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133 Floor "Thai Boon Roong Twin Trade Center" gets go ahead, Phnom Penh
133 Floor "Thai Boon Roong Twin Trade Center" gets go ahead, Phnom Penh
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Phnom Penh: The Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction recently came to an agreement with Oknha Khov Sambath, a representative of Thai Boon Roong Group, in cooperation with a Chinese Construction company, to approve plans for a 133 storey twin tower project.The project shall equal around 500 square meters of new property for the high rise market in Phnom Penh, and will be located in Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Duan Penh, Phnom Penh. The high-rise will be named the “Thai Boon Roong Twin Trade Center” and is set to be developed on 5 hectares of land in Duan Penh. It is slated to become the tallest building in Asia, located next to the Dreamland amusement park, and in front Naga World.INQUIRE ABOUT THIS EXCITING PROPERTY TODAY!Mr. Loth Seng, representative of the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction, announced the 133 storey Thai Boon Roong Twin Trade Center project is totally approved for construction and already passed on to the City Hall for their final seal. The twin tower project is the subject of around $1000 million investment. Loth Seng added that this huge development indicates confidence in economic stability and real-estate investment in Cambodia. This new development will continue to attract new investors into the Kingdom in the future.  The construction proposal is currently awaiting City Hall approval and it will be sent back to the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction to make final announcements of the construction date shortly. The Thai Boon Roong Twin Trade Center project is said to begin in 2016 - and be completed in the next 3 years.
គម្រោង​ការ​ទិញ​ទុក​មុន: ការ​ណែនាំ​ដ៏​សំខាន់
គម្រោង​ការ​ទិញ​ទុក​មុន: ការ​ណែនាំ​ដ៏​សំខាន់
June 6, 2022, 5:04 p.m.
Realestate News
បើទោះបីជាវាអាចធ្វើឲ្យមានការព្រួយបារម្ភចំពោះការចំណាយប្រាក់របស់លោកអ្នកទៅលើផ្ទះដែលលោក-អ្នកមិនទាន់អាចមើលឃើញ ឬប៉ះពាល់បានក៏ពិតមែនប៉ុន្តែអ្វីដែលសំខាន់គឺថាគម្រោងការទិញទុកមុនអាចធ្វើឲ្យផ្ទះទាំងឡាយនៅក្នុងសុបិនរបស់លោក-អ្នកអាចក្លាយការពិតជាកម្មសិទ្ធិរបស់លោក-អ្នកឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងថវិកាហើយដែលជាធម្មតាមានតម្លៃខុសគ្នាពីអចលនទ្រព្យដែលត្រូវបានសាងសង់រួចរាល់ហើយនោះ។  តើ «គម្រោងការទិញទុកមុន» មានន័យដូចម្តេច?នេះគឺជាការសម្តែងនូវចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍សម្រាប់ការជាវអចលនទ្រព្យនៅខណៈពេលមួយដែលអ្វីៗលោកអ្នកអាចមើលឃើញបានគឺដីមួយកន្លែង និងគម្រោងគេហដ្ឋានមួយប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ លោក-អ្នកចុះកិច្ចសន្យា ឬកុងត្រាមួយដែលចង្អុលបង្ហាញនូវតម្លៃទិញច្បាស់លាស់មួយសម្រាប់ដី និងគេហដ្ឋានដើម្បីនឹងត្រូវបានសាងសង់តាមរយៈគម្រោងស្ថាបត្យកម្មជាក់លាក់មួយ។  ហេតុអ្វីត្រូវមានគម្រោងការទិញទុកមុន?ការចូលទៅក្នុងដំណាក់កាលគ្រោងទុកនៃការវិនិយោគមួយអាចផ្តល់ឲ្យអតិថិជនទាំងឡាយនូវឱកាសក្នុងការទទួលយកនូវជម្រើសចំណែកដី ឬយូនីតដ៏ល្អបំផុតនៅក្នុងអនាគតនៃអគារណាមួយ។បន្ថែមពីលើនេះគម្រោងការទិញទុកមុនអាចផ្តល់បាននូវជម្រើសការបញ្ជាទិញកម្រិតខ្ពស់មួយដោយរាប់បញ្ចូលនូវការផ្លាស់ប្តូរគម្រោងជាន់នៃអគារការរួមបញ្ចូលគ្នានូវយូនីតជាប់គ្នាចំនួនពីរទៅជាយូនីតមួយមានផ្ទៃក្រឡាធំជាងមុន និងការសម្រេចចិត្តជាលម្អិតបន្ថែមទៀតដូចជាការបំពាក់ប្រភេទគ្រឿងសម្ភារប្រើប្រាស់ជាច្រើន។ ទោះជាយ៉ាងណាអតិថិជនក៏មានការត្អូញត្អែរហើយតែងប្រាថ្នាចង់បាននូវលទ្ធភាពក្នុងការគ្រប់គ្រងភាពលម្អិតនៃសំណង់គឺតែងតែមានការសប្បាយចិត្តបំផុតជាមួយនឹងការជាវមួយដែលបានបង្កើតឡើងនៅក្នុងដំណាក់កាលមួយនេះ។ វាអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យពួកគេទទួលបានពិតប្រាកដនូវអ្វីដែលពួកគេចង់បាន។អតិថិជនក្រៅគម្រោងទាំងឡាយក៏ប្រហែលជាទទួលបាននូវការបញ្ចុះតម្លៃជាច្រើនទៅលើតម្លៃ ឬក៏ក្រឡេកឃើញដ៏ត្រឹមត្រូវនូវការកើនឡើងនៃធនធានបន្ថែមជាងកម្រិតមធ្យម។ វិនិយោគិន និងអ្នកស្ទាបស្ទង់ទាំងឡាយយល់ឃើញថាមូលហេតុទាំងពីរនេះហើយដែលជាភាពទាក់ទាញជាពិសេសគឺនៅពេលដែលអតិថិជនទទួលបានទាំងពីររួមគ្នា។ នៅទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញការជាវនៅក្នុងកំឡុងពេលដំបូងនៃការលក់អាចនាំឲ្យមានការកើនឡើងតម្លៃរហូតដល់ ៣០ ភាគរយនៅទីបំផុតហើយអត្រានេះវាអាចមានចំនួនច្រើនជាង ៦ ដងនៃការជាវក្រោយការដ្ឋានត្រូវបានចាប់ផ្តើមដែលជាធម្មតាគឺត្រឹមតែ ៥ ទៅ ១០ ភាគរយតែប៉ុណ្ណោះនោះ។បន្ថែមលើសពីនេះគម្រោងការទិញទុកមុនបែបនេះអនុញ្ញាតឲ្យអតិថិជនធ្វើការបែងចែកការបង់ប្រាក់ជាដំណាក់កាលៗ។ នៅពេលដែលជាវនូវផ្ទះវីឡាមួយការបង់ប្រាក់អាចនឹងមានរយៈពេលចន្លោះពី ១០ ទៅ ១៨ ខែ។ ជាមួយនឹងអគារខុនដូវាអាចមានរយៈពេលរហូតដល់ ២៤ ខែ។ជនបរទេសទាំងឡាយនឹងមានការលើកទឹកចិត្តបន្ថែមក្នុងការសម្រេចចិត្តទិញកាន់តែឆាប់តាមដែលអាចធ្វើទៅបាន។យោងតាមច្បាប់ស្តីពីម្ចាស់កម្មសិទ្ធិជាជនបរទេស (ឆ្នាំ ២០១០ )អនុញ្ញាតឲ្យជនបរទេសទាំងឡាយធ្វើការទិញនូវចំនួនកំណត់មួយនៃយូនីតទាំងឡាយនៃអគារខុនដូគឺរហូតដល់ ៧០ ភាគរយនៃយូនីតទាំងឡាយអាចនឹងត្រូវបានជាវដោយជនបរទេសដែលផ្តល់ឲ្យពួកគេនូវប័ណ្ណកម្មសិទ្ធិត្រឹមត្រូវ។តើដំណើរការនេះមានលក្ខណៈដូចម្តេច?ដំណាក់កាលនៃការអភិវឌ្ឍដែលជាធម្មតាកិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងទាំងឡាយនៃគម្រោងការទិញទុកមុនអាចទទួលបាននូវការផ្តល់ជូនជាពិសេសដោយត្រូវបានហៅថាដំណាក់កាលមុនពេលសម្ពោធ។ ចំពោះអ្នកវិនិយោគក៏ស្ថិតនៅក្នុងដំណើរការបញ្ជាក់គម្រោងទទួលបានការអនុញ្ញាត និងធ្វើការប៉ាន់ប្រមាណនូវផលប៉ះពាល់បរិស្ថានផងដែរ។ យ៉ាងណាមិញទោះជានៅដំណាក់កាលដំបូងនេះក៏ដោយពូកគេត្រូវការថវិកាដើម្បីរុញច្រានគម្រោងឲ្យទៅមុខ។ដោយហេតុថា ការជាវនៅចំណុចនេះរួមបញ្ចូលនូវការរង់ចាំពេលវេលាវែងឆ្ងាយសម្រាប់អចលនទ្រព្យដើម្បីឲ្យមានការសម្រេច និងវាមានហានិភ័យច្រើនជាងដំណាក់កាលបន្ទាប់ៗហើយជាធម្មតាពួកគេផ្តល់ជាគ្រឿងលើកទឹកចិត្តជាច្រើនទៅកាន់អតិថិជនដំបូងៗទាំងឡាយ។ បន្ថែមពីលើការបញ្ចុះតម្លៃទាំងនេះពួកគេប្រហែលជាផ្តល់នូវការធានានៃការបង្វិលប្រាក់ជួលទាំងឡាយនូវជម្រើសហិរញ្ញវត្ថុឱកាសផ្សេងៗក្នុងការទទួលបញ្ជាទិញនូវយូនីតដំបូងៗ និងការលើកទឹកចិត្តផ្សេងៗទៀត។តាំងពីការផ្សព្វផ្សាយពីដំបូងៗរហូតមកដល់ពេលនេះតើលោក-អ្នកពេញចិត្តនូវអត្ថបទទាំងនេះមែនទេ? ខណៈពេលដែលការរំភើបនេះលេចជារូបរាងនៅក្នុងបរិយាកាសដែលមានលក្ខណៈប្រកួតប្រជែងមួយនេះដូចជាអ្វីដែលអ្នកមើលឃើញនៅក្នុងទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញនៅក្នុងការកើនឡើងនូវខុនដូ និងបុរីថ្មីៗនាពេលនេះវាកាន់តែមានលក្ខណៈងាយស្រួលក្នុងការធ្វើការសម្រេចចិត្តដោយមិនបានគិតទុកជាមុន។ នៅក្នុងគេហទំព័រ Realestate.com.kh យើងខ្ញុំតែងតែសង្កត់ធ្ងន់ថាលោក-អ្នកត្រូវធ្វើការស្រាវជ្រាវដើម្បីពិចារណាមុនពេលធ្វើការទិញគម្រោងទុកមុន។ ពួកយើងនៅទីនេះដើម្បីជួយជាគន្លឹះការបំភ្លឺផ្លូវសម្រាប់ការវិនិយោគរបស់លោក-អ្នកសូមចូលទៅក្នុងគេហទំព័រ www.realestate.com.kh/news ដើម្បីស្វែងយល់បន្ថែមនៅថ្ងៃនេះ៕  ស្វែងរកគម្រោងការទិញទុកមុនបន្ថែមនៅលើ Realestate.com.kh!
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June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
InternationalLiving.com's Annual Global Retirement Index has just named Cambodia as 1 of 3 top retirement destinations worldwide. The retirement index seeks to compare and contrast retirement destinations around the world - all of which are exhibiting relatively low costs of living by global standards. Retiring in weaker economies is becoming a global trend for expats from more expensive, developed economies, as the relative costs of living in cheaper retirement destinations guarantees a better quality of life for pensioners. In the past 10 years the Kingdom of Cambodia has become one of Southeast Asia’s most up-and-coming destinations for tourists and expats looking to enjoy the exotic charm of a country that also offers the most attractive cost of living in Asia. Cambodia has flexible visa requirements for citizens of Western countries who can obtain annual long-stay visas with a minimum of paperwork and a processing fee of just $285 per year. When you get there, everything from entertainment to renting is very affordable in Cambodia. Meanwhile, the Cambodian government looks set to make it even easier to retire in the Kingdom... Meanwhile, the government has released plans to increase Cambodia’s attractiveness as a destination for foreign retirees, according to a draft policy obtained from the Ministry of Tourism Wednesday this week by the Cambodia Daily. "The draft includes a range of proposals to extract more income from Cambodia’s tourist industry by encouraging foreigners to buy property and stay longer in the country, with involvement from the ministries of tourism, finance and land management," said the Cambodia Daily report. The proposed policies are said to include measures such as the development of “special residences” throughout Cambodia with commercial tourist properties and a wide range of useful facilities. “Special tourists” such as retirees would have the right to buy, rent or sell property in these special residences, and also be entitled to longer-term and more flexible vi­sas, according to the draft of the policy.Find out why Chroy Changvar is becoming a development mecca!
Looking ahead: Knight Frank latest sector review
Looking ahead: Knight Frank latest sector review
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Knight Frank’s latest Cambodia Real Estate Highlights report released today says “the first nine months of 2015 investments in the real estate and construction sector had a combined worth of USD 1,752 million compared with USD 1,540 million during the corresponding period of 2014, equating to an annual increase of 13.8 percent,” with the top five investing countries being Korea, China, Japan, Britain and Malaysia.   Here are some key highlights from the report with their forecasts for 2016 and beyond:Phnom Penh office sectorWhilst Grade C office spaces continue to dominate the supply in the capital, upcoming developments such as the East Commercial Centre (ECC), The Gateway and Diamond Twin Tower will increase supply of Grade A and Grade B office areas in the near future. V-Trust Tower’s opening added 15,000 square metres of net lettable area of 284,448 square metres in the second half of 2015 to the Grade B office supply pool. Formerly known as GT Tower, V-Trust Tower has attracted multinational tenants such as Bosch, Japan Tobacco International, Admiral Markets, CIMB Bank and Phnom Penh Securities. ACLEDA Tower also opened in 2015 adding further to Grade B supply and is expected to be largely owner-occupied.Other notable projects such as The Peak, The Gateway, Diamond Twin Tower and the ECC, along with Exchange Square, are also expected to significantly increase the office supply of prime office space in Phnom Penh. Still under construction are Emerald Tower, City Tower Asia and Maybank’s headquarters on Norodom Boulevard. While occupancy for Grade A office remains low below 30 percent, Grade B and Grade C offices remain steady with occupancies of above 84 percent and 94 percent, respectively.Current asking rents for prime office space ranged from USD 19- 38 per square metre, while the average rental price across all office grades was recorded at USD 18.43 per square metre per month throughout 2015.Knight Frank predicts that completions of a few large projects from 2017 onwards such as Olympia City, a large mixed-use development due for completion by 2019, will result in downward pressure on rental prices for Grade A and Grade B offices.A sturdy supply of office spaces keeps the sector free from oversupply issues. Although Cambodia’s recent ASEAN integration does not appear to have had any noticeable impact on demand, a new online business registration system, recently introduced by the government this year is expected to boost registration of new companies by reducing processing time significantly from 87 days to less than 6 hours, which could have a positive influence on the office sector in the longer term. Phnom Penh Retail Sector“Rental and occupancies within the retail sector remained relatively stable in the second half of 2015,” notes the report, with the availability of stock estimated at 134,154 square metres, including 62,040 square metres classified as prime space. The latter part of 2015 saw the announcement of Aeon group’s second mall in Phnom Penh, as well as Orkidé The Royal Condominium’s launch, which will include two levels of retail podium. Both are set for completion in Sen Sok district. No new completions are expected until at least 2017, with additional retail space of 273,938 square metres expected by 2019 thus increasing the supply by 204 percent. Aeropod, Parkson City Centre, and Aeon Mall 2 account for the bulk of the future supply in the retail segment. The total number of retail malls is expected to increase from 10 to 27 within the next four years, inclusive of standalone malls as well as retail podiums. The much anticipated Parkson City Centre and Naga 2, due to be completed in 2017, as well as the Exchange Square, are all currently in various stages of construction and are expected to add 92,900 square metres to the retail stock.Aeropod, a 7-storey mall component of the mixed-use development operated by the Lion Group located across from the Phnom Penh international airport, is expected to be completed by 2018. Knight Frank estimates that the future supply of retail space in Phnom Penh will consist of 93 percent prime net leasable area and 7 percent secondary leasable areas.Average occupancies for prime grade retail malls have remained stable at above 95 percent throughout last year, with Aeon mall maintaining full occupancy throughout last year despite undergoing at least 15 turnovers with more affordable brands replacing the high-end brands since its initial opening. Rental prices remained stable for the second half of 2015, with no significant movements in demand. Phnom Penh Hotel SectorWith the entrance of several new airline carriers and an increasing number of routes operating both domestically and internationally, the aviation industry in Cambodia is developing in a positive direction. Additionally, improvements to infrastructure between the major tourist hubs of Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, bolsters significant medium to long term potential in the tourism sector.According to the latest Knight Frank report, “Increasing scheduled flights from destinations within Asia has led to growing demand for hotel assets, particularly in the coastal region of Sihanoukville”.The hotel market is evolving along with these trends. Although there is an abundant array of guest houses and boutique hotels available, there is currently a gap in the market for internationally branded, four star, business hotels which is particularly lacking in Phnom Penh. In addition, there are currently only three internationally branded, five star hotels operating in Phnom Penh, which includes the Sokha Hotel who opened its doors last year.  The five star Rosewood Hotel within the top floors of Vattanac Capital Tower is set to open later this year and as well as a further 1,000 keys due to launch at Phnom Penh’s only casino, Nagaworld. Two recently launched development projects, The Bay and The Peak, both being undertaken on a joint venture between Cambodian and Singaporean developers, have announced an agreement with both the Okura Prestige and Shangri-La groups, signaling the entry of two more internationally branded five star luxury hotels, however, these are not due for completion until after 2018.RESIDENTIAL OVERVIEWPhnom Penh serviced apartment sectorPopular amongst expats, serviced apartments are largely similar to condominiums in terms of the facilities they offer such as security, pools and gyms, but also provide additional services such as housekeeping similar to that of hotels. Nearly half of existing serviced apartments are located in Chamkarmon and recent developments include Skyline, Silvertown Metropolitan and Maline apartments. There are currently 3,535 serviced apartment units in Phnom Penh, with 1,832 units expected to become available by 2018 increasing the supply by 52 percent within the next two years, comprising mainly small and mid-sized projects.The average rental prices in high-end developments ranged from USD 1,194 – USD 3,233 per month, with the higher rates applying to centrally located buildings. When compared to rental rates in first quarter of 2015, the lower range showed an 18 percent increase while the upper range decreased by almost the same amount.The report predicts that based on current occupancy rates, indications show that the supply of serviced apartments is still higher than the demand, with no expectations of a significant demand growth in the short to medium-term. However the Knight Frank report notes “While there is no threat of oversupply in the serviced apartment sector, occupancy and rental prices are sure to be impacted by the sudden rise in condominium units within the next few years.”Phnom Penh Condominium sectorBetween 2009 and 2010, the first generation of low-to-mid-rise condominiums entered the Phnom Penh market with a total of 732 condominium units for sale. These developments have a practical focus with basic designs, facilities and management services. Thirteen additional condominium projects have been completed since, bringing the total to 2,836 units by the end of 2015.Existing condominiums in Phnom Penh fall within the high-end or the mid-tier classifications, which are categorised according to their selling price, which reflects all other attributes of the development such as location, accessibility, design, management standards and overall quality. Fourteen of the existing condominiums in Phnom Penh fall under the mid-tier category, which comprises 82 percent of the total existing units in Phnom Penh, with 56 more developments scheduled for completion by 2020. Assuming that all future projects are completed as scheduled, the future stock is expected to increase by 641 percent over the next four years. The Knight Frank report states that “the majority of launched projects have focused their marketing outside of Cambodia due to higher investor interest overseas,” with the main buyers of residential units coming from Taiwan, China, Singapore, Japan and Malaysia. However, more and more developers are building for the lower mid-tier sector, which has attracted more local buyers.Selling prices continue on an upward trend and have reached levels above USD 5,000 per square metre in high end penthouse-style condominiums.Looking ahead,  there is a threat of oversupply in the near future with the majority of units in most developments still expected to be sold to overseas investors in the short-term. Stricter building regulations largely determined by the city master plan and its enforcement may also influence future growth levels in the sector.Want to learn more? Download the report in full here.
REAKH Survey 2023 KH 590 x 250
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
ក្នុងឆ្នាំ២០១៥ទាំងតួលេខរដ្ឋាភិបាល និងក្រុមអ្នកជំនាញព្យាករណ៍ដទៃទៀតបានឱ្យដឹងថា សេដ្ឋកិច្ចកម្ពុជាកើនឡើងក្នុងរង្វង់អត្រា៧%។ មូលនិធិរូបិយបណ្ណអន្តរជាតិបានរកឃើញថាវិស័យកាត់ដេរវាយនភ័ណ្ឌ វិស័យសំណង់និងវិស័យអចលនទ្រព្យជាសសរគ្រឹះទ្រទ្រង់កំណើននៅឆ្នាំកន្លងទៅនេះ។ ស្របពេលគ្នានេះផងដែរ មានក្ដីបារម្ភជាបន្តបន្ទាប់ខ្លាចក្រែង វិស័យអចលនទ្រព្យមានបញ្ហាកំណើនផ្គត់ផ្គង់លើសតម្រូវការអាចបង្កផ្ទុះជាវិបត្តិនាពេលណាមួយ។Realestate.com.kh បានជជែកជាមួយលោក ម៉ី វ៉ាន់ អគ្គនាយកនៃអគ្គនាយកដ្ឋានឧស្សាហកម្មហិរញ្ញវត្ថុនៃក្រសួងសេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ អំពីវិធានការ និងតួនាទីរដ្ឋាភិបាលក្នុងការធានារក្សាស្ថិរភាពនៃទីផ្សារដ៏មានថាមពលមួយនេះ។ ក្រោយពីវិបត្តិហិរញ្ញវត្ថុសកលលោកឆ្នាំ២០០៨/២០០៩ តើរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលលោកបានដាក់ចេញនូវយន្តការក៏ដូចជាគោលនយោបាយអ្វីខ្លះដើម្បីជម្រុញវិស័យដីធ្លី និងអចលនទ្រព្យឱ្យមានសន្ទុះឡើងវិញ?វិធានការណ៍រដ្ឋាភិបាលគឺថារក្សាស្ថិរភាពម៉ាក្រូរក្សានូវអត្រាអតិផរណាឱ្យនៅកម្រិតទាបធានាឱ្យមានស្ថិរភាពអត្រាប្ដូរប្រាក់នៃរូបិយបណ្ណជាតិហើយនិងពង្រឹងវិស័យធនាគារទាក់ទងនឹងកម្រិត មូលធនក្នុងទីផ្សារអចលនទ្រព្យ ហើយនិងធានាលំហរនៃការជួញដូរអចលនទ្រព្យនេះឯង។អ្វីទៅជាចំណុចទាក់ទាញវិនិយោគិន និងអ្នកជួញដូរមកកាន់ទីផ្សារអចលទ្រព្យ របស់កម្ពុជាក្រោមក្រសែភ្នែករបស់រដ្ឋាភិបាលខ្មែរ?មែនទែនទៅយើងមិនមែននិយាយតែវិស័យដីធ្លីទេគ្រប់ការវិនិយោគទុនយើងមើលទាំងអស់។ ក៏ប៉ុន្តែសម្រាប់វិស័យដីធ្លីយើងផ្ដល់ភាពងាយស្រួល និងបង្កើតភាពទាក់ទាញមួយគឺអនុញ្ញាតិឱ្យជនបរទេសអាចទិញខុនដូបាន។ និងទីពីរតាមរយៈសមាហរណកម្មសេដ្ឋកិច្ចអាស៊ានបាននាំឱ្យកម្ពុជាទៅជាប្រទេសដែលមានទីតាំងកណ្ដាលនៃតំបន់យុទ្ធសាស្ត្រសេដ្ឋកិច្ចរបស់តំបន់សម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ២០១៥កន្លងទៅ អ្វីទៅជាការវាយតម្លៃទូទៅរបស់រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលទៅលើស្ថានភាពទីផ្សារ អចលនទ្រព្យ ?មែនទែនទៅ សម្រាប់ទិន្នន័យជាផ្លូវការនៃការវិភាគវាយតម្លៃនឹងត្រូវបញ្ចប់នៅខែកុម្ភៈខាងមុខឯណោះ។ តែជាត្រួសៗកំណើនសេដ្ឋកិច្ចឆ្នាំ២០១៥តាមការព្យាកររក្សាបានអត្រា៧%ដដែល ហើយដែលក្នុងនោះមានការចូលរួមពីសំណាក់វិស័យអចលនទ្រព្យផងដែរដែលមានទីតាំងស្ថិតក្នុងកំណើនល្អជាបច្ច័យនាំឱ្យកំណើនសេដ្ឋកិច្ចវាល្អដែរ។សម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ២០១៦ដែលជាឆ្នាំដំបូងនៃសមារណកម្មសេដ្ឋកិច្ចអាស៊ាន និងក៏ដូចជាសម្រាប់ឆ្នាំបន្តបន្ទាប់រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលមានយុទ្ធសាស្ត្រអ្វីទៀតដែរដើម្បីរក្សាស្ថិរភាពទីផ្សារ អចលនទ្រព្យ ចៀសឆ្ងាយពីវិបត្តិ?ទិដ្ឋភាពសំខាន់ៗដែលយើងអាចធ្វើបានយើងបន្តធ្វើការងារដែលយើងធ្លាប់ធ្វើពីឆ្នាំ២០១៥បន្តមកអនុវត្តនៅឆ្នាំ២០១៦នេះទៀតគឺសំខាន់ធានារក្សាស្ថិរភាពម៉ាក្រូ និងធ្វើពិពិធកម្មមូលដ្ឋានគ្រឹះនៃសេដ្ឋកិច្ចជាតិឱ្យមានទំហំធំជាងមុន។ ហើយដើម្បីជម្រុញការវិនិយោគទាំងក្នុងវិស័យអចលនទ្រព្យ និងវិស័យផ្សេងទៀត យើងពង្រឹងប្រសិទ្ធភាពនៃផ្នែកសេវាសាធារណៈ និងផ្នែកសង្គមកិច្ច ដែលធ្វើដូច្នេះ យើងអាចទ្រទ្រង់នូវកំណើនបានហើយ។ កាលណាមានកំណើន(ផ្នែកGDP៖ផលិតផលជាតិសរុប) នោះកំណើននោះនឹងបែងជាភាគផលដល់ប្រជាជន ហើយប្រជាជនមានលទ្ធភាពទិញច្រើនជាងមុន ហើយក្នុងនោះក៏មានលទ្ធភាពក្នុងការទិញអចលនទ្រព្យដែរ។អ្វីទីជាបញ្ហាប្រឈមសម្រាប់វិស័យ អចលនទ្រព្យ របស់កម្ពុជា ដែលរដ្ឋាភិបាលមើលឃើញ? ហើយរដ្ឋមានវិធីអ្វីខ្លះដែរដើម្បីចៀសឆ្ងាយពីវិបត្តិទាំងនេះ?វិបត្តិចម្បងដែលយើងព្រួយបារម្ភ គឺអតុល្យភាពរវាងបរិមាណនៃការផ្គត់ផ្គង់ និងបរិមាណនៃតម្រូវការ ក្នុងទីផ្សារអចលនទ្រព្យកាលណាដែលក្រុមអ្នកផ្គត់ផ្គង់ផ្ដល់បរិមាណច្រើនលើសលទ្ធភាពនៃបរិមាណតម្រូវការ។ មួយវិញទៀតវាអាចនឹងបញ្ហាគំរាមកំហែងមកពីក្រៅរបងព្រំដែនព្រោះបើកាលណាប្រទេសជិតខាងក៏ដូចជាប្រទេសក្នុងតំបន់យើងមានវិបត្តិនោះលំហូរទុនសម្រាប់ដាក់ការវិនិយោគលើវិស័យនានារួមទាំង អចលនទ្រព្យ ផង នឹងខ្សោយជាងមុនមិនខាន។ ហើយដើម្បីច្បាស់កុំឱ្យមានការភ័ន្តច្រឡំនេះជារឿងទីផ្សារដែលមិនមែនជាអ្វីដែលរដ្ឋាភិបាលត្រូវដាក់បទបញ្ជាតម្រូវសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនោះទេស្របពេលដែលយើងកំពុងបង្កបរិយាកាសសេរីភាវូបនីយកម្មលើការវិនិយោគពីសំណាក់វិស័យឯកជន។ អ្វីដែលយើងធ្វើបានមានត្រឹមតែរក្សាស្ថិរភាពអត្រាប្ដូរប្រាក់ ដូចដែលខ្ញុំបានជម្រាបជូនពីខាងដើមដើម្បីធានាសុវត្ថិភាពផ្នែកទីផ្សារ ហើយនឹងរក្សាកំណើនដើម្បីបង្កើនអំណាចទិញរបស់ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋយើង។អ្វីទៅជាអនុសាសន៍ និងការណែនាំរបស់រាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលសម្រាប់អ្នកវិនិយោគិន និងអ្នកពាក់ព័ន្ធក្នុងវិស័យ អចលនទ្រព្យ ទាំងអស់សម្រាប់ឆ្នាំ២០១៦ និងឆ្នាំខាងមុខទៀត?យើងស្នើឱ្យគាត់មានការសិក្សាឱ្យបានដឹតដល់ទៅលើបញ្ហាដែលយើងពិភាក្សាខាងដើមហ្នឹងគឺការផ្គត់ផ្គង់ និងតម្រូវការ។ ការវិនិយោគក្នុងវិស័យនេះ (អចលនទ្រព្យ) វិនិយោគិនមិនត្រូវខ្ចីលុយលើសពីសមត្ថភាពទុនរបស់ខ្លួន។ មួយវិញទៀតសូមមេត្តាគិតទៅដល់បរិស្ថានសេដ្ឋកិច្ចសកលលោកផង មិនត្រូវមើលតែអត្រាតម្លៃទីផ្សារក្នុងស្រុកនោះទេព្រោះថាវិស័យអចលនទ្រព្យ នេះ វាទាក់ទងនឹងដូច្នេះ បើសិនជាខាងក្រៅមានវិបត្តិ លំហូរទុនមកក្នុងស្រុកនឹងថមថយ ហើយកំណើនចំណូលសម្រាប់ប្រជាជនក៏តិចតួច នាំឱ្យអំណាចទិញរបស់គាត់ទាបទៅតាមហ្នឹង៕ស្វែងរកព័ត៌មានអចលនទ្រព្យចុងក្រោយបំផុតតាមរយៈ Realestate.com.kh
Realestate.com.kh celebrates our 7th Birthday!
Realestate.com.kh celebrates our 7th Birthday!
June 6, 2022, 10:21 p.m.
Realestate News
Established in 2009, Realestate.com.kh is celebrating our 7th birthday in 2016 as the leading website for property buyers and sellers in Cambodia. Our website lets users search for properties based on location (sangkat & khan), property type and price range. People interested in buying or renting can see photos, special features, floor plans, property locations, and all other necessary information they need before physically visiting the property. AT Realestate.com.kh, WE ARE NOT A REAL ESTATE AGENTS - in fact they are our clients. Realestate.com.kh is proud to be working with over 90% of the leading real estate agencies in Cambodia, such as Knight Frank, CBRE, CPL, Bonna Realty, IPS, Century 21 and many more. And we also work with the country's leading property developers, including Bodaiju Residences, Grand Phnom Penh International City, East Commercial Center, Embassy Central, The Gateway, Camhomes, North Park Condo and many more. These customers come to us because they know that we attract the most online attention from potential property buyers, inside and outside of Cambodia. We don’t take commission, and we don’t facilitate the final sale transaction. What we specialise in is online marketing and making sure your property for sale or rent receives the most online exposure possible, from property seekers within Cambodia but also from around the world. This means we send you sales inquiries from people who are interested in buying or renting your property. For private sellers (those looking to sell or rent their own property), you can upload your property for FREE on Realestate.com.kh and receive direct sales inquiries by email and phone! And if you don’t know how to use the website to upload, we can even help you do this. However, you might want to upgrade your listing for a small fee if you want to sell it fast with extra online exposure. "Since advertising our listings with Realestate.com.kh we have experienced an impressive increase in inbound inquiries for our properties. By using Realestate.com.kh we have been able to attract a different demographic from our usual customer base and this has flowed through to an overall increase in sales." David Murphy - Managing Director - IPS-Cambodia “We have received a large number of sales leads direct from our listings on Realestate.com.kh, producing a great return on our investment with them. Their post-sales support and service has also been fantastic and exceeded our expectations. This made re-signing with Realestate.com.kh a very easy decision." Sam Yang - CEO - Eastland Development (HK) Co. Ltd. On our 7th birthday, thank you to our loyal partners, customers and users, and we look forward to serving you into the future.
Location Profile: Chroy Changvar
Location Profile: Chroy Changvar
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Located where the Tonle Sap and Mekong rivers meet, to the north of the capital, the Chroy Changvar peninsula has undergone significant development over the last few years. Once a rural, marshy area, the peninsula is now seen as one of several future ‘satellite cities’ and accessibility has improved thanks to a second bridge opening last year, linking the suburb to the city center, and construction of commune and district roads and National Road No. 6A. With the much anticipated Sokha Phnom Penh Hotel opening its doors, along with some mid-rise and high-rise condominium developments completed such as Bellevue apartments and Galaxy condominiums, land prices have surged in recent years. According to VTrust Appraisal market research, the growth rate has been hovering around 20 percent over the past two years and is only set to continue. Current large scale project developments include LYP Satellite City, Borey the Flora, Borey the Royal Mekong, Mekong View II and III among others, and the advancement of the Chroy Changvar riverside boardwalk. Chroy Changvar district covers five communes, including Chroy Changvar, Preaek Lieb, Preaek Ta Sek, Kaoh Dach, and Bak Khaeng. An attractive calling card of the district is that it is less congested than those areas across the waterway and offers magnificent views of river and city skyline. [caption id="attachment_80745" align="alignleft" width="300"] Mr. In Sitha, director of business development at VTrust Appraisal[/caption] A recent Vtrust land market survey from January 2016 found that land prices in the commune ranged from USD 420 to USD 1,750 per square meter depending on particular determinants such as significance of streets, zoning, and potentiality of development.“The land price is still lower compared to nearby districts such as Ruessie Kaev and Daun Penh,” says Mr. In Sitha, director of business development at VTrust Appraisal, “And only three kilometers from Phnom Penh’s city centre.”By contrast, the neighbouring district of Ruessie Kaev, located west and opposite the Tonle Sap River has experienced only a slight jump in land prices over the past two years, hovering around 8 percent. Chroy Changvar was found to be the fastest growing zone priced at USD 1080 per square metre in the second half of 2015 as compared to USD 670 per square meter in the same period in 2013. In says that land prices will continue to rise which is driven my major residential and mixed-use developments, and the peninsula realising its city master plans as mapped out by OCIC and L.Y.P Group. “There are several commercial developments underway and shop housing available at Borey Sopheak Mongkol and Young Commercial Supermarket. There is also potential to use existing commercial land for car showrooms, restaurants, banking and finance offices as well as office use for private companies,” adds In.VTrust also notes that there has been a slow market absorption rate influenced by a speculative demand deceleration due to an excessive supply of many large portions of vacant land that has seen a very slow pace of actual developments. However the evidence is clear that the district is packed with potential.All property for RENT in Chroy ChangvarBUY property in Chroy Changvar
Thinking of a holiday home? Sihanoukville offers endless opportunities
Thinking of a holiday home? Sihanoukville offers endless opportunities
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Tourism and retirement are also bringing in droves of people from around the country and the world to Sihanoukville, who wish to enjoy the laidback Cambodian lifestyle near some of the Kingdom’s nicest beaches and islands, such as Koh Rong and its sister, Koh Rong Samloem. As property prices in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap continue to push upwards, many investors are quickly being priced out of these first-tier markets. Sihanoukville in particular stands out as an exciting investment destination worth serious consideration.“Sihanoukville is one of the most popular cities after Phnom Penh. It is a major tourist destination of both Cambodians and people from around the globe because it offers nice beaches, eco-tourism spots, islands and many other facilities; making it the perfect place for a second home, holiday house or community to settle in for the retired,” Mr. Van Chanthorn, managing director of Town City Real Estate Co.[caption id="attachment_80515" align="alignleft" width="225"] Mr. Van Chanthorn, managing director of Town City Real Estate Co.[/caption] Home to the Kingdom’s only deep-water port, Sihanoukville is the capital of the province of the same name and is home to a fast-growing population of approximately 300,000. Many of Sihanoukville’s residents are there for the port or its associated export-focused manufacturing. The city is Cambodia’s second-largest manufacturing base after Phnom Penh, with most of its output consisting of garments and shoes. The government plans to transform this area into an entire Special Economic Zone (SEZ). With Sihanoukville airport operating daily flights between the nation’s capital and temple tourist mecca, Siem Reap, accessibility is even easier. Sihanoukville is composed of four sangkats, or communes, numbered one through four. Unsurprisingly, for residential and small business investment, Sangkat 4 – which has the most developed beachfront area and is presently the most popular location. Sangkat 4 features the four-kilometre Occheuteal Beach, the western end of which is known as Serendipity Beach and is home to a seemingly endless line of restaurants and bars aimed at the wallets of beachgoers by day and pleasure seekers by night. Land prices behind Occheuteal essentially doubled last year with asking prices sitting around USD 1200 per square metre. Nearby, Otres Beach’s comparatively pristine conditions have attracted more attention over the past few years with many developments underway. According to Bonna Realty Group, asking prices in 2015 reached around USD 600 per square metre behind the first road running parallel with Otres 1 and approximately USD 300 in the second road back from the beach front.“According to our research in 2015, the average percentage of growth year-on-year was around 15-25 percent for land located in the city centre. But along the seaside road and main commercial road, prices rose between 40- 50 percent compared to prices 2013/14,”adds Van.Several investment options exist within the seaside province including resorts, boreys, hotels, guesthouses, Casinos, commercial spaces inside the SEZ, apartments, restaurants, and condominiums.“Sihanoukville offers fantastic opportunities for land to be developed into resorts, offices, guest houses, hotels or apartments,” says Van, “The region has been developed significantly and now there is a new high-end condominium project named D’Seaview on the horizon. This project will enhance the image of Sihanoukville and make it one of the most attractive areas in Cambodia for investors.”All property for RENT in SihanoukvilleBUY property in Sihanoukville
Axis Residences: Home of the New Generation
Axis Residences: Home of the New Generation
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Axis Residences is bringing a unique standard of quality to the Phnom Penh condo market. Already, whilst the Singaporean-inspired project is still under construction, Axis is becoming a pop culture icon among a new generation of Khmer's looking for their first home in central Phnom Penh. The Axis residences showroom, now open in Phnom Penh, is built to the exact specifications of the completed units, as per international standards. This authenticity gives visitors to the Axis showroom a perfect understanding of the look and feel of their new condo home-to-be. But not only are the Axis Residence's units impressing customers, with early sales off to a flying start, the sleek and contemporary design is also impressing Cambodian celebrities and film makers. Recently, the renowned film production company, Hong Meas HD TV, has been using the Axis Residences showroom to film various drama series and movies. The directors and producers of these productions are well-aware that the younger generation of Khmer are craving a higher standard of living, and a taste in design style that the market currently sorely lacks. Because the Axis showroom epitomizes the style and quality that the new generation of home buyers are craving, and feature brand name appliances and fixtures throughout, it is only natural that Axis Residences should be the ideal location to film these popular films and drama series. Spring CJW, the renowned Singaporean development company behind Axis Residences, however, is well-aware that many younger Khmer interested in purchasing their first condo home currently lack access to sufficient finance to make such a dream a reality... With that in mind, Spring CJW has created a very attractive 15 year end-financing package in partnership with Phillip Bank, uniquely designed for their customers. As the payment schedule for this loan is based on each construction stage, off-plan buyers will only have to pay as each stage of the development is completed. The Partnership between Axis Residences and Philip Bank The Phillip Bank loan package, available to Axis Residences buyers, only charges interest for the amount that is supposed to be paid. For example, if the sub-structural phase of construction is competed, just 10% has to be paid to the developer by the end-buyer. This means that customers who purchase via the Phillip Bank loan will only need to incur interest for that initial 10%. This is not a common practice at all in Cambodia, as most projects will charge the loan interest on the full sum owing, and few banks are willing to support condo buyers. Not only that but, again uniquely, the principle sum for the Phillip Bank loan will only be payable at the completion of the Axis Residences project in its entirety, which is around 2 years later. Customers who use the Phillip Bank loan option will thus be looking at only around a $90 installment payment per month for the first year. This is not only affordable for young buyers, but acts as a guarantee that the project is completed to the promised standards, in the promised timeframe. Although this is Spring CJW's first condo project in Cambodia, they have entered the market to stay - and customer-friendly initiatives such as this are a testament to that! At Axis Residences, younger buyers are offered a chance to secure a state-of-the-art home on finance terms that they can genuinely afford. This is a golden opportunity for young couples to own a new home with a lifestyle that will be the envy of their peers for many years to come. If you would like to learn more about Axis Residences, click HERE to check out the full listing on Realestate.com.kh today. Inquire directly with Spring CJW and join their friendly and knowledgable property consultants right here in Phnom Penh for a tour of the famous Axis Residences showroom. Don't forget to bring your camera! Click HERE to request an information pack today!
Property valuation in risk management need addressing, opinion
Property valuation in risk management need addressing, opinion
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
An Opinion piece from Mr Sim Hoy Chhoung, ceo of V Trust Appraisal Co. Ltd.As the banking sector is growing in order to fuel the mortgage and collateral-based lending industry, so is the potential concerns over the property valuation standards and risk management systems currently in place in the Kingdom’s banking sector. The global financial crisis, which led to real estate bubbles across various countries around the world, offers a good lesson to explain the current concerns.Industry leaders agree: a risk analysis should be carefully taken into account. This was the suggestion of Mey Vann, director general of the Department of Financial Industry, Ministry of Economy and Finance, as cited by the Phnom Penh Post on 19 August 2015, one day after the inter-ministerial seminar on “Opportunities and Potential Risks in Developing Cambodia’s Property Sector” at Cambodiana Hotel. The 2008 global economic crisis, which impacted Asia and Cambodia, offered a lesson that “we must not let happen again,” he said.But how can we curb the potential risks associated with mortgage and collateral-based lending? From my experience, compliance to standards and professionalism in property valuation is one of the best ways to help mitigate the risks associated with loan defaults that could potentially lead to a wider market financial crash. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), one of the world’s most well-recognized organizations, representing professionalism and ethics in land, real estate, and construction appraisals, stresses that accurate and professional valuations are vital to a healthy property market and a stable economy, forming the basis of performance analysis, financing decisions, transactional or development advice, dispute resolution and taxation. However, not all banks in the country comply with valuation best practices and standards. While all would consider property valuation as a crucial part of any risk assessment, not all of them have clearly-defined measures to ensure compliance, often deciding to offer contracts to valuation partners that are not independent, and do not enforce professional and ethical codes of conduct, or lack professional indemnity insurance coverage. This sentiment has also been echoed elsewhere. While many of the banks seem to forget the potential risks, officials advise that property valuation firms should not be biased or under any influence that could cause an unfounded value inflation or deflation of the subject property. Kim Vanda, director general of Banking Supervision of National Bank of Cambodia, said, in the same seminar, that the malpractice could potentially pose risks to the banking industry as a whole, adding banks that have in-house valuation units should also use independent valuation firms to ensure that the appraised values of the subject properties are reasonably concrete and consistent. To ensure a healthy property and banking sector, an understanding of the weaknesses in the valuation process could help. The Central Bank of Ireland issued the December-2012 study report entitled “Valuation Process in the Banking Crisis – Lessons Learned – Guiding the Future” identifying three overriding areas of primary weaknesses in valuation processes during the boom lending years. First, a weakness could come from an inaccurate or inappropriate definition of valuation requirements by credit institutions, thus leading to a subsequent inadequate assessment and understanding of valuations.Second, it could be the result of inadequate valuation processes and standards, or a disregard for adherence to such processes.Third, the weakness could also be the result of a lack of appreciation of the significance of the valuation document as independent evidence of risk mitigation effectiveness. Many bankers did not fully regard the importance of independent valuations and the valuation reports as a key document underpinning the basis on which they were acquiring the risk. Besides identifying the overriding areas of weaknesses, the study also highlighted a number of critical issues that credit institutions should pay attention to in the property valuation process - such as the issue of conflict of interest, valuer panel management, and inappropriate use of informal valuations. In many instances, lenders would accept existing valuations that had been prepared by valuers on behalf of the borrower, not the credit institutions. In this case the study recommends that the valuers’ duty of care is to the credit institutions and this should be emphasized by credit institutions in their written instructions to valuers in accordance with its clearly defined terms of engagement. Valuation reports should always be addressed to the credit institutions that is advancing the loan funds to avoid any complaint or manipulation between valuers and borrowers or owners of the property. When it comes to valuer panel management, the study identified some weaknesses in credit institutions practices including the appointment of valuers without sufficient qualifications, without any evidence of sufficient professional indemnity insurance, with inadequate or no review of panel members’ performance, or on the basis they are a customer of the bank. In sum, to create a healthy financial environment, banks should comply with valuation best practices and standards. Two of the most credible standardized valuation systems advised by the study report are the International Valuation Standards, known as the White Book, and the RICS valuation standards, known as the Red Book. Although the study report seems to stress more on experiences and applications in settings outside of the Kingdom, it does not make any difference since globalization has made almost all the world’s systems into ‘one’ that applies for all and, more importantly, all central banks should be subject to the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision which should incorporate best banking practices into all standards. That said, the country’s valuers association is also working to benefit the industry. Cambodian Valuer and Estate Association (CVEA), which represents the country’s valuation and real estate industry, has taken measures to set minimum valuation fee charges for the industry. The minimum fees should help prevent valuation firms from competing on fees and in-turn compromise the quality of the final appraisal. Sim Hoy Chhoung is the chief executive officer at VTrust Appraisal Co., Ltd. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of VTrust Appraisal Co., Ltd.
Cambodia’s leading women in Real Estate
Cambodia’s leading women in Real Estate
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
The Cambodian real estate industry has a larger proportion of women ceo’s, founders, managers and leading salespeople than many other business sectors in Cambodia. This is interesting, because not so long ago these positions were dominated by men in Cambodia.With this in mind, Realestate.com.kh spoke with Cambodia’s leading women in real estate to find out why real estate is providing a unique platform for women to build great careers and rise above their male colleagues to top leadership positions:Tang Hour, president of Amatak Property Service:When did you begin your real estate career and what first attracted you to real estate?“I first started real estate as a hobby. My family expected me to stay at home and look after the house. But that’s not my style. I wanted my own job and my own income. So for a start, I would buy some cheap apartments and houses near my home and renovate them myself, and then sell them on for a higher price. I would buy and sell a new house every 3 to 6 months. In 2014, I began working as an agent for a local company. But as a freelance agent, I had a very low salary, split commissions and lots of competition within the company. Meanwhile, I could see the real estate and construction markets booming all around me. I saw it as a great opportunity at the perfect time - so I started my own company, Amatak Property Service. Since then, I have not looked back.” What has been your greatest achievement since you began in the real estate industry? “I am proud to be my own boss. And I am proud to say that I don’t need to find clients anymore - my clients now find me.” Why is the real estate industry an attractive career for Cambodian women? Does it offer a better opportunity for career growth than other industries? Why? “Anyone with sales skills can find a place in the real estate market, whether they are a man or a woman. Before I got into real estate I was in the beauty industry and had my own spa and sauna business. I have always had a passion for sales and an ability to close deals. These skills are crucial in real estate and I guess that is why real estate was a good fit for me. Before, Cambodian society did not grant women freedom to pursue their own careers. We were expected to stay at home. But now, Khmer woman are becoming leaders in business, and not just in real estate, and other women are being inspired by this. When Khmer women are inspired by each other, we will keep growing as leaders in business. Everybody can benefit by learning from each other. So, if we are fellow real estate agents, we are not competitors - we are partners. It is a state of mind.” What advice would you give to other women (or anyone) considering starting a career in real estate? “Education and training is crucial in real estate. For my company, I am always training, teaching and mentoring my staff. If we teach, we all grow and become better at our jobs. For company leaders, we must focus on education and teaching our staff about the market and each and every property you sell. If we don’t understand the properties we are selling, we will never sell them. Inspiration and mentoring is so important, because when people are inspired by others they have confidence to do things themselves. Surround yourself with people who are excellent and they will inspire you to grow as a person and a professional. Actually, when I first started Amatak I had recently met a friend much younger than me who had just launched his own company. I said, “wow, but you are so young to have your own business!” But it also got me thinking - I could do that too. And I did. I have also had an inspirational friend who lives outside Cambodia and works in real estate in the US and Singapore - they shared knowledge with me and helped push me to start my own company.” Thida Ann, senior associate director at CBRE Cambodia:When did you begin your real estate career and what first attracted you to real estate?“I first started my real estate career in early 2010 at the Accounting and Admin department. I have a thorough understanding of business regulation, taxes, and compliance. I recognized that the frontier market in which we operate presented great opportunities for the development of a real estate sector in its infancy, plus the opportunity offering within the organization. I later moved my career to Marketing and Management. Now, I am the head of CBRE Cambodia and we have 27 dedicated team members.” What has been your greatest achievement since you began in the real estate industry? “For the last 6 years, I have broadened my market knowledge, consulting on a number of Cambodia’s largest, and most formidable projects, which has provided me with invaluable local experience and provided me the opportunity to develop my regional experience, working with both domestic and international clients.” Why is the real estate industry an attractive career for Cambodian women? Does it offer a better opportunity for career growth than other industries?  “I strongly believe in teamwork, having both men and women staff which can provide the balance in coordination when providing successful services. As of today, women are now able to complete a range of jobs similar to that of male focused roles. However, most importantly, I believe that the ultimate success depends on skill and expertise, rather than gender.” What advice would you give to other women (or anyone) considering starting a career in real estate? “It is never too late to start any job that you like. Be confident and do not be afraid to take on new responsibilities. It can be challenging taking on tasks that you have never tried before - but you should view this as a learning opportunity. It is important to be passionate about what you do. I love my job and that really helps me focus. If you do not enjoy what you do, it will be difficult for you to be dedicated to that career 100 percent.” Grace Rachny Fong, learning director at Century 21 Cambodia:When did you begin your real estate career and what first attracted you to real estate?“I began my real estate business about four years ago together with a few of my friends. At first we targeted expats looking for house rentals. Real estate is an important contributor to the country’s GDP and accounts for significant employment and investment opportunities for Cambodians. It has also put Cambodia on the Asia-Pacific map as a place for investors to invest and seek good returns on their investments.” What has been your greatest achievement since you began in the real estate industry? “I am now conducting real estate training for agents and owners. I genuinely believe that the Century 21 University which I am now heading can be the game changer for local real estate agents and owners. We are bringing a mindset change from those trying to become a “kokchhear” or traditional broker (a degrading Khmer name for a broker), to instead becoming a professional, ethical, knowledgeable, skillful and respectable agent through further training and education.” Why is the real estate industry an attractive career for Cambodian women? Does it offer a better opportunity for career growth than other industries? “Women in real estate do have an important role to play. More so, when it comes to opening doors for themselves and their male counterparts to make and close deals. Male and female property owners are more open and welcoming to ladies, especially when they receive phone calls from women in real estate. The real estate industry offers both full time and part time opportunities, meaning women with family can opt to work part time if need be. It’s perhaps also easier to sell or rent out their own properties and earn a better income for their family, and on their own properties. Real estate is generally easier to sell than other consumer products/services, as many people tend to heavily invest in properties.” What advice would you give to other women (or anyone) considering starting a career in real estate? “They must be willing to work hard, be smart and be professional. They must also be willing to invest their time and some money to learn things about real estate and develop through soft skills training. But, to succeed in real estate there is really no magic except for a strong commitment and willingness to work hard to gain trust.” Somnang “Lucky” Cheam, ceo of Lucky Property Services:When did you begin your real estate career and what first attracted you to real estate?“In 2005 I first started to work in real estate because i had good communication skills, honesty and commitment to clients - that is why I soon had great connections and referral clients. From the year 2010 until 2015 (August) I worked with one local real estate company, and I was a 5% shareholder in that company. When I started, I worked as admin and later became an agent. After success in this role, I became the Khmer director, taking care for khmer staff as well as selling properties as an agent. The company then changed their policy - so I decided to sell my shares and started my owner company: Lucky Property Services Co., Ltd. from September 2015.” What has been your greatest achievement since you begun in the real estate industry? “My timing has been very good. The real estate market in Cambodia, starting from around 2009, has seen a huge quantity of transactions from both local buyers and sellers, and international investors. For me, starting my career around this time, this offered great opportunities to make real estate deals as an agent, and build my connection network too.” Why is the real estate industry an attractive career for Cambodian women? Does it offer a better opportunity for career growth than other industries? “Most women in Cambodia cannot do this job because to become a woman in real estate you must commit time and money into training, education, property and client networking. And once you are an agent, you need to commit your life to the clients. But, if you are lucky to have a husband who understands this well, then you will be able to find a balance in work and family. For me as a single mom, I work hard like a man but I enjoy this job very much because I can see a lot of opportunities in this country. You will find success though only if you are committed. You cannot be lazy in real estate, because every minute is money! Lots more women can have a place in real estate though, whether full time or part time, because the market is growing very quickly, which equates to opportunities for sellers. More condos, link houses etc. are coming online everyday - I just hope the demand can match the supply.” What advice would you give to other women (or anyone) considering starting a career in real estate? “As you know, real estate is not always easy! You need to constantly take care of your client and take them to visit the properties that suit them - sometimes in town and sometimes outside the city. For me, my second house is my car because most of the time I am looking for new properties to list, or taking clients to see properties! Also, you need to be wise and careful, because not every client is a good client. Make sure that you know the property you are selling inside out - and do your homework before you take the client to visit.” Related news : [caption id="attachment_80591" align="alignleft" width="150"] 2016 Cambodian Real Estate Market predictions[/caption] [caption id="attachment_80230" align="alignleft" width="109"] Real Estate Review 2016[/caption]
The 2nd Annual Global Alumni Convention (GAC) speakers announced
The 2nd Annual Global Alumni Convention (GAC) speakers announced
June 6, 2022, 5:04 p.m.
Realestate News
As proud sponsor of this years event, Realestate.com.kh is excited to bring you the latest updates on the upcoming Global Alumni Convention in Cambodia. A host of local and international guest speakers, all of which are leaders in their field, will join the 2nd Annual Global Alumni Convention (GAC) at the Hotel InterContinental in Phnom Penh from the 29th of this month. See the full program here!The event is hosted by the world’s largest provider of international education services, IDP Education, and brings together graduates from Cambodia, Australia Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the US, France, Russia, Korea, Japan, China, Malaysia, Singapore and other nations. Organizers anticipate that attendance will exceed 500 this year. See the full program here! The Global Alumni Conference creates an event at which all can meet, share ideas and network with industry leaders, decision makers and leaders from governments, the private sector, and civil society for education, trade and investment opportunities. The GAC 2016 will kick off with a Business & Education Networking Reception on 29 January and a Main Convention on 30 January. During the main convention, there will be a series of moderated, interactive panel discussions, with topics focusing on Cambodia-related issues. Some of the topics include banking and finance, energy, education, health, STEM and the labor market, urban planning and construction, media, trade, tourism, and the potential influence of the ASEAN community integration. On Saturday 30th, from 11.50am-12.50pm, realestate.com.kh's very own director, Mr Tom O'Sullivan will mediate the "Media & Communications" debate, aptly entitled "Gateway to the word" in 2016. See the full program here!   HE Sun Chanthol, Minister of Commerce, will officially open the reception event, while Education, Youth and Sport Minister HE Dr Hang Chuon Naron will open the main convention. A Special Plenary Session will include Hun Manet, son of Prime Minister Hun Sen, as a guest speaker and Rural Development Minister HE Chea Sophara will speak at the Closing Plenary Session. Details about joining the event are available on the GAC website.
ខណ្ឌទួលគោក៖ តំបន់ដែលមិនគួរមើលរំលង
ខណ្ឌទួលគោក៖ តំបន់ដែលមិនគួរមើលរំលង
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
នៅពេលជនបរទេស និងជនជាតិខ្មែរដែលមានទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិវក់វីនឹងអចលនទ្រព្យនៅក្នុងតំបនចំការមន Realestate.com.kh បានក្រលេកមើលទៅតំបន់ទួលគោកវិញ វាមានភាពទាក់ទាញ និងតម្លៃសមរមនៃទីតំាងនោះ តួយ៉ាងជាទីតំាងមួយសម្រាប់ជនបរទេសដែលមករស់នៅក្នុងក្រុងភ្នំពេញ។លោក Anthony Perkins នាយកគ្រប់គ្រងគម្រោងពិសេសហិរញ្ញវត្ថុ & វិនិយោគ នៅក្រុមហ៊ុនរ៉ូយ៉ាលគ្រុបកម្ពុជាបាននិយាយថា "ប្រសិនបើមានគ្រួសារមួយមិនសូវគិតលើអំពីចំងាយផ្លូវធ្វើដំណើរធ្វើការ ទួលគោកគួរតែគិតអំពីការស្វែងរកផ្ទះ សម្រាប់ជួល ឬលក់។"ស្វែងរកអចលនទ្រព្យសម្រាប់ជួលនៅក្នុងតំបន់ទួលគោកនៅថ្ងៃនេះនៅលើ realestate.com.kh!លោក Perkins កត់សំគាល់ថា តំបន់ទួលគោក "ជាតំបន់ដែលមិនងាយនឹងដាច់អគ្គិសនីដូចតំបន់ខ្លះនៅក្រុងភ្នំពេញនោះឡើង ហើយបុរីជាច្រើនដែលស្ថិតក្នុងតំបន់ទួលគោកពិតជាផ្តល់នូវសុវត្ថិភាពខ្ពស់ ហើយគ្មានការរំខានក្នុងការសាងសង់អ្វីឡើយនៅជាប់របងអ្នកឡើយ" ប្រសិនបើអ្នករស់នៅក្នុងតំបន់បឹងកេងកង អ្នកអាចមានសុវត្ថិភាព គ្រាន់តែអ្នកអាចទទួលរងនឹង សំលេងរំខាននូវការសាងសង់នៅជុំវិញផ្ទះ ហើយវាអាចក្លាយជាផ្នែកនៃជីវិតរស់នៅប្រចំាថ្ងៃរបស់អ្នក... មានសាលាចំណេះដឹងទូទៅជាច្រើននៅតំបន់ទួលគោកផងដែរ រួមទំាងសាលាអន្តរជាតិដែលផ្តល់ស្តង់ដារជាលក្ខណៈអន្តរជាតិ កន្លែងលក់ចំណីអាហារដែលមានបម្រើជូណគ្រប់ស្តង់ដារសម្រាប់អ្នករស់នៅក្នុងតំបន់នោះ។ កន្លែងកំសាន្ត ផ្សារទំនើបក៏បាន ក្លាយជាគោលដៅសំខាន់ផងដែរសម្រាប់តំបននេះ តួយ៉ាងTK Avenue ដែលប្រមូលផ្តុំដោយភោជនីយដ្ឋាន រោងភាពយន្ត ផ្សារទំនើជាដើម"ជនបរទេសភាគច្រើនមិនបានស្គាល់ថាទួលគោកជាខណ្ឌនោះឡើយ" នេះជាសម្តីរបស់លោក Perkins "សម្រាប់ជនបរទេសដែលរស់នៅជាគ្រួសារ មានផ្ទះសម្រាប់ជួលដែលមានបន្ទប់៣ឬ៤ មានតម្លៃជួលក្រោម១០០០ដុល្លារក្នុងមួយខែ ជាការផ្តល់ជូន សន្តិសុខ អាងហែលទឹក ក្លឹបហាត់ប្រាណ និងមានផ្លូវសម្រាប់ថ្មើរជើងធំទូលាយអមដោយដើមឈើ"
Embassy Central changes the Phnom Penh design landscape
Embassy Central changes the Phnom Penh design landscape
June 6, 2022, 5:04 p.m.
Realestate News
On the heels of its first housing development success – Embassy Residences, which has sold 90 per cent of its units – local developer Urbanland is wasting no time in establishing its second project, Embassy Central. Being at the pulse of Boeung Keng Kang 1, and within strolling distance of renowned restaurants like Topaz Restaurant, Malis Restaurant, and Eric Kayser Bakery, with retail stores along the nearby Preah Sihanouk Boulevard such as Charles & Keith, Pedro, and Mango, and more cafés and bars interspersed around, there is no area more bustling and convenient than where Embassy Central is located. Thriving hub aside, Embassy Central itself is a building to behold; its discreet brilliance is reflected through its minimalistic and sleekly structured design. Only 25 storeys tall and 119-unit strong, Embassy Central holds its own in dedicating its composition to the importance of an urban lifestyle that is in sync with modernity, yet maintaining a green lifestyle with its outdoor landscape features. Check out the full Embassy Central listing today on Realestate.com.kh! With only 119 units, Embassy Central has a more private and intimate feel, with four sky gardens in different parts of the building that residents can fully utilise to their liking. These open spaces provide a tranquil respite from the hustling bustle of the city; spaces where you can exercise or do yoga amidst the rising or setting sun, sit and read a book by the trees, or simply bask in the crispness of the air. Besides its multiple sky gardens, another distinctive feature of Embassy Central is its vertical green wall garden that runs through the building from the 4th floor to the 25th, with the main purpose of brightening up usually enclosed hallways with natural sunlight. The condominium’s swimming pool is surrounded by lush greenery, as it is on the same floor where the vertical garden begins. The impressive architecture of this condominium comes from the same masterminds behind Cambodia’s most popular coffee chain – Brown Coffee. The same attention to detail, quirky steeled structures, and top-notch finishing seen in all Brown Coffee outlets across Phnom Penh are mirrored in Embassy Central’s building and showroom. Hok Kang Architects, who wholly designed Embassy Residences and Embassy Central, and are also the people behind Urbanland and Brown Coffee, aptly sums it up: “Embassy Central is a very special project for us. We want to design a building that responds to a hot tropical climate such as Cambodia. Vertically designed elements and oversized balconies help to shade the building from the harsh tropical sun. The building is punctuated by pockets of green gardens, giving it a more iconic architecture, and also its residents a more liveable space that is close to nature. Upon its completion, Embassy Central will be the emblem of contemporary urban living at its finest in the heart of BKK1.” Urbanland and Hok Kang Architects comprise a small but diverse team, and being local adds value and trust among Cambodians – that a relatively small developer is able to bring to the Kingdom international standards of ideas, design, and product. Urbanland is committed to investing in its home country, and seeing it thrive as an urban cosmopolis. The company prides itself on catering as much as they can to their niche clientele’s needs, offering interior design services or suggestions that will complement the overall flow of the building units’ designs. Embassy Central’s showroom is fitted with high-end furnishings, with cleverly streamlined storage spaces and enclosed air-conditioning, while everything that is attached to the walls such as the lights, cupboards, console table, and appliances come together with the unit. Singapore investment firm, Terrasia Capital Investment, has said that the quality of interior fittings and finishes is a game-changer that sets a very high benchmark for other developers to follow. In Urbanland’s Marketing Manager, Victor Huot’s words, “what you see and feel in our showroom will be the same experience you will get when you walk into your Embassy Central home.” “The most prestigious address in Phnom Penh, crafted with design and high-quality materials, Embassy Central is a gem of investment that will only increase in value over time,” Terrasia Capital Investment concluded. Check out the full Embassy Central listing today on Realestate.com.kh!
Why Downsize Your Home?
Why Downsize Your Home?
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Whether you are approaching retirement, want to cut down your commute time, sick of an uncontrollable garden, or maybe just fancy a move – it could be a good time to downsize your home!Downsizing is a great way to cash in on your current real estate asset, especially when the market is hot - and can help you save some extra money once you move into a smaller, more-manageable home. What makes property owners want to downsize? - Here are a few of the most common reasons.  Finally free from the kids!When your children move out to go to university, start a job in the big city, or marry and start their own family – your current house might have vacant bedrooms and lots of excess space. It can be great always having the bathroom available - but when there is a chance to cash in on your property asset by downsizing your home you had better ask yourself "Do you need such a big home now?" Without your kids causing havoc, a big home might feel empty once they go. It also requires a lot of cleaning and maintenance, without any real benefits for those still living there. If this sounds like something happening in your home, try marketing your property for sale and consider downsizing. What is the difference between a deposit and a down-payment?  Cut the Commute:Generally, the closer your home is to the CBD, the more expensive the land/property is. This is why inner-city workers are increasingly looking to apartments and condos in Phnom Penh.  If your house is in the suburbs of the city, but your workplace is in the center – every day you might be spending hours in traffic. So for those who know they will need to live in the city for years to come – consider downsizing your home, and move to an affordable apartment or condo in the inner-city.  Cut Living Costs:A home is always in need of cleaning and other general maintenance; a home is also always in need of electricity and water and other utilities. Of course, it is easier to clean one bedroom, compared to four. A big home can also be hard to cool, or heat – depending on the season. For these reasons, you can bet that a smaller home will be have less maintenance needed, and ultimately cost less to live in. Thus – a smaller house = smaller bills = less work + more cash in your pocket.  Cash-in on your Asset:It can be easy to make money by selling your over-sized home in exchange for a smaller one. And the extra money could even settle your mortgage repayments. Especially when the property market is as hot as the current Cambodian real estate climate – cash in on your current home, and buy a smaller, more affordable property with a good chance of future appreciation. Learn more about what's in a home loan!
Mortgage Matters: How to pay back your loan faster in 2016
Mortgage Matters: How to pay back your loan faster in 2016
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
2016 has now arrived, and as the New Year comes you might be turning your attention to your long-ignored mortgage.  Although no one likes to think about their mortgage repayments, you need to analyze it regularly if you want to find ways to make your repayments more effective and move yourself closer to financial independence. Missed Mortgage Matters Part 1 or Part 2? Read them first!With that in mind, bring in the New Year with these 5 handy ideas from realestate.com.kh to speed up your loan repayments, and work towards a financially free future!1. Don’t automatically decrease your repayments just because the interest rates falls: For many loaners, as soon as bank fees and interest rates decrease, and minimum repayments are lowered accordingly, this immediately means a happy camper - with more money in the pocket and less for the bank. However, this is short sighted. Instead of pocketing the cash, if you keep your repayments at the same level when the interest rates are falling - because this is a prime opportunity to reduce your principle with each payment and make faster progress satisfying your total loan in the longer-term. As opposed to seeing it as a time to relax your repayments – this year you should see it as an opportunity to get ahead of the bank and pay back your principle faster. 2. Test out an “Offset Account”: If it is possible for your loan, try using an offset account. A mortgage offset account is directly connected to your mortgage and the payable interest on your mortgage month to month will be calculated by deducting what funds exist in your offset account against your loan. To clarify, here’s an example: if your total mortgage is $200,000 and your offset account currently has $5,000 in it, you will only pay interest on the remaining $195,000. An offset account allows you to save interest while still allowing access to your savings if needed. For investors, offset accounts are also useful for the preservation of mortgage tax deductible benefits. 3. Refinance and get a better run for your money: Maybe you have worked out that your current mortgage is not suitable to your needs and financial circumstances now that 2016 has dawned. If this is the case, you need to change your loan quickly before it seriously hurts you. If you are not sure your current mortgage is right for you, it is best to consult a professional finance broker before it is too late. A well-attuned broker will negotiate with your lender about fees for additional repayments, refinancing, or any other necessary measures to help you save on your loan. A good broker should identify the perfect terms for you and then negotiate the best rates for that plan. Get in touch with Cambodia’s leading lenders today!4. Make smaller mortgage repayments, more regularly: If you make more payments, naturally these payments will be smaller. But more regular payments, even if they are smaller, will mean ultimately you can pay off your loan faster because you will lessen your interest repayments in the long term. If you currently repay your mortgage on a monthly basis, try changing to fortnightly loan repayments. Now, your monthly mortgage repayments might equal $2000 per month, for example. If you can instead pay $1000 every two weeks, by the end of 2016 you would have made significant savings on your interest costs, and will be a little bit closer to satisfying your overall loan repayment. 5. Take measures to pay back a little bit more each time: Remember, your “minimum repayment” is exactly that: it is the least possible amount you need to repay each month. So, for most mortgages there in nothing stopping you from paying more than the minimum necessary payment. And it doesn’t matter if you pay extra regularly, just when you can afford to now and again is still worthwhile. Even a little bit here and there can add up and eventually reduce your mortgage. When you receive bonuses, tax returns or other monetary gifts you should seriously consider putting this expendable income into your mortgage repayments before it disappears into thin air. Read more about home loans on realestate.com.kh today. Missed Mortgage Matters Part 1 or Part 2? Read them first!
Online Marketing that PAYS, part 2
Online Marketing that PAYS, part 2
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Most people’s attention span lasts between 5 and 10 seconds… For those involved in marketing, and especially digital marketing, this means that you need to work extremely efficiently if you want to engage the right customers at the right place and the right time, and share with them a message that they will actually take on board. Don't forget to read part 1 first! Read it here.Because online marketing is our full time job here at Realestate.com.kh, we would like to share a few tips to get the most benefit from your various online marketing channels – and ultimately, sell and rent more property through the internet.  Online marketing with your own Website: Your company website is home sweet home, no matter what business you are – but, remember, your website must reflect your underlying objectives if you want it to be successful. Don't forget to read part 1 first! Read it here. Of course, the layout and functionality will be totally different depending on the online marketing objectives. Your website might exist purely for branding purposes, in which case focus on the presentation. But if you intend to sell directly through your website as an ecommerce application, your design must focus on functionality and smoothly facilitating the sale, and after-sale support. Regardless of the intent of your website, it is crucial that it is easy to navigate, and the content is relevant and engaging to visitors. Want to learn how to use LinkedIn for real estate sales? Success metrics are always at hand to advise of the development of your website, whether it be considering generic goals such as overall revenue and conversions - or more specific analysis, for example building offsite referrals from social channels, or considering the best demographic targeting for your website. If you want a bigger audience to visit your website, the sole answer is content. Clear, engaging and consistent content is the only way to grow your website sustainably. Remember that longer term trends and analytics must be well-considered during any development of your website. A website is not like a short term marketing drive. Your website is here to stay for the life of your business. This means any changes you make should consider the present, but always look to the future. Why online marketing can help you test ideas quickly!Online marketing with your Email Database: Business people and individuals can receive hundreds of emails every week. Because of this flow of info, if your email online marketing is stale it will quite-simply fail because those emails will never see the light of day. Nearly all email database marketing has the same objectives: increasing click-through rates to your company websites; and reducing the number of contacts choosing to unsubscribe from your communications. Thus, to improve on returns from email online marketing, make sure you keep a clean and organized database – this will allow you to build trust with recipients and recognized email addresses. Increase your open rate with inviting email titles, and always test innovation. Throw in new elements such as video, interactive features and try to maintain a personal touch for your database members. Don't forget to read part 1 first! Read it here.Alternatively - Let us take care of your digital marketing and send you the sales inquiries. Realestate.com.kh can share it’s huge online audience with you. If you are an agent or developer, there is no easier way to improve your online sales conversions. Find out more today.
Online Marketing that PAYS, part 1
Online Marketing that PAYS, part 1
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Most people’s attention span lasts between 5 and 10 seconds… For those involved in marketing, and especially digital marketing, this means that you need to work extremely efficiently if you want to engage the right customers at the right place and the right time, and share with them a message that they will actually take on board. Read part 1 already? Read part 2 here!Because online marketing is our full time job here at Realestate.com.kh, we would like to share a few tips to get the most benefit from your various online marketing channels – and ultimately, sell and rent more property through the internet.Online marketing with your Social Media Channels: No longer are the ultimate goals of social media likes, follows, and shares. Nowadays, social media marketing is a direct source of sales and represents great and highly affordable opportunities for marketers of all kinds. Of course, it is no secret that online companies like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram have developed their services to support company branding and sales. By simple testing, you can soon find our which social channels deliver you the best rate of conversions, click throughs and brand awareness. However, if you are situated in Cambodia, it is a safe bet that Facebook will come out number one - as the majority of the country’s 3.4 Million strong social media users taking first and foremost to Facebook. Surprisingly, some locals still understand Facebook and the Internet as a conjoined concept. Want to learn how to use LinkedIn for real estate sales?Online marketing with Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is the least understood type of online marketing – but can be the most expensive and, for many online businesses, the most important. Basically, your company website is as useful as it is visited. If nobody can find your website, it is as useful as a 50 foot billboard behind a wall. SEO can be divided by on-page and offsite SEO. On-page relates to developing the navigation of your website so that all content is easily available to visitors. Offsite SEO is like casting a net – developing your offsite SEO will mean more people searching on leading search engines, such as google.com and its international network of sites, will find your site in their search results, and before they find your competitors… Be patient when developing your SEO as results will not come overnight. Remember, once again, there is no avoiding the need for content.  If you want a bigger audience to visit your website, and improve your website’s organic SEO, content is key – now, more than ever. Clear, engaging and consistent content is the key to growing your SEO sustainably. New search algorithms demand that top ranking pages must provide the user with content that engages them, and is unique and well referenced. If your post is about buying real estate in Chamkarmon, for example, it needs to be genuinely useful to your readers if it is ever going to rank well in SEO. The days are over when you can simply load articles with keywords and expect search results. Further, your keyword selection is crucial for a successful SEO strategy. You must clearly target your strategy to bid for the search key words most likely to bring revenue to your business. Don’t waste any time or money trying to win key words that will never convert. Also be wary about your competition.  If you see that another website has dominated certain key words for a long time, your chances of beating them are much lower, and will require far more effort in regards to content creation. Look for the low hanging fruit first, and the key words that will convert. Why online marketing can help you test ideas quickly!Online marketing with Paid Ads: Whether you are considering implementing search, display, or social ads into your online marketing strategy, always pay attention to conversion tracking and testing first and foremost. Otherwise, you are swinging in the dark! By using conversion tracking for paid advertising initiatives, you can immediately gauge which ads and keywords bring revenue with the highest return on your investment. Test and optimize all elements of the campaign until your success metrics start to show growth. The same rule applies whether you are interested in branding or conversions. Keep in mind; you will incur additional creative costs during this process if you want to do it right. It is important that you ensure your content and other visual media is in line with your audience, marketing strategy, and company image. Enjoyed the post so far?? Read part 2 here!Alternatively - Let us take care of your digital marketing and send you the sales inquiries. Realestate.com.kh can share it’s huge online audience with you. If you are an agent or developer, there is no easier way to improve your online sales conversions. Find out more today.
Prince Central Plaza : Doraemon Recognises The Future In Phnom Penh kh version
Prince Central Plaza : Doraemon Recognises The Future In Phnom Penh kh version
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Flanked by life-sized statues of Japanese cartoon character Doraemon, and the infamous one-eyed yellow minions made popular by the animated American movie Despicable Me, China’s Prince Real Estate was far from alone at the official launch of their showroom (opposite the National Assembly), and the opening ceremony of its latest development Prince Central Plaza, a HOPSCA—Hotel, Offices, Parks, Shopping Mall, Convention Centre, and Apartments—last Tuesday. Want to learn more about Prince Central Plaza? Here is the full listing, on Realestate.com.kh. While the launch aimed to spice up the humdrum of a typical property launch, Pol Lyta, a property consultant for Prince Central Plaza, explained the deeper meaning behind the unusual marketing strategy, saying, “Doraemon is a robot cat that comes from the future [22nd century], and can go back into the past, and he is also able to fly all over the world.” With the ability Doraemon possesses, it seems to refer to Prince Central Plaza’s outlook on the future of Phnom Penh in making the development the integrated business and lifestyle nucleus of the Kingdom, while retaining an avant-garde take on traditional Khmer architectural design. As countless Doraemons had flown in to Phnom Penh to station themselves at the opening ceremony, Despicable Me’s yellow minions had also come along for the ride, possibly to inject some humour and entertainment to a typical lacklustre affair. Being an entertainment-centralised hub, Lyta elaborated that “the minions from Despicable Me represent the fun and entertaining side of what Prince Central Plaza’s various amenities and facilities can offer.” Want to learn more about Prince Central Plaza? Here is the full listing, on Realestate.com.kh. To emphasise its point, guests at the launch were also given freebies in the form of the one-eyed yellow minion soft toy plushies. However random it may seem, such cute and fun twists are not uncommon here. In 2012, an Angry Birds Foreign Language School had sprung up in Banteay Meanchey province, riding on the wings of the insane global phenomenon that the Angry Birds game had prompted. Nonetheless, the opening ceremony of Prince Central Plaza was not all fun and games. Having sold an approximate 200 out of its 1,786 residential units just at the launch itself, it has also sold an estimated 40 per cent of its homes thus far. Prices range from an average of $58,000 for a one-bedroom apartment, to $100,000 for a two-bedroom apartment. Almost all of its snazzy penthouses, which cost from $250,000 to $600,000, have been snapped up as of the launch day. As with the case of the Angry Birds school, whose owner was nonchalant in using the fowls’ infamousness without consulting their copyright holders, it is unclear whether these future robot cats and one-eyed yellow minions were lawfully licensed as mascots for Prince Central Plaza’s opening ceremony. What is definitely clear, however, is the completion of the impressive Prince Central Plaza slated for May 2018, located at the pulse of Phnom Penh’s heart south of Norodom Boulevard, wherein its residents may just be lavishly greeted with another surprise appearance by the unofficial mascots. Hanamariya Halim, Phnom Penh Post, Post Property. Want to learn more about Prince Central Plaza? Here is the full listing, on Realestate.com.kh.