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A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household Budget
Updated on: June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Published on: June 19, 2015, 7:06 a.m.
Realestate News
Home & Living
Property Buyers & Sellers Advice

A Very Simple Guide to Managing your Household Budget

Nobody likes to think about money! But, in order to save for your new home, you will need to budget. And this budget only gets harder as your family grows. 

Wondering where to start? Realestate.com.kh has created the following guide to creating and sticking with a monthly budget and we have even created an online Budget Planner to help you – Click Here to see it! We believe every Cambodian should be able to afford a home and this is our way of helping you to keep more money in your pocket and getting a handle on your finances so that you can make your new home a reality.

How to budget for a home using the Realestate.com.kh Budget Planner:

The following are a few basic budget tips to help keep more money in your pocket and get a handle on your household finances. 1. First of all, list your monthly income — including everything that earns you money. List all of the costs you have to pay each month — Including rent, power, gas, car repayments, school uniforms, food etc. In short, anything that is a necessity in your and your family’s life. 2. List all of the costs you can avoid from the previous list — this includes all things that are not necessary in your life, including entertainment, take away food, fancy new clothes, travel etc. This represents your “expendable income”: money that doesn’t always need to be spent! It is very important that you and your family are honest about what you don’t really need, if you are serious about saving.

Now that you have defined what you HAVE TO PAY and what YOU LIKE TO PAY each month, you can control your budget for the next month by reducing your expendable income spending.

3. Subtract your necessary costs from your total income to see what remains for the next month’s budget. This figure is the amount of money you can potentially save each month if you control your spending habits. Completing this exercise should help you review your spending patterns and make better financial decisions. The better your budget, the more control you can have over your monthly savings.   Want to learn more about improving your household budget? Check another useful blog post on Realestate.com.kh relevant to budgets: “Tips to help you improve the health of your household budget

Or get straight onto the Realestate.com.kh Budget Planner now!!


