
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice

Stricter Law Enforcement: Developer Licensing Requirements
Stricter Law Enforcement: Developer Licensing Requirements
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Events & Announcements
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Prakas No. 965 (MEF) on the Management of Residence Development Business was dated August 24, 2016 and aims to get developers to obtain a license from the Finance Ministry.The Director of the Finance Ministry, Mr. Noung Piseth, said that only around 167 housing developments, 104 gated communities, and 63 condominiums that are currently underway are actually authorized by the Finance Ministry. He estimates that around 10 to 20 percent of current developments have no licenses. And this is causing concern from buyers who have already purchased units from these developers.This prakas (law) affects real estate developments that either have more than 4 apartments, 3 villas, or 4 units. Developers who fit the criteria are considered to be a residence development business company and are now required to have a license through the Ministry of Economy and Finance, for several reasons.Why should developers obtain a license?Other than avoiding a fine for owners of unlicensed housing projects that can reach up to $25,000, getting a license actually has a well rounded advantage for everyone involved in a development. It benefits the customers, the developers, and the industry as a whole.The Head of the Office of Business Management Housing Development at the Department of Industry and Finance, Ms. Chan Socheata, said that โ€œgenerally, before the issuance of the license for any project development, the ministry evaluates through its checklist to find out whether the development has a clear and strong source of income, capital, collateral, land title, and other assets that support their project.โ€She continues, โ€œThe ministry will check whether itโ€™s a good business, and if it can be successful in the future or not. In some cases, thereโ€™s a need to research on the sales strategy of the project, because sometimes a projectโ€™s owner does not do an in-depth market analysis with the surrounding market. And another reason is to find whether this project causes a bubble market. So, if this case happens, the ministry can take measure immediately,โ€And since a residence development business company is also required to deposit 2 percent of their capital, there is an assurance for both the ministry and the customer that there is enough resource for the project to successfully move forward and reach completion. Additionally, once a company is licensed, the ministry can serve as a mediator of sorts for any disputes that may arise between the developer and its customer.What are the types of licenses?Besides the 2 percent secured deposit, there is still a separate fee for each type of license that must paid by the company.There are currently two types of licenses.The first license is for companies which has either loaned from financial institutions or have their own capital that they can use for the development and sale of the property once construction is over.The other license is for companies who have their own capital or loan from a number of financial institutions or capital that comes from installation payments by the buyer, where construction is still not over.What are the Developer licensing requirements?For the first type of license, the development company must already have finished construction with the cost already determined.While the second type of license calls for the same requirement, it also calls for the development company to open a trust account where they will be placing payments from the customer.Socheata also mentions that โ€œproject owners need to make a business plan to present to the ministryโ€ before they are issued a license. There are also requirements that should be submitted after the project is finished. This is called a reporting requirement where the Ministry of Economy and Finance needs to be updated after a month of the projectโ€™s completion regarding financial soundness and the project ending.With the release of this Prakas on developer licensing, we can expect to see positive changes in the aspects of construction and financing; and more transparency for end buyers - bringing much needed protections to the off-plan real estate market.Learn more about Investing in Cambodia, with your real estate information leader: Realestate. com.kh!
Property Tax Update: Important for ALL Cambodian-Property owners
Property Tax Update: Important for ALL Cambodian-Property owners
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
According to a recent August 5th 2016 โ€œReminder Notification from the General Department of Taxation to Property Owners to Comply with Prakas No. 493 SHV. BrK concerning Property Tax Collectionโ€ all property owners in Cambodia need to be aware of their annual property tax obligation. The reminder states that payment for annual property tax is due no later than 30th September, 2016. Anthony Galliano, ceo of Cambodia Investment Management, notes that, โ€œAlthough the obligation for all property owners to make an annual payment of property tax was reinforced since Prakas ย NO. 493, dated 19th July, 2010, there is still a degree of non-compliance and outright avoidance. Being a non-corporate tax, this is one of the very few direct personal taxes, and the average Khmer remains reluctant, making enforcement within the general population much more complicated.โ€ Nevertheless, the tax should be paid, and non-compliance is increasingly being punished. In the โ€œReminder Notificationโ€ the GDT notes it has observed that some property owners have failed to comply with this annual tax obligation and the GDT encourages those property owners to pay the property tax by the approaching deadline. Failure to do so in punishable by law. Learn more about Cambodia property tax today on Realestate.com.kh!
Plot Land Buyers Guide: What you need to know BEFORE you invest
Plot Land Buyers Guide: What you need to know BEFORE you invest
June 7, 2022, 3:57 a.m.
Home & Living
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Land prices have skyrocketed across Cambodia, with many local investors looking to strategically invest in pieces of land, of all sizes.Typically, developers/investors/friends will club together and buy a big piece of land (the bigger the land size, the cheaper the price per square meter). They will then subdivide โ€“ possibly providing some infrastructure and a master plan โ€“ and sell in smaller parcels to end buyers achieving a higher rate per square meter.Starting from net prices as low as a few thousand dollars for end buyers, these plots are often sold with attractive payment schemes and grand promises of guaranteed future infrastructure development.By choosing the right piece of land within one of these projects, at the right location, end buyers can also earn a relatively quick appreciation of that land asset. Some buyers are buying now with the intention of later building a home or business on this land once the area develops into a more viable suburban zone.However, not all of these land plotย developments are safe investments.It is extremely important for end buyers to seriously consider the following:The location of any land plot that they intend to buy,The land title and certification being offered for that transaction and,The trustworthiness of the project owner or manager.They also need to consider what role their real estate agent is playing in the transaction.If these are not diligently considered, the buyer may not have as valuable an asset as they assumed. In the worst-case scenario, they may not have an asset at allโ€ฆYou can see all the available plots of land for sale in Cambodia.With this in mind, Realestate.com.kh, in cooperation withย VTrust Appraisalโ€™s highly experienced research team, have put together the ultimate plot land buyers guide.The intention of this article is to make sure that when you buy a land plot, you better understand how to protect against potential issues in the future, and choose a land project with the right legal framework, location and project planning.Broadly, any buyer needs to consider three important issues:Surrounding town planning;Infrastructure and amenities; andLegal issues regarding the plot of land itself.1. Surrounding Town Planning:The success of a land plot project relies heavily on the city master plan, especially local planning mapped out in or nearby the subject areaโ€™s periphery.If the government lays out a master development plan covering some parts of the areas in which a new satellite city will be developed, including major roads, drainage and other amenities, this means that those plots of land nearby this planned development will be in high demand and surge in price soon.So how do I choose the right location to buy plot land?A buyer needs to comprehensively study the location where the project plot is situated.Conduct due diligence regarding the surrounding environment, including a 500 meter to 1,000-meter radius scan on existing and future establishments, infrastructure, facilities and amenities that can help raise the standard of living of the residents at that location.In addition, conduct a scan on the Governmentโ€™s master plan for plans regarding the nearby and surrounding areas, as well as potential private development schemes that could add value to the land plot, or detract value from the property.When will it be a good location? Consider your desired time frameโ€ฆA location may take some time to become valuable. What if it takes up to 20 years, or even 30 years, for the location to be identified by the Government or large scale developers?Perhaps for many years residents will live with poor access roads, no drainage systems, undersupply of running water or electricity, or long commutes to public schools where they send their children; and by the time the infrastructure comes through for them, the perceived value for the buyer may be gone.Another potential issue with the plot location is its geographical features, for example, is it prone to flooding or other natural mishaps? Find out early before you buy.2. Infrastructure and Amenities:Regarding infrastructure, a buyer should be aware of two critical issues:Existing infrastructure; andFuture plans that affect the infrastructure there or nearby.What existing infrastructure is there?For existing infrastructure, a buyer should look at accessibility such as roads linked from the city centre to the location, running water supply, drainage systems, and other necessary amenities nearby, such as schools, community markets, public services, and so forth - or at least within a manageable distance.If the land has readily available infrastructure, it creates more value in that land immediately. This makes it worth purchasing the plots of land for resale or other purposes, but it may also mean you are too late to catch a great deal - because everyone else may have noticed the potential value too.Future infrastructure:However, not many land plot projects have infrastructure readily in place. And this is why the price is so attractive. Most of the land projects are located on the city fringes or peripheral parts of the capital, where there is minimal infrastructure.If that is the case, a buyer should look into the future of the location: whether or not there will be any town planning, including infrastructure, in reach of your desired land plot.The simple question is to ask whether there is likely to be viable development growth of the location within 5 to 10 years?Unfortunately, speculation like this can sometimes be hard to guarantee with 100% certainty. If the development does not materialise, this will lead to the land price stagnating or to a lack of a secondary market which will affect the returns.What if the buyer buys land, and then the Government changes their mind and does not supply infrastructure in this area?Itโ€™s bad news for the buyer! However, if private developers see potential in the areas nearby the plot and volunteer to supply some basic infrastructure, then the project will still have a good chance for appreciation.Some plot land developments are supported by the Government and some are not? How do we know which are? And what difference does this make?Only through due diligence can a buyer know clearly about these circumstances, by verifying development approval from the relevant authorities, title deed checks, or licensed plat/plan of subdivision for the plots of land.Positive media coverage regarding the land plot does not mean it is necessarily a safe investment, it could just be speculative.3. Legal issues regarding the plot land itself:A serious consideration of the plan of subdivision (of the plot project), which should be fully approved by the correct government authorities, is crucial before buying any plot land.An approved plan of subdivision means all the separated titles (or parcels of land) within the plot project are safe to buy with titles and will be respected at the national level of authority.A โ€˜letter of land transferโ€™ (a type of soft land title) registered at the district level if often used in plot land transactions - but beware that this is not a particularly strong statement of ownership for the end buyer and can create various potential problems moving forward.What sort of land title am I seeking?One common legal title for a plot of land is a โ€˜separated piece titleโ€™ which is derived from a master plat (plan) of land subdivision. To enable each of the โ€˜separated piece titlesโ€™, first, the developer has to hold a title deed for the whole land.Thirdly, the developer has to get the plan of subdivision approved by the urban planning authorities, especially at the national Ministry level, namely the Ministry of Land, Urban Planning and Construction.When this approval is given, it is legally feasible for a buyer to register a separate title at the ministry level for their piece of land within the project. Note though, that officially transferring this separated title will incur a transfer fee of 4% of the total value of the plot of land.Lastly, if the Government has already developed a master plan in regards to the location where the plot project is situated, then all the separated piece titles there can be registered as LMAP titles, one of the newest land titles in Cambodia.In most landed housing development projects in Phnom Penh, each separated title is offered as LMAP. Having an LMAP title means that the borders of your property have been perfectly recorded, and are free from any dispute over usages rights or ownership.ย What documents should the buyer ask to see before they commit?First, a buyer should verify the title deed, either of the land consolidation and/or of the land subdivision, that comes under the master plan.Secondly, check if there is approval from the related ministries (MLMUPC) for the plot project as a whole.What are the potential issues regarding land titles for the Plot Land Buyer?If due diligence by the buyer is not conducted carefully, there are potential issues associated with land plot purchase. These could be legal issues such as types of titles, as mentioned above.The problems of soft titles in plot land transactions:A basic letter of land transfer title (a type of soft title registered at the district level), which is still under the master plan of consolidation, might be safe in some cases.However, if the land title is only a soft title, buyers open themselves up to losing that land in the future if the project owner, for example, loses the entire piece of land (as collateral) to the bank if they fail to pay their mortgage.Another tricky situation is when the project owner chooses not to honour the soft title in the future, and reclaims the land, or sells the land to another buyer without revealing the soft title rights of the plot to the buyers.Another possibility is that the project seller in fact never had any ownership of the land in the first place, and the letter of land transfer title was totally fraudulent.You must do your due diligence and ensure that none of these outcomes are possible. Ideally, donโ€™t buy unless you can buy with a hard title deed!So how can I turn my basic letter of land transfer title into a binding hard title?A buyer should first refer to the title deed for the master plat of subdivision to check there are no issues in regards to bank collateral commitments with that land.Then the buyer must register their title with the authorities (Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction) based on the master plat and their agreement with the seller.By doing so, the buyer can then convert their basic soft title into a hard title respected at the national level. This means the land cannot be taken back from them in almost any circumstance.If not registering at that level, the landholding title is still soft.What is the correct role of the real estate agent in the plot land transaction?A professional real estate company should not be the owner of the land for sale, as it represents a conflict of interest, as they are concurrently acting for the end buyers.Real estate agents would be able to act on the behalf of potential investors in terms of identifying a site and then selling the smaller lots, they should not have any equity interest in this.Meanwhile, a quality real estate agent acting for the end buyer, should be able to consult and assist in the process of due diligence demonstrated above.Check out some more great resources on Realestate.com.kh in our Location Profiles and Investor Guides.ย Learn more about Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap &ย Sihanoukville. Learn more about Investing in Cambodia, Foreign Ownership in Cambodia & the Cambodian Expat Experience!This piece was a co-production of Realestate.com.kh and V Trust Appraisal.
Cambodia ER Visa: New Expat Retirement Visas Available Next Week
Cambodia ER Visa: New Expat Retirement Visas Available Next Week
June 7, 2022, 4:25 a.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Officials have announced that they will be introducing a new category of visa for foreign retirees in Cambodia which will be called โ€œCategory ER Visaโ€. According to the director of the General Department of Immigration, Major General Veasna, this ER Visa entails a minor change in requirements where foreign retirees will have to present documentation from their home country that will prove their financial stability and capacity to live overseas during the duration of their stay. Itโ€™s important to note that expatriate retirees already on the โ€œClass Eโ€ or business visa will not be required to change their visa type or apply for a new one, but they will be given an option to. Retirees currently residing in Cambodia appear to have no objections to it as well. One retiree, 49 year old Bruce from Queensland, Australia, currently residing near Wat Phnom, says that this ER Visa is a welcome change, however โ€œmost expats staying here will not switch to a retiree Visa unless they have no choice but to do so.โ€ This is probably because business visas have been beneficial because of the lack of enforcement. Many retirees on a business visa have been able to stay for longer periods through a visa renewal every year without actually being employed or owning any business entity in Cambodia. A Khmer440 user mentioned, โ€œThis is an important development.
More New Property Projects on Show at Cambodia Property and Investment Show 2016
More New Property Projects on Show at Cambodia Property and Investment Show 2016
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Buyers of residential and commercial properties will be spoilt for choice when CAMBODIA PROPERTY AND INVESTMENT SHOW 2016 rolls into town at the Diamond Island Exhibition Centre (Koh Pich) from 8-10 September 2016. And Realestate.com.kh is proud to be the Official Property Portal Sponsor of this year's Cambodia Property and Investment Show! Visitors at the show can see all the projects in one location. Furthermore, buyers can enjoy many special offers available at only at the show. Billed as the largest property expo in Cambodia, the event will showcase some of the biggest property developments in the country. Supported by the Cambodian Valuers and Estate Agents Association, the Show will focus on quality projects that will also attract foreign buyers. Among the development on show are: The Cambodia Property andย Investment Show looks set to be the biggest yet as more major developers signed up to display their projects. Many of them will be participating for the first time at the show. This reflect the continued strong growth and demand for quality projects. The property prices are still affordable as compared to countries around the region. As the country continues to attract investments in the manufacturing and tourism sectors, the rental market is expected to remain strong. The Expo is the ideal marketing platform to reach out to both local and overseas buyers as it is expected to attract over 10,000 serious buyers.To Book Your Boothย please send your details to the organizer: CLICK HERE TO CONTACTAdmission to the Cambodia Property & Investment Show 2016 is free of charge. Invitation tickets are available: WANT TICKETS?ย  FIND OUT MORE
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Get Worldwide Exposure for your Property, with Realestate.com.kh
Get Worldwide Exposure for your Property, with Realestate.com.kh
June 6, 2022, 5:05 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Internationals are increasing looking to invest their money in the Cambodian real estate market. According to the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction in the first 9 months of 2015 investments in the real estate and construction sector had a combined worth of $1,752 million, as compared to $1,540 million during the same period in 2014, which means an annual increase of 13.8 percent. This is great news for the new developments market! According to Knight Frank Cambodiaโ€™s research, namely the Cambodia Real Estate Highlights 2nd Half 2015, the top five investing countries bringing capital to the Cambodia property market were Korea, China, Japan, Britain and Malaysia. Meanwhile, international buyers are particularly motivated to secure property in foreign markets, with around 60 percent buying property with cash up-front.ย  The world is changing fast, and people are happier than ever to live, work and invest outside of their home nations. In fact, according to the United Nations, around 3.2% of the worldโ€™s population has already made the move to live outside their country of origin. This is one reason the international property market is getting hotter everyday. At Realestate.com.kh, through our developerโ€™s marketing packages, we easily and automatically help Cambodian property developers enter the lucrative international property market, make international real estate connections, and, ultimately, sell property to wealthy international buyers โ€“ all without leaving their computer chair. Established in 2009, Realestate.com.kh is a website business focused on helping people buy and sell property; and developing the Cambodian real estate marketโ€™s exposure to the world! All the leading real estate developers in Cambodia are working with Realestate.com.kh to develop their marketing strategy online and offline, and we are generating qualified sales leads for them everyday. For property sellers there is no need to waste your time and money listing property on other classified websites where user traffic is not related to property. Realestate.com.kh is ranked number 1 for search results on google.com and google.com.kh for almost all property search keywords related to Cambodia. Our website is also mobile and tablet optimized, which is perfect for Cambodia where this type of traffic holds a large market share. Meanwhile, we harness social media marketing to push your property to a wider audience, with over 70,000 Facebook followers and an audience of over 20,000 on LinkedIn. Realestate.com.kh also has a high level of traffic from international investors, around 30-50% of all organic website traffic. But in addition to this, for those developers that choose to list on our site we can also export that listing to international property portals around the world. Realestate.com.kh has an exclusive listing partnership with the Property Guru Group, Asiaโ€™s leading online property portal group used by more than 11 million property buyers and generating over 500,000 enquiries every month โ€“ as the market leading website across Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Your listings will be co-listed on all of these Property Guru websites when you list on Realestate.com.kh, generating high quality international sales leads for your sales team or exclusive agency! Furthermore, ListGlobally, another co-listing partner of Realestate.com.kh, is the largest international real estate advertising network in the world and publishes property listings on over 50 leading property portals around the globe โ€“ including famous websites such as I-Property Singapore and Malaysia, Realestate.co.jp in Japan and many, many more. Your new development will appear on every single website in the ListGlobally network! When you work with us, Realestate.com.kh also co-list your new development on Juwai.com, the leading property website in China for Chinese interested in International Property Investment. Second only to the USA in terms of international buying power, Chinese buyers represent a tremendous new market opportunity for property sellers in Cambodia and Realestate.com.kh capture this traffic for you through our connection with Juwai. Chinese property buyers are also renowned for paying in cash! Juwai.com is the only international property portal hosted on both sides of Chinaโ€™s Great Firewall, and your listing will be translated and optimized to suit the Chinese market.ย  Also, early bird discounts are still available for the โ€œEmerging Markets Property Showโ€ in Singapore, a property expo organised by Realestate.com.kh and the Property Guru Group, on the 8th and 9th of October 2016. Cambodian developers can exhibit their projects and close deals with international investors. If you are interested in attending or exhibiting your new development project visit or call Realestate.com.kh on 095911466, 069 436756 or 017 436756, or email info@realestate.com.kh.ย  Harness the online revolution that is spreading across Cambodia and the globe โ€“ and get your listings sold to international investors on Realestate.com.kh today, Cambodiaโ€™s home of real estate.
The rise of Strata Titled Office Space in Phnom Penh
The rise of Strata Titled Office Space in Phnom Penh
June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
With the Cambodia economy growing more and more each year, eyes from the international community are being pulled towards the Cambodian real estate market - and for good reasons. One of these reasons is recent legislation that allow foreign-ownership of strata titled office space. But what exactly is a strata title?ย  Strata refers to apartments being on multiple or different levels of the same building complex. Therefore, the strata title isย designed and specifically drafted for apartment blocks or buildings with multiple levels - and co-ownership rights within these buildings. This concept originated in New South Wales, Australia, but later gained popularity in Cambodia after the โ€œLaw on Foreign Ownershipโ€ was introduced back in May of 2010. This law paved the way for economic growth as it gave investors an ability to penetrate the local market and, likewise, diversify it. Up until a few years ago, there were difficulties doing that for non-Cambodian nationals. Since the legislation, the Phnom Penh skyline has grown beyond recognition as property developers have identified the opportunity to bring foreign investors into the Cambodian market via strata title. Before the advent of strata titles, property owners were now allowed to divide their buildings into multiple private properties which they could sell separately with freehold ownership rights (hard titles). But now, post 2010, foreign investors are free to own up to 70% of these properties as co-owners, provided that they only buy private spaces above the first floor. Slowly, these titles expanded beyond just residential buildings and begun to cater to the international demand for office space in Phnom Penh - which is fast becoming an ASEAN business hub. For investors foreseeing a potential oversupply of condo in the capital city, buying office space seems a less risky alternative given Cambodiaโ€™s exponential economic growth. As James Padden, Commercial Agency Manager of CBRE Cambodia, puts it when he spoke at the first annual Real Estate Market & Outlook Conference 2016 (REMOC2016), โ€œIf we look at the Phnom Penh market, I think it's important to consider the context of what causes demand for office space. So, essentially, it's driven by commerce, trade and economic growth. Without trade and business growth, there's no need for office space.โ€ He continues to say that Phnom Penh is particularly strong in that regard. Padden offers that, โ€œFrom 2010 to 2015, we saw imports grow from 6.7 billion dollars to 11.5 billion - which is a 70 percent increase. Meanwhile, exports grew from 6 to 8 billion dollars which is a 33 percent increase.โ€ Padden also mentioned that in terms of GDP, there was an increase by 7 percent each year and the GDP per capita appreciated from $879 in 2011 to $1,325 in 2016, an incredible 50% increase in a span of only five years. As proof of a growing economy and a successful real estate industry, there are now a total of 689 condominium units announced during the fourth quarter of 2015 alone. This brings in the number of off-plan condominiums launched over the course of 2015 to a total of 7,014. Yet - on top of this - as of 2015, there are also now 5 strata-title office developments in Phnom Penh up for sale to local and international commercial property investors. As the trend grows and furthers into its development, strata-titled office spaces will account for about 25% of total office stock by 2020 - according to CBREโ€™s research. A key benefit of the increase in strata titled office space and residential real estate in Cambodia is the practicality of the new legislation and the amount of time it will save for buyers and sellers transferring the actual titles to new owners upon the completion of new development projects. The process is relatively simple and, at the completion of this process, end buyers have full freehold property ownership rights over that space. Strata titled office space will also allow business entities to conveniently own the properties that are part of their business expansion infrastructure in the Kingdom, which offers superior control and legal protection for their businessโ€™ assets here. It is legislation like this that offers international firms the confidence they need to take their first steps into the Khmer market. As more and more strata-titled properties enter the Cambodian real estate market, both strata titled office space and residential units, international investors can see a smooth, safe and cost efficient ย vehicle available to venture and expand into Cambodian territory.
Strata Title Transfer Process, Q & A
Strata Title Transfer Process, Q & A
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Cambodian laws towards land titles for foreign ownership have been largely untested amidst the current construction boom.After months of collaboration with the lawyers of Sok Siphana & Associates and National 6A Investment, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction (MLMUPC) has now started to transfer strata titles to purchasers of residential units - creating legally binding ownership.Realestate.com.khย spoke with Antoine Petit, executive director for National 6A Investment - the development company and property manager for the Galaxy Residence on Chroy Changvar - about the various pitfalls that all investors should be aware of when acquiring strata titles.Realestate.com.kh: What are the steps to creating a Strata title?Petit: At the very first stage, the developer acquires the land that the development will be on with a hard title in the name of the development company. This happened around four years ago for National 6A Investment. However, from this original master title you cannot directly transfer private unit ownerships to individual buyers. Before this, you must first transfer the total collection of split titles into the developerโ€™s name and ownership. In our case, these were 51 separate titles for 51 units, made from the original, single hard title. The land department of the ministry will also screen your common area regulations and practices at this stage. If the land department is satisfied that the co-owned areas will be correctly managed and insured, then the strata titles will be issued. Once these 51 titles have been created and transferred into the companyโ€™s ownership, we can proceed to transferring these individual titles to the individual buyers.Realestate.com.kh: What is involved in the transfer of the strata title from the development company to the end buyer and owner?Petit:ย The MLMUPC requires fully certified documentation of the identity and marital status of the end buyer and these documents must also be supplied and translated into Khmer. Importantly, the strata title is solely in Khmer, thus no English names are permitted on the strata title and all buyers need their name to be translated. Khmer buyers, foreign buyers and the development company all must satisfy slightly different process and documentation demands. During this stage, we chose to engage the services of Sok Siphana & Associates to review the certified documents and their translation, to liaise with the authority at the land department and to provide legal assistance to buyers along the process until the transfer tax payment.Realestate.com.kh: Does the buyer have to be in Cambodia to transfer the new strata title into their possession?Petit: Yes. The buyers must physically be present to affix their thumbprint on their certified documentation, but most importantly on Vente Definitive and on Application for Ownership Transfer, both of which are standard templates to be provided by the land department. This means international investors must come back to Cambodia to get the title transferred.Realestate.com.kh: What costs are accrued during the transfer process?Petit:ย There is a public service fee per strata title for the conversion of the master title. There is also a public service fee for each individual strata title to be issued in the buyerโ€™s name. Concerning the transfer tax, once the set of certified documentation is reviewed and accepted by the land department, the exact same documentation with other forms will be submitted to the General Department of Taxation. The tax officials will then issue an invoice with the amount of transfer tax to be paid after assessment of the property value based on their determined ranges and calculation method. After issuance of the evidence from the General Department of Taxation ย that the tax has been paid by the buyer, the land department will complete the title transfer.Realestate.com.kh: What if the buyer refuses the strata title transfer?Petit:ย In theory, this will bring problems when it comes to resale because the second buyer will have difficulties to do a thorough examination or to have certitude that there are no disputes, mortgages, judgments or unpaid taxes associated with the property sold. Pure investors are usually resistant to fulfill the physical paperwork and monetary demands to transfer the ownership in their name. Some developers in this case may accept to hold the title for them - but this can cause complications for buyers later. It is not really advised. On the other hand, such an arrangement also creates landlord liabilities for the developer holding the strata title. An effective way to mitigate this for the reassurance of the buyer is to enlist quality legal support, to ensure constant communication with the developer and to get education surrounding the process. Hiring a professional legal firm with experience in this has been crucial - because they can make this transfer process as smooth and predictable as possible.Learn more about Cambodian land titles, strata title transfersย on Realestate.com.kh today!ย ย Click here for currentย land for sale in Cambodiaย and currentย land for rent in Cambodia
A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household Budget
A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household Budget
June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Realestate News
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Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Nobody likes to think about money! But, in order to save for your new home, you will need to budget. And this budget only gets harder as your family grows.Wondering where to start? Realestate.com.kh has created the following guide to creating and sticking with a monthly budget and we have even created an online Budget Planner to help you!ย We believe every Cambodian should be able to afford a home and this is our way of helping you to keep more money in your pocket and getting a handle on your finances so that you can make your new home a reality.How to Budget for a HomeThe following are a few basic budget tips to help keep more money in your pocket and get a handle on your household finances.First of all, list your monthly income โ€” including everything that earns you money. List all of the costs you have to pay each month โ€” Including rent, power, gas, car repayments, school uniforms, food etc. In short, anything that is a necessity in your and your familyโ€™s life.List all of the costs you can avoid from the previous list โ€” this includes all things that are not necessary in your life, including entertainment, take away food, fancy new clothes, travel etc. This represents your โ€œexpendable incomeโ€: money that doesnโ€™t always need to be spent! It is very important that you and your family are honest about what you donโ€™t really need, if you are serious about saving.Now that you have defined what you HAVE TO PAY and what YOU LIKE TO PAY each month, you can control your budget for the next month by reducing your expendable income spending.Subtract your necessary costs from your total income to see what remains for the next monthโ€™s budget. This figure is the amount of money you can potentially save each month if you control your spending habits. Completing this exercise should help you review your spending patterns and make better financial decisions. The better your budget, the more control you can have over your monthly savings. ย  ย Looking for property in Cambodia? Let us help!
Pitfalls for Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia
Pitfalls for Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia
June 6, 2022, 5:04 p.m.
Realestate News
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice
Here are some clarifications of the most common misconceptions surrounding foreign property ownership in Cambodia for non-Cambodians.Foreign nationals are unable to buy land freehold within Cambodia as according the the Land Law 2001 and the Cambodian Constitution unless a landholding company is set up with the majority of shares being held by a Cambodian citizen or citizens.Alternatively, foreign nationals are able to acquire land on long-term leases as an alternative to foreign property ownership in Cambodia. These long-term leases for a foreign owner have a maximum lease term of 50 years as determined by the civil code established in December 2011. These leases can be registered at a national level with the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction. Long-term leases are a compromise chosen by many international investors due to the difficulties of foreign property ownership in Cambodia. Learn more about long term lease law.It is extremely important to remember that it is illegal for foreign nationals to own a property under soft title.However, due to a common misinterpretation of the Law on Foreign Ownership by local authorities across Cambodia, some sangkats (local councils) are currently allowing foreigners to purchase property under soft titles in their own names.In addition, this misconception is supported by some agents and brokers who mis-advise their foreign clients as to the true nature of their soft title, claiming that it in fact represents full ownership. However, not all sangkats allow this. Boeung Keng Kang Sangkat, for example, will not allow a foreigner to be represented on a soft title whatsoever.Furthermore, a sangkat officer can interpret a soft title as they wish. ย As David Murphy, Director of IPS Cambodia, explains, โ€Sangkat Officers are publicly elected officials who stand for election every five years. This means that when a foreigner owns property under a soft title in their own name, there is a significant risk that any change in the elected officials of the relevant sangkat may result in the correct interpretation of the law, jeopardizing or voiding that foreignerโ€™s effective ownership.โ€To protect from this misunderstanding, ensure that you always conduct a title search with the relevant Ministry of Land Office or Commune Office before purchasing property. Such a search should confirm who holds the title to the property and reveal any registered mortgages or other encumbrances on the title.Keep in mind, as the land buyer; you may not be given the actual title to conduct the search, because this is the sellerโ€™s only evidence of ownership. The buyer will instead get given a copy of the title, so it is important that you confirm that it is the most recent copy.Foreign Property Ownership in Cambodia may not be simple, but it is increasingly possible. Always do your due diligence and take your time, and soon you will achieve foreign property ownership in Cambodia, and gain a valuable property asset.Learn More: โ€œCambodian Land Title Classifications Explained, Once and For All!" & "Can Foreigners Own Land in Cambodia?"