano warns that C-grade offices are okay, but you have to look for the right landlord and be able to discuss terms with them. Since this is a lower grade office, landlords tend to be less generous and attentive.Renting Versus Owning:When asked about the developments who are now targeting office strata titles to be able to offer office ownership opportunities for locals and foreign investors, Galliano says that it’s a strange concept because it may not serve the best interest of business owners.He explains that this may cause difficulties in transferring from one office space to another, especially for an expansion or merger. He states, “You don’t want to be stuck owning an asset that you have to pay for,” because it will only bring you additional business costs. He clarifies though that while it may have some potential, right now the economics of this offer just doesn’t make sense to him.No matter the case, there is a clear expectation of continued growth for the office sector in the next couple of years as Phnom Penh continues to attract new business venture from abroad.Find out the latest Commercial space outlook in Knight Frank’s H12016 report!
Cambodia Infrastructural Projects that are Fast-tracking the ASEAN Hub
Cambodia Infrastructural Projects that are Fast-tracking the ASEAN Hub
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
In their abstract for a paper entitled “Infrastructure Development and Real Estate Values in Meru County, Kenya”, authors Mbaya Murungi and James Gatauwa describe infrastructure as an element that directly affects property value. The ease, convenience, and accessibility these infrastructural developments bring plays a key factor in how properties are sold, anywhere in the world.If this relationship is true, then this should predestine Cambodia’s future real estate growth and can suggest an increasingly positive outlook for buyers getting in the market now. As investors flock towards the nation and its growing economy, newer infrastructures also continue to quite-literally rise from the ground to help both sides of the economic spectrum, the wealthy international investor and the local populous. And while these new amenities will add costs for both purchasers and renters, it will also provide ease and comfort for people moving into different regions of the country.  Phnom Penh International Airport Expansion:Property Report, in their recent article, states their case in showing the correlation between airports and rising real estate prices. They mention a growing interest by wealthy investors with properties located nearby international bound airports, thereby increasing sales of prime developments in the area.As such, a $23 million expansion of the Phnom Penh International Airport by a Malaysian company in 2015 drew an enthusiastic reaction as it was expected to bring in more tourists and more wealthy investors. This was however short-lived as the announcement that the project was halted began to make its rounds, along with news of demonstrations that were being held by neighboring residents of the PPIA. In response to this, soon came news from the Senior Government Minister regarding plans for a totally new airport near the city outskirts. If the plans push through, the government’s target date of completion would be 2025. With this new airport, the government also seems to be considering mass transportation systems upgrades to fast track those travelling to and from the airport into the city.In line with this, new types of multiple entry tourist and business visas are set to come into effect on September 1 2016, easing entry requirements greatly for regional investors and retirees.Completion of Railway to Poipet:Hosting a Thai-Cambodian border in its area, Poipet has long been a transition town where cargo and travelers pass. But delays in this small gateway town have traditionally plagued logistics and trade inefficiencies.One solution that has been put forward and is now nearly within reach is a new railway system that will connect Phnom Penh and Poipet. This new system is expected to allow much more direct access to Bangkok from Phnom Penh and vice versa. With only 6 more kilometers of tracks needed, completion is expected at the end of 2016.In addition to this, Sihanoukville is also expected to experience a boost of trade and tourism through the reopening of the passenger railways that connect it to Phnom Penh.Sihanoukville Port Development: Other than the over-arching improvements currently being implemented in the humble beach town of Sihanoukville, a great deal of work has also been put into the expansion of its port area.Having the only deep sea port in the country, particular emphasis has been made to ensure that it is able to accommodate sufficient trade and transactions. The expansion and functionality upgrades throughout the years has brought many business owners huge benefits and is the overriding factor that is drawing new foreign direct investment into the province. The Sihanoukville Port Multi-purpose Terminal Development project alone, which Japan has helped fund, will cost around $75 million and is estimated to be completed by the end of 2017. The end goal for Sihanoukville Port is that full size cargo vessels will be able to port at Sihanoukville, making long haul import and export around the world less costly and faster. Currently, Sihanoukville can only harbor feeder vessels that would then need to travel to ports such as Hong Kong, Singapore and other regional post in order to transfer containers onto the larger long haul vessels. In the future, full size haulers will be able to travel direct to worldwide destinations.Roads and Transport:With the growing population of Cambodia and particularly Phnom Penh, accessibility and traffic definitely play a big role in the values of residential and commercial properties.So, news of Japan donating 140 new buses, valued at over $10 million, was received well by the Phnom Penh working class. These units are expected to service the citizens much more efficiently by 2020 as bus lines are set to continue to increase yearly. Currently there are 10 lines across Phnom Penh. The regional road systems of Cambodia are also expected to experience changes in the next few years. China – through the firm Henan Provincial Communications Planning, Survey, and Design Institute – will develop an expressway along National Road 4 (Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville) after the go signal was given for the China Road and Bridge Corporation to push through with a proposed highway project recently.This comes at a time when Sihanoukville is under a period of growth and developmental changes; and, as anyone that has travelled to the beach town by road will know, a wider, direct highway will benefit this growth hugely.In addition to this, National Road 5 is also expected to strengthen the efficiency of trade with Thailand through a recent grant from Japan.Learn more about Cambodia in our extensive location profiles!