
Recent Property Guides

First-time Investment Property buyer?
First-time Investment Property buyer?
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Stepping up to purchase your very first investment property represents a large financial commitment, and is probably one of the first major financial risks you will take in your life. So, how do you ensure you are not buying a lemon when looking for your first investment property? Here is the right start from Realestate.com.kh: Start by asking the following 3 questions!1. Do you know your own strategy?The basis of a successful investment property is having and practicing a clear strategy. Always consider your "bigger picture" first and foremost. Consider what you are looking to achieve through your investment property: Are you looking to create a supplement to your income in retirement? Or, are you looking to improve your cash flow in the short term? Alternatively, you might be trying to improve your equity position in order to consider buying more properties? First be perfectly clear on the "WHY?" question... Only then you can think about the ‘HOW?’. This means, if it is cash flow now you want, then you had better target cash flow positive properties. Trying to improve your equity position? Perhaps you need to renovate and flip a property. Whatever the why, you must be perfectly clear about how you’re going to make money from the investment property before you start investing.2. Know your finances, perfectly: Always plan your exact budget, before you even start surfing property listings on Realestate.com.kh. Here's why: If you are considering your first investment property purchase, you’ll need to have enough cash to cover the deposit and any additional purchase costs, such as transferring the title. Even if you’re using equity in your home to cover the deposit, you’ll still need some additional capital to cover the purchasing costs. Always be very clear about your precise borrowing capacity because understanding how much can you borrow is critical! It’s pointless looking for a property until you know what you can afford to buy. Only then can you work out your borrowing capacity using the realestate.com.kh calculators. Also, you had better not forget to add in purchasing costs, as well as including the headline cost of the investment property. For example, land transfer fees can be anything up to four per cent of the purchase price. You should also factor in legal fees, loan establishment fees and property inspection fees, as all these buts and pieces begin to add up.3. Know the buying process inside out: Each country’s investment property purchase process is unique, and even within the different provinces of Cambodia, buying requirements can differ slightly – you should understand how these work in your area and in relation to your investment property.Here's a guide to land title classifications in Cambodia, and a guide to transferring ownership rights in Cambodia, thanks to Realestate.com.kh. The three steps above may seem like small considerations in comparison to the actual house hunting and inspection process. However, successful property investing is not about falling in love with a house and buying it. Keep these three steps in mind and be fully prepared to make a wise financial choice when you take the plunge on an investment property.Want to learn more about investing in Cambodia? Check out Realestate.com.kh now!Looking for real estate for rent in Cambodia or real estate for sale in Cambodia?
Land Title Transfer in Cambodia
Land Title Transfer in Cambodia
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
The following information explains the steps necessary for transferring land titles of ownership in Cambodia, thanks to Realestate.com.kh.Step 1 Land Title Transfer in Cambodia.The buyer verifies the title certificate with the Land Office, checking for potential liens (debt) or other encumbrances: For the first step, the buyer must obtain a copy of the initial title certificate from the seller and verify proper ownership, ensuring that the seller is the rightful owner of the title certificate. He/she verifies the title certificate with the land office to ensure that there are no liens, mortgages or other encumbrances registered already for that property. Relevant Government Agency: Land Office Estimated time to complete the step: 10 days (should occur simultaneous to steps 2 and 3)Official cost: According the Prakas 995 dated of December 28th 2012 on public service at Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction = KHR 50,000/US$12.50Step 2 Land Title Transfer in Cambodia.Obtain information on the property from the relevant Commune Council Official: The land purchaser must contact the village chief or the commune council official, in which the property is located, to obtain information on the land, in addition to an official search upon the title at the municipal land office. Relevant Government Agency: Commune Council Estimated time to complete the step: 10 days (should occur simultaneous to steps 1 and 3)Official cost: No CostStep 3 Land Title Transfer in Cambodia.The buyer must obtain the certificate of incorporation of the seller’s company and other official documents from the seller: If the landowner is a legal entity, the buyer must obtain a copy of the ID of the shareholder, or person acting on behalf of the company, and a certified/notarized copy of the certificate as issued by the Ministry of Commerce. These documents are needed to verify the accuracy and identity of the company name appearing on the title certificate. A Power of Attorney is also needed, as well as a resolution signed by the Board of Directors from that company authorizing the named individual to represent the company at the land office, accompanied by the Power of Attorney implementing that Resolution.Relevant Government Agency: Ministry of Commerce Estimated time to complete the step: 10 days (should occur simultaneous to steps 1 and 2)Official cost: KHR 80,000/US$20Step 4 Land Title Transfer in Cambodia.Apply for registration at the District Land Office of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction (MLMUPC): When 2 persons/companies wish to buy/sell real property, they must first go together to the district office of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction (MLMUPC) and arrange to prepare and sign documents. The documentation needed includes the company’s statute, its Certificate of Incorporation, and Power of Attorney (obtained in Step 3). At the same time, the original Title Certificate held by the seller must be presented to the Khan at the time of signing the deed, in order to have the name of the new owner officially inserted on the document.Relevant Government Agency: District Land Office, MLMUPC (District Land Office of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction) Estimated time to complete the step: 20 - 30 daysOfficial cost: A cadastral transfer fee of KHR 600,000 is paid to MLMUPC.Step 5 Land Title Transfer in Cambodia.Pay transfer tax at the Tax Collection Office: A transfer tax of 4% of the total value of the property is paid to the Ministry of Economy and Finance at the Tax Collection Office, relevant to the location of the transferred property. A Tax Receipt is then issued to prove that the property transfer tax has been paid. The 4% transfer tax is set out in Article 40 of the Law on Finance 1995. In Phnom Penh, however, this tax is not assessed based on the true transacted value of the property; but, rather, based on a schedule of price of property determined by the Phnom Penh Municipality. The assessed valuation by the Phnom Penh Municipality is usually based on the total number of square meters, the land’s location, use, potential use etc. The tax is thus not based on the actual price for which the land is sold; rather it is based on the assessed value made by the Municipal office. If the land is more than 1200m², the surplus of the land will also be subject to "unused land tax." For land less than 1200m², the unused land tax is not applicable. *The time for the tax office to complete the calculation of transfer tax will depend on the location of the land and its size. Relevant Government Agency: General Department of Taxation Estimated time to complete the step: 1 day*Official cost: 4% of property value (transfer fee)Step 6 Land Title Transfer in Cambodia.Return to Cadastral office to complete the registration process: After all taxes are paid, the parties may return to the cadastral office at the MLMUPC and sign/thumbprint a MLMUPC form for buying/selling real property, as filled in by MLMUPC official. The signing/thumb printing must be witnessed by a local authority such as commune chief, who will also thumbprint. These procedures are based on Land Law Arts. 65, 244 and 245. Land Law Art. 69 bars transfer unless all necessary taxes are paid. The documentation provided should include payment receipts of transfer tax (obtained in Step 5). Relevant Government Agency: MLMUPC (District Land Office of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction) Estimated time to complete the step: 5 daysOfficial cost: Cadastral service fee paid in Step 4Step 7 Land Title Transfer in Cambodia.Obtain the certificate of title from the Municipal Land Office: The Khan/District land office forwards all the “transfer documents” to the Municipal Land Office where it issues the final Certificate of Title in the new owner’s name. It is now registered. Relevant Government Agency: Municipal Land Office Estimated time to complete the step: 1 to 2 weeks. The last procedural step in practice can take several weeks, depending on the diligence of the land officials and interested parties.Learn more about all aspects of land law in Cambodia in our Investment Guide 2019. You'll become an expert on the Kingdom!
Tips to help you improve the health of your household budget
Tips to help you improve the health of your household budget
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Home & Living
Realestate.com.kh has created the following guide to creating and sticking with a monthly budget and we have even created an online Budget Planner to help you! We believe every Cambodian should be able to afford a home and this is our way of helping you to keep more money in your pocket and getting a handle on your finances so that you can make your new home a reality.But first of all, check out: “A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household Budget”Additional Tips for Effective Household BudgetingKeep a record of everything and anything you spend over a 30 day period. It’s amazing to see what you actually spend your money on. This needs to be a family effort with everybody’s spending included in the household budget, HONESTLY!It’s better to overestimate than underestimate your expenses whenever you make your household budget. This way you are pleasantly surprised by any miscalculations.Be organised — don’t guess the figures. Rely on bills and take note of all transactions during your day. You need to know exactly how much you have, down to the last cent.Regularly review your bank records alongside your estimated household budget.Become a conscious spender by making a list BEFORE you do any shopping and STICK TO IT. Buy only what you need.Compare prices before buying large items and never buy on impulse.Live simply — the simpler you keep your spending habits, the more money you will have to pay off your mortgage, save for a new home or spend on your children. You might even be happier…Once you do start saving money, make sure you make the most of it by speaking to your bank manager or financial adviser.Keep your new savings in a bank account where you can’t access it from the ATM! Don’t let impulse spending spoil your new household budget.If you follow these simple guidelines, you should have more money for that new home or rainy day.Looking for property in Cambodia? Let us help!
A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household Budget
A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household Budget
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Home & Living
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Nobody likes to think about money! But, in order to save for your new home, you will need to budget. And this budget only gets harder as your family grows.Wondering where to start? Realestate.com.kh has created the following guide to creating and sticking with a monthly budget and we have even created an online Budget Planner to help you! We believe every Cambodian should be able to afford a home and this is our way of helping you to keep more money in your pocket and getting a handle on your finances so that you can make your new home a reality.How to Budget for a HomeThe following are a few basic budget tips to help keep more money in your pocket and get a handle on your household finances.First of all, list your monthly income — including everything that earns you money. List all of the costs you have to pay each month — Including rent, power, gas, car repayments, school uniforms, food etc. In short, anything that is a necessity in your and your family’s life.List all of the costs you can avoid from the previous list — this includes all things that are not necessary in your life, including entertainment, take away food, fancy new clothes, travel etc. This represents your “expendable income”: money that doesn’t always need to be spent! It is very important that you and your family are honest about what you don’t really need, if you are serious about saving.Now that you have defined what you HAVE TO PAY and what YOU LIKE TO PAY each month, you can control your budget for the next month by reducing your expendable income spending.Subtract your necessary costs from your total income to see what remains for the next month’s budget. This figure is the amount of money you can potentially save each month if you control your spending habits. Completing this exercise should help you review your spending patterns and make better financial decisions. The better your budget, the more control you can have over your monthly savings.    Looking for property in Cambodia? Let us help!
Cambodia Land Title Classifications Explained, Once and For All!
Cambodia Land Title Classifications Explained, Once and For All!
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
To the new property buyer, Cambodian land title classifications can be rather confusing. Let’s explore the three main ways property ownership can be secured in Cambodia, and the major misconceptions surrounding Cambodian property ownership and Cambodia land titles. All Cambodian land title records were destroyed between 1975 and 1979. This meant that after the war, proof of ownership had become near impossible. In 1989, a Cambodian Land Law was passed and a revised version was issued in 2001 allowing private ownership of land. The 2001 Land Law created the land registry system issuing Cambodia land titles that remains in place today. Since then, more than two million Cambodia land titles have been issued to Cambodians. Property ownership can now be secured by one of three forms of Cambodia land title: Hard title, Soft title and Private Ownership in Co-owned Buildings – also known as Strata Title. In addition, a LMAP title is also now available.1)      HARD TITLE:Hard title is the strongest form of property ownership in Cambodia and the best Cambodia Land Title.Hard titles are an ownership certificate provided by the Land Management and Planning office.Hard titles contain detailed information that has been duly recognised and certified at a national level with the Ministry of Land and a cadastral office.A Transfer tax of four percent applies when a hard title transaction occurs.2)     SOFT TITLE:Soft title is the most common form of ownership and the most commonly issued Cambodia land title.It is a Cambodian land title that is recognised at the local government level.Soft titles are provided by the local Sangkat or District office and are not registered at a national level – but are still considered a possessory status.The majority of property transactions still occur with soft titles to avoid ownership transfer taxes and fees.However, most new major development projects are being transacted with hard titles as these are the most durable Cambodia land title.Check another useful blog post on Realestate.com.kh relevant to Cambodia land titles: “Pitfalls for Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia."3)     PRIVATE OWNERSHIP:Private Ownership in Co-owned Buildings is the most recent form of ownership and allows foreigners to legally own property in Cambodia.This is more commonly known as a Strata Title.Strata Title is a less common Cambodia land title, but numbers are growing fast.The ‘Law on Foreign Ownership’ was promulgated on 24 May, 2010.This law limits foreign ownership to co-owned buildings. Foreigners still cannot own land, as it is unconstitutional.Co-owned buildings are defined as a building or construction in which several owners reside, consisting of some parts that are the exclusive ownership of each co-owner (private units) and some other parts that are common spaces for the common use of co-owners (common areas).  Learn more about the strata title process here.*LMAP TITLE*:A titling system called LMAP (Land Management and Administration Project) has been introduced in Cambodia by the World Bank to improve land tenure security by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction.Under the scheme, GPS coordinates are being registered for all land plots in the country.If you have an LMAP title already, the borders have been agreed between neighboring parties so all border disputes have been resolved.This is the safest type of title.Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia may not be simple, but it is increasingly possible. Always do your due diligence and take your time, and soon you will achieve foreign property ownership in Cambodia, and gain a valuable property asset.Looking for real estate for rent in Cambodia or real estate for sale in Cambodia?
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