
Recent Property Guides

Houses for Sale in Sihanoukville: Home Buyers Guide
Houses for Sale in Sihanoukville: Home Buyers Guide
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Sihanoukville is one of the major tourist destination of Cambodia and is seeing a rapid economic growth. Currently, tourism and real estate are the main drives of its development and investors are rushing here not to miss out on the benefits of investing in the housing and hospitality sector.What are the types of Houses for Sale in Sihanoukville?Currently, the housing sector in the province is growing significantly due to the increasing demand of the tourism sector. Several kind of residential properties can now be found such as flats, villas, apartments, and resorts for tourism or business.Borey for sale in SihanoukvilleBoreys are regarded as a gated community occupied by people looking for a modern living space, and they usually offer different types of residential units such as apartments, villas, and shophouses. Borey projects available in this area include Borey BS, Borey Peal City, and the Borey Hillton Park Villa. These borey projects typically start with 1-bedroom with a starting price of $60,000.Condo for sale in SihanoukvilleAs in the rest of the country, the supply of condo projects in Sihanoukville is growing too.One of the prime condo projects that saw an early investment opportunity in Sihanoukville is D'Seaview Condominium project. The development is located only1 km from the coast of Sokha beach and the fresh air and the beautiful natural scenery provides comfort and great atmosphere to those living there. Residential units range from 1 to 3 bedrooms and are suitable for those looking for a modern lifestyle by the beach.Another condominium project in this area is The Royal Bayview which is located along the coast of Independenceโ€‹ Beach. The project will feature 1.344 units and will also have a 3-storey shopping area. The Royal Bayview is expected to reach completion by the end of 2019.Another project located near by is The Blue Sky Tower, which is located in Sangkat 2, with a starting price of $40,000. ย The Nest Apartments Seaview Condominium is also rising on the in the area and is located along the coast of Hawaii beach. It has 9 storeys and has unit sizes ranging from 30 to 126 square meters with a price range of $28,500 to $52.500.It is clear therefore that the number of residential condominium projects rising in the coastal areas is growing very fast.Why are residential developments in Sihanoukville attractive?Currently, a number of infrastructure projects are under construction such as The railway system, the airport expansion, the Sihanoukville port development. This development will not only help boost the growth potential of the region and provide confidence for investors, but it will also ease the transport of materials and reduce the price of condos in the area. In addition, Sihanoukville is becoming very popular due to its location, and clean beaches.As mentioned earlier, tourism is also growing very fast: the Department of Tourism expects tourist numbers to run up to 3 million annually by the end of 2020 -- 1 million of international arrivals and 2 million locals.What are the potential areas for investment in Sihanoukville?Sangkat 4 seems to be one of the best options for residential area. It is located alongside the beach and includes the Ochheuteal Beach and stretches for 4 kilometers. It is located along the coastal road towards Serendipity beach and is a very popular area because of its convenience in terms of transportation and international trade.There is no doubt that Sihanoukville is becoming increasingly popular; whether you are looking for a vacation house or looking to relocate by the beach, is it certainly worth to check what the market is currently offering.Find out more about new developments in Sihanoukvilleย on Realestate.com.kh now!Take 2 minutes to complete our survey and win and IPhone 8!
5 Real Estate Negotiation Tips That Work!
5 Real Estate Negotiation Tips That Work!
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
The following are real estate negotiation tips to help you think more laterally in your real estate negotiations and achieve better outcomes.After all, why meet in the middle when both parties can achieve their goals? Have you ever negotiated like this?Car salesman: โ€œThe price is $5000.โ€You: โ€œIโ€™m willing to pay $2500.โ€Car salesman: โ€œI can give you a small discount, how about $4000.โ€You: โ€œWhat about $3000.โ€Car salesman: โ€œOk, I spoke to my manager $3500 is our final offer.โ€You: โ€œDone. Iโ€™ll take it.โ€In the above example you and the car salesman start with a $2500 gap and eventually โ€˜meet in the middle,โ€™ almost. This is the most common form of negotiation and is known as โ€˜positional bargainingโ€™. Unfortunately positional bargaining generally results in poor outcomes for both parties because everyone gives up the same amount and, therefore, neither party gets what they really want.Thankfully there are other ways to negotiate! Follow these simple real estate negotiation tips and watch your odds change:1. Consider the objectives of all of the parties:As a property buyer, the most important person in the transaction is the seller and you should focus on their desires first. Do some research with the agent and find out what is really motivating them to sell. Especially focus on non-monetary considerations. You would be surprised how often the sale of a home or other property is caused by something other than money. For example:The seller needs to move from Phnom Penh to another country urgently: Perhaps offer shortened settlement terms during your real estate negotiation, for example 30 days. Or offer to pay a 50 percent deposit immediately - and the balance over a longer period.The seller is building a new home to move into: Offer to rent the seller the property after the purchase on a month-to-month basis until their new home is complete.The wife of the seller is reluctant to sell the family home: In the real estate negotiation, offer to have a professional photographer to come in and take portraits of the family in the home before they move out. This will give the wife some comfort as she then has a permanent memento of the home.2. Donโ€™t forget the real estate agent:Remember, a big part of any real estate negotiation and the ultimate purchase is the real estate agent. The agent represents the interest of the seller, but they are also self-motivated. Therefore, itโ€™s critical to have the agent on your side in any real estate negotiation so that they put your offer in the best possible light to the seller. For example, if two offers are equal on a financial basis, the agent will likely influence the seller to accept the offer from the buyer they prefer. There are a range of things you can do to improve your real estate negotiation tactics with the real estate agent:Promise the re-sale of the property to the agent.Offer to appoint the agent as the rental manager of the property.Offer the agent a written, or even video, testimonial regarding their great service, if the sale is a success.Promise to give the real estate agent a referral to all of your friends should you be the successful buyer.3. Trust your judgment and make genuine offers:There is a saying in real estate that โ€˜time kills dealsโ€™ and in a fast paced property market such as Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville this is definitely the case. As such, we suggest researching the real estate market thoroughly and making an offer that is at, or very close to, your maximum. ย By making an offer for what you know the property is worth, you have a strong chance of buying the home, land or commercial property, before other buyers swoop in and offer more. Remember this negotiation tip and donโ€™t get caught out offering less than you know the property is worth - if this occurs you are likely to miss out as more aggressive buyers pay more and close the deal.4. Loose lips sink ships:Never let the other party know how much you have available to spend or what is motivating you to buy during any real estate negotiation; this risks the seller using these great negotiating tactics on you! This is a key negotiation tip in any situation, not just real estate.Similarly, given so many properties in Cambodia are marketed as โ€œPrice On Applicationโ€, it is very important to always make the seller name a price first before beginning any real estate negotiation. With that information you are well placed to make a counter-offer in proper context of the sellerโ€™s price. If a buyer makes the first offer, they are in danger of over-pricing the property from the start and that can only ever result in a bad deal.5. Cash is king:Sellers hate any uncertainty in a deal and offers made โ€˜subject to financeโ€™ can be a deal breaker when a competing offer is for cash โ€“ even if the offer is for less. This is why itโ€™s critical to have your finance arranged and be ready to settle on a deal very quickly once the price is agreed. See the bank BEFORE you see the seller! Cash is always king in real estate negotiations, in any country, but especially in Cambodia. Being able to offer cash gives the seller absolute confidence in your offer and this is often worth more to a seller than a higher offer that may never settle.Keep these real estate negotiation tips up your sleeve, and you will secure you dream property in no time; on YOUR terms, not the sellers!Want to learn more about how you can make money byย investing in real estate wisely? Get on Realestate.com.kh today, the best source of information for property buyers & Sellers in Cambodia.Searchย properties for sale in Cambodiaย and currentย properties for rent in Cambodia!
Buying an Investment Property to Live in with High Appreciation Potential: Investors Tips
Buying an Investment Property to Live in with High Appreciation Potential: Investors Tips
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
โ€œInvestment Propertyโ€ ย implies that you invest in a property that you are going to live in, and hope that while you stay there and the price of the land will rise enough to cover the mortgage that you took out to initially buy the property.If the property appreciates sufficiently while you stay, you will make money on top of the mortgage and this is your end profit.This is also an investment suitable for those who donโ€™t want to rent a property. When you rent for a long time, you might feel like you are wasting money by giving it to your landlord. If you buy the property, this money you would have spent on rent is instead going to be spent on the mortgage repayments. When you are ready to move from the house, you have the opportunity to make money on top of any costs of the mortgage.But remember a few tips:- This is a much harder game if you donโ€™t have upfront cash to buy the property or subsidize the loan โ€“ because the mortgage repayments are going to eat into your investment earnings.- It also requires a better understanding of the real estate market trends that you are in; as you must find a property that will appreciate reasonably quickly.- This investment tactic tends to take longer โ€“ in that you may need to wait for many years before the property appreciates enough to be worth selling again.- It also requires economic stability during that period, increasing the risk.- But, if you choose the right property, in an area appreciating fast, this type of investment strategy can work. And meanwhile you always have a place to live.Hereโ€™s what to look for when searching for a live-in investment property:- Property and land tends to appreciate naturally as other things develop around it; so when you look for an investment property to live in, try to choose upcoming areas. Places where maybe the level of infrastructure is currently lower โ€“ but clearly rising quickly.- Donโ€™t buy in areas which are already fully developed, unless you get a very competitive price when you buy the property. The appreciation in these areas is likely to be slower.- Look to see where other people are choosing for investment and speak with real estate agents. Always research the market before buying a live-in investment property.- A note regarding Land Investment: If you want to simply invest in land โ€“ you must invest at or below market value. If you spend too much on a land investment, your risk that it wonโ€™t increase in value is high; and meanwhile, you get no benefit from the property whatsoever because you canโ€™t live on pure land.Want to learn more about investing in Cambodian Property, read our articleย Why invest in Cambodian Propertyย or visitย Realestate.com.khย for more informationย Looking forย real estate for rent in Cambodiaย orย real estate for sale in Cambodia?
Buying an Investment Property to Increase its Value - and Flip It: Investors Tips
Buying an Investment Property to Increase its Value - and Flip It: Investors Tips
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Potentially the fastest way to make a return on your investment is to buy an investment property that you will be able to improve through renovations and then sell for more than what you originally bought it for.Alternatively, by improving the property significantly you may be able to target a higher value renter pool and gain greater rental returns.Yet, no money is easy money โ€“ and some investors do not consider the true costs and skills necessary to buy, fix and flip property.One way to do this is to invest in a โ€˜property with potentialโ€™:A property with potential is one which is currently underdeveloped โ€“ but has potential to be a very attractive property with a little work and money. For example, lots of savvy Phnom Penh investors have bought worn-out flats in the riverside area and renovated them into modern apartments. Once the flat has been renovated to western standards and tastes, the owner can immediately gain almost double the rental returns by attracting ex-pat tenants - or they can sell it on for significantly more than they bought it for.Yet again, location is everything when it comes to re-selling property. So not everyone has money to buy in the right area and then spend money developing the property. Choose your property location wisely - because no matter how well you renovate, if it is in the wrong place you won't be able to resell or rent it.Remember โ€“ always get a professional valuation before you purchase any investment property. An accurate valuation will help you find out how you can realistically increase the property's market value. Once you have developed the property, re-value it again to see where its market value has moved to.Want to learn more about how you can make money byย investing in real estate wisely?ย Get on Realestate.com.kh today!Looking forย real estate for rent in Cambodiaย orย real estate for sale in Cambodia?
Choosing a Real Estate Agent: One Versus One Hundred
Choosing a Real Estate Agent: One Versus One Hundred
June 7, 2022, 12:45 a.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
When selling your home, should you stick with one real estate agent or list your property through multiple agents? Both options have clear advantages and disadvantages that sellers may want to consider before deciding.ย Listing with Multiple Agents:- If you want to make a quick sale, listing your property with multiple agents would seem like a logical choice. And thereโ€™s a good reason for that. You get more exposure. These professionals can utilize different avenues such as the newspapers, buyer networks and internet property listings to spread awareness for your property. More exposure means a gathered interest from a larger audience.- The downside to using multiple agents though is that youโ€™re working with a range of people and various sales strategies that are often times totally different from each other. This also entails that there are different degrees of understanding as to what type of buyers are qualified for the sale. This may mean the information about your property becomes different than you first intended as it travels between agents and their networks - which will mean the buyers they present areย not necessarily sold on the correct info. ย - Hiring multiple agents also means that negotiations will be done in isolation.ย The ones competing wonโ€™t be the buyers but the actual agents. This hurts your cause because you might find out too late that someone else may have made a higher offer.- There is also the risk of running into โ€œcommission cowboysโ€. These are self-professed private agents who will do anything to make a sale. This doesnโ€™t always get you the best buyers.Listing with an Exclusive Agent:- The thing about listing with an exclusive real estate agent is that their sales strategy โ€“ if itโ€™s the right strategy โ€“ it can save you a whole lot of time and effort. It focuses in on making sure that you get a good deal, with the right buyer without demanding too much. This also offers the agent more flexibility to adjust their strategy based on your needs and on the current marketโ€™s feedback.- You can hire a professional that specializes in your kind of property too. It is important to note that one effective person can outdo a hundred ineffective ones. Make sure you choose your agent wisely.- Having an exclusive real estate agent also makes it easier for the buyer. Buyers would rather think about their personal needs more than they think about which agent they should contact. Keeping everything singular eliminates any possibility of confusion and makes it more convenient for buyers to make an offer.- Exclusive agents also sometimes package property management services into the mix as a form of incentive. This is something you wonโ€™t get from multiple agents.- The downside to this is that information about your property is limited to the stream of influence your agent has. Your reach is much more contained.Want to learn more about how you can make money byย investing in real estate wisely?ย Get on Realestate.com.kh today!Ready to make a listing?ย Sign upย for an accountย with us now!
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Things to consider when buying in a Borey in Cambodia
Things to consider when buying in a Borey in Cambodia
June 7, 2022, 6:11 a.m.
Home & Living
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Cambodiaโ€™s rapidly growing property sector has opened up a new market for housing projects throughout the Kingdom. While condominiums continue to take the headlines in Cambodiaโ€™s construction news, little do outsiders know that Borey developments - gated communities featuring a range of popular residential housing - are beating condominiums in terms of popularity among Cambodiaโ€™s expanding middle-class.At the end of 2018, Knight Frank recorded a total of 46,197 units across 126 Borey developments. That number increased to 51,278 units across a total of 131 Boreys by the first half of 2019!The supply of landed property projects continues to grow in the first half of 2021 despite of the impacts of the global pandemic. 21 new projects were still launched in 9 districts in the capital which added l15,500 units to the future supply.This number is expected to grow in the coming years but you can get up-to-date Realestate.com.khโ€™s Real Estate Survey and Reports here.What is a Borey and what makes it so popular?A Borey development is a gated community featuring a range of housing types popular among Cambodians. It can feature single villas, twin villas, hybrid villas, linked houses, shophouses, and flat houses. These different housing types further offer a wide range of preferences in terms of floor area, number of rooms, and prices to accommodate the needs of individuals, families, and/or businesses.Since Boreys occupy a considerable amount of space, some areas of the development may be allocated for parks, children'sโ€™ playgrounds, markets, and retail stores. These gated communities also feature 24/7 security through private security personnel and infrastructure.Where to buy a Borey in Cambodia?According to the General Population Census 2019, over 2,200,000 Cambodians live in Phnom Penh. This makes Phnom Penh the most populated city in the Kingdom and it only follows that most of the Kingdomโ€™s Borey developments are concentrated here.A high percentage of borey developments are located in the outlying districts of the capital city, because of two primary (and related) reasons.First, Phnom Penhโ€™s almost-breakneck pace of development leaves little-to-no room for Boreys to be developed within the city center.Second, because of the speed of development, land prices close to the city center make it virtually impossible to make any Borey development appealing for a majority of Cambodians.Given the variety of Borey developments, we recommend buyers to check the latest Borey projects close to Phnom Penh.(Borey VIP in Dangkao commune, Dangkao district)ย (Borey Lorn City Lotussana in Chaom Chau commune, Por Sen Chey)ย ย ย (Borey Galaxy 11 in Spean Thma commune, Dangkao district)As the Borey market in Phnom Penh gets more competitive, developers have started looking elsewhere in the Kingdom for future projects.Siem Reap, the second most populated city in the country with over 1,000,000 residents (General Population Census 2019) has started seeing its own Borey launches in the last couple of years.Most Borey developments have reported strong off-plan sales figures, with some citing sold-out figures in their first and second phases. The interest shown by the local market suggests that the cityโ€™s market is open to new property developments despite the popularity of shophouses and traditional Khmer houses in Siem Reap.The Borey market in this culturally rich city is growing every year. We recommend interested buyers to check the latest Borey projects in Siem Reap and some of the featured boreys below:Bakong Village - Bakong, Prasat BakongVnom Empire - Ampil, Prasat BakongBorey Royal Angkor Village - Svay Leu, Svay LeuSihanoukville has seen rapid commercial and residential developments since 2015, mostly focused on mixed-use developments. Borey developers, however, have taken an interest in the city as the on-going development of a USD $2 billion expressway from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville, and a USD $294 million road rehabilitation within the city, makes it a strong candidate for Cambodiaโ€™s next major urban centre.For property hunters looking for the comforts of the city while having easy access to Cambodiaโ€™s beaches, we recommend interested Borey buyers to checkย  Borey VIP in Sihanoukvilleย and all the latest borey developments in Sihanoukville.How are Borey properties priced?Borey properties vary greatly in terms of prices. This is mainly because of the aforementioned variety of properties offered within any given Borey development. For ballpark estimates, Knight Frankโ€™s report cites that these could range from USD $750 to USD $1,700 per square metre in 2019.Then again, land prices in Cambodia are constantly on the rise so these prices are expected to further increase in the immediate (2-3 years) future.Factors that directly/indirectly affect Borey prices also vary. Here are some key considerations in Borey price assessment:How far away is the Borey community from the nearest commercial centre? (Shopping centres, theatres, banks, government institutions, airports, etc.)What are the included amenities in the Borey? (community park & events centre, children's playground, public swimming pool, etc.)Did the developer build the necessary residential infrastructure themselves? (electrical grids, water and sewage pipelines, access roads, etc.)Is the Borey overall an affordable/mid-tier/premium Borey?We suggest you consider these factors, in addition to your specific and personal needs, when buying a Borey, or any property, in the Kingdom of Cambodia.Find out more about property valuation fees in Cambodia.Tax law for Borey in CambodiaFor any property of any type with a freehold/hard title in Cambodia, whether youโ€™re a local or a foreigner, there is a transfer tax that you have to pay whenever you purchase a property. The transfer tax is 4 per cent of the propertyโ€™s value.An annual property tax is also levied on landed property exceeding 100,000,000 riels ($25,000) in value. This tax is collected annually at a rate of 0.1% of the propertyโ€™s value. The tax is based on the value of lands, houses, buildings and other constructions built on the land by deducting 100,000,000 riels (USD$ 25,000) from the property in question.The (property) value of lands, houses, buildings and other constructions that are built on the land shall be determined based on the market price by the Property Evaluation Committee established by the Prakas of the Minister of Economy and Finance, according to the General Department of Taxation.Read more in our guide on property tax in Cambodia.Can foreigners own a Borey in Cambodia?Foreigners are prohibited to own landed property by the foreign ownership law in Cambodia that was promulgated on May 24, 2010. Since Boreys are considered landed property, this type of housing is essentially prohibited from being owned by a non-Cambodian citizen.A foreign national can either get married to a Cambodian and name it after their spouse, or gain Cambodian citizenship for themselves after satisfying state requisites.What type of ownership titles are available for a Borey in Cambodia?Cambodia uses three types of ownership titles. These are the soft title, hard title, and the LMAP title โ€” the safest type of title. So, if you buy any Borey homes, itโ€™s best to ask the project owner for LMAP title to be the most secure for your future immovable assets.What do you need to check when buying a Borey in Cambodia?The Cambodian government, through its respective agencies, has cracked down on erring developers who do not have the proper documentation for their projects. But itโ€™s always good to exercise some due diligence on your part. Thatโ€™s just being a smart consumer!Here are the 5 key legal documents you need to look for when checking a Boreyโ€™s legal adherence:Hard Title: You have to look at two classifications of hard titles when dealing with Boreys. The first is the hard title for the whole Borey development. This is called a master title - and will cover the entire piece of land on which the project sits. The second one should be hard titles that are subdivided for each residential unit included in the Borey. These are called individual titles.A legitimate Borey development should be able to produce both of these hard titles to potential buyers. If they canโ€™t show this, donโ€™t put any money down until they do.NOTE: It is also possible for developers to issue a Soft Title for their properties, but it would be in your best interest as a resident to get a Hard Title.Development Company Registration: Development companies will need to register themselves to gain approval from the necessary ministries to proceed with construction. However, construction is not always a sign that theyโ€™ve been approved. You can ask to see their company registration just to make sure both the project and the developers can proceed legally.Master Plan Approval: The Ministry of Land Management will need to approve the developerโ€™s Master Plan first before the construction begins. A credible developer will be able to provide you with it or at least show you a copy.Construction License: The construction company then goes through a thorough background check with the Ministry of Land Management. Boreys must have a single registered construction company building the units and infrastructure to ensure consistency and quality throughout the development. Once this has been cleared, the construction company is then given a license.Borey License: The Ministry of Economics and Finance releases the license for the Borey once everything is in order. This means that the developer has satisfied the requirements of the Government in terms of quality, design, sales plans, and documentation.Is buying Borey in Cambodia a good investment?Good investments are always based on a given marketโ€™s projected needs - and Cambodians are increasingly demanding more and better homes every year. Land prices for Borey developments have already seen a considerable increase in recent years.According to data from Knight Frank, the average launch price of Borey projects in 2018 amounted to USD$ 715 per square metre. This jumped to USD$ 940 per square metre in 2019. The high-end of Borey developments have seen the biggest jump with 2018 launch prices ranging around USD$ 1,200 to USD$ 1,350 per square metre - this increased to an average of USD$ 1,700 per square metre in 2019.The global pandemic caused some fluctuations in the prices from 2020-2021 according to CBRE Cambodiaโ€™s recent Market Overview report.Another factor to consider is that Boreys currently in the pipeline, and consequently, other future Boreys, will be built further away from the city centres (especially Phnom Penh).Considering this rapid outward expansion, established Boreys will definitely see a massive increase in value in the coming years.How do you pay for Borey in Cambodia?The adage โ€œCash is Kingโ€ is prevalent in Cambodian transactions. Having your own money in cash gives you good leverage in getting a discount for property purchases in the Kingdom.But if your current situation calls for more immediate purchase, with not enough cash to purchase the whole property, instalment options are also available through bank loans and other licensed microfinance institutions.If youโ€™re getting a home loan, you can get one from ABA Bank, Chip Mong Bank, Vattanac Bank, and many more. To get a bank loan, you need to have regular monthly income, collateral, the hard title of the property, and guarantees.There will also be a background check for the prequalification on a loan payment to the bank.Should you buy an off-plan Borey in Cambodia?Many project developments in Cambodia are sprouting up with a new sales strategy by selling off-plan units. Off-plan means the project owners are selling their projects before and during the start of the projectโ€™s construction.Buying a unit on an off-sale plan can be advantageous: You can get a good discount, you can choose your unit in the project before anyone else does, and even influence the design of your house.There is, however, the risk that the development might run into trouble in the future that may lead to the construction being stalled or even cancelled. To help you better sleep at night, we strongly recommend you follow our guide to checking the developerโ€™s legal papers in the earlier part of this guide.Stay up for up-to-date news on the real estate industry in Cambodia and get real-time updates on real estate news as they happen. Download the Realestate.com.kh App now!Article by:
Real Estate Scams to avoid in Cambodia
Real Estate Scams to avoid in Cambodia
June 7, 2022, 3:32 a.m.
Realestate News
Home & Living
Despite the huge growth in theย ย Cambodia real estate industry, there are still many operators that are conducting real estate scams and misinformation for a quick profit.Given the loose regulation of the industry, and the mixed standard of agent ethics, many of these scams do not come to light until it is too late. If you are not wary of these types of scams and misrepresentations, it could damage you financially. ย Here is a list of the most common scams in the market, thanks to Realestate.com.kh. Keep these common real estate scams in mind when you are searching for property from both private sellers and agents in Cambodia, and protect yourself and your property assets. If you ever think you might be getting scammed, seek professional legal advice!The Double Title Scam:Properties in Cambodia come with soft titles and hard titles. Sometimes a property may have both. This scam involves an owner selling the house to two buyers. One buyer gets the soft title and the other gets the hard title. The person with the soft title loses the house because soft titles are only recognized in the local government, while a hard title is recognized at a national level. There has also been cases of multiple titles being issues, or forged - and sellers selling the same property to multiple people. There is a possibility that the buyer with the hard title is involved in the scam, but that is not always the case.You can avoid this scenario by making an inquiry with the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction and the local government office managing property registration. Get a copy of the title from the seller and check it against official records.Another safety precaution is to check whether the neighbors have hard titles. If they do, this means that the government has already titled the area. Buying a soft title in a place where most neighbors have hard titles is not advisable.Hidden Land Disputes:Having a soft or hard title in this scam is hardly relevant. This scam involves the property standing on a land with an ongoing dispute. Talking to neighbors usually reveals this issue. But you should also conduct a title search through a commune council official or the Ministry of Land just to be on the safe side. A professional real estate agent will do this on your behalf, or a lawyer with experience in property transactions.Deposit Disappearance Act:This scam is done by a fake owner. A buyer is asked to pay a deposit to secure the property. The seller then disappears after receiving the deposit. You may opt to pass the deposit through a reliable third party or an intermediary escrow bank account until everything is settled to protect yourself from this.False owner:This scam involves someone pretending to be the owner of a property. These properties are mostly vacant properties. What you can do is ask or have someone ask the neighbors and village chief about the property and its history and owners. Then cross-check whether there are discrepancies with their stories and the sellerโ€™s story. Again, a title check is crucial - if the owner canโ€™t produce the title, something is wrong. Go to the relevant authority and find out whether or not they are the real owner before you give them any money.Hidden House Lease:There are instances where a house has a fully-paid long term lease. It could also be registered as a separate entity from the land. It may also have rooms sold that utilized soft titles. This is a very complicated situation and should be approached with caution. A title search should reveal the facts. Hard titles should have all the necessary details.You should seek help from local authorities if thereโ€™s just a soft title in place. As a preliminary check, note if there are rooms inside the property that the seller cannot open. If they intend to sell the house, they must be willing to force the door open or should have the key to open it.Hidden Damage:One of the reasons people sell their properties at a lower cost is because there are damages you may not be able to see. Some of them are not really visible until after youโ€™ve made the purchase and started moving in. Itโ€™s advisable that you bring an expert with you who can check the plumbing, electricity, and the structural strength of the property before you put any money down for it.Flooding area:โ€œNo floodingโ€ seems to be one of the selling points in property listings. Sellers will advertise it being in a flood free area even when itโ€™s not. This can be detrimental once the rains come pouring in. One of the things you can check is whether there are flood lines; that is, where the lower half of a wall is darker. You can also ask around on forums or to neighbours in the area whether it really is a flood-free zone.Pre-selling Scam:This is when a so-called developer advertises a new project and collects money that they say theyโ€™re going to use for construction, and then they suddenly vanish into thin air. This might be a landed housing project, a borey project, a plot land venture or a condo development.This can be avoided by doing a thorough background check on the developerโ€™s previous projects. Trusted developers usually already have a good track record. Note, this doesnโ€™t necessarily mean that new developers are scammers.You can also try looking for news articles regarding the development project from major and trusted publications. They mostly indicate prior achievements by the developer and whether itโ€™s been approved or not. Take note though, positive media coverage should not be relied upon solely - as it is not full proof.You can verify with the involved ministries as well โ€“ such as the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction โ€“ if there are any approvals and certifications in place for the developer. They should have a company license for their development company. They should also have a master hard title for the land on which they are developing, a license for the development including a master plan of the full development from start to finish, and they should have a construction license. If the developer wonโ€™t present these things when asked, this is a clear warning sign. If you canโ€™t buy with a hard title, or a strata title for high rise units, this is a clear warning sign.Extension Scam:These real estate scams involve declaring a property larger than it actually is and then selling it. The seller might say the property size is at 6x16 when itโ€™s only 4x10. Buying in this condition sets you up to potentially get part of your house demolished in the future. Sometimes the owner will be aware of the issue, and sometimes they wonโ€™t - so this isnโ€™t always a deliberate scam.Checking the title at the relevant authority for these sizes will clarify this situation. Properties with an LMAP title have had the borders defined and GPS coordinates prescribed. These are the safest titles, and they can be executed at cost. The additional cost, however, will guarantee you are buying exactly what you think you are.Working in Tandem:These type of real estate scams involve two entities or people working together to increase a property price. One person buys undeveloped land and the second person announces a new development nearby. The development usually doesnโ€™t specify a specific location. The other person then sells the undeveloped land at a higher price. They then both split the profit. Nothing is ever built after that.Avoiding this is easier than the other scams because big developments need the approval of several ministries and are undertaken by companies with an established portfolio. Scammers usually do not also have physical offices. Again, always check if there are any approvals and certifications in place for the developer. They should have a company license for their development company. They should also have a master hard title for the land on which they are developing, a license for the development including a master plan of the full development from start to finish, and they should have a construction license. If the developer wonโ€™t present these things when asked, this is a clear warning sign.Donโ€™t let these scams scare you too much - just be awareโ€ฆBuying property in Cambodia can be beneficial if you do it right. A trusted real estate agent is a great start if they understand the transaction process and the market tricks well - but even some agents may not be working in your best interest. If you are concerned that you are being scammed, seek legal advice before you put any money down!Check out articles, news, and views related toย real estate lawย onย Realestate.com.khtoday!Looking forย real estate for rent in Cambodiaย orย real estate for sale in Cambodia?
The ultimate guide to banking for foreigners in Cambodia
The ultimate guide to banking for foreigners in Cambodia
June 7, 2022, 5:39 a.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Cambodia is well-regarded for providing affordable living standards and is complemented by its trademark Asian hospitality. Itโ€™s no surprise that the Kingdom of Cambodia has been a choice destination for expatriates for more than a decade. Phnom Penh was even previously named Southeast Asiaโ€™s new capital of cool by Lonely Planet and regularly features in global travel guides as a must-visit destination.However, the actual nitty-gritty of settling into the country is not always well-explained. To make your life choice easier, Realestate.com.kh provides you with all of the essentials of how banking works for expatriates in Cambodia!Because living cheaply isnโ€™t merely about spending less, but managing your finances well.Banking and currency in the Kingdomย The Cambodian Riel (KHR) is the official currency of Cambodia, however, the U.S. dollar is widely accepted throughout the country. Both currencies are used in everyday transactions; with the USD used for larger transactions and the KHR usually used for smaller purchases or as petty cash.According to the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), while the KHR is growing in terms of circulation, 80% of transactions in the country are still done using the U.S. dollar.Since 2019, the National Bank of Cambodia has been pushing for the de-dollarisation which has been supported by local businesses with the prices often now showing in Riel. NBC also launched Bakong, a central bank digital currency (CBDC), and has encouraged more digital payments since the global pandemic started in 2020.As an expat, what you do need to know is that all banks support both currencies when it comes to banking in Cambodia.Opening a bank account in CambodiaOne of the best things about expat living in Cambodia is the ease of opening an account with almost any bank. All you need as a foreigner to open an account in Cambodia are the following:A passport valid for at least 6 months.A 1-Year extended visa.A nominal deposit amount (depending on the bank).Bring all of these documents to any major bank and their staff will set you up with your very own Cambodian bank account. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some banks have even started accepting online applications of accounts.However, there are instances of some bank branches/representatives asking for additional documentation as an exercise of due diligence. Better have these ready just in case:A passport-sized photo of yourself (white background).Business patent/license/registration (if youโ€™re self-employed or own a business in Cambodia).A copy of your rental agreement (lease).Proof of employment in Cambodia.So, the question now is, which bank should you go to?TOP 5 Banks for Expats in CambodiaAs a general rule for expatriates, we recommend you pick the bank that is most accessible to you. You can never be too sure when an emergency will arise, hence, we highly recommend that you also adopt this rule-of-thumb.But letโ€™s say youโ€™re in a major city and thereโ€™s a wide range of banks well within your area. This is where our recommendation of the best banks for expats in Cambodia comes in, all of which have won numerous banking awards. The banks in the Kingdom have also recently rolled out much better banking apps, contactless cards and digital payment options.ABA BANKPhoto courtesy of Khmer Times, K/T Mai VireakABA also is known as the Advanced Bank of Asia was founded in 1996 is wholly owned by the Montreal-based National Bank of Canada (NBC). ABA Bank serves financial products geared towards individual persons, micro-financing needs, and SMEs.While ABA Bank is not the biggest bank in Cambodia in terms of assets, they do have the most sophisticated online banking app and payment network. Expat communities online generally recommend ABA Bank as the best bank because of the ease of transaction within Cambodia and with personal accounts from their home countries.ABA Bank has branches nationwide, assisted by over 250 self-banking kiosks, and over 450 ATMs available across the country and in most major urban hubs.ABA Bank even offers an offsite bank account opening where their staff will go to your residence, along with the relevant documents to be filled out, to open an account right in the comfort of your home.Minimum Deposit Amount: USD $50 (for non-residents) / USD 10 (for residents)Maintaining Balance Required: USD $10 (both residents and non-residents)SATHAPANA BANKSathapana Bank is a Japanese-owned commercial bank in Cambodia. Its parent company, MARUHAN Corporation of Japan, originally operated in the Kingdom as MARUHAN Japan Bank Plc. in May 2008 and focused on providing commercial banking products and services, aiming at expanding its operation nationwide.In 2012, the MARUHAN Corporation acquired SATHAPANA Limited which was originally established as a non-government organization (NGO) in 1995, and at the time of acquisition, had become a deposit-taking microfinance institution providing funds to the low-income people throughout the country.Today, Satphana Bank has over 170 branches and over 230 ATMs providing reliable banking services as the โ€œPeopleโ€™s Bankโ€ in Cambodia. Sathapana Bank aims to empower entrepreneurs and improve their customers' business and living standards through access to financial services in a sustainable manner.Minimum Deposit Amount: USD $10 for Savings AccountMaintaining Balance: USD $5 for Savings AccountJ-TRUST ROYAL BANK (formerly known as ANZ ROYAL BANK)J-Trust Royal Bank (formerly ANZ Bank) was established in Cambodia in 2005. The bank was initially a joint venture between Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd., and The Royal Group of Cambodia. In 2019, the Japanese J-Trust Bank bought into the partnership and has taken over official operations since August of the same year.Despite ANZ Royal Bankโ€™s limited presence with only over 40 branches nationwide, the bank still boasts an impeccable banking portfolio as acknowledged by the Global Finance Magazine with their 2015 Best Trade Finance Bank in Cambodia. In 2016, the International Finance Magazine awarded ANZ Royal its Best Foreign Retail Bank in Cambodia.J-Trust Royal Bankโ€™s entry into the booming Cambodian banking sector is set to bring the trust associated with Japanese quality.Minimum Deposit Amount: USD $500Maintaining Balance: USD $100BRED BANKBRED Bank officially opened its services in Cambodia in 2017 and is one of the newest banks on this list. It is owned and operated by the BRED Banque Populaire, Franceโ€™s 2nd biggest banking conglomerate. It is the only French - and European - bank in the Kingdom of Cambodia.BRED Bank Cambodiaโ€™s CEO, Guillaumme Perdon, said in an interview with the Khmer Times that the bank aims to break Top 5 or 10 banks in the Kingdom.BRED Bank has multiple branches across Phnom Penh and has branches in other major city centres, such as Siem Reap and Battambang.Minimum Deposit Amount: USD $100 for Silver AccountMaintaining Balance: USD $1 deducted per month as maintaining fee for Silver AccountMAYBANK CAMBODIAMaybank Cambodia first established its operations in the country in 1993. It has since supported multiple sectors of the economy such as retail banking, SMEs, commercial business and corporations. In April of 2012, this Maybank officially became Maybank Cambodia to symbolise the regional bankโ€™s commitment to its stakeholders in the country.It is the choice financier of Malaysian and Singaporean businesses operating in Cambodia - particularly companies focused on infrastructure development and the service sector.Maybank currently has over 20 branches operating in major population centres across the country. The bank has also expanded its services to support SMEs through various loan programs.Minimum Deposit Amount: USD $100Maintaining Balance: USD $10This is just a brief overview of some of the biggest banks in the Kingdom of Cambodia. As to which bank should you choose is completely up to you. Given that bank promotions change over time, we highly encourage you to visit any accessible bank to you and find out which one will suit your needs the best.Now that you know more about expat banking in Cambodia, you might be interested to read our guide to retiring in Cambodia.ย LOOKING FOR SALE/RENT PROPERTIES? CLICK HEREArticle by:
Home Loan Before Dream Home
Home Loan Before Dream Home
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Scouting for your dream home can be an exciting process, but it can also be a disheartening one if you have your priorities mixed up. This is true when deciding whether or not to get a home loan first.Thereโ€™s a general notion that home shopping should come before applying for a loan. But is it really more efficient?Save your breath:Sure, you might think that knowing the cost of a home first would serve you well because you can get a ballpark range as to how much financing youโ€™d need to get. But buyers are usually disappointed after going down this route. Banks are not magical wallets you can take money from any time you want to. Thereโ€™s a limit that banks set, depending on their evaluation of your application. And thereโ€™s a computation they have to base the loan amount off of. Sometimes that means they can only approve half of the price of your desired home. This can be disappointing for some, especially if youโ€™ve already gone through an exhaustive search for properties.Pre-approved loans also save you more time. Instead of waiting to get your loan approved to purchase the home, you can get bargaining power by having the money at hand already.Letโ€™s be realistic:There is a financial advantage in applying for a loan first. Knowing how much you can spend gives you a more realistic perspective. You can then budget your finances. This removes any oversized fantasies and gives you the ability to adjust your home shopping flexibility, leading you to revisit your checklist to see which features of the home you really need.This also helps you plan out your future expenses after the purchase of the home, like mortgage, interest rates, out-of-pocket home repairs youโ€™d be willing to pay for as well. It gives you an overall sense of where you are and how much youโ€™d be willing to do financially.Insider Info:Should you decide to get a home loan pre-approved, youโ€™re also opening yourself up for better opportunities you may not have been aware of. These loan officers have had several interactions with people under the same situation as you. They can offer you practical tips and advice on several topics from their own experience. It also allows you to study the loan terms better instead of rushing through it once youโ€™ve already found your home.Whether youโ€™re a first-time home buyer or not, itโ€™s helpful to see what options you have by doing your research and knowing where you stand. Because sometimes, knowing your limitation doesnโ€™t mean there is a restriction. Depending on how you look at it, there can even be greater freedom in your limits.Need a home loan? We are here to help. Itโ€™s free, easy and secure.Lookin forย property for rent in Phnom Penhย orย property for sale in Phnom Penh!
Plot Land Buyers Guide: What you need to know BEFORE you invest
Plot Land Buyers Guide: What you need to know BEFORE you invest
June 7, 2022, 3:57 a.m.
Home & Living
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Land prices have skyrocketed across Cambodia, with many local investors looking to strategically invest in pieces of land, of all sizes.Typically, developers/investors/friends will club together and buy a big piece of land (the bigger the land size, the cheaper the price per square meter). They will then subdivide โ€“ possibly providing some infrastructure and a master plan โ€“ and sell in smaller parcels to end buyers achieving a higher rate per square meter.Starting from net prices as low as a few thousand dollars for end buyers, these plots are often sold with attractive payment schemes and grand promises of guaranteed future infrastructure development.By choosing the right piece of land within one of these projects, at the right location, end buyers can also earn a relatively quick appreciation of that land asset. Some buyers are buying now with the intention of later building a home or business on this land once the area develops into a more viable suburban zone.However, not all of these land plotย developments are safe investments.It is extremely important for end buyers to seriously consider the following:The location of any land plot that they intend to buy,The land title and certification being offered for that transaction and,The trustworthiness of the project owner or manager.They also need to consider what role their real estate agent is playing in the transaction.If these are not diligently considered, the buyer may not have as valuable an asset as they assumed. In the worst-case scenario, they may not have an asset at allโ€ฆYou can see all the available plots of land for sale in Cambodia.With this in mind, Realestate.com.kh, in cooperation withย VTrust Appraisalโ€™s highly experienced research team, have put together the ultimate plot land buyers guide.The intention of this article is to make sure that when you buy a land plot, you better understand how to protect against potential issues in the future, and choose a land project with the right legal framework, location and project planning.Broadly, any buyer needs to consider three important issues:Surrounding town planning;Infrastructure and amenities; andLegal issues regarding the plot of land itself.1. Surrounding Town Planning:The success of a land plot project relies heavily on the city master plan, especially local planning mapped out in or nearby the subject areaโ€™s periphery.If the government lays out a master development plan covering some parts of the areas in which a new satellite city will be developed, including major roads, drainage and other amenities, this means that those plots of land nearby this planned development will be in high demand and surge in price soon.So how do I choose the right location to buy plot land?A buyer needs to comprehensively study the location where the project plot is situated.Conduct due diligence regarding the surrounding environment, including a 500 meter to 1,000-meter radius scan on existing and future establishments, infrastructure, facilities and amenities that can help raise the standard of living of the residents at that location.In addition, conduct a scan on the Governmentโ€™s master plan for plans regarding the nearby and surrounding areas, as well as potential private development schemes that could add value to the land plot, or detract value from the property.When will it be a good location? Consider your desired time frameโ€ฆA location may take some time to become valuable. What if it takes up to 20 years, or even 30 years, for the location to be identified by the Government or large scale developers?Perhaps for many years residents will live with poor access roads, no drainage systems, undersupply of running water or electricity, or long commutes to public schools where they send their children; and by the time the infrastructure comes through for them, the perceived value for the buyer may be gone.Another potential issue with the plot location is its geographical features, for example, is it prone to flooding or other natural mishaps? Find out early before you buy.2. Infrastructure and Amenities:Regarding infrastructure, a buyer should be aware of two critical issues:Existing infrastructure; andFuture plans that affect the infrastructure there or nearby.What existing infrastructure is there?For existing infrastructure, a buyer should look at accessibility such as roads linked from the city centre to the location, running water supply, drainage systems, and other necessary amenities nearby, such as schools, community markets, public services, and so forth - or at least within a manageable distance.If the land has readily available infrastructure, it creates more value in that land immediately. This makes it worth purchasing the plots of land for resale or other purposes, but it may also mean you are too late to catch a great deal - because everyone else may have noticed the potential value too.Future infrastructure:However, not many land plot projects have infrastructure readily in place. And this is why the price is so attractive. Most of the land projects are located on the city fringes or peripheral parts of the capital, where there is minimal infrastructure.If that is the case, a buyer should look into the future of the location: whether or not there will be any town planning, including infrastructure, in reach of your desired land plot.The simple question is to ask whether there is likely to be viable development growth of the location within 5 to 10 years?Unfortunately, speculation like this can sometimes be hard to guarantee with 100% certainty. If the development does not materialise, this will lead to the land price stagnating or to a lack of a secondary market which will affect the returns.What if the buyer buys land, and then the Government changes their mind and does not supply infrastructure in this area?Itโ€™s bad news for the buyer! However, if private developers see potential in the areas nearby the plot and volunteer to supply some basic infrastructure, then the project will still have a good chance for appreciation.Some plot land developments are supported by the Government and some are not? How do we know which are? And what difference does this make?Only through due diligence can a buyer know clearly about these circumstances, by verifying development approval from the relevant authorities, title deed checks, or licensed plat/plan of subdivision for the plots of land.Positive media coverage regarding the land plot does not mean it is necessarily a safe investment, it could just be speculative.3. Legal issues regarding the plot land itself:A serious consideration of the plan of subdivision (of the plot project), which should be fully approved by the correct government authorities, is crucial before buying any plot land.An approved plan of subdivision means all the separated titles (or parcels of land) within the plot project are safe to buy with titles and will be respected at the national level of authority.A โ€˜letter of land transferโ€™ (a type of soft land title) registered at the district level if often used in plot land transactions - but beware that this is not a particularly strong statement of ownership for the end buyer and can create various potential problems moving forward.What sort of land title am I seeking?One common legal title for a plot of land is a โ€˜separated piece titleโ€™ which is derived from a master plat (plan) of land subdivision. To enable each of the โ€˜separated piece titlesโ€™, first, the developer has to hold a title deed for the whole land.Thirdly, the developer has to get the plan of subdivision approved by the urban planning authorities, especially at the national Ministry level, namely the Ministry of Land, Urban Planning and Construction.When this approval is given, it is legally feasible for a buyer to register a separate title at the ministry level for their piece of land within the project. Note though, that officially transferring this separated title will incur a transfer fee of 4% of the total value of the plot of land.Lastly, if the Government has already developed a master plan in regards to the location where the plot project is situated, then all the separated piece titles there can be registered as LMAP titles, one of the newest land titles in Cambodia.In most landed housing development projects in Phnom Penh, each separated title is offered as LMAP. Having an LMAP title means that the borders of your property have been perfectly recorded, and are free from any dispute over usages rights or ownership.ย What documents should the buyer ask to see before they commit?First, a buyer should verify the title deed, either of the land consolidation and/or of the land subdivision, that comes under the master plan.Secondly, check if there is approval from the related ministries (MLMUPC) for the plot project as a whole.What are the potential issues regarding land titles for the Plot Land Buyer?If due diligence by the buyer is not conducted carefully, there are potential issues associated with land plot purchase. These could be legal issues such as types of titles, as mentioned above.The problems of soft titles in plot land transactions:A basic letter of land transfer title (a type of soft title registered at the district level), which is still under the master plan of consolidation, might be safe in some cases.However, if the land title is only a soft title, buyers open themselves up to losing that land in the future if the project owner, for example, loses the entire piece of land (as collateral) to the bank if they fail to pay their mortgage.Another tricky situation is when the project owner chooses not to honour the soft title in the future, and reclaims the land, or sells the land to another buyer without revealing the soft title rights of the plot to the buyers.Another possibility is that the project seller in fact never had any ownership of the land in the first place, and the letter of land transfer title was totally fraudulent.You must do your due diligence and ensure that none of these outcomes are possible. Ideally, donโ€™t buy unless you can buy with a hard title deed!So how can I turn my basic letter of land transfer title into a binding hard title?A buyer should first refer to the title deed for the master plat of subdivision to check there are no issues in regards to bank collateral commitments with that land.Then the buyer must register their title with the authorities (Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction) based on the master plat and their agreement with the seller.By doing so, the buyer can then convert their basic soft title into a hard title respected at the national level. This means the land cannot be taken back from them in almost any circumstance.If not registering at that level, the landholding title is still soft.What is the correct role of the real estate agent in the plot land transaction?A professional real estate company should not be the owner of the land for sale, as it represents a conflict of interest, as they are concurrently acting for the end buyers.Real estate agents would be able to act on the behalf of potential investors in terms of identifying a site and then selling the smaller lots, they should not have any equity interest in this.Meanwhile, a quality real estate agent acting for the end buyer, should be able to consult and assist in the process of due diligence demonstrated above.Check out some more great resources on Realestate.com.kh in our Location Profiles and Investor Guides.ย Learn more about Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap &ย Sihanoukville. Learn more about Investing in Cambodia, Foreign Ownership in Cambodia & the Cambodian Expat Experience!This piece was a co-production of Realestate.com.kh and V Trust Appraisal.
Why Invest in Cambodian Property?
Why Invest in Cambodian Property?
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Cambodia is deemed by many to be a last investor's frontier in Southeast Asia. It is brimming with raw natural resources and undeveloped talent. When foreign investors bring capital and first-world know-how to the table, magical things can happenโ€ฆIf you want a deep dive on all topics related to investment in Cambodia be sure to click over to ourย Investment Guide 2019.Cambodia offers investors a package of benefits, which makes freehold ownership just one incentive among many; In Cambodia, there is very little discrimination between foreigners and locals in regards to company registration, taxes and customs duties. Meanwhile, the country is geographically central, with a young and motivated labor pool, and, of course, buoyed by the US dollar. Furthermore, Cambodian based manufacturers still enjoy tax-free export to Europe because Cambodia is still classed as a less developed country (LDC).Rami Sharaf, Member of International Advisory Council, APCO Worldwide, and a well-known advocate for the Cambodian market, says that, โ€œthe major attraction for foreign investors considering whether they should invest in Cambodia is the ASEAN-member nationโ€™s steady economic growth; phenomenally steady growth: 7.5 per cent average for the last 5 years, year on year.This puts Cambodia as the number 21 worldwide in growth, and number 1 in the region.โ€ย Cambodian Investment Opportunity in Short:US$ Investment Economy:ย Invest in the world's most resilient currency as Cambodia has long been a dollarized economy and will continue to be.Virgin Investment Territory: Enormous growth potential and very positive appreciation trends in recent years.Strong, Sustained Growth in GDP:5% average for the last 5 years, year on year. No. #21 worldwide in growth, and No. #1 in the region.Secure Assets: Freehold Foreign Ownership Laws and Attractive Long Term Lease Policies.Strategic Location: Sandwiched between two strong economies, Thailand and Vietnam; Midway between the worldโ€™s largest and fastest growing economies, China and India; and sitting between Australasia and Asia, with trade agreements connecting it to both.Political Stability: The country has had the same Prime Minister for more than a quarter of a century, the longest serving non-royal leader in South East Asia.Trade Integration: Joined ASEAN for increased access to regional markets; LDC status gives tariff free access to highly developed markets in Europe and Americas.Improved Logistics: Deep sea port, railways, roads and flight connections around the nation and Asia growing yearly.Retirees' Mecca: Due to a unique, low-cost quality of life.Cambodia is Unique: Less-developed countries with high growth potential are not usually so actively welcoming of investment and are typically more politically and financially unstable.The combination of a stable government and banking industry, pro-business and pro-foreign investment policies, and tremendous growth potential is relatively rare. Financial and governmental stability are typically associated with more mature markets that have greater barriers to entry combined with less growth potential. This unusual combination of pro-growth and development factors has already yielded substantial development and progress in Cambodia, yet there remains more money to be made.This is a country and a populace eager for growth and doing a great many things right. It is an exciting time for both local nationals looking forward to a brighter future and for potential foreign investors looking for an investment frontier. Pro-business government policies have helped attract foreign investment to the many different market sectors, including: Offices and Commercial Development;ย Retail Development; Industrial Development; Residential Real Estate; Agricultural Development.It is also literally well positioned due to its physical proximity to some of the most vibrant markets on the planet. This fact is being capitalized upon and enhanced via regional trade agreements that strengthen Cambodiaโ€™s ties to multiple large, developed markets. Cambodia has a young, energetic workforce and a rich and intriguing cultural heritage. Both of these treasures are nestled amidst a landscape filled with natural beauty that draws more and more tourism every year.It is a world filled with opportunity for any investors who are willing to do their due diligence and bring first world savvy and capital with them to the bargaining table. It is still a corner of the world being overlooked by many people. This oversight is one they may live to regret. Although there is always an element of risk in any kind of investment, the fundamentals here are incredibly strong. Thus, well planned, well managed foreign development projects have excellent prospects.This is a place where dreams can not only become reality, they can shape the future. What would you like to build? Aquaculture? An organic farm? A world class hotel? A state-of the art condo? Find your new investment property today.The Current Outlook and Key Development TrendsThe country enjoys a relatively low cost of living, which helps keep wages low, thus making it a place investors can get their feet wet with relatively low risks. The government has liberal business policies and is actively seeking to attract additional foreign investment. It is a beautiful country with a rich heritage, fueling opportunities in tourism. It has an unusually good geographic position, giving it access to some of the largest and most active and growing markets in the world. Due to its membership in ASEAN, it has access to the ASEAN Free Trade Area. ASEAN is kind of like the European Union for the Southeast Asian Nations.For comparison, the countries of the European Union have 508 million people and the ASEAN countries have 625 million people and are a less mature market, providing vastly more opportunity for growth. Cambodia joined the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1999. This multinational organization has substantial goals of economic development for the group of countries located roughly between Australia and China, many of them island nations. If ASEAN were a single country, it would have the seventh largest economy in the world, after the US, China, Japan, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Please note that Germany, France and the United Kingdom are all members of the European Union, the organization ASEAN is hoping to emulate to some degree. Additionally, Cambodia has been designated one of the Least Developed Countries (LDC), which gives it preferential access and free trade to both the European and North American markets.Cambodiaโ€™s LDC status gives it preferential access to some of the richest markets in the world for certain products. Obviously, the countryโ€™s qualification as one of the Least Developed Countries has some downsides, such as limited infrastructure and widespread poverty. But, increasingly, there is evidence that foreign companies typically provide both better pay and better working conditions for local nationals. This means that investing in an LDC can be a case of doing good while doing well: You can feel good about the improvements your investment is bringing to the country while also being happy with the benefit to your own bottom line. In fact, the poverty rate in Cambodia has dropped dramatically from 47.5 percent in 1993 to just 23 percent in 2011. So while it is still a poor country, it is seeing incredible forward progress. This fact helps ensure that investment will be profitable for the investors. Additionally, Cambodia is midway between China and India.Very recently, India displaced China as the worldโ€™s fastest growing economy. Due to its location, Cambodia has excellent geographic access to both of these huge, emerging markets. The wealth of the future is practically guaranteed to be determined by who has access to these extremely large and very fast growing markets. Talks are under way between India and ASEAN, which could create a similar trade block. In 2010, the Chinaโ€“ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA) became a reality, giving member nations access to a trading block of 1.7 billion people. ASEAN also has an agreement with Australia and New Zealand that creates yet another free trade area in the other direction (AANZFTA). In 2003, the Heritage Foundationโ€™s Index of Economic Freedom ranked Cambodia 35th among 170 countries in terms of economic freedom. This puts in on par with Japan and places it well ahead of many of its neighbors in the ASEAN community. Thus, it constitutes one of the most open economies in the region. At that time, the Index of Economic Freedom commented on positive governmental policies.Cambodia was noticed for its unusual degree of market-friendliness for an LDC. The areas of note include:Opportunities in Tourism:Unlike its neighbors, such as Thailand and Vietnam, Cambodia explicitly desires to attract foreign investment in its tourism sector. Tourism is the area in which Cambodia rightly most wants to attract foreign investment. This goal is little different than its neighbors like Thailand, Vietnam and most recently even Laos. In recent years, tourism to Cambodia has exploded, enjoying double digit increases many years and hitting 4.5 million tourists in 2014. In 1992, Angkor Wat, the worldโ€™s largest religious monument, was named a World Heritage Site. It attracts significant interest, fueling growth of hotels and other amenities in the nearby town of Siem Reap. While it is certainly the best known site in Cambodia, there is no shortage of cultural heritage and natural beauty for attracting additional tourism dollars to the country. Development of hotels, golf courses and other amenities are a strong market.The government has a track record of dealing progressively with this development segment, such as at the Phnom Penh International Airport which has recently seen huge capacity development.Retail Growth:The retail sector is growing rapidly: New malls, such as Aeon โ€“ with Aeon 2 and Parkson on the way soon in 2016, are having a dramatic influence on Phnom Penhโ€™s retail sector. According to Knight Frank Cambodiaโ€™s: โ€œCambodia Real Estate Highlights 1st Half 2015,โ€ total supply is building fast: 2011: 59,154 sqm; 2012: 66,154 sqm; 2013: 72,114 sqm; 2014-15: 134,153 sqm; 2016: 223,173 sqm (est.); 2017: 297,591 sqm (est.). With the entrance of a host of new brands and extensions of existing franchises in the retail sector, the supply by district is evening out. The evening of the share of retail supply could be related to new and existing brands increasingly looking outside of the Phnom Penh city center, where their customers are increasingly choosing to live.Agricultural Investment Opportunities:An abundance of water and fertile land combined with affordable local labor creates significant opportunity for agricultural investment and development, such as in organic farming and agro-processing. Foreign partners bring not only capital, but also essential knowledge and skill to the table. The combination of forces is very often a win/win for both sides. Although land cannot be owned by foreign investors, access to land is readily available via 99-year leases and joint ventures where a local partner owns at least 51 percent of the equity. Some hot agricultural areas include: fisheries, rubber processing, sugar processing, jute, palm oil refineries, and large varieties of tropical fruits and organic produce.Foreign Direct Investment (FDI):Throughout the 1990s, Cambodia attracted increasing amounts of Foreign Direct Investment. Malaysia got in early and captured a great deal of โ€œfirst moverโ€ benefit, as well as concessions for their investments, such in mining and forestry. Cambodia has come a long way since Malaysia first took notice of the country in terms of internal improvements and development, yet there remains a great deal of room for additional growth. The good track record of improvement combined with so much remaining upside is a situation that is extremely attractive for investors.ย Realestate.com.khโ€™s 2015 Cambodia Real Estate ReviewWhat is the state of the nation's development now as 2016 rolls in, for real estate investors?The economy is growing rapidly:Cambodiaโ€™s economic growth over the last 10 years has been some of the fastest and most-consistent in the Southeast Asian region, recording an average GDP growth of 7.0% per year since 2010. In 2015, this rate dropped very slightly to 6.9%. Cambodia has a total population of 15.4 million, and Phnom Penh, Cambodiaโ€™s capital city and economic hub with a population of around 2.5 million, in 2015 was second only to Laos in Southeast Asia for the fastest rate of urban spatial extension, as indicated by the World Bank.One of Cambodiaโ€™s key secrets to success in its economic growth has been creating an attractive environment for foreign investment, and this remains a key driver. In 2015, Cambodia received over $4B in foreign direct investment (FDI) and has a permanent expat population of over 78,000. Realestate.com.kh suggest that Cambodia is becoming a magnet for FDI due to the abundance of low-cost labor, rapid urbanization, an increasing middle-class consumer market, low barriers to entry for foreign businesses, relative proficiency in English language, attractive tax incentives and import/export duty exemptions, continually improving logistics networks, and an economy backed by the US dollar. Furthermore, with the solidification of ASEAN, Cambodia is well located, surrounded by strong regional economies that are increasingly outsourcing low and mid-level skilled manufacturing operations to the Kingdom.These new industrial opportunities are lessening the economyโ€™s reliance on the garment industry, and offering low-wage workers more opportunities for career and skills growth. Cambodians are also entering the global community en-masse through technology โ€“ namely through dramatic increases in internet penetration throughout the population. In 2015, Cambodia had over 5 million internet users, a third of the population. Since 2010, foreigners have also been allowed to own apartments and condominium units in Cambodia โ€“ but not land, and, accordingly, not the first floor of buildings. While foreign ownership of land in still unconstitutional, land can be easily held by foreigners on long leases that are renewable, and through majority locally-owned companies incorporated in Cambodia. These structures are arguably safer than comparative legal schemes in other Southeast Asian states in which foreign land ownership is formally prohibited.Phnom Penh Overview:Phnom Penh is the capital of Cambodia, situated at the confluence of three rivers, the Mekong, the Bassac and the Tonle Sap. The Phnom Penh metropolitan area is home to about 2.5 million permanent residents. Phnom Penh is Cambodiaโ€™s economic center as it accounts for the largest portion of the Cambodian economy. High economic growth rates in recent years have triggered a real estate boom in Phnom Penh and construction is taking place across the city, with a plethora of new hotels, restaurants, bars, and high rise residential and commercial buildings springing up around the city. Industrial zones at the edge of the city have also expanded continuously in recent years, along with huge growth in the โ€œboreyโ€ sector throughout the suburbs of Phnom Penh, โ€œboreyโ€ essentially meaning gated community residential developments with self-serving infrastructure. These types of properties are extremely popular with local buyers and offer various housing types. Most of these properties are being bought off-plan.The Phnom Penh Master Plan 2035, supposedly nearing completion by the government this year, seeks to dictate the urban planning for the expansion of the city and construct new infrastructure to accommodate the growing population. Until now, the city has had no zoning regulations of note nor identifiable urban development planning. According to Realestate.com.kh research, flats located in central Phnom Penh cost around $3000 USD p/m2, as averaged across the prime residential areas. Rents can range from $9 โ€“ $14 p/m2 per month, depending on location and quality. Villas are generally more expensive than flats, at around $3,500 to $4,500 p/m2. Rental prices for villas typically range from as low as around $6p/m2 to $27p/m2. Low-to-middle range apartment developments, targeting the local market, average $200 to $500 a month rental per unit in the central areas of Phnom Penh City. The high-end, serviced and luxury condo market is priced considerably higher than this โ€“ but these prices vary greatly across developments depending on scale, location and quality. Beoung Keng Kang, Chamkarmon, represents the highest priced district in Phnom Penh with price for land reaching 6000p/m2 in some parts. Previously, home villas were a popular option for families wishing to live in Chamkarmon generally, however, many of these villas have now either been demolished and the land sold for development, or converted into boutique hotels or restaurants. High-end condo developments and hotels are changing the area dramatically at present. However, growing congestion and a lack of parking in and around the city center is increasingly causing problems for inner-city Phnom Penh residents. Other upcoming Phnom Penh residential property areas include the west and south of the city generally.The peninsular of Chroy Changvar is also seeing huge development from foreign and local developers, and here height restrictions on new buildings are largely unlimited. These locations are very close to central Phnom Penh yet land prices remain considerably lower. Presently, prime and mid-level office space across Phnom Penh is rising dramatically, with a variety of new high-rise projects beginning to be released into the market, or slated for completion in the coming years. These new office complexes are often coming at the cost of knocking down villas, flats and other older real estate. Grade B and C are proving most popular, as Grade A office space is beyond the budget of most local firms. Phnom Penh commercial property options are only set to boom in the upcoming future, especially with the rise of ASEAN and the AEC. Another trend is in regards to the advent of high quality shopping centers and malls. Cambodiaโ€™s first international shopping mall opened its doors in June 2014: Aeon Mall. Aeon has since seen high demand for store space from both international and local retailers. A new breed of international franchisers who have for many years ignored the Cambodian market and refused to enter it, see the attractiveness of occupying slots in complexes such as Aeon Mall as it reflects international standards of retail space and retail space management.The new mall has convinced some of these franchisers that opportunities exist and that there are viable spaces for them to locate their brand. Parkson Mall on Russian Boulevard is the next of its kind to open in Phnom Penh, and is currently under construction. Aeon 2 is also in the pipeline. TK Avenue is another well known, well-established and modern shopping plaza and cinema complex, located in Toul Kork. The condominium market in Phnom Penh continues to expand, with early investors in centrally located developments enjoying appreciation of up to 30% from off-plan purchases. High-end condominium development looks set to continue in prime residential locations, with developers also looking to offer luxury projects outside of traditional residential districts. While the condo market was originally dominated by foreign investors, Khmer buyers are beginning to demand condos, predominantly for investment purposes and rental returns. This has led to a trend of local developers offering lower-range condo development projects to the market, and these types of developments range of $30-60,000 per unit off-plan and are being bought primarily by local buyers. Domestic demand is a key element of a successful condominium project for any developer in Cambodia, due to foreign ownership of an individual building (strata law) being restricted by law to 70%. Another trend we will see more of in 2016 are mixed-development complexes, including condo, office space and retail.Realestate.com.kh suggests that the reason for this is that developers are aware of a potential oversupply in the pure-condo market in 2018-19 and are thus hedging their bets with mixed development offerings. Increasing investment from Singaporean, Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong and Chinese residents continues to grow in Cambodia, and the comparatively high yield guaranteed by many developers is still attracting overseas purchasers who see positive chances for appreciation in Cambodian developments compared to their slowing home markets. Thus far developers in Cambodia have focused on the high-end market, and to some extend the upper middle class, as these two markets represent the lowest hanging fruit. Still, suggests Realestate.com.kh, a massive demand exists for quality, affordable housing development in Cambodia suited to the needs of the lower-middle class and lowest income earners, especially in expanding urban centers. Without any proposed government intervention in the market for this demand, this appears to offer a great opportunity to developers able to cater to this large demographic. Check out some other great resources on Realestate.com.kh in our Location Profiles and Investor Guides: Learn more about Phnom Penh...Sihanoukville Rising:As property prices in Phnom Penh continue to push upwards, many investors are quickly being priced out of these first-tier markets, as are many developers seeking land for their next project. Sihanoukville in particular stands out as an exciting investment destination worth serious consideration. Home to the Kingdomโ€™s only deep-water port, Sihanoukville is the capital of the province of the same name and is home to a fast-growing population of approximately 300,000. Many of Sihanoukvilleโ€™s residents are there for the port or its associated export-focused manufacturing. The city is Cambodiaโ€™s second-largest manufacturing base after Phnom Penh, with most of its output consisting of garments and shoes.The government plans to transform this area into an entire Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and is currently dredging the port to support larger freight vessels. Large reserves of oil off the coast of Sihanoukville have also been prospected, and plans are being made for its extraction in the coming years. In 2015, the average percentage of growth year-on-year was around 15-25 percent for land located in the city center of Sihanoukville, according to Realestate.com.kh research. But along the seaside road and main commercial roads, prices have rose dramatically in recent years โ€“ in some places between 40-50 percent compared to prices 2013-14. Sihanoukville offers opportunities for cheap land to be developed into resorts, offices, guest houses, hotels or apartments. As investment capital continues to flow into the region, in particular from the Chinese, the region is also seeing the beginning of a high-end condominium market, with various grand scale projects already underway. Check out some other great resources on Realestate.com.kh in our Location Profiles and Investor Guides: Learn more about Sihanoukville.What is the state of the condo market?It is no accident when foreign investors enter Cambodia and spend millions on high-rise condo projects. Why do foreign investors invest in Cambodian condos? The answer relates to political stability, strong economic growth, and the free use of the US dollar. The Cambodian economy has increased so fast since the civil warโ€™s end, and relative stability has been achieved in only two decades. Cambodia maintained a 7.8 percentage GDP increase every year since, which makes it the sixth fastest growing economy in the world. CEO of Eastland HK Development, Sam Yang, who has been building Cambodian condos and high office buildings in Phnom Penh, said that his latest project, East Commercial Center (ECC), will finish at the end of 2017. This building is 38 floors on Norodom Boulevard โ€“ with small, adjustable office spaces for sale and rent, with reason prices and a good location. He went on to say, โ€œI think that 2018 will be ok.There isnโ€™t any market which is unaffected by politics. You have to remember that Myanmar and Thailand will also have elections, and it will be the same type of situation we predict in Cambodiaโ€. He added that there three main points in this market which make it very attractive. Firstly, we are sure that the next major international economic boom will occur in an Asean country. Secondly, Cambodia is the third country in Asean to have achieved relative political stability. Thirdly, investors can rely of the US dollar in Cambodia, and this is very attractive.โ€ Yang also sees Chinese investment continuing to increase in the next few years, citing plans for a regional Chinese railway in the coming years. He added that thus far the Cambodian real estate market has only attracted relatively small investment pools, in comparison to international standards of major investments.Generally, new real estate investments in Cambodia are valued at around 5 to 10 million dollars only. The larger real estate investment funds of 200 to 600 million dollars have not yet come to Cambodia โ€“ but they will soon. โ€œThe Cambodian condos market will continue to improve and Chinese investors plan to construct more roads and railway lines in 2018 to link the Asian markets together.โ€ Mr. Sam Yang asserted, โ€œEven though the investment in Cambodia is growing fast, we should still think about the correct supply while this country is developing. This is why ECC is focusing on affordable office space.โ€ The director of JS Land Limited, Koy Lesan, said that even though there are many condo projects being built recently, some of condos donโ€™t respond to needs of customers and are too expensive. Prices per unit of around 80 to 100 thousand hundred dollars do not reflect Cambodian incomes. He went on to say that the needs for more housing for locals and foreigners are increasing, but most condo projects are still overpriced. This understanding has inspired JS Landโ€™s new project. The Cambodian condos project is 19 storeys high and has 212 units. Each unit is priced at just $38,000.The important thing is that it will be easy for the customers to cooperate with Maybank, who has offered financing for the project. They can install payments on long terms from 20 to 25 years, allowing buyers to manage their investment alongside a low average income across the population. KH NIRON Investmentโ€™s executive director, Ms. Lok Sovanna, invests in many condominium projects in order to resell the units. She said โ€œthere is some risk but we observe that Cambodian people and foreigners demanding more and more condos and apartments and understanding the benefits of investment. She went on that KH NIRON INVESTMENT has spent a hundred million dollars investing in big projects. For example; units in Bodaiju Residences, DI Riviera, The Peak, The Bridge, and East One. General Director of Century 21, Kevin Goos, said that the Kingdom is the most attractive market among Asean countries.The biggest real estate markets of Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are decreasing in investment by around thirty percent. Hence, we can expect increased investment in Cambodia in the next 2 years. He went on to say that the real estate market in Phnom Penh has affordable prices, if we compare to other countries in Asean. Cambodia is still growing fast across economic sectors, as it has been since 2001. If we compare the real estate market in Cambodia, it is the same as other countries such as Singapore, Taipei and Hong Kong during decades of the 1980s and 90s. He went on to say that Cambodia granted a good opportunity for business expansion and the stand of the government on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is very attractive if we compare to other Asean member state policies.ย He added that the creation of the new construction law and development in the country generally, will open the door for investors to invest more heavily in real estate, and aids foreigners buying condos with greater transparency and consistency.The director of Khmer Real Estate, Mr. Kim Heang, said that the real estate development in Cambodia is showing great potential as the Cambodian economic sector is rising by around 8 percent per year for the last 20 years. Cambodia in becoming an increasingly attractive place for investors because Cambodia today has better infrastructure, low labor prices, and 70 percent of people are under 35 years old. These factors are the most encouraging for investors, believes Heang. He went on to say that the growth of the construction sector is demanding more responsibility and respect, as it is becoming a crucial industry for the nationโ€™s growth and peopleโ€™sโ€™ wealth. โ€œNow Cambodian valuers and agents are also rising in their abilities and professionalism in order to prepare for the Asean economic community integrationโ€ he said. โ€œCambodia is one the leaders in economic growth within Asean, and we will step forward into the future as a strong marketโ€.General Director of Century 21 Mekong, Chrek Soknim, said that he is optimism about the growth of real estate in Cambodia. โ€œThis should continue to grow sustainably until 2018 because the sector faces no impediments.โ€ He claimed that there are three factors currently supporting the growth of the real estate market sector. First of all, good political stability is important to attract more investors. Secondly, the Asean integration at the end of this year will mean more commerce and cultural exchanges between Asean states, naturally supporting demand for accommodation, investment properties and office space. Thirdly, the increase in quality and variety of available real estate will allow investors more choice when they buy real estate in Cambodia. And Forth, the royal government of Cambodia will soon be able to grant loans to its citizenry on long repayment terms of 20 years and higher, meaning more people will have credit to buy their own homes.When the majority of people are able to buy a house, then the construction and real estate sector can only grow. โ€œEven though new development projects face some obstacles in the coming years, if they choose the right location, and build to the right quality standards, these problems will be limited,โ€ he added. He mentions that the economic growth rates of 7 to 7.5 percent are ideal for business growth, and will also support the real estate market development industry. Sear Chaylin, general director of CL Realty Estate, said that the property being sold has decreased a little bit in a last few months, but this is normal when the rainy season is coming.During this period, buyer transactions are usually slower. It will increase when Cambodia is ready to integrate with ASEAN at the end of this year. Many Japanese companies are now flowing into the Cambodian market, bringing new challenges and opportunities to the market. โ€œI think that the real estate market and property sector will continue to develop because the needs of the people are rising, strong economic growth is occurring alongside relative political stability, and security in the market is better than ever,โ€ Mr. Sear Chaylin said. โ€œEven though we are seeing increases in construction, it will be suitably matched to the current economic growth and the needs of the peopleโ€. Senior National Economic Counselor, H.E Mey Kalyan said that โ€œfor instance, when we buy fish, vegetables, and rice today, then we can eat. But, if we buy a house and property, we cannot eat the benefits immediately. We have to keep it for a long time and it represents a big risk. If you donโ€™t have enough money, you can borrow that money from the bank in order to invest, and hope that it will gain profit in the future. However, if the house is not sold or rented, people will not have money to pay back to the bank and, if this happens to too many people, the bank will collapse.When banks collapse the financial system and national economy is in great jeopardy.โ€ โ€œBe careful if you are building for rent or sale, then you cannot rent or sell upon completion โ€“ this is a big problem. So, control your risks and always try to limit your chances of failure.โ€ H.E Mey said. โ€œThe royal government of Cambodia can see this risk. Be careful, because any sector growing so fast has risks like this.โ€ H.E Kalyan went on to say that the government should manage the flow of money in the right way in order to control this growth risk. But when you prevent the flow of money, the growth of the economy can suffer. Therefore, the management of money flow must play a balancing role into the future. H.E Mey Vann, General Director of Financial Industry of Ministry of Financial and Economy, said flows of money into the real estate market sector have come with few risks thus far, but the ministry is being proactive in working with investors in order to manage the data of development, demands, and specific support for preventing risk in this sector. โ€œData management and money flow management in this sector is very important for us if we want real estate development sustainabilityโ€ H.E Mey Vann said.The Cambodian Construction SectorThe construction sector has become the most dynamic engine of growth, partly due to the return of political stability and a revival in consumption, according to a recent report by the World Bank. Economic growth here is still led by construction, garment exports and tourism, the World Bank said in its report โ€œWorld Bank East Asia and Pacific Economic Update โ€“ Staying the Course.โ€ Construction investment increased nearly 3 billion US Dollar in the first 11 months 2015 if compared with the same period last year, according to the data from the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction. According to Im Chhunlim, senior minister of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning, and Construction, said construction investment capital reached about 2.9 billion US Dollars in the first 11 months in 2015 if compared with the same period last year, increased 27 per cent.A group of local real estate expert said the construction sector helps invigorate the economy as well as GDP growth. Kim Heang, CEO of Khmer Real Estate and president of Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA), said the construction sector took the biggest part in Cambodiaโ€™s GDP because most wealthy people gain benefit from the land and construction. He warned, โ€œWe donโ€™t have to concentrate only on the construction sector because the prices can increase or decline depending on the situation as there are many sectors we have to focus on such as tourism, agriculture, as well as garment.โ€ โ€œPeopleโ€™s income does not meet the current residential, and number of tenants saw an increase, so the government must take action to make middle income people to be able to afford housing,โ€ he said. In order to become a developed country with strong GDP, we have to depend on human resource.It is a long-term investment and the education system has to be improved,โ€ Mr. Heang said. Chrek Soknim, CEO of Century21 Mekong, stressed the vital role of the construction sector in the Cambodian economy. โ€œThe economy talks about money. Currently as we can see, construction sector in Cambodia injected a lot of money into the economy. Thatโ€™s the reason the construction sector took a big part in the GDP growth,โ€ Mr. Soknim said. However, he said, โ€œeven though the Cambodia property sector is younger if compared with other countries, the Kingdom gains advantages from the sector.โ€ โ€œWith peopleโ€™s stable income bank sector in Cambodia also plays a vital role in boosting the property sector, and cash flow can help the economy,โ€ he added. โ€œTo make the construction sector consistency, the government has to take care of investors by issuing laws to projects both investors and buyers,โ€ Mr. Soknim said. In Sitha, vice-president of World Trust Estate, said currently there have been many construction sites popping up in Phnom Penh, and this creates many jobs for people as well as experts in the sector: โ€œIt means workers and experts in the construction sector earn more income from the construction, and many constructions boost the GDP growth and according to the current data from the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, the construction saw an increase, and this means it took a part in the GDP as well,โ€ Mr. Sitha said. โ€œBank sector plays an important role in providing loan for people to have enough ability to afford home as many middle-income people use the loan to buy their own home,โ€ he added.Return On Investment of condo investment in Cambodia is around 7.5 per year if compared to the same Asian markets, Cambodiaโ€™s investment provide more benefit as Thailand and Japan at 6.3 and 5.5 per cent respectively, China and Hong Kong are offering rent yields of only 2.7 and 3.3 per cent respectively, and Philippine at 7.1 per cent annually, according to a recent study of Century 21 Mekong. According to a report of real estate agency Century21 condominium development increased by 20 per cent annually from 2008 to 2014 with 13 projects successfully completed, which translates to 3,090 available units as of today. With another 17 projects currently underway, the report predicted that by 2018, when many of the current projects are slated for completion, the number will have more than tripled to over 10,000 available units across Phnom Penh. Cambodiaโ€™s per capita GDP is forecast to reach $1,220 this year, up from $1,123 last year, according to official data. This places the country near lower-middle income status.Its new forecast comes just a few weeks after the Asian Development Bank revised its March forecast for economic growth this year from 7.3 per cent to 7 percent. The construction sector has become the most dynamic engine of growth, partly due to the return of political stability and a revival in consumption; however, the tourism sector is underperforming, despite the initial recovery in tourist arrivals to Thailand. Tourist arrivals during the first six months grew by only 4.6 percent (reaching 2.3 million visitors), compared to 6.9 percent during the same period last year, the report from the World Bank said.2016 Cambodian Real Estate Market PredictionsRealestate.com.kh spoke to the leaders of the Cambodian real estate market to find out what type of trends we are likely to witness in the property market in 2016.Sunny Soo, managing director of Keystone, Savills Cambodian associate:โ€œFor the last 6 months, the speed of apartment transactions have softened significantly in Cambodia, especially those projects heavily targeting foreign buyers โ€“ and one would only assume this trend to continue into 2016, especially when the volatility of regional economies continue to be a challenge and the Cambodian economy as a whole moves slower than the real estate market boom, the market will eventually face adjustment.The coming election in 2018 may also prompt some developers to start considering holding onto their development plan for now, unless 2016 proves to be a good year for transaction. Nevertheless, it seems that landed developments as well as projects targeting locals will continue to see higher demand as the middle income group continues to grow bigger. All in all, there are still good opportunities for real estate developments in middle-end offices and hotels. The Cambodian market will continue to remain significant for investment consideration among the countries in this region in 2016.โ€Simon Griffiths, associate director at CBRE Cambodia:โ€œFor 2016, confidence in the Phnom Penh real estate market, with particular reference to the condominium market, will be low within Cambodia with commenters stating oversupply and too-rapid growth causing oversaturation, ultimate leading to exposure to risk.Interestingly, this sentiment will not be reflected outside of Cambodia, in particular relating to Taiwan and China where inbound investment is expected to grow from consumers and developers alike. However, Singaporean investment is likely to cool. Developers who have not launched schemes pre-2016 are likely to continue to progress with development plans but unlikely to consider exclusively condo developments. Mixed-use schemes, as well as freehold strata title office and retail space, are likely to become more popular as the potential returns in these sectors are realized both locally and internationally.โ€June Zeng, investment adviser at Da Yu Real Estate:โ€œIn my opinion, 2016 will be a rather different year for property developers and real estate agents alike. The major fact everyone has to face is that gone are the days when anyone who had a piece of land in town could make a fortune simply by building something on it. The age of professionals has come, which consequently means Adios to the amateurs. In the city of Phnom Penh, market performance will strictly favor the few projects that score high in two aspects: excellent product and professional marketing. Anything short of either, Iโ€™m afraid, is very likely to bring about disappointment. The immediate question Phnom Penh is soon to face within this year is not whether or not there are too many condo units in the market, but why there arenโ€™t enough small-sized and affordable units for the young middle class and expats. So, 2016 is the year for many to re-examine demand, which isnโ€™t a bad thing at all as thatโ€™s how a market learns to mature.ย Despite Phnom Penhโ€™s new challenge, the nearly uncharted waters of other provinces are still fresh. 2016 is also the year we might hear major success stories from other fast-growing cities โ€“ Sihanoukville, to name the most potential one.โ€VA Vireak, chairman of Century 21 Fortune Investment:โ€œCambodiaโ€™s property market in 2016 is very challenging and itโ€™s very hard to predict about its future for this year and beyond. On one side, there are some challenges with increased supply (houses, condos, apartments, offices, โ€ฆ), and the possibility of global economy impacts (mainly from China and the region), the interest rate and bank loan policy (which may be changed), the exchange rate from US Dollars to other currencies (the strong US Dollar), etc. On the other side, Cambodiaโ€™s economy can maintain the growth of around 6.9% till 2018, the population growth rate in the urban areas as well, and the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) integration. Economic growth means more income to the country and to the people as well, therefore the GDP per capita will be increase, so people can have more money to buy the property โ€“ of course if there is not too much inflation. Population growth in the city triggers the demand for the housing, as most developments are based in cities only. The AEC integration will bring more skilled workers and specialist, so this new labor pool can help to boost the demand, especially for the condo, apartment and office space. All these factors can help to balance on the real estate market.โ€Van Chanthorn (John), managing director of TownCity Real Estate:โ€œThe property market in Cambodia will be better than in the previous years for the following reasons. The ASEAN Integration will bring more expatriates to Cambodia. When expatriates come, whether tourists, investors, employees, students, workers or interns, the first thing that they need is accommodation, a place for business, an office, or hotel for a temporary stay. So when they come, it is not only a direct benefit to Cambodia but indirect as well.Cambodians can earn more money and will have the purchasing power to buy other products. When this happens, finally the locals will have enough money to invest in property. Cambodian Returnees who have stayed abroad for a long time have now graduated in their adopted countries and look to Cambodia with new, innovative ways of doing business. When the new businesses enter the market, the properties and offices are their first requirement. These returnees and expats will also seek a higher standard of living, meaning condo demand should pick up also. Bank policy is also changing, and this will boost the lower income real estate market. For the previous 5 years, the banking sector has increased year by year, and still more banks will come. As more competitors come, the policies of the banks are becoming more and more accommodating to Cambodian investors and young couples seeking their first home loan.More appropriate loan policies will drive up demand for low to middle range flats and villas across the market. Government Policy to encourage international and local Investors will also develop in 2016. When the government implements new policies to encourage the private sector, more businesses will come โ€“ and when businesses come, people have jobs, better salaries and a higher standard of living. Thus, there will be greater demand for property investment and homes for stay as well. In particular, the real estate sector is monitoring the governmentโ€™s plans to expand the city, and develop infrastructure in suburban areas.โ€Sharon Liew, ceo of Huttons CPL:โ€œ2016 will be a very challenging year for the property market in Cambodia. With owners and investors spoilt for choices for condominium and the countryโ€™s upcoming elections, buyers are getting more cautious on their purchase. Personally, I feel this is a better start as cautiousness leads to more informed buyers, and this also helps to prevent the exploitation of over-promising developers. The market has upgraded more to commercial properties as is the current trend, and this is another challenge for local buyers needing to absorb the commercial investment value which is rather new in this market. Overall, through experience, I always believe that โ€œPrime property will hold its valueโ€ and โ€œthe Early & well-informed bird always catches the wormโ€.Chee Yap, project director at Grand Phnom Penh International City:โ€œCurrently, there are so many unknown factors within the country, and both regional and global issues. First of all, I suggest the โ€œactualโ€ absorption and digestion of exponential land price growth in 2015 will be something very interesting to watch in 2016. Meanwhile, various factors will exert pressures on the local real estate market, in uncertain ways: such as minimum wages rising to USD 160 per month; local undercurrent political issues; Cambodians adjusting to improving regulations ( i.e. Traffic Law, Tax Law, Forestry Law etc.); the dropping of oil prices below USD 30 per barrel; the appreciation of the USD currency against other major currencies in 2016; and the regional influence of a booming Jakarta and increasing demand in other major regional centers. With these things on the horizon, be prudent and conservative for 2016. Last but not least, Grand Phnom Penhโ€™s Fantastic Water World Waterpark will be completed in mid-February this year and will be the talk of the town during Khmer New Year.โ€Ross Wheble, country manager of Knight Frank Cambodia:โ€œWith signs of softening in certain sectors, some developers are diversifying. Whilst the supply of retail and office space will approximately double by 2018, the supply of condominiums will increase by more than six-fold. This has led to a recent slowdown in sales rates of condominiums and developers are looking at alternative asset types to appeal to investors. TC Royal Asset Manor was one of the pioneers in this area with the launch of stratified office units in their TK Royal One development. This has been followed by a raft of new stratified office developments as developers seek to diversify away from the condominium sector and we expect this trend to continue into 2016. Equally, with more funds being allocated to infrastructure improvements, we are seeing increasing investment in the industrial sector as multinational companies assess the benefits of setting up operation in Cambodia, particularly along the border with Thailand. We also expect to see growing demand for agricultural land as foreign companies seek to take advantage of a more mechanized approach to farming, providing higher crop yields and better returns than the more traditional methods currently used in Cambodia.โ€Alex Evengroen, general manager of Khmer Real Estate:โ€œMy forecast for the property market in 2016 is that there will be a large shift from buying properties to investing in land. Cambodia became part of ASEAN and this means that the country will be flooded with highly skilled and hungry Real Estate professionals and investors with a lot of inside knowledge. The M2 price keeps going up and so it is inevitable that at one point people start to look at other and more creative optionsโ€ฆ.This is in my opinion land. There will also be a change in demographics regarding the land market. More will look for (low priced) land in the other provinces like Kep, Kampot, Sihanoukville and others closer to the borders. One of the issues I expect is the oversupply of mostly condominiums which will at a certain point lower the prices and will have an effect on the investments people make to buy these properties. If this is not well monitored and guided many people could get into financial difficulties. One very important positive change that I see will be the unification of the official Real Estate companies under the scepter of the CVEA.This will result in a better understanding and sharing of upcoming and expected changes and needs within the Real Estate industry, and will also eventually eliminate the people who do Real Estate on the side without the proper papers or required knowledge. We do have to understand that we have to work hard and smart to keep going in the right direction, the direction that will benefit the people of Cambodia and safeguard their investments in the industry. This also means that it is important to keep communicating frequently and act on decisions made to reach the required upgrades.โ€David Kim, ceo at Informax Property:โ€œThe core sector of new developments will shift from pure residential toward mixed commercial and residential developments in 2016, a trend we are already beginning to see. Due to new residential shifts during 2014 and 2015 to the suburbs of Phnom Penh, these areas now need commercial facilities such as shopping centers, hospitals, offices and schools. Expect to see a rush from mainland China. While Singaporean and Taiwanese developers were the main developers for 2015, now mainland Chinese developers with large capital are starting to launch projects in Cambodia.When they start promoting these projects in China, more and more Chinese investors will consider investments in Cambodia. Industrial development along the borders of Cambodia will enjoy the benefits of the AEC. Cambodia has a good business environment for regional expansions such as low tax, low labor cost, freehold property, and prime logistical connectivity to other member countries of the AEC. When the AEC goes through, the biggest handicap of Cambodia โ€“ namely its small domestic market โ€“ will not be handicap anymore.ย These 3 issues will be main things to watch in Cambodiaโ€™s real estate market in 2016.โ€Kim Heang, president of the CVEA:โ€œI name the Year 2016 as โ€œthe Year of Condo Constructionโ€ as you can see the construction of Condos across the City, especially in Khan Chamkarmon, Daun Penh, 7 Makara and Khan Toul Kork. There will be around 18 000 to 20 000 Units of Condo by 2018, this amount is too much for the local market but it is still a small amount for the ASEAN Market. Developers need to find out their own market or create their own market for their product. Also, the Cambodian Government needs to attract more investors to help the Condo industry.The land price has increased too much in 2013, 2014 and 2015 โ€“ so the price in 2016 will not increase too much. It should be just 5 to 10% for land in down town, and still around 20% for land outside the city. Boreys for the Middle Class and High End clientele have reached their limits, so it is better for the developers to focus on the lower income and new family markets, especially for the flat house at around 30 to 45K โ€“ instead of flat houses at 80 to 100K for the middle class, or 200 to 300K for the high end client. Warehouses need to be moved from downtown as the price keeps increasing for their land. The savvy warehouse owner needs to sell their land for big money and shift their business elsewhere! Serviced Apartments in prime locations such as BKK1 and nearby areas are doing good business. However, lower standard apartments will disappear and be replaced by higher end apartments. There will be investors coming to buy factories in Cambodia as we have great advantages for industry. In particular, no tax to the EU, USA and other Asian countries, and low labor costs. However, there are too many demonstrations in the industrial industries recently โ€“ thus, the Government needs to take the action and find a solution to the issues of workers.โ€Desmond Yap, general manager of Yong Yap Properties:โ€œCambodia will continue to be an investment hotspot โ€“ especially with its continual integration into ASEAN and the government enforcing laws to ensure a cleaner business environment.โ€Economic OutlookGDP growth is increasing consistently with a continuing improvement in consumption and investment. A robust 7 percent year-on-year consistent economic growth rate has made Cambodia an attractive country for potential investors. According to the World Bank, lower world oil prices and buoyant business confidence have driven continued strong consumption, assisted by rapid consumption credit growth (averaging around 30 percent growth for the past 5 years); which has led to an expansion in wholesale and retail businesses.Robust gross fixed capital formation growth, at 9.1 percent year-on-year in 2014, has been driven largely by durable equipment and construction. Inflation eased further to 0.8 percent in the second half of 2015 following a sharp decline in 2014 with a rate of 1.2 percent - this was despite strong domestic demand which reflected moderated food and oil prices. Within this context, the construction and real estate sector has become the most vigorous engine of economic growth within the Cambodian economy.Regional anticipation of Cambodiaโ€™s integration into the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has bolstered business confidence and continues to fuel a booming construction and real estate industry. The fast expansion of the banking and finance sector combined with continued broad money growth contributed to ongoing economic growth in the Cambodian economy. Swift and broad money growth continued its rate of 20.6 percent year-on-year by mid-2015, which has been primarily driven by foreign currency deposits. Private sector deposits also remained healthy at a growth rate of 21.1 percent year-on-year, supporting high private sector credit growth. Cambodiaโ€™s reliance on dollarization continues to impact economic performance.The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) has been working hard on developing stronger supervision and monitoring policies for the banking and finance sector in order to maintain financial stability and help maintain the growth of the economy. With growing US dollar appreciation, market competitiveness is experiencing some erosion leading to growth restraint in the garment and tourism sectors which have traditionally been the main economic drivers of the nation.The appreciation of the US dollar, the rise of low wage regional competitors like Myanmar, and uncertainty surrounding ongoing wage negotiations, especially within the garment sector, are stifling external competitiveness. Thus garment exports have eased slightly to a year-on-year growth rate of 7.8 percent in value terms in the first half of 2015, compared with 9.2 percent the year before. The tourism sector has seen a decline with arrivals during the first half of 2015; decelerating to 4.6 percent year-on-year (reaching 2.3 million visitors), compared with 6.9 percent in 2014. Foreign direct investment (FDI) continues to remain healthy and is largely responsible for financing the kingdomโ€™s current account deficit. Flowing FDI has contributed to increases in gross international reserves, which reached USD 5.2 billion by mid-2015. Investment from major economies such as China, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and others, continues to inject foreign capital. Preempting future downside risks, the Royal Government of Cambodia launched late last year their new Industrial Development Policy (IDP) (2015-2025).This framework aims to strengthen competitiveness through adaptability, encourage economic diversification, productivity and inclusive growth. The IDP seeks to tackle the countries over reliance on traditional sectors and low skilled/low value jobs by diversifying industrial activities. Cambodia remains a very open free market economy with liberal trade and investment policies thus making it full of opportunities for investors. Realestate.com.kh suggests that Cambodia is attractive destination for FDI due to the availability of low-priced labor, fast urbanization, an growing middle-class, easy, free and open policies for foreign businesses, English language as the main business language, appealing tax incentives and import/export duty exemptions, continually improving infrastructure and logistical networks, and the predominance of the US dollar.Want to learn more?ย Check out other great resources on Realestate.com.kh now! Go to ourย Location Profilesย andย Investor Guidesย pages for more information!
Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia
Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Love Cambodia and want to own a part of it? If thatโ€™s the case, Realestate.com.kh has put together a foreign ownership guide to the kingdom just for you.Cambodia, unlike its three neighboring counterparts, has a freehold land ownership system for its citizens. Foreigners based in Cambodia are also allowed rights of ownership over certain properties, subject to 2010 Law on the Provision of Ownership Rights. These rights, however, are restricted to buildings that have obtained a โ€œstrata titleโ€, which is available only to newly completed apartment buildings.According to the strata title regulation, foreigners cannot acquire a ground-floor unit legally, and any foreign ownership allocation is limited to a maximum of 70 percent of the units in any one co-owned building. Nevertheless, a foreigner lease term over landed properties can still be up to a 50 year maximum, with a 50 year renewal option included.Tell me more about Cambodian Land TitlesCambodia Land Title Classifications Explained, Once and For All! To the new property buyer, Cambodian land title classifications can be rather confusing. Letโ€™s explore the three main ways property ownership can be secured in Cambodia, and the major misconceptions surrounding Cambodian property ownership and Cambodia land titles.All Cambodian land title records were destroyed between 1975 and 1979. This meant that after the war, proof of ownership had become near impossible. In 1989, a Cambodian Land Law was passed and a revised version was issued in 2001 allowing private ownership of land. The 2001 Land Law created the land registry system issuing Cambodia land titles that remains in place today.Since then, more than two million Cambodia land titles have been issued to Cambodians. Property ownership can now be secured by one of three forms of Cambodia land title: Hard title, Soft title and Private Ownership in Co-owned Buildings โ€“ also known as Strata Title. In addition, a highly-secure LMAP title is also now available.1) ย  ย  ย ย HARD TITLE:Hard title is the strongest form of property ownership in Cambodia and the best Cambodian Land Title.Hard titles are an ownership certificate provided by the national Land Management and Planning office.Hard titles contain detailed information that has been duly recognized and certified at a national level with the Ministry of Land and a cadastral office.A Transfer tax of four percent applies when a hard title transaction occurs.2) ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  SOFT TITLE:Soft title is the most common form of ownership and the most commonly issued Cambodia land title.It is a Cambodian land title that is recognized at the local government level.Soft titles are provided by the local Sangkat or District office and are not registered at a national level โ€“ but are still considered a possessory status.The majority of property transactions still occur with soft titles to avoid ownership transfer taxes and fees.However, most new major development projects are being transacted with hard titles as these are the most durable Cambodia land title.Check another useful blog post on Realestate.com.kh relevant to Cambodia land titles: โ€œPitfalls for Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia.โ€3) ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  PRIVATE OWNERSHIP:Private Ownership in Co-owned Buildings is the most recent form of ownership and allows foreigners to legally own property in Cambodia.This is more commonly known as a Strata Title.Strata Title is a less common Cambodia land title, but numbers are growing fast.The โ€˜Law on Foreign Ownershipโ€™ was promulgated on 24 May, 2010.This law limits foreign ownership to co-owned buildings. Foreigners still cannot own land, as it isCo-owned buildings are defined as a building or construction in which several owners reside, consisting of some parts that are the exclusive ownership of each co-owner (private units) and some other parts that are common spaces for the common use of co-owners (common areas).Strata title has also recently been extended to commercial buildings, and in particular shared office complexes.Learn more about the strata title process here.*LMAP TITLE*:A titling system called LMAP (Land Management and Administration Project) has been introduced in Cambodia by the World Bank to improve land tenure security by the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction.Under the scheme, GPS coordinates are being registered for all land plots in the country.If you have an LMAP title already, the borders have been agreed between neighboring parties so all border disputes have been resolved.This is the safest type of title.Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia may not be simple, but it is increasingly possible. Always do your due diligence and take your time, and soon you will achieve foreign property ownership in Cambodia, and gain a valuable property asset. For clarity on all of these issues and more, it is highly recommended by Realestate.com.kh to enlist experience legal support whenever considering a lease in Cambodia as a foreigner.ย Tell me how I can own, control or lease Land as a foreigner in CambodiaSo many people ask can foreigners own land in Cambodiaโ€ฆ Although the short answer to this is very simple โ€“ no โ€“ there are plenty of effective ways to control land in Cambodia for your business or personal use. Are you a foreigner who wants to buy or lease land in Cambodia? If yes โ€“ here is some handy advice you need to read!Realestate.com.kh has put together an informative article to show you exactly how you can buy or lease land in Cambodia as a barrang, and the legal precautions you must follow if your venture is to be a success into the future. Itโ€™s not all smooth sailing though, and we advise seeking professional legal counsel for any such transaction. But, at least this article is a good start! Broadly, under Article 44 of the Constitution, foreigners cannot own land in Cambodia.However, foreigners can establish control over land several ways:Buying land through a local company;By leasing land;By attaining Cambodian citizenship;Or by buying land through a Cambodian nominee (note: this one is actually outlawed by the constitution).How can foreigners buy land in Cambodia through a locally-incorporated company?This presents the least risk for foreign investors, either individual or a legal person. Multiple pieces of land can be held. However, the costs of creating a landholding company are expensive, with high maintenance costs, and rental income taxes are high. See the Law on the Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia (Chapter VI, Article 16): โ€œlegal entities in which more than 51% of the equity capital are directly owned by natural persons or legal entities holding Cambodian citizenshipโ€. And further: โ€œuse of land shall be permitted to investors, including long-term leases of up to a period of 70 years, renewable upon requestโ€.51% Cambodian ownership is necessary. However, when structured with 2 classes of shares having different rights of control, one class held by foreign investor, one by the local investors, this shareholder dominance is in check. Often, local shareholders are attributed lesser rights to transfer shares or nominate directors, and any major company decisions may require a threshold vote of a 2/3 majority. Generally, private agreements are created in which the Cambodian shareholders grant the foreigner special rights over the land. Also, by registering a mortgage on the land, the land cannot be transferred without the consent of the foreigner. Yet, this method still can fail if the Cambodian partner denies their legal obligations.In Cambodian courts decisions may be brought, and costs are high. Hence, due diligence on any local partner is crucial to limit risks.How about Leasing the Land?Often when people first ask โ€œcan foreigners buy land in Cambodiaโ€ they are quickly convinced that leasing is a better option. Long-term leases are commonly used by foreigners as a means to control land in Cambodia. And for most foreign business people, long term leases are, for all-exclusive-purposes, as effective as outright ownership.Long term leases allow all necessary rights to develop the land and gain construction permissions. However, leasing structures are ultimately less secure than the company structure described earlier, but progress in being made on their clarification. According to the Land Law, lease lengths are highly flexible. Leases generally last for 50 years, 70 years, or 99 years. Keep in mind that leases lasting longer than 15 years must be registered at the Land Office in order to be valid.If you are trying to lease state owned land, there is a 40 years maximum on leases, with possibilities for extensions. Whenever leasing, do your due diligence and run a full background check on the owner, similarly as you should for any company partnerships. Leasing from the wrong person, who knows the right people in power, could mean your lease becomes very unstable, very quickly. Ensure that the lease contract includes dispute resolution outside Cambodia. However, even if you do this, in practice it may not be as effective as many believe.This is because the majority of land disputes do not involve disputes over the contract itself, rather quasi-legal matters. Cambodian courts have also been known to out rightly refuse to recognize foreign arbitration clauses. These lease contracts might also include a clause requiring the owner to get the lesseeโ€™s permission before they may sell, or prevent the owner from selling until the new owner fully-recognizes the preexisting lease. On top of this, a โ€˜block sale noticeโ€™ can be registered with the relevant Land Office, which tells the office to halt any attempts to sell the land without the lease ownersโ€™ preceding permission.Some further issues present themselves, and the lease law remains somewhat unclear. Firstly, regulation surrounding ownership over buildings at the close of the lease is uncertain. Floors above the ground floor of buildings belong to the lessee, who can then register titles for these floors. But, as the owner of the 1st floor also owns the land according to the Land Law, at the closure of the lease the owner of the land will also own this building. Yet, in contradiction of this, the Law on Investment, which essentially covers companies registering for tax incentives, the buildings are held to be owned by the lessor. Nevertheless, the Government has become proactive on these issues of late, which is increasingly clarifying these uncertainties.Another problem once existed as leases are currently un-recordable at the Land Registry office; however, this issue is also under reform. For clarity on all of these issues and more, it is highly recommended to enlist experience legal support whenever considering a lease in Cambodia as a foreigner.Can foreigners buy land in Cambodia with Cambodian citizenship?Yes. The Government considers citizenship applications from foreigners when a significant investment is being made in Cambodia. The Ministry of the Interior, the Council of Ministers, and the Prime Minister, all must agree to the grant of Citizenship โ€“ so you need to be a very serious and major investor to gain citizenship. Can foreigners buy land in Cambodia through a Nominee Purchase?Buying in a localโ€™s name is very easy and is the most inexpensive means of controlling Cambodian land. But, by doing so, you will be ignoring the Constitutional prohibition on direct ownership of property by foreigners. Therefore it is illegal and strongly discouraged by legal support in Cambodia.In short, to buy through a nominee structure, the investor signs a trust agreement with the landholder guaranteeing to hold the land on their behalf.ย The owner then mortgages that land and leases it to the foreigner. If things donโ€™t go to plan, a foreigner can easily face expropriation by the state, or be forced to sell the land.Check out some other great resources on Realestate.com.kh in our Location Profiles and Investor Guides: Learn more about Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap & Sihanoukville. Learn more about Investing in Cambodia, Foreign Ownership in Cambodia & the Cambodian Expat Experience!ย Tell me more are the Strata Title Transfer ProcessCambodian laws towards land titles for foreign ownership have been largely untested amidst the current construction boom. Yet the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC) have now started to transfer strata titles to purchasers of residential units โ€“ creating legally binding ownership within co-owned buildings.What are the steps to creating a Strata title?At the very first stage, the developer acquires the land that the development will be on with a hard title in the name of the development company. However, from this original master title you cannot directly transfer private unit ownerships to individual buyers. Before this, you must first transfer the total collection of split titles into the developerโ€™s name and ownership. For example, there might be were 50 separate titles for 50 units, made from the original, single hard title.The land department of the ministry will also screen your common area regulations and practices at this stage. If the land department is satisfied that the co-owned areas will be correctly managed and insured, then the strata titles will be issued. Once these 50 titles have been created and transferred into the companyโ€™s ownership, we can proceed to transferring these individual titles to the individual buyers.What is involved in the transfer of the strata title from the development company to the end buyer and owner?The MLMUPC requires fully certified documentation of the identity and marital status of the end buyer and these documents must also be supplied and translated into Khmer. Importantly, the strata title is solely in Khmer, thus no English names are permitted on the strata title and all buyers need their name to be translated. Khmer buyers, foreign buyers and the development company all must satisfy slightly different process and documentation demands.During this stage, choose to engage the services of a qualified local legal firm to review the certified documents and their translation, to liaise with the authority at the land department and to provide legal assistance to buyers along the process until the transfer tax payment. Does the buyer have to be in Cambodia to transfer the new strata title into their possession?Yes. The buyers must physically be present in Cambodia to affix their thumbprint on their certified documentation, but most importantly on Vente Definitive and on Application for Ownership Transfer, both of which are standard templates to be provided by the land department. This means international investors must come back to Cambodia to get the title transferred.What costs are accrued during the transfer process?There is a public service fee per strata title for the conversion of the master title. There is also a public service fee for each individual strata title to be issued in the buyerโ€™s name. Concerning the transfer tax, once the set of certified documentation is reviewed and accepted by the land department, the exact same documentation with other forms will be submitted to the General Department of Taxation.The tax officials will then issue an invoice with the amount of transfer tax to be paid after assessment of the property value based on their determined ranges and calculation method. After issuance of the evidence from the General Department of Taxation that the tax has been paid by the buyer, the land department will complete the title transfer.What if the buyer refuses the strata title transfer?In theory, this will bring problems when it comes to resale because the second buyer will have difficulties to do a thorough examination or to have certitude that there are no disputes, mortgages, judgments or unpaid taxes associated with the property sold. Pure investors are usually resistant to fulfill the physical paperwork and monetary demands to transfer the ownership in their name. Some developers in this case may accept to hold the title for them โ€“ but this can cause complications for buyers later. It is not really advised.On the other hand, such an arrangement also creates landlord liabilities for the developer holding the strata title. An effective way to mitigate this for the reassurance of the buyer is to enlist quality legal support, to ensure constant communication with the developer and to get education surrounding the process. Hiring a professional legal firm with experience in this is crucial โ€“ because they can make this transfer process as smooth and predictable as possible.Tell me more about the Land Title Transfer process in Cambodia.The following information explains the steps necessary for transferring land titles of ownership in Cambodia, thanks to Realestate.com.kh. Each step gives instructions, the responsible Government agency, the estimated time to complete the step, and the official cost.Step 1 - The buyer verifies the title certificate with the Land Office, checking for potential liens (debt) or other encumbrances:For the first step, the buyer must obtain a copy of the initial title certificate from the seller and verify proper ownership, ensuring that the seller is the rightful owner of the title certificate. He/she verifies the title certificate with the land office to ensure that there are no liens, mortgages or other encumbrances registered already for that property.Relevant Government Agency: Land OfficeEstimated time to complete the step: 10 days (should occur simultaneous to steps 2 and 3)Official cost: According the Prakas 995 dated of December 28th 2012 on public service at Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction = KHR 50,000/US$12.50Step 2 - Obtain information on the property from the relevant Commune Council Official: The land purchaser must contact the village chief or the commune council official, in which the property is located, to obtain information on the land, in addition to an official search upon the title at the municipal land office.Relevant Government Agency: Commune CouncilEstimated time to complete the step: 10 days (should occur simultaneous to steps 1 and 3)Official cost: No CostStep 3 - The buyer must obtain the certificate of incorporation of the sellerโ€™s company and other official documents from the seller:If the landowner is a legal entity, the buyer must obtain a copy of the ID of the shareholder, or person acting on behalf of the company, and a certified/notarized copy of the certificate as issued by the Ministry of Commerce. These documents are needed to verify the accuracy and identity of the company name appearing on the title certificate. A Power of Attorney is also needed, as well as a resolution signed by the Board of Directors from that company authorizing the named individual to represent the company at the land office, accompanied by the Power of Attorney implementing that Resolution.Relevant Government Agency: Ministry of CommerceEstimated time to complete the step: 10 days (should occur simultaneous to steps 1 and 2)Official cost: KHR 80,000/US$20Step 4 - Apply for registration at the District Land Office of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction (MLMUPC):When 2 persons/companies wish to buy/sell real property, they must first go together to the district office of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction (MLMUPC) and arrange to prepare and sign documents. The documentation needed includes the companyโ€™s statute, its Certificate of Incorporation, and Power of Attorney (obtained in Step 3). At the same time, the original Title Certificate held by the seller must be presented to the Khan at the time of signing the deed, in order to have the name of the new owner officially inserted on the document.Relevant Government Agency: District Land Office, MLMUPC (District Land Office of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction)Estimated time to complete the step: 20 โ€“ 30 days Official cost: A cadastral transfer fee of KHR 600,000 is paid to MLMUPC.Step 5 - Pay transfer tax at the Tax Collection Office: A transfer tax of 4% of the total value of the property is paid to the Ministry of Economy and Finance at the Tax Collection Office, relevant to the location of the transferred property. A Tax Receipt is then issued to prove that the property transfer tax has been paid. The 4% transfer tax is set out in Article 40 of the Law on Finance 1995. In Phnom Penh, however, this tax is not assessed based on the true transacted value of the property; but, rather, based on a schedule of price of property determined by the Phnom Penh Municipality. The assessed valuation by the Phnom Penh Municipality is usually based on the total number of square meters, the landโ€™s location, use, potential use etc. The tax is thus not based on the actual price for which the land is sold; rather it is based on the assessed value made by the Municipal office. If the land is more than 1200mยฒ, the surplus of the land will also be subject to โ€œunused land tax.โ€ For land less than 1200mยฒ, the unused land tax is not applicable. *The time for the tax office to complete the calculation of transfer tax will depend on the location of the land and its size.Relevant Government Agency: General Department of TaxationEstimated time to complete the step: 1 day*Official cost: 4% of property value (transfer fee)Step 6 - Return to Cadastral office to complete the registration process:After all taxes are paid, the parties may return to the cadastral office at the MLMUPC and sign/thumbprint a MLMUPC form for buying/selling real property, as filled in by MLMUPC official. The signing/thumb printing must be witnessed by a local authority such as commune chief, who will also thumbprint. These procedures are based on Land Law Arts. 65, 244 and 245. Land Law Art. 69 bars transfer unless all necessary taxes are paid. The documentation provided should include payment receipts of transfer tax (obtained in Step 5).Relevant Government Agency: MLMUPC (District Land Office of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning & Construction)Estimated time to complete the step: 5 daysOfficial cost: Cadastral service fee paid in Step 4Step 7 - Obtain the certificate of title from the Municipal Land Office:The Khan/District land office forwards all the โ€œtransfer documentsโ€ to the Municipal Land Office where it issues the final Certificate of Title in the new ownerโ€™s name. It is now registered.Relevant Government Agency: Municipal Land OfficeEstimated time to complete the step: 1 to 2 weeks. The last procedural step in practice can take several weeks, depending on the diligence of the land officials and interested parties.ย Explain some of the most common pitfalls for foreign property ownership in CambodiaHere are some clarifications of the most common misconceptions surrounding foreign property ownership in Cambodia for non-Cambodians.Foreign nationals are unable to buy land freehold within Cambodia as according the the Land Law 2001 and the Cambodian Constitution unless a landholding company is set up with the majority of shares being held by a Cambodian citizen or citizens.Alternatively, foreign nationals are able to acquire land on long-term leases as an alternative to foreign property ownership in Cambodia. These long-term leases for a foreign owner have a maximum lease term of 50 years as determined by the civil code established in December 2011. These leases can be registered at a national level with the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction.Long-term leases are a compromise chosen by many international investors due to the difficulties of foreign property ownership in Cambodia. Learn more about long term lease law.It is extremely important to remember that it is illegal for foreign nationals to own a property under soft title.However, due to a common misinterpretation of the Law on Foreign Ownership by local authorities across Cambodia, some sangkats (local councils) are currently allowing foreigners to purchase property under soft titles in their own names.In addition, this misconception is supported by some agents and brokers who mis-advise their foreign clients as to the true nature of their soft title, claiming that it in fact represents full ownership. However, not all sangkats allow this. Boeung Keng Kang Sangkat, for example, will not allow a foreigner to be represented on a soft title whatsoever.Furthermore, a sangkat officer can interpret a soft title as they wish: As David Murphy, Director of IPS Cambodia, explains,โ€Sangkat Officers are publicly elected officials who stand for election every five years. This means that when a foreigner owns property under a soft title in their own name, there is a significant risk that any change in the elected officials of the relevant sangkat may result in the correct interpretation of the law, jeopardizing or voiding that foreignerโ€™s effective ownership.โ€To protect from this misunderstanding, ensure that you always conduct a title search with the relevant Ministry of Land Office or Commune Office before purchasing property. Such a search should confirm who holds the title to the property and reveal any registered mortgages or other encumbrances on the title.Keep in mind, as the land buyer; you may not be given the actual title to conduct the search, because this is the sellerโ€™s only evidence of ownership. The buyer will instead get given a copy of the title, so it is important that you confirm that it is the most recent copy.Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia may not be simple, but it is increasingly possible. Always do your due diligence and take your time, and soon you will achieve foreign property ownership in Cambodia, and gain a valuable property asset.Learn more about Investing in Cambodia, Foreign Ownership in Cambodia & the Cambodian Expat Experience!
Home loans in Cambodia: How do you choose a reputable lender?
Home loans in Cambodia: How do you choose a reputable lender?
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
The process of choosing home loans in Cambodia and a lender can be quite complicated, but if you tackle it in stages you can avoid disappointment, frustration and wasted time. Realestate.com.kh is here to help.How do you choose a reputable lender in Cambodia? With more than 35 commercial banks operating in the Kingdom, it can be overwhelming to make the right decision and ensure that your lender is conducting its business in a legal and ethical manner.The majority of home loans in Cambodia are provided on flexible interest rates, which means that if your bank wants or needs to change your interest rate during the loan term, then they can. With that in mind, always choose a bank with a trusted reputation and a solid financial position.If you ask a question to your bank lender and they canโ€™t answer you properly, your best bet is to keep looking. Find a bank who has a team of experienced lenders, not โ€œjacks of all tradesโ€.Most commercial banks are generally similar when it comes to upfront costs. Typically, you are expected to pay a loan approval fee (or processing fee), legal fees for the preparation and registration of your mortgage documents at the land titles office, a valuation fee and an insurance fee for basic fire cover over your property.The main point to look out for is hidden costs or clauses around upfront fees and paying off your loan early either partially or in full.Most banks will have a three percent early repayment fee if you make any extra payments or want to pay off your loan within three years, though some banksโ€™ fees are higher and longer.Ask detailed questions regarding the mortgageโ€™s terms and conditions: Ask about the application processing fee and if it is paid upfront or annually; how long it takes to obtain approval for the loan request; and how monthly repayments are to be made - is it by cash or automatically debited from the borrowerโ€™s account?Another loan feature worth considering is portability. This is necessary to learn about if you intend to increase your property portfolio by purchasing an additional property or selling your current home to buy another. This may involve a fee but it will be considerably less than the cost of establishing a new loan.Some banks can be inflexible even if you have sold your house and need to pay off your loan to release the title for property transfer ownership. Be careful of this one as it could mean a show stopper for your sale.Some banks insist that you provide at least three monthsโ€™ notice if you wish to pay off your loan early and that this is often used as a tactic to reduce the instance of people refinancing to another bank. If this is the case, you need to know before you accept the loan.Stay up-to-date on the real estate industry in Cambodia and get real-time updates on real estate news as they happen. Download the Realestate.com.kh App now!Looking for reputable lenders in Cambodia? Let us help!Article by:
First-Time Home Buyers Guide
First-Time Home Buyers Guide
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
When any area becomes wealthier and land values rise it comes with good points and bad points for home buyers.One of the bad points is that first time home buyers, who might have smaller savings accounts, face larger challenges in getting their foot in the door. So, here at Realestate.com.kh, we have put together some information for helping potential new home buyers think through some of their options and make the most of them.Always think of a house like it is an investmentAlthough it seems counter-intuitive, some first home buyers choose to treat it literally as an investment property and rent it out. This can help them grow their wealth so they can come up with the money for a house of their choosing. But, even when you are buying a house to live in it, you should always crunch the numbers and treat it like a serious investment. For the average person, equity in their home constitutes more than half of their net worth. Thus, the value of your house is essentially part of your retirement fund.Land appreciates, Buildings DepreciateThis is a good guiding principle to keep in mind when choosing among otherwise similar properties: A house on a small plot of land is generally going to be a better long term investment than buying an apartment in the city because it will grow more in value. Additionally, they tend to appeal to a broader range of potential buyers, which makes it easier to sell. Although apartments typically provide slightly better rental income, they tend to not appreciate as much and they can come with unexpected fees that can blindside inexperienced buyers, such as first home buyers.Pick desirable areas and spend as much as you comfortably can affordGet with a good agent and use common sense. In overdeveloped areas, the property will have poorer equity growth. This is true in some inner-city areas, which is making middle-ring suburbs a better financial bet. Also, always keep your eye out for especially desirable extras, such as off-street parking in areas where that is scarce. All other things being equal, the home with the small extra perks will be a better quality of life for you in the here and now and will also be worth more in the future when it comes time to sell it.How much house can I afford?ย  Keep in mind that you will need about 5 percent of the purchase price for closing costs, such as transfer fees, which are 4 percent in Cambodia. You will also need a deposit. If you have a large amount saved for a deposit, this can make a difference in how much house you can afford. Additionally, keeping your overall debts low can help improve how much of a loan you can afford to carry. Although you want to buy as many houses as possible, you should make sure it is as much house as you can comfortably afford. You don't want to feel poor after making the mortgage payment every month.What if I just want to keep renting? That is a valid choice for new home buyers. Many people do so because renting has fewer upfront costs, maintenance costs are carried by the landlord, and it gives them greater flexibility to move around should they change jobs or experience significant lifestyle changes, such as getting married or having children. But, keep in mind that if you buy a house and later wish to move, you do not necessarily have to sell it. You can choose to rent it out, thereby treating it as an investment property, while you go live elsewhere. In the long run, real estate is one of the safest investments on the planet and tends to go up. As they say: "They aren't making any more land." If you can afford to buy, doing so is usually the wiser choice.Some tips for negotiating your first home loan: Do not say "no" for them. If there concessions you are interested in, it will not hurt to ask. For example, you might ask if they can offer you a better interest rate or waive early termination fees. Remember that you are the customer. Although you need a loan, they also need borrowers. It is how they make money. So do not be intimidated to ask questions about the contract or to ask about specific details in the contract and whether or not they can sweeten the deal. Sometimes, they can and will. The worst that will happen is they will tell you "no."Stay up-to-date on the real estate industry in Cambodia and get real-time updates on real estate news as they happen. Download the Realestate.com.kh App now on bothย iOSย andย Android.
How to attract tenants for your apartment for rent
How to attract tenants for your apartment for rent
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
What are the special features of your apartmentย for rentย that are going to make potential tenants genuinely excited to move in?Find out what is attractive about your apartment property for renters - and then flaunt it, baby! With this in mind, Realestate.com.kh has gotten to the bottom of what tenants really want when considering an apartment for rentย Location of your apartmentApartment tenants are more driven by no other factor than a prime location. But of course, โ€œa great locationโ€ is always subjective. Different apartment renters are looking for different locations depending on where they work, where their kids go to school, and what they like to do for fun on the weekends. Renters will pay a lot more money to live in their preferred location.Normally, people are looking for hubs within the city with amenities at hand. This means shopping, banking, F & B venues, schools, and proximity to workstations. But, first and foremost, tenants considering your apartment for rent will look for transport options. If your apartment for rent isnโ€™t close to these other amenities naturally, you had better make sure your tenants can access appropriate transport, or, at the very least, have parking for their personal vehicle โ€œPeople think about where they need to live long before they consider how they would like to live.โ€The unique features of your apartment for rent and any questions of cost only enter the tenantโ€™s equation after location is measured. Access to workplaces and schools is always going to be important because we spend as much time at these places as we do in our homes. So, always make sure transport amenities are promoted to prospective clients considering your apartment for rent.And, if you are still searching for an investment apartment or condo to use as a rental property โ€“ pay more for a great location, because it is going to guarantee your rental returns for that apartment into the future. If you cheap out and buy anย apartment in a bad location, donโ€™t expect the rental process to be easyโ€ฆ. Lock in a great location, and your apartment for rent wonโ€™t sit empty for long.For agents, when a property seeker mentions they want to live in a certain area โ€“ this really means they must live in this location. Donโ€™t see it as a preference among many. It is the number one preference.If you want to help them and win the commission, forget about apartment properties away from their preference area โ€“ even if the prices are higher where they really want to live. Apartment renters will generally rethink their budget when the right location comes along.Number of bedrooms inside the apartment:If a rental tenant says they need 3 bedrooms, that is exactly what they need โ€“ and they will be very unlikely to accept less. ย So โ€“ if you donโ€™t have enough bedrooms for that prospect in your apartment for rent, donโ€™t bother inviting them to view the property.You are wasting your time! Possibly, they will accept an extra bedroom inside the apartment for rent, but not if it is costing them an arm and a leg. ย Some people do like to have a spare bedroom for guests or as a study/home office. This means always making it very clear how many bedrooms your apartment has available, and focusing on making that feature attractive.When the tenants visit your apartment for rent, make sure all rooms are set up for occupants and donโ€™t try to advertise a room that is not fit to be a bedroom as a bedroom. This will frustrate prospective tenants who are only considering properties that truly fit their bedroom necessities.Extra PerksThose in the market for an apartment for rent are generally quite busy people. They might be foreigners temporarily living here for work. They might be students living in the city to study. Or they might own a property in the provinces but need an apartment for rent close to their workplace so they can work in the city during the week.This means the tenant might appreciate features in your apartment for rent like the garden and swimming pool โ€“ but, remember, they donโ€™t want to maintain them! This makes anย apartment for rent with service inclusions very attractive.Tenants donโ€™t want to waste their time setting up the internet connection, or paying the electricity bill to the provider. The more services you can package into the rental price for your apartment for rent, the better. When the tenant pays just one fee every month and knows that the pool will be cleaned, the garden will be weeded, and the internet will be provided โ€“ this is a great bonus for prospective tenants looking at your apartment for rent.Cleaning services and exercise facilities might also be attractive to many busy tenants looking for an apartment to rent. "If you are dealing with a busy demographic - think about how you can make their life easier!" Make your property more attractive to tenants by thinking about how you can make their day-to-day life easier. This will mean your property rents faster, and for a higher monthly rate.Looking for property in Cambodia? Let us help!
Strata Title Transfer Process, Q & A
Strata Title Transfer Process, Q & A
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Cambodian laws towards land titles for foreign ownership have been largely untested amidst the current construction boom.After months of collaboration with the lawyers of Sok Siphana & Associates and National 6A Investment, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC) has now started to transfer strata titles to purchasers of residential units - creating legally binding ownership.Realestate.com.khย spoke with Antoine Petit, executive director for National 6A Investment - the development company and property manager for the Galaxy Residence on Chroy Changvar - about the various pitfalls that all investors should be aware of when acquiring strata titles.Realestate.com.kh: What are the steps to creating a Strata title?Petit: At the very first stage, the developer acquires the land that the development will be on with a hard title in the name of the development company. This happened around four years ago for National 6A Investment. However, from this original master title you cannot directly transfer private unit ownerships to individual buyers. Before this, you must first transfer the total collection of split titles into the developerโ€™s name and ownership. In our case, these were 51 separate titles for 51 units, made from the original, single hard title. The land department of the ministry will also screen your common area regulations and practices at this stage. If the land department is satisfied that the co-owned areas will be correctly managed and insured, then the strata titles will be issued. Once these 51 titles have been created and transferred into the companyโ€™s ownership, we can proceed to transferring these individual titles to the individual buyers.Realestate.com.kh: What is involved in the transfer of the strata title from the development company to the end buyer and owner?Petit:ย The MLMUPC requires fully certified documentation of the identity and marital status of the end buyer and these documents must also be supplied and translated into Khmer. Importantly, the strata title is solely in Khmer, thus no English names are permitted on the strata title and all buyers need their name to be translated. Khmer buyers, foreign buyers and the development company all must satisfy slightly different process and documentation demands. During this stage, we chose to engage the services of Sok Siphana & Associates to review the certified documents and their translation, to liaise with the authority at the land department and to provide legal assistance to buyers along the process until the transfer tax payment.Realestate.com.kh: Does the buyer have to be in Cambodia to transfer the new strata title into their possession?Petit: Yes. The buyers must physically be present to affix their thumbprint on their certified documentation, but most importantly on Vente Definitive and on Application for Ownership Transfer, both of which are standard templates to be provided by the land department. This means international investors must come back to Cambodia to get the title transferred.Realestate.com.kh: What costs are accrued during the transfer process?Petit:ย There is a public service fee per strata title for the conversion of the master title. There is also a public service fee for each individual strata title to be issued in the buyerโ€™s name. Concerning the transfer tax, once the set of certified documentation is reviewed and accepted by the land department, the exact same documentation with other forms will be submitted to the General Department of Taxation. The tax officials will then issue an invoice with the amount of transfer tax to be paid after assessment of the property value based on their determined ranges and calculation method. After issuance of the evidence from the General Department of Taxation ย that the tax has been paid by the buyer, the land department will complete the title transfer.Realestate.com.kh: What if the buyer refuses the strata title transfer?Petit:ย In theory, this will bring problems when it comes to resale because the second buyer will have difficulties to do a thorough examination or to have certitude that there are no disputes, mortgages, judgments or unpaid taxes associated with the property sold. Pure investors are usually resistant to fulfill the physical paperwork and monetary demands to transfer the ownership in their name. Some developers in this case may accept to hold the title for them - but this can cause complications for buyers later. It is not really advised. On the other hand, such an arrangement also creates landlord liabilities for the developer holding the strata title. An effective way to mitigate this for the reassurance of the buyer is to enlist quality legal support, to ensure constant communication with the developer and to get education surrounding the process. Hiring a professional legal firm with experience in this has been crucial - because they can make this transfer process as smooth and predictable as possible.Learn more about Cambodian land titles, strata title transfersย on Realestate.com.kh today!ย ย Click here for currentย land for sale in Cambodiaย and currentย land for rent in Cambodia
Apartment For Sale? How to sell it Faster!
Apartment For Sale? How to sell it Faster!
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Sold on selling your apartment as soon as possible? Weโ€™ve got a few tips and tricks to help understand how your apartment will fare on the open market.Factors affecting how fast a home can sellThe price tagThe easiest approach to foreseeing how quickly your apartment will sell is by indexing the sale price.Do you need to sell it immediately? Price it at, or underneath, market value. Find the market value by taking into account what equivalent homes in the zone are asking. A good quality valuation is your next step, and many local agencies specialize in this task.If you don't need to sell in a hurry, you can price higher and let the buyer show you how much they want it.Do note, however, that there's an off chance that your price is too high. Individuals looking at a lower cost may miss your apartment for sale listing - especially if they are searching according to price criteria on Realestate.com.kh. Meanwhile, your apartment sits in a price range with homes that are most likely more alluring than yours, based on condition, size, or location.But this is no problem - just lower your price as you become more willing to sell. Simply remember to push the market first if you are not desperate, rather than the market pushing you.Eagerness to negotiateIf you are not considering accepting less than your full asking price, anticipate that your home will sit unsold longer than others in your general area. So be flexible when a genuine buyer arrives at the door to look at your apartment for sale because hesitance to negotiate is the second reason your home will remain on the market for longer than you wanted.Here are some handy real estate negotiation tips which will help you get the most out of any contract.ย Photos of your propertyTaking great photos of your property gives you an edge in standing out in the market today. Photo from the Peninsula Private Residences.Need your home to sell quickly? The more information a buyer has, the quicker they are likely to make a decision on your property for sale.A buyersโ€™ first impression of your property for sale is usually influenced by the photos you make available. Ensuring they get a good first impression will make them more interested and perhaps even give you some leverage on the negotiating table.Other than making your apartment look all spiffy on the outside and arranging it inside, getting it photographed by a professional photographer is an extra step you can take for the best results.This should ideally include photos of the following:Exterior/FacadeIf itโ€™s a house/villa, take a photo from the road and take them from multiple angles. If itโ€™s a condominium unit, take a photo of the buildingโ€™s facade and the lobby. A home that looks good gives the impression that itโ€™s well taken care of and makes it look more appealing for potential buyers.Interiors & AmenitiesTake clear photos of the inside of your home. If itโ€™s a house/villa, go through the motions of walking through your home and capturing each room in its best possible arrangement.Also remember what features youโ€™ll be listing such as the number of bedrooms, toilets, kitchen, swimming pools, etc., Make sure to include those in your property listingโ€™s photos.Surrounding areaHaving great photos of your home and its surroundings will almost guarantee you many more inquiries on your online listing. If itโ€™s a house/villa, nice surroundings definitely add to the appeal of living in a landed home.If itโ€™s a condominium unit, include photos of amenities up to 3 streets like supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, shops, and even shopping malls. The better facilities there are, the more appealing and the more eager a buyer will likely be.If you need a visual example of what you need, take a look at how new developments in Cambodia showcase their properties for sale.A good agentGood agents are worth the cost considering they save you time and energy on property-related paperwork. Supplied.The right real estate agent can have an enormous effect on the speed it takes to sell a home. It's imperative to pick an agent with experience selling the sort of home you have, and one who's acquainted with the region in which you are trying to put your apartment up for sale.Additionally, an agent will likely be the one looking for a buyer for you. Itโ€™s integral for real estate agents to have a phonebook of both buyers and sellers, so if you want a quick way to get your property out there, getting an agent would be a worthwhile addition to your plans.However, weโ€™d argue that the agentโ€™s true convenience lies in saving your headaches from dealing with all the paperwork. Good real estate agents have a good grasp on how the process goes and can enormously contribute to speeding up the process.You easily find the most trusted agents in Cambodia through Realestate.com.khList on a classifieds portal like Realestate.com.khListing your property on Realestate.com.kh gives it the best chance of being seen by Khmer and international buyers. Supplied.While an agent can certainly do this, itโ€™s a good way to get a good grasp on the market landscape. If youโ€™re planning to sell your house/villa/condo in Cambodia, it would be best to list your property on an online classifieds portal like Realestate.com.kh to reach the most people in Cambodia and abroad.Online listings are usually free and take no more than 15 minutes to properly set up. Itโ€™s a minuscule time investment - with no monetary cost - to get your property listed online.If youโ€™re ready to sell your property online, let us know through our Concierge Service we'll assist you as soon as possible.Looking to sell your property in Cambodia? Let us help!Article by:
Are you moving to Phnom Penh?
Are you moving to Phnom Penh?
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Home & Living
Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia and home to almost half of the expats residing in the country. Most expats liken Phnom Penh to Bangkok 10 or 15 years ago.The city retains its charm through the stunning landmarks of Royal Palace, Independence Monument, Wat Phnom, Pagodas, famous โ€˜wet marketsโ€™ such as Toul Tum Poung (Russian Market), Central Market (Phsar Thmei), Orussey Market, Kandal Market, Old Market and more. As well as local small business owners filling the streets with an array of local foods, breads and fruits at every corner.At the same time, a handful of retail malls have started opening (and will be opening) throughout the cityโ€™s districts, namely in Daun Penh, Toul Kork, Sen Sok, Chamkarmon, Meanchey, and the Boeung Keng Kang districts. Western expatriates will likely see more familiar brands in these areas while still enjoying the relatively cheap cost-of-living in the Kingdom.There is a wide range of accommodation options for expats in Phnom Penh, ranging from as low as $200 per month for a more Khmer style of living, right up to $2500+ for the penthouse in a top-tier international standard serviced apartment. Generally, expats will know what area they want to move to - reasons being: they may have some friends work or live there already, and others may simply want to live close to their work. The latter of which is a good rule-of-thumb to follow since the city has plenty of choices and landlords vying for expatriate tenants.Expats in Cambodia seem to have coined various terms for locations in Phnom Penh that donโ€™t necessarily match how Cambodians identify those locations. Be wary of this when you are trying to catch a moto or tuk tuk using the โ€œbarangโ€ (foreigner) location term. For example, an expat identifies BKK 1, BKK 2 or BKK 3 by these names - and whilst so do a lot of locals, in fact these areas are known better to locals as Boeung keng Kang 1, Boeung keng Kang 2 and Boeung keng Kang 3.Foreigners are also very familiar with the location known as riverside, which relates to the area of Daun Penh. Similarly, foreigners like to say Russian Market - which relates to the Toul Tom Pong area.The Riverside area (Daun Penh), which runs along the Tonle Sap just before the junction of the Mekong river, is traditionally where most of the expats in Phnom Penh choose to live, and is also home to many of the famous restaurants, bars, clubs, guesthouses and hotels in Phnom Penh. And it is definitely a hot spot for the night owls and tourists visiting Cambodia.Debatably, in recent times the most popular area of Phnom Penh that seems to be swelling with expats is known as Chamkarmon. Within Chamkarmon there are various popular locations with expats residing in Phnom Penh. The affluent BKK1, the cosmopolitan Tonle Bassac and the rapidly rising in popularity Russian Market area (Toul Tum Poung) are all within the district of Chamkarmon. Generally speaking, if you are moving to Phnom Penh - you will most probably find yourself living somewhere in the district of Chamkarmon or Daun Penh.These are generally the districts expats frequent since they feature familiar brands and most businesses have employees who can speak a good level of English - something thatโ€™s not often talked about but makes a huge difference in making Phnom Penh an easy place to move into compared to its neighbours.This brief article, hopefully, should give you a quick glimpse of what itโ€™s like to move and live in Phnom Penh. More and more expats are moving in every year as they fill important roles in the expanding business portfolio of the Kingdom.If youโ€™re heavily considering moving to Cambodia for work, retirement, or even simple leisure, you can get started by looking for a place of your own in Realestate.com.khโ€™s property listings featuring over 20,000 properties for rent and sale.Stay up-to-date on the real estate industry in Cambodia and get real-time updates on real estate news as they happen. Download the Realestate.com.kh App now!Article by:
Expat rentals in Phnom Penh: What you should know
Expat rentals in Phnom Penh: What you should know
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Welcome to the first weekly real estate news report for December, 2015 - brought to you by Realestate.com.kh, Cambodiaโ€™s home of real estate, and the leading real estate news source in the Kingdom.ย This week we talk with Grant Fitzgerald, general manager for IPS Cambodia, about finding the best expat rentals in Phnom Penh.ย To introduce this week's guest: Grant Fitzgerald is an Australian citizen, who has spent the past six years working in Cambodia and China, and has developed a solid understanding of the complexities of real estate in Phnom Penh.Before joining the IPS real estate company as General Manager, Grant worked for an investment and business consulting firm as a Project Manager specializing in project valuation, due diligence, business planning, financial modeling and fund raising. Grant has also worked in the microfinance industry, focusing on project development and implementation. Grant holds a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Economics and Finance from Curtin University in Australia, as well as a Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment.Grant, what are the top 3 areas that expats should consider when moving to Phnom Penh? What are the benefits of these areas for expat rentals in Phnom Penh?BKK1 is the most popular area for expat rentals in Phnom Penh. Tonle Bassac and Russian Market offer more value for money and are upcoming areas with a lot of new bars and restaurants. What sort of amenities can expats expect when moving to a home in Cambodia? Are there serviced apartment options? House cleaning? etc.For a serviced apartment you can expect: cleaning, internet, cable TV, parking, security to all be included in the price. There are plenty of options in town now for those looking for a pool and gym too. For standalone apartments, these services are usually excluded and itโ€™s up to the tenant to organise.What are the most common concerns for expats when moving to Cambodia and looking for expat rentals in Phnom Penh?Usually the first question that pops up from new expats when they move to Cambodia is security. Most people jump on information websites and forums and read up a bit about the city before they arrive and usually have heard some stories about security issues in various areas and bring up security as one of their requirements. Another common concern we get is being near construction, new expats often hear horror stories about certain apartments being surrounded by construction which is obviously not ideal.What are the lower, middle and upper end prices an expat should expect to pay when moving to Cambodia and looking for expat rentals in Phnom Penhย for serviced apartments:Lower = $600 - $800Middle = $800 - $1400High = $1500 ++For standalone apartments:Lower = $300 - $500Middle = $550 - $900High = $1,000 ++What are the secrets to securing a great expat rentals in Phnom Penh at a good price? Look around โ€“ there are plenty of apartment options in PP. Know your requirements. Donโ€™t rush โ€“ head out, take a look at some properties and then relax and sleep on it. Look for a long term lease โ€“ longer term lease gets you more bargaining power. Get help - agents donโ€™t charge fees to the tenant and should be an expat in PP and negotiating with clients.Could you please explain some the top things an expat should be aware of when signing a lease agreement in Cambodia? Be clear about the services included. Maintenance is another area some people get caught on. A lot of landlords here will refuse to pay for repairs and some people get stuck with costs they didnโ€™t expect. Conditions if you break the lease are important to know โ€“ and it is not unusual to lose your deposit. Price of electricity should be defined in the contract. And becareful your new home is not too close to ongoing construction.What are the typical prices for utilities such as electricity, water, internet, cable etc monthly?Electricity: $0.25/kW โ€“ 1 bed between $40 and $80/month depending on a/c. 2 bedroom you are probably looking at around $80 โ€“ 120/month for moderate use. Water: $2 - $10/month.Wifi: $12 - $60/ month, depending on download limit and speed.Cable TV: $5 - $10/month.Cleaning: $30 for one time month, $60 for twice per month.Whatโ€™s the best place to start an expat rental search?IPS Cambodia and Realestate.com.kh websites are great tools to get you started. Here you can find the largest selection of quality expat rentals in Phnom Penh.What are some of the benefits of using IPS Cambodia to source an expat rentals? ย Firstly, we are a completely free service to all tenants. We are expats helping expats - We know all the ins and outs with negotiation, contracts and we have long standing relationships with landlords. This means we can often get discounts or conditions not available to the general market.Thanks for tuning in to this weekโ€™s real estate news report - brought to you by Realestate.com.kh, Cambodiaโ€™s home of real estate, and the leading real estate news source in the Kingdom.Make sure you subscribe to our Youtube Channel to keep up to date with the latest real estate news and analysis.Looking forย real estate for rent in Cambodiaย orย real estate for sale in Cambodia?
Bank Valuation Vs. Agent Valuation
Bank Valuation Vs. Agent Valuation
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
It can be terribly confusing how valuations can differ depending on who does it, right?ย Your real estate agent will give you one valuation figure and then theย lender-valued estimate (your banks's valuation) arrives looking much different...How does this happen? Which price is right? And how does your bank and agent come to different conclusions?The bank valuation: If your home is or soon toย be mortgaged, your lender/bank will need to value it. This is necessary to give the lender/bank confidence your asset/home offers sufficientย security against the borrowed amount of money if, for anyย reason, you cannot pay your mortgage and the lender must sell the property to reclaim theย debt. Hence,ย a bank valuation will usually be quite conservative, sometimes 10%-20% less than the current selling prices of comparable homes in the same area.The selling agentโ€™sย valuation: Real estate agents are commonly asked to assess the market value of your property, and many have some training in how to conduct proper appraisals of property. This agent valuation will often be used toย decide who to engage to sell yourย home. Before completingย your valuation, theย agent will typically inspect yourย home and research comparable sales in the local suburb or communeย before producing a report and a sale price estimation.ย This price guide is useful to a vendor when deciding what price to advertise. However, the bank is unlikely to respect this valuation without a follow up appraisal by one of their valuation specialists, or an independent appraisals agent. Of course, the agent wants to help you get a good price - because this means more commission for them, and a happy customer - but these over-confident valuations can be dangerous to a lender.Learn more about how valuations are estimatedย at Realestate.com.kh now!Realestate.com.kh, CambodiLooking forย real estate for rent in Cambodiaย orย real estate for sale in Cambodia?