Realestate.com.kh launches Why Cambodia Guide for investors
Updated on: June 6, 2022, 5:07 p.m.
Published on: May 17, 2021, 8:33 a.m.

Realestate.com.kh launches Why Cambodia Guide for investors

The Cambodian economy has been a rising star in Southeast Asia over the last decade. The influx of foreign direct investments and the significant improvements in standards of living have made the once looked-over country into the region’s latest investment destination. It is in this regard that Realestate.com.kh, Cambodia’s leading real estate classifieds portal, is launching the Why Cambodia for investors.

The Why Cambodia Guide endeavours to give would-be investors a brief overview of the Cambodian economy with a special focus on its property market. Over the past few decades of the country’s development, many have noted that getting a grasp of the larger Cambodian economy often requires hours of analyzing graphs, reading news articles, and watching interviews with experts on the matter. It is this decentralized status quo of information the Why Cambodia Guide seeks to simplify and serve as a starting point for the many foreign investors, and even local ones, in their preparation for Cambodia’s return to economic form.

The effect of COVID-19 has been undeniable to the Kingdom’s economy and its people. The Why Cambodia Guide will briefly touch on the topic through the many topics included such as Cambodia’s state as a frontier market, macroeconomic outlook, banking and finance, foreign direct investments, tourism & hospitality, and real estate market trends over the past year.

The Why Cambodia Guide is part of Realestate.com.kh’s long-term goal of contributing to the growth of the Kingdom’s economy and gradually improving the standard of living for the Khmer people. The Why Cambodia Guide will be published digitally and will be made available for FREE.

