Sing Meng Telecomm
Updated on: June 6, 2022, 5:02 p.m.
Published on: February 2, 2019, 10:47 a.m.

Sing Meng offers Cambodia’s first three-in-one telecom bundle

SingMeng Telemedia was the first company in the Kingdom to launch a Triple Play Solution. The three-in-one bundle has already turned the heads of hotels, condos and other local businesses.

Launched in 2017, the Triple Play bundled internet, television and telephone service into one package. Behind the scenes, the program was based on brand new infrastructure of optical fiber, which replaced an outdated system and brought SingMeng Telemedia to the forefront of the industry.

The high-speed internet offered in the Triple Play package is ideal for hotels, casinos, banks and many other businesses.

On top of that, the bundle offers TV service with over 100 channels, video on demand, an interactive interface and direct access to YouTube and other web applications.

What’s more, subscribers with the full package can also access SingMeng’s Smart Community services. With this feature, the manager of a large hotel or residential complex can use the system to communicate with their customers. Our unique and customised TV interface will provide an opportunity for managers to promote their services, coordinate events and strengthen their brand image.

What’s more, subscribers with the full package can also access SingMeng’s Smart Community services. With this feature, the manager of a large hotel or residential complex can use the system to communicate with their customers. Our unique and customised TV interface will provide an opportunity for managers to promote their services, coordinate events and strengthen their brand image.

The Triple Play and Smart Community aren’t constrained by outdated technology. It opens doors to a new digital experience, into the ease of a faster, more reliable and enjoyable internet service. It’s time to take your customers’ experience to next level.

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