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Top 5 Tips to Improve your Listings on Realestate.com.kh
Updated on: June 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.
Published on: August 4, 2015, 12:39 a.m.
Realestate News

Top 5 Tips to Improve your Listings on Realestate.com.kh

 It is extremely easy to create a new listing on Realestate.com.kh. However, there are some simple ways you can improve your listing quality and make sure every property you list on Realestate.com.kh gets the views and sales leads it deserves.

The real benefit of Realestate.com.kh is that now home buyers and renters don't need to run around town looking for their new property. Instead, they can go online and find the perfect property without even leaving their chair. But if your listing quality is poor, this benefit is lost. Therefore, the better your listing looks, the more views your listing will receive from prospective buyers - and the faster you will sell or rent that property. Follow this step by step user guide to make your listings as professional and salable as possible, and don't let prospective buyers and renters slip between your fingers.

The Top 5 Listing Tips:

1) Upload more than 3 Photos:

  • The more photos – the better. After all, a picture speaks 1000 words.
  • Realestate.com.kh's data shows that your chances of selling an item can increase by 85% if you upload more than three images.
  • It is very important that the photos you upload are of the actual property you are selling, as this will show potential buyers exactly how the property looks - and prove it is a genuine property for sale.
  • Always use a camera, not your phone!
  • Take photos in the day time when the sun is out! Make the property look as light as possible.
  • Take a photo of every room in the house, and try to include any eye-catching and unique features that will draw users to your listing.
  • Some buyers who are accessing the site from outside Phnom Penh, or internationals who are searching for property from overseas on Realestate.com.kh, can’t view the property in person, or may have trouble navigating new cities in Cambodia - So they rely on the photos more than most property seekers. Therefore, it is wise to make sure you and your agent take high quality photos - and lots of them.
  • Furthermore, in most cases, the user only wants a physical property inspection if they really like the look of the property. There are so many properties to choose from on Realestate.com.kh, that home seekers will not waste their time looking at properties that may not suit their needs.
  • Upload landscaped images. If the image you upload is portrait it appears cropped on the listing until the image is fully opened. If the image uploaded is landscaped, it looks good even when embedded inside the listing. So always flip it before you upload it.

2) Write an English AND Khmer Description, and don't skimp on the Details: Write an English AND Khmer Description, and add as much detail as you can. This is your chance to tell the world about what your property has to offer. Some things you should include in the description are:

  • What title do you have for that property - soft, hard, strata etc.?
  • What is the properties current use?
  • What are the property's potential uses?
  • What are the amenities that are close by - schools, hospitals, shopping centers etc.?
  • Is the property's location free from ongoing construction?
  • What special features does the property have? If there is something special about the property, tell everybody!
  • How about the road quality and quality of infrastructure near the property?
  • Has there been any recent renovations to the property?
  • Do any services come free/inclusive?
  • Is the price negotiable?
  • Are contractual terms flexible?
  • Are their benefits to long term rental agreements (if a rental)?

REMEMBER, do not rewrite the price, size of the property, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, your email address or phone number etc. in the description section, as this confuses the user. Instead, use the dedicated sections where you can tick the features of your house. 3) Get your Contact Details Perfect: Your listing is a waste of time if people can't get hold of you! So make sure your contact details are perfect. Additional detail builds trust and brand awareness across your profile and your various listings!

  • Give a clear phone number and name in the relevant section.
  • Take time to improve your "Personal Profile." This profile allows you to give some extra information about yourself and/or your real estate agency. Completing this profile before you list is the perfect way to create a sense of trust and familiarity between yourself and potential buyers and renters. The more people know about you, the more people will see you as a legitimate seller/renter. 
  • If you are an agent you should include your agency’s name and upload your business’ logo to your profile.
  • Whenever your logo is spotted on a listing, buyers will immediately know who you are, and your Agency's reputation. This recognition will ensure you benefit from the reputation of your agency's brand, your previous transactions and build long lasting and profitable relationships.
  • Also include a professional photo of yourself if you are an agent.
  • If you have any online references from previous clients who recommend your services, or ex-tenants who have positive reviews about the property, or a personal LinkedIn profile, include these all in the listing - and inside your profile.
  • Make sure you are registered on Realestate.com.kh's "Find an Agent" section too - and complete the profile.

4) Make your Headline Count! Add a "Property Headline" in both English and Khmer - and make it count. If it is simple and clear, people will find your items before they find another.

  • Realestate.com.kh has thousands of listings, so you need to make sure your title summarizes what you have to offer.
  • Think about what people search for, and make a title that includes key search terms.
  • Give a short, simple and relevant name to your listing. For example, “Big Villa for Sale in Toul Kork” or “10th Floor Condo Unit On Street 51” are ideal name choices.
  • Save any description for the dedicated description section.

5) List a price - Don't list Price On Application (POA): At Realestate.com.kh we have found that potential buyers generally read the home’s description and expect to see a listed price. As such, we strongly recommend that you include a price on any listing.

  • If a home features a long list of unique details but lacks a sales price, buyers tend to think the home is very expensive or potentially overpriced.
  • Make it easy for someone to investigate your home further by providing as many details as possible – including a list price.
  • If the price is negotiable -  let the user know.
  • If the terms of sale/rent are negotiable - let the buyer know.


Realestate.com.kh aims to provide the best possible online real estate shopping experience to Cambodians. By following this simple guide, you can make sure you offer your customers the best real estate search experience possible on our platform and increase your repeat-customer base. Don’t waste any time – become successful now with Realestate.com.kh - connecting property buyers and sellers in Cambodia every day!

